12 letter word starting with de

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
dead-hearted adjective Having a dull, faint heart; spiritless; listless.
deambulation noun A walking abroad; a promenading.
deambulatory adjective Going about from place to place; wandering; of or pertaining to a deambulatory., A covered place in which to walk; an ambulatory.
dearticulate verb t. To disjoint.
deathfulness noun Appearance of death.
death’s-head noun A naked human skull as the emblem of death; the head of the conventional personification of death.
death’s-herb noun The deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna).
debacchation noun Wild raving or debauchery.
debaucheries plural of Debauchery
de bene esse Of well being; of formal sufficiency for the time; conditionally; provisionally.
debilitating present participle & vb. noun of Debilitate
debilitation noun The act or process of debilitating, or the condition of one who is debilitated; weakness.
debituminize verb t. To deprive of bitumen.
debonairness noun The quality of being debonair; good humor; gentleness; courtesy.
decalcifying present participle & vb. noun of Decalcify
decalcomania noun Alt. of Decalcomanie
decalcomanie noun The art or process of transferring pictures and designs to china, glass, marble, etc., and permanently fixing them thereto.
decaphyllous adjective Having ten leaves.
decapitating present participle & vb. noun of Decapitate
decapitation noun The act of beheading; beheading.
decarbonized imp. & past participle of Decarbonize
decarbonizer noun He who, or that which, decarbonizes a substance.
decasyllabic adjective Having, or consisting of, ten syllables.
decemdentate adjective Having ten points or teeth.
decemlocular adjective Having ten cells for seeds.
decemvirship noun The office of a decemvir.
decentralize verb t. To prevent from centralizing; to cause to withdraw from the center or place of concentration; to divide and distribute (what has been united or concentrated); — esp. said of authority, or the administration of public affairs.
decipherable adjective Capable of being deciphered; as, old writings not decipherable.
decipherment noun The act of deciphering.
decitizenize verb t. To deprive of the rights of citizenship.
declaredness noun The state of being declared.
declensional adjective Belonging to declension.
declinometer noun An instrument for measuring the declination of the magnetic needle.
decoloration noun The removal or absence of color.
decomposable adjective Capable of being resolved into constituent elements.
decompounded imp. & past participle of Decompound
deconsecrate verb t. To deprive of sacredness; to secularize.
decorticated imp. & past participle of Decorticate
decorticator noun A machine for decorticating wood, hulling grain, etc.; also, an instrument for removing surplus bark or moss from fruit trees.
decreaseless adjective Suffering no decrease.
decrepitated imp. & past participle of Decrepitate
decrepitness noun Decrepitude.
decrustation noun The removal of a crust.
dedecoration noun Disgrace; dishonor.
dedicatorial adjective Dedicatory.
deducibility noun Deducibleness.
deep-mouthed adjective Having a loud and sonorous voice.
deep-waisted adjective Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and forecastle are much elevated above the deck.
deerstalking noun The hunting of deer on foot, by stealing upon them unawares.
defatigation noun Weariness; fatigue.
defectionist noun One who advocates or encourages defection.
defectuosity noun Great imperfection.
deficiencies plural of Deficiency
defiguration noun Disfiguration; mutilation.
definiteness noun The state of being definite; determinateness; precision; certainty.
definitional adjective Relating to definition; of the nature of a definition; employed in defining.
definitively adverb In a definitive manner.
deflagrating present participle & vb. noun of Deflagrate
deflagration noun A burning up; conflagration., The act or process of deflagrating.
deforciation noun Same as Deforcement, n.
defraudation noun The act of defrauding; a taking by fraud.
degarnishing present participle & vb. noun of Degarnish
degenerating present participle & vb. noun of Degenerate
degenerately adverb In a degenerate manner; unworthily.
degeneration noun The act or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse; decline; degradation; debasement; degeneracy; deterioration., That condition of a tissue or an organ in which its vitality has become either diminished or perverted; a substitution of a lower for a higher form of structure; as, fatty degeneration of the liver., A gradual deterioration, from natural causes, of any class of animals or plants or any particular organ or organs; hereditary degradation of type., The thing degenerated.
degenerative adjective Undergoing or producing degeneration; tending to degenerate.
degenerously adverb Basely.
deglutinated imp. & past participle of Deglutinate
deglutitious adjective Pertaining to deglutition.
deinotherium noun See Dinotherium.
delaceration noun A tearing in pieces.
delamination noun Formation and separation of laminae or layers; one of the methods by which the various blastodermic layers of the ovum are differentiated.
