12 letter word starting with b

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
babingtonite noun A mineral occurring in triclinic crystals approaching pyroxene in angle, and of a greenish black color. It is a silicate of iron, manganese, and lime.
baby farming The business of keeping a baby farm.
bacchanalian adjective Of or pertaining to the festival of Bacchus; relating to or given to reveling and drunkenness., A bacchanal; a drunken reveler.
bachelorhood noun The state or condition of being a bachelor; bachelorship.
bachelorship noun The state of being a bachelor.
backwardness noun The state of being backward.
backwoodsmen plural of Backwoodsman
backwoodsman noun A man living in the forest in or beyond the new settlements, especially on the western frontiers of the older portions of the United States.
bactericidal adjective Destructive of bacteria.
bacteriology noun The science relating to bacteria.
baker-legged adjective Having legs that bend inward at the knees.
balaniferous adjective Bearing or producing acorns.
balloon fish A fish of the genus Diodon or the genus Tetraodon, having the power of distending its body by taking air or water into its dilatable esophagus. See Globefish, and Bur fish.
balneography noun A description of baths.
bandy-legged adjective Having crooked legs.
bankruptcies plural of Bankruptcy
bank swallow See under 1st Bank, n.
baptisteries plural of Baptistry
barbellulate adjective Barbellate with diminutive hairs or barbs.
barbermonger noun A fop.
bargemastter noun The proprietor or manager of a barge, or one of the crew of a barge.
barometrical adjective Pertaining to the barometer; made or indicated by a barometer; as, barometric changes; barometrical observations.
baroscopical adjective Pertaining to, or determined by, the baroscope.
basal-nerved adjective Having the nerves radiating from the base; — said of leaves.
bashi-bazouk noun A soldier belonging to the irregular troops of the Turkish army.
basidiospore noun A spore borne by a basidium.
basisphenoid adjective Alt. of Basisphenoidal, The basisphenoid bone.
basset hound A small kind of hound with a long body and short legs, used as an earth dog.
bastardizing present participle & vb. noun of Bastardize
bastinadoing present participle & vb. noun of Bastinado
bat printing A mode of printing on glazed ware.
battlemented adjective Having battlements.
bdellomorpha noun An order of Nemertina, including the large leechlike worms (Malacobdella) often parasitic in clams.
beach comber A long, curling wave rolling in from the ocean. See Comber.
bean trefoil A leguminous shrub of southern Europe, with trifoliate leaves (Anagyris foetida).
bearing rein A short rein looped over the check hook or the hames to keep the horse’s head up; — called in the United States a checkrein.
beche de mer The trepang.
becomingness noun The quality of being becoming, appropriate, or fit; congruity; fitness.
bed-moulding noun The molding of a cornice immediately below the corona.
bee larkspur (Bot.) See Larkspur.
befriendment noun Act of befriending.
beggarliness noun The quality or state of being beggarly; meanness.
belaying pin A strong pin in the side of a vessel, or by the mast, round which ropes are wound when they are fastened or belayed.
beleaguering present participle & vb. noun of Beleaguer
belletristic adjective Alt. of Belletristical
belligerence noun Alt. of Belligerency
belligerency noun The quality of being belligerent; act or state of making war; warfare.
bell-mouthed adjective Expanding at the mouth; as, a bell-mouthed gun.
bellows fish A European fish (Centriscus scolopax), distinguished by a long tubular snout, like the pipe of a bellows; — called also trumpet fish, and snipe fish.
benefactress noun A woman who confers a benefit.
beneficeless adjective Having no benefice.
beneficently adverb In a beneficent manner; with beneficence.
beneficially adverb In a beneficial or advantageous manner; profitably; helpfully.
bene placito At or during pleasure., At pleasure; ad libitum.
benting time The season when pigeons are said to feed on bents, before peas are ripe.
beplastering present participle & vb. noun of Beplaster
bequeathable adjective Capable of being bequeathed.
bequeathment noun The act of bequeathing, or the state of being bequeathed; a bequest.
bespattering present participle & vb. noun of Bespatter
besprinkling present participle & vb. noun of Besprinkle, The act of sprinkling anything; a sprinkling over.
bestializing present participle & vb. noun of Bestialize
bethlehemite noun Alt. of Bethlemite
bewilderment noun The state of being bewildered., A bewildering tangle or confusion.
biarticulate adjective Having, or consisting of, tow joints.
biauriculate adjective Having two auricles, as the heart of mammals, birds, and reptiles., Having two earlike projections at its base, as a leaf.
bibliography noun A history or description of books and manuscripts, with notices of the different editions, the times when they were printed, etc.
bibliomaniac noun One who has a mania for books., Relating to a bibliomaniac.
bibliopegist noun A bookbinder.
bibliophobia noun A dread of books.
bibliopolism noun The trade or business of selling books.
bibliopolist noun Same as Bibliopole.
bibliothecal adjective Belonging to a library.
bicarbureted adjective Alt. of -retted
bicentennial adjective Consisting of two hundred years., Occurring every two hundred years., The two hundredth year or anniversary, or its celebration.
