12 letter word starting with f

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fabricatress noun A woman who fabricates.
facilitating present participle & vb. noun of Facilitate
facilitation noun The act of facilitating or making easy.
fainthearted adjective Wanting in courage; depressed by fear; easily discouraged or frightened; cowardly; timorous; dejected.
fair-natured adjective Well-disposed.
faair-spoken adjective Using fair speech, or uttered with fairness; bland; civil; courteous; plausible.
fair-weather adjective Made or done in pleasant weather, or in circumstances involving but little exposure or sacrifice; as, a fair-weather voyage., Appearing only when times or circumstances are prosperous; as, a fair-weather friend.
falcongentil noun The female or young of the goshawk (Astur palumbarius).
falsificator noun A falsifier.
familiarized imp. & past participle of Familiarize
familiarness noun Familiarity.
familistical adjective Pertaining to Familists.
fanaticizing present participle & vb. noun of Fanaticize
fantasticism noun The quality of being fantastical; fancifulness; whimsicality.
faradization noun The treatment with faradic or induced currents of electricity for remedial purposes.
farmsteading noun A farmstead.
farstretched adjective Streatched beyond ordinary limits.
fascicularly adverb In a fascicled manner.
fasciculated adjective Grouped in a fascicle; fascicled.
fastidiosity noun Fastidiousness; squeamishness.
fata morgana A kind of mirage by which distant objects appear inverted, distorted, displaced, or multiplied. It is noticed particularly at the Straits of Messina, between Calabria and Sicily.
fatherliness noun The qualities of a father; parantal kindness, care, etc.
fat-kidneyed adjective Gross; lubberly.
fault-finder noun One who makes a practice of discovering others’ faults and censuring them; a scold.
fausse-braye noun A second raampart, exterior to, and parallel to, the main rampart, and considerably below its level.
fawn-colored adjective Of the color of a fawn; light yellowish brown.
feather-few/ noun Feverfew.
feather-foil noun An aquatic plant (Hottonia palustris), having finely divided leaves.
feather-head noun A frivolous or featherbrained person.
febrifacient adjective Febrific., That which causes fever.
federalizing present participle & vb. noun of Federalize
feldspathose adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, feldspar.
felicitating present participle & vb. noun of Felicitate
felicitation noun The act of felicitating; a wishing of joy or happiness; congratulation.
felliflu-ous adjective Flowing with gall.
fellowshiped imp. & past participle of Fellowship
feminineness noun The quality of being feminine; womanliness; womanishness.
feminization noun The act of feminizing, or the state of being feminized.
fenestration noun The arrangement and proportioning of windows; — used by modern writers for the decorating of an architectural composition by means of the window (and door) openings, their ornaments, and proportions., The state or condition of being fenestrated.
fer-de-lance noun A large, venomous serpent (Trigonocephalus lanceolatus) of Brazil and the West Indies. It is allied to the rattlesnake, but has no rattle.
fermentation noun The process of undergoing an effervescent change, as by the action of yeast; in a wider sense (Physiol. Chem.), the transformation of an organic substance into new compounds by the action of a ferment, either formed or unorganized. It differs in kind according to the nature of the ferment which causes it., A state of agitation or excitement, as of the intellect or the feelings.
fermentative adjective Causing, or having power to cause, fermentation; produced by fermentation; fermenting; as, a fermentative process.
ferricyanate noun A salt of ferricyanic acid; a ferricyanide.
ferricyanide noun One of a complex series of double cyanides of ferric iron and some other base.
ferriprussic adjective Ferricyanic.
ferrocalcite noun Limestone containing a large percentage of iron carbonate, and hence turning brown on exposure.
ferrocyanate noun A salt of ferrocyanic acid; a ferrocyanide.
ferrocyanide noun One of a series of complex double cyanides of ferrous iron and some other base.
ferroprussic adjective Ferrocyanic.
ferruginated adjective Having the color or properties of the rust of iron.
ferrugineous adjective Ferruginous.
feuilltonist noun A writer of feuilletons.
fibrillation noun The state of being reduced to fibers.
fiddledeedee interj. An exclamatory word or phrase, equivalent to nonsense!
fiddlestring noun One of the catgut strings of a fiddle.
fieri facias A judicial writ that lies for one who has recovered in debt or damages, commanding the sheriff that he cause to be made of the goods, chattels, or real estate of the defendant, the sum claimed.
figurability noun The quality of being figurable.
financialist noun A financier.
financiering present participle & vb. noun of Financier
findfaulting adjective Apt to censure or cavil; faultfinding; captious.
fippenny bit The Spanish half real, or one sixteenth of a dollar, — so called in Pennsylvania and the adjacent States.
fireprrofing noun The act or process of rendering anything incombustible; also, the materials used in the process.
fish-bellied adjective Bellying or swelling out on the under side; as, a fish-bellied rail.
fissilingual adjective Having the tongue forked.
fissilinguia noun pl. A group of Lacertilia having the tongue forked, including the common lizards.
fissipalmate adjective Semipalmate and loboped, as a grebe’s foot. See Illust. under Aves.
fissirostral adjective Having the bill cleft beyond the horny part, as in the case of swallows and goatsuckers.
fissirostres noun pl. A group of birds having the bill deeply cleft.
fistularioid adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Fistularia.
flabellation noun The act of keeping fractured limbs cool by the use of a fan or some other contrivance.
flabelliform adjective Having the form of a fan; fan-shaped; flabellate.
flagellating present participle & vb. noun of Flagellate
flagellation noun A beating or flogging; a whipping; a scourging.
flagelliform adjective Shaped like a whiplash; long, slender, round, flexible, and (comming) tapering.
flammability noun The quality of being flammable; inflammability.
flammiferous adjective Producing flame.