deliberating present participle & vb. noun of Deliberate
deliberately adverb With careful consideration, or deliberation; circumspectly; warily; not hastily or rashly; slowly; as, a purpose deliberately formed.
deliberation noun The act of deliberating, or of weighing and examining the reasons for and against a choice or measure; careful consideration; mature reflection., Careful discussion and examination of the reasons for and against a measure; as, the deliberations of a legislative body or council.
deliberative adjective Pertaining to deliberation; proceeding or acting by deliberation, or by discussion and examination; deliberating; as, a deliberative body., A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed and examined., A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them to adopt it.
delicateness noun The quality of being delicate.
delimitation noun The act or process of fixing limits or boundaries; limitation.
delinquently adverb So as to fail in duty.
deliquescing present participle & vb. noun of Deliquesce
deliquescent adjective Dissolving; liquefying by contact with the air; capable of attracting moisture from the atmosphere and becoming liquid; as, deliquescent salts., Branching so that the stem is lost in branches, as in most deciduous trees.
deliquiation noun The act of deliquiating.
delitescence noun Concealment; seclusion; retirement., The sudden disappearance of inflammation.
delitescency noun Concealment; seclusion.
delitigation noun Chiding; brawl.
della crusca A shortened form of Accademia della Crusca, an academy in Florence, Italy, founded in the 16th century, especially for conserving the purity of the Italian language.
dellacruscan adjective Of or pertaining to the Accademia della Crusca in Florence.
delphinoidea noun pl. The division of Cetacea which comprises the dolphins, porpoises, and related forms.
demephitized imp. & past participle of Demephitize
demiculverin noun A kind of ordnance, carrying a ball weighing from nine to thirteen pounds.
demi-rilievo noun Half relief; sculpture in relief of which the figures project from the background by one half their full roundness., A work of sculpture of the above character. See Alto-rilievo.
demisability noun The state of being demisable.
demissionary adjective Pertaining to transfer or conveyance; as, a demissionary deed., Tending to lower, depress, or degrade.
democratical adjective Democratic.
demolishment noun Demolition.
demoniacally adverb In a demoniacal manner.
demonologist noun One who writes on, or is versed in, demonology.
demonstrable adjective Capable of being demonstrated; that can be proved beyond doubt or question., Proved; apparent.
demonstrably adverb In a demonstrable manner; incontrovertibly; clearly.
demonstrance noun Demonstration; proof.
demonstrater noun See Demonstrator.
demonstrator noun One who demonstrates; one who proves anything with certainty, or establishes it by indubitable evidence., A teacher of practical anatomy.
demoralizing present participle & vb. noun of Demoralize
denaturalize verb t. To render unnatural; to alienate from nature., To renounce the natural rights and duties of; to deprive of citizenship; to denationalize.
dendrologist noun One versed in the natural history of trees.
dendrologous adjective Relating to dendrology.
denizenation noun Denization; denizening.
denominating present participle & vb. noun of Denominate
denomination noun The act of naming or designating., That by which anything is denominated or styled; an epithet; a name, designation, or title; especially, a general name indicating a class of like individuals; a category; as, the denomination of units, or of thousands, or of fourths, or of shillings, or of tons., A class, or society of individuals, called by the same name; a sect; as, a denomination of Christians.
denominative adjective Conferring a denomination or name., Connotative; as, a denominative name., Possessing, or capable of possessing, a distinct denomination or designation; denominable., Derived from a substantive or an adjective; as, a denominative verb., A denominative name or term; denominative verb.
denouncement noun Solemn, official, or menacing announcement; denunciation.
denticulated adjective Furnished with denticles; notched into little toothlike projections; as, a denticulate leaf of calyx.
dentilingual adjective Produced by applying the tongue to the teeth or to the gums; or representing a sound so formed., A dentilingual sound or letter.
dentiloquist noun One who speaks through the teeth, that is, with the teeth closed.
dentirostres plural of Dentiroster
dentirostral adjective Having a toothed bill; — applied to a group of passerine birds, having the bill notched, and feeding chiefly on insects, as the shrikes and vireos. See Illust. (N) under Beak.
dentolingual adjective Dentilingual.
denunciation noun Proclamation; announcement; a publishing., The act of denouncing; public menace or accusation; the act of inveighing against, stigmatizing, or publicly arraigning; arraignment., That by which anything is denounced; threat of evil; public menace or accusation; arraignment.
denunciative adjective Same as Denunciatory.
denunciatory adjective Characterized by or containing a denunciation; minatory; accusing; threatening; as, severe and denunciatory language.
deontologist noun One versed in deontology.
deoperculate adjective Having the lid removed; — said of the capsules of mosses.