bichromatize verb t. To combine or treat with a bichromate, esp. with bichromate of potassium; as, bichromatized gelatine.
bicrescentic adjective Having the form of a double crescent.
biddery ware A kind of metallic ware made in India. The material is a composition of zinc, tin, and lead, in which ornaments of gold and silver are inlaid or damascened.
biflabellate adjective Flabellate on both sides.
biflagellate adjective Having two long, narrow, whiplike appendages.
bihydroguret noun A compound of two atoms of hydrogen with some other substance.
bilamellated adjective Formed of two plates, as the stigma of the Mimulus; also, having two elevated ridges, as in the lip of certain flowers.
bilaterality noun State of being bilateral.
bilingualism noun Quality of being bilingual.
biliteralism noun The property or state of being biliteral.
billets-doux plural of Billet-doux
billingsgate noun A market near the Billings gate in London, celebrated for fish and foul language., Coarsely abusive, foul, or profane language; vituperation; ribaldry.
binarseniate noun A salt having two equivalents of arsenic acid to one of the base.
binucleolate adjective Having two nucleoli.
biochemistry noun The chemistry of living organisms; the chemistry of the processes incidental to, and characteristic of, life.
biographical adjective Of or pertaining to biography; containing biography.
biomagnetism noun Animal magnetism.
bipectinated adjective Having two margins toothed like a comb.
bipinnatifid adjective Doubly pinnatifid.
birdcatching noun The art, act, or occupation or catching birds or wild fowls.
bird fancier One who takes pleasure in rearing or collecting rare or curious birds., One who has for sale the various kinds of birds which are kept in cages.
bird’s-mouth noun An interior angle or notch cut across a piece of timber, for the reception of the edge of another, as that in a rafter to be laid on a plate; — commonly called crow’s-foot in the United States.
bishop’s cap A plant of the genus Mitella; miterwort.
bishop-stool noun A bishop’s seat or see.
bismuthinite noun Native bismuth sulphide; — sometimes called bismuthite.
bituminating present participle & vb. noun of Bituminate
bituminizing present participle & vb. noun of Bituminize
blackballing present participle & vb. noun of Blackball
black-browed adjective Having black eyebrows. Hence: Gloomy; dismal; threatening; forbidding.
blackguarded imp. & past participle of Blackguard
blackguardly adverb & adjective In the manner of or resembling a blackguard; abusive; scurrilous; ruffianly.
black letter The old English or Gothic letter, in which the Early English manuscripts were written, and the first English books were printed. It was conspicuous for its blackness. See Type.
black-letter adjective Written or printed in black letter; as, a black-letter manuscript or book., Given to the study of books in black letter; that is, of old books; out of date., Of or pertaining to the days in the calendar not marked with red letters as saints’ days. Hence: Unlucky; inauspicious.
blackmailing present participle & vb. noun of Blackmail, The act or practice of extorting money by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm, as injury to reputation.
black monday Easter Monday, so called from the severity of that day in 1360, which was so unusual that many of Edward III.’s soldiers, then before Paris, died from the cold., The first Monday after the holidays; — so called by English schoolboys.
blanchimeter noun An instrument for measuring the bleaching power of chloride of lime and potash; a chlorometer.
blandishment noun The act of blandishing; a word or act expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart; soft words and artful caresses; cajolery; allurement.
blastodermic adjective Of or pertaining to the blastoderm.
blastophoral adjective Alt. of Blastophoric
blastophoric adjective Relating to the blastophore.
blastosphere noun The hollow globe or sphere formed by the arrangement of the blastomeres on the periphery of an impregnated ovum.
blatherskite noun A blustering, talkative fellow.
blatteration noun Blattering.
blennogenous adjective Generating mucus.
blindfolding present participle & vb. noun of Blindfold
blockheadism noun That which characterizes a blockhead; stupidity.
bloodletting noun The act or process of letting blood or bleeding, as by opening a vein or artery, or by cupping or leeches; — esp. applied to venesection.
bloodshedder noun One who sheds blood; a manslayer; a murderer.
bloodthirsty adjective Eager to shed blood; cruel; sanguinary; murderous.
blood vessel Any vessel or canal in which blood circulates in an animal, as an artery or vein.
bloody sweat A sweat accompanied by a discharge of blood; a disease, called sweating sickness, formerly prevalent in England and other countries.
bloomingness noun A blooming condition.
bluestocking noun A literary lady; a female pedant., The American avocet (Recurvirostra Americana).
bluff-headed adjective Built with the stem nearly straight up and down.
blunderingly adverb In a blundering manner.
blunt-witted noun Dull; stupid.
blusteringly adverb In a blustering manner.
boisterously adverb In a boisterous manner.
bond servant A slave; one who is bound to service without wages.
bond service The condition of a bond servant; service without wages; slavery.
bonne bouche A delicious morsel or mouthful; a tidbit.
bonnyclabber noun Coagulated sour milk; loppered milk; curdled milk; — sometimes called simply clabber.
