12 letter word starting with acc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
accelerating present participle & vb. noun of Accelerate
acceleration noun The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated; increase of motion or action; as, a falling body moves toward the earth with an acceleration of velocity; — opposed to retardation.
accelerative adjective Relating to acceleration; adding to velocity; quickening.
acceleratory adjective Accelerative.
accentuality noun The quality of being accentual.
accentuating present participle & vb. noun of Accentuate
accentuation noun Act of accentuating; applications of accent., pitch or modulation of the voice in reciting portions of the liturgy.
acciaccatura noun A short grace note, one semitone below the note to which it is prefixed; — used especially in organ music. Now used as equivalent to the short appoggiatura.
accidentally adverb In an accidental manner; unexpectedly; by chance; unintentionally; casually; fortuitously; not essentially.
acclimatable adjective Capable of being acclimated.
acclimatized imp. & past participle of Acclimatize
accommodable adjective That may be accommodated, fitted, or made to agree.
accommodated imp. & past participle of Accommodate
accommodator noun He who, or that which, accommodates.
accompanable adjective Sociable.
accompanying present participle & vb. noun of Accompany
accompletive adjective Tending to accomplish.
accomplicity noun The act or state of being an accomplice.
accomplished imp. & past participle of Accomplish, Completed; effected; established; as, an accomplished fact., Complete in acquirements as the result usually of training; — commonly in a good sense; as, an accomplished scholar, an accomplished villain.
accomplisher noun One who accomplishes.
accordionist noun A player on the accordion.
accouchement noun Delivery in childbed
account book A book in which accounts are kept.
accouplement noun The act of coupling, or the state of being coupled; union., That which couples, as a tie or brace.
accroachment noun An encroachment; usurpation.
accumulating present participle & vb. noun of Accumulate
accumulation noun The act of accumulating, the state of being accumulated, or that which is accumulated; as, an accumulation of earth, of sand, of evils, of wealth, of honors., The concurrence of several titles to the same proof.
accumulative adjective Characterized by accumulation; serving to collect or amass; cumulative; additional.
accurateness noun The state or quality of being accurate; accuracy; exactness; nicety; precision.
accusatively adverb In an accusative manner., In relation to the accusative case in grammar.
accusatorial adjective Accusatory.
accustomable adjective Habitual; customary; wonted.
accustomably adverb According to custom; ordinarily; customarily.
accustomance noun Custom; habitual use.