deoppilation noun Removal of whatever stops up the passages.
deoppilative adjective & noun Deobstruent; aperient.
deordination noun Disorder; dissoluteness.
departmental adjective Pertaining to a department or division.
depauperated imp. & past participle of Depauperate
depeculation noun A robbing or embezzlement.
dependencies plural of Dependency
dephlegmated imp. & past participle of Dephlegmate
dephlegmator noun An instrument or apparatus in which water is separated by evaporation or distillation; the part of a distilling apparatus in which the separation of the vapors is effected.
deplantation noun Act of taking up plants from beds.
deploitation noun Same as Exploitation.
deploredness noun The state of being deplored or deplorable.
depolarizing present participle & vb. noun of Depolarize
depopulating present participle & vb. noun of Depopulate
depopulation noun The act of depopulating, or condition of being depopulated; destruction or explusion of inhabitants.
depositaries plural of Depositary
depositories plural of Depository
depravedness noun Depravity.
depreciating present participle & vb. noun of Depreciate
depreciation noun The act of lessening, or seeking to lessen, price, value, or reputation., The falling of value; reduction of worth., the state of being depreciated.
depreciative adjective Tending, or intended, to depreciate; expressing depreciation; undervaluing.
depreciatory adjective Tending to depreciate; undervaluing; depreciative.
deprehending present participle & vb. noun of Deprehend
deprehension noun A catching; discovery.
depressingly adverb In a depressing manner.
dequantitate verb t. To diminish the quantity of; to disquantity.
deracinating present participle & vb. noun of Deracinate
derivational adjective Relating to derivation.
dermatophyte noun A vegetable parasite, infesting the skin.
derogatorily adverb In a derogatory manner; disparagingly.
descendingly adverb In a descending manner.
descensional adjective Pertaining to descension.
desertlessly adverb Undeservedly.
deservedness noun Meritoriousness.
desiderating present participle & vb. noun of Desiderate
desideration noun Act of desiderating; also, the thing desired.
desiderative adjective Denoting desire; as, desiderative verbs., An object of desire., A verb formed from another verb by a change of termination, and expressing the desire of doing that which is indicated by the primitive verb.
desirability noun The state or quality of being desirable; desirableness.
desirousness noun The state of being desirous.
desolateness noun The state of being desolate.
despisedness noun The state of being despised.
despiteously adverb Despitefully.
despoliation noun A stripping or plundering; spoliation.
despondingly adverb In a desponding manner.
desponsation noun A betrothing; betrothal.
desponsories plural of Desponsory
desquamation noun The separation or shedding of the cuticle or epidermis in the form of flakes or scales; exfoliation, as of bones.
desquamative adjective Alt. of Desquamatory
desquamatory adjective Of, pertaining to, or attended with, desquamation., An instrument formerly used in removing the laminae of exfoliated bones.
destructible adjective Liable to destruction; capable of being destroyed.
desulphurate verb t. To deprive of sulphur.
desulphurize verb t. To desulphurate; to deprive of sulphur.
desultorious adjective Desultory.
desynonymize verb t. To deprive of synonymous character; to discriminate in use; — applied to words which have been employed as synonyms.
deteriorated imp. & past participle of Deteriorate
determinable verb t. Capable of being determined, definitely ascertained, decided upon, or brought to a conclusion.
determinator noun One who determines.
determinedly adverb In a determined manner; with determination.
dethronement noun Deposal from a throne; deposition from regal power.
detonization noun The act of detonizing; detonation.
detractingly adverb In a detracting manner.
detruncating present participle & vb. noun of Detuncate
detruncation noun The act of lopping or cutting off, as the head from the body.
detumescence noun Diminution of swelling; subsidence of anything swollen.
deuterogenic adjective Of secondary origin; — said of certain rocks whose material has been derived from older rocks.
deuteropathy noun A sympathetic affection of any part of the body, as headache from an overloaded stomach.
deuteroscopy noun Second sight., That which is seen at a second view; a meaning beyond the literal sense; the second intention; a hidden signification.
deuterozooid noun One of the secondary, and usually sexual, zooids produced by budding or fission from the primary zooids, in animals having alternate generations. In the tapeworms, the joints are deuterozooids.
deutoplastic adjective Pertaining to, or composed of, deutoplasm.
devaporation noun The change of vapor into water, as in the formation of rain.
devotionally adverb In a devotional manner; toward devotion.
dextrogerous adjective See Dextrogyrate.
dextrogyrate adjective Same as Dextrorotatory.
dextrorotary adjective See Dextrotatory.
dextrousness noun Same as Dexterous, Dexterously, etc.