flammivomous adjective Vomiting flames, as a volcano.
flap-mouthed adjective Having broad, hangling lips.
flatteringly adverb With flattery.
fleur-de-lis noun The iris. See Flower-de-luce., A conventional flower suggested by the iris, and having a form which fits it for the terminal decoration of a scepter, the ornaments of a crown, etc. It is also a heraldic bearing, and is identified with the royal arms and adornments of France.
flexicostate adjective Having bent or curved ribs.
flickeringly adverb In a flickering manner.
flickermouse noun See Flittermouse.
flindermouse noun A bat; a flittermouse.
flippantness noun State or quality of being flippant.
flittermouse noun A bat; — called also flickermouse, flindermouse, and flintymouse.
flocculating present participle & vb. noun of Flocculate
flocculation noun The process by which small particles of fine soils and sediments aggregate into larger lumps.
floriculture noun The cultivation of flowering plants.
florida bean The large, roundish, flattened seed of Mucuna urens. See under Bean., One of the very large seeds of the Entada scandens.
floscularian noun One of a group of stalked rotifers, having ciliated tentacles around the lobed disk.
flower-fence noun A tropical leguminous bush (Poinciana, / Caesalpinia, pulcherrima) with prickly branches, and showy yellow or red flowers; — so named from its having been sometimes used for hedges in the West Indies.
fluctiferous adjective Tending to produce waves.
fluctisonous adjective Sounding like waves.
fluoranthene noun A white crystalline hydrocarbon C/H/, of a complex structure, found as one ingrdient of the higher boiling portion of coal tar.
fluorescence noun That property which some transparent bodies have of producing at their surface, or within their substance, light different in color from the mass of the material, as when green crystals of fluor spar afford blue reflections. It is due not to the difference in the color of a distinct surface layer, but to the power which the substance has of modifying the light incident upon it. The light emitted by fluorescent substances is in general of lower refrangibility than the incident light.
fluosilicate noun A double fluoride of silicon and some other (usually basic) element or radical, regarded as a salt of fluosilicic acid; — called also silicofluoride.
flusteration noun The act of flustering, or the state of being flustered; fluster.
flutteringly adverb In a fluttering manner.
fly-catching adjective Having the habit of catching insects on the wing.
focalization noun The act of focalizing or bringing to a focus, or the state of being focalized.
folliculated adjective Having follicles.
foot poundal A unit of energy or work, equal to the work done in moving a body through one foot against the force of one poundal.
foraminifera noun pl. An extensive order of rhizopods which generally have a chambered calcareous shell formed by several united zooids. Many of them have perforated walls, whence the name. Some species are covered with sand. See Rhizophoda.
forcibleness noun The quality of being forcible.
foreadmonish verb t. To admonish beforehand, or before the act or event.
forealleging present participle & vb. noun of Foreallege
forebodement noun The act of foreboding; the thing foreboded.
forebodingly adverb In a foreboding manner.
foreconceive verb t. To preconceive; to imagine beforehand.
forejudgment noun Prejudgment.
foreordinate verb t. To foreordain.
forepromised adjective Promised beforehand; preengaged.
foresightful adjective Foresighted.
forespeaking noun A prediction; also, a preface.
forestalling present participle & vb. noun of Forestall
foretokening present participle & vb. noun of Foretoken
fore-topmast noun The mast erected at the head of the foremast, and at the head of which stands the fore-topgallant mast. See Ship.
fore-topsail noun See Sail.
fourfeitable adjective Liable to be forfeited; subject to forfeiture.
forgettingly adverb By forgetting.
formaldehyde noun A colorless, volatile liquid, H2CO, resembling acetic or ethyl aldehyde, and chemically intermediate between methyl alcohol and formic acid.
fornicatress noun A woman guilty of fornication.
forswornness noun State of being forsworn.
foul-mouthed adjective Using language scurrilous, opprobrious, obscene, or profane; abusive.
foundationer noun One who derives support from the funds or foundation of a college or school.
foundershaft noun The first shaft sunk.
fountainless adjective Having no fountain; destitute of springs or sources of water.
four-in-hand adjective Consisting of four horses controlled by one person; as, a four-in-hand team; drawn by four horses driven by one person; as, a four-in-hand coach., A team of four horses driven by one person; also, a vehicle drawn by such a team.
four-o’clock noun A plant of the genus Mirabilis. There are about half a dozen species, natives of the warmer parts of America. The common four-o’clock is M. Jalapa. Its flowers are white, yellow, and red, and open toward sunset, or earlier in cloudy weather; hence the name. It is also called marvel of Peru, and afternoon lady., The friar bird; — so called from its cry, which resembles these words.
four-wheeled adjective Having four wheels.
four-wheeler noun A vehicle having four wheels.
fractionally adverb By fractions or separate portions; as, to distill a liquid fractionally, that is, so as to separate different portions.
frangibility noun The state or quality of being frangible.
frankincense noun A fragrant, aromatic resin, or gum resin, burned as an incense in religious rites or for medicinal fumigation. The best kinds now come from East Indian trees, of the genus Boswellia; a commoner sort, from the Norway spruce (Abies excelsa) and other coniferous trees. The frankincense of the ancient Jews is still unidentified.
fraternation noun Alt. of Fraternism
fraternities plural of Fraternity
fraternizing present participle & vb. noun of Fraternize
fraudulently adverb In a fraudulent manner.
freckledness noun The state of being freckled.
free-denizen verb t. To make free.
free-hearted adjective Open; frank; unreserved; liberal; generous; as, free-hearted mirth.
free-milling adjective Yielding free gold or silver; — said of certain ores which can be reduced by crushing and amalgamation, without roasting or other chemical treatment.
freethinking noun Undue boldness of speculation; unbelief., Exhibiting undue boldness of speculation; skeptical