12 letter word starting with cor

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
corallaceous adjective Like coral, or partaking of its qualities.
corbel-table noun A horizontal row of corbels, with the panels or filling between them; also, less properly used to include the stringcourse on them.
cordialities plural of Cordiality
cor/niculate adjective Horned; having horns., Having processes resembling small horns.
corollaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a corolla; having the form or texture of a corolla.
corporalship noun A corporal’s office.
corporealism noun Materialism.
corporealist noun One who denies the reality of spiritual existences; a materialist.
corporeality noun The state of being corporeal; corporeal existence.
corpusculous adjective Corpuscular.
corradiation noun A conjunction or concentration of rays in one point.
correctional adjective Tending to, or intended for, correction; used for correction; as, a correctional institution.
correctioner noun One who is, or who has been, in the house of correction.
correlatable adjective Such as can be correlated; as, correlatable phenomena.
corresponded imp. & past participle of Correspond
corrivalship noun Corivalry.
corroborated imp. & past participle of Corroborate
corruptingly adverb In a manner that corrupts.
corsepresent noun An offering made to the church at the interment of a dead body.
corybantiasm noun A kind of frenzy in which the patient is tormented by fantastic visions and want of sleep.
coryphaenoid adjective Belonging to, or like, the genus Coryphaena. See Dolphin.