bons vivants plural of Bon vivant
book-learned adjective Versed in books; having knowledge derived from books.
bord service Service due from a bordar; bordage.
borofluoride noun A double fluoride of boron and hydrogen, or some other positive element, or radical; — called also fluoboride, and formerly fluoborate.
borosilicate noun A double salt of boric and silicic acids, as in the natural minerals tourmaline, datolite, etc.
bothrenchyma noun Dotted or pitted ducts or vessels forming the pores seen in many kinds of wood.
bottle green A dark shade of green, like that of bottle glass.
bottleholder noun One who attends a pugilist in a prize fight; — so called from the bottle of water of which he has charge., One who assists or supports another in a contest; an abettor; a backer.
bottle-nosed adjective Having the nose bottle-shaped, or large at the end.
boulangerite noun A mineral of a bluish gray color and metallic luster, usually in plumose masses, also compact. It is a sulphide of antimony and lead.
bowstringing present participle & vb. noun of Bowstring
brachiolaria noun pl. A peculiar early larval stage of certain starfishes, having a bilateral structure, and swimming by means of bands of vibrating cilia.
brachygraphy noun Stenography.
brachypteres nounpl. A group of birds, including auks, divers, and penguins.
brachytypous adjective Of a short form.
brackishness noun The quality or state of being brackish, or somewhat salt.
brahmo-somaj noun A modern reforming theistic sect among the Hindoos.
bramah press A hydrostatic press of immense power, invented by Joseph Bramah of London. See under Hydrostatic.
bramble bush The bramble, or a collection of brambles growing together.
branchiopoda noun pl. An order of Entomostraca; — so named from the feet of branchiopods having been supposed to perform the function of gills. It includes the fresh-water genera Branchipus, Apus, and Limnadia, and the genus Artemia found in salt lakes. It is also called Phyllopoda. See Phyllopoda, Cladocera. It is sometimes used in a broader sense.
branch pilot A pilot who has a branch or commission, as from Trinity House, England, for special navigation.
breakfasting present participle & vb. noun of Breakfast
breastheight noun The interior slope of a fortification, against which the garrison lean in firing.
breastplough noun A kind of plow, driven by the breast of the workman; — used to cut or pare turf.
breastsummer noun A summer or girder extending across a building flush with, and supporting, the upper part of a front or external wall; a long lintel; a girder; — used principally above shop windows.
breathlessly adverb In a breathless manner.
breechloader noun A firearm which receives its load at the breech.
breech screw A strong iron or steel plug screwed into the breech of a musket or other firearm, to close the bottom of the bore.
breech sight A device attached to the breech of a firearm, to guide the eye, in conjunction with the front sight, in taking aim.
brevipennate adjective Short-winged; — applied to birds which can not fly, owing to their short wings, as the ostrich, cassowary, and emu.
brevirostral adjective Alt. of Brevirostrate
bridechamber noun The nuptial apartment.
brittle star Any species of ophiuran starfishes. See Ophiuroidea.
broad church A portion of the Church of England, consisting of persons who claim to hold a position, in respect to doctrine and fellowship, intermediate between the High Church party and the Low Church, or evangelical, party. The term has been applied to other bodies of men holding liberal or comprehensive views of Christian doctrine and fellowship.
broad-horned adjective Having horns spreading widely.
broad-leaved adjective Alt. of Broad-leafed
broad-leafed adjective Having broad, or relatively broad, leaves.
bronchophony noun A modification of the voice sounds, by which they are intensified and heightened in pitch; — observed in auscultation of the chest in certain cases of intro-thoracic disease.
brontosaurus noun A genus of American jurassic dinosaurs. A length of sixty feet is believed to have been attained by these reptiles.
brown thrush A common American singing bird (Harporhynchus rufus), allied to the mocking bird; — also called brown thrasher.
brush turkey A large, edible, gregarious bird of Australia (Talegalla Lathami) of the family Megapodidae. Also applied to several allied species of New Guinea.
bubble shell A marine univalve shell of the genus Bulla and allied genera, belonging to the Tectibranchiata.
buccaneerish adjective Like a buccaneer; piratical.
buffooneries plural of Buffoonery
bullet-proof adjective Capable of resisting the force of a bullet.
bullfighting noun A barbarous sport, of great antiquity, in which men torment, and fight with, a bull or bulls in an arena, for public amusement, — still popular in Spain.
bull terrier A breed of dogs obtained by crossing the bulldog and the terrier.
bunch-backed adjective Having a bunch on the back; crooked.
bureaucratic adjective Alt. of Bureaucratical
burgess-ship noun The state of privilege of a burgess.
bur marigold See Beggar’s ticks.
burnettizing present participle & vb. noun of Burnettize
bushfighting noun Fighting in the bush, or from behind bushes, trees, or thickets.
bushwhacking noun Traveling, or working a way, through bushes; pulling by the bushes, as in hauling a boat along the bushy margin of a stream., The crimes or warfare of bushwhackers.
businesslike adjective In the manner of one transacting business wisely and by right methods.
butterweight noun Over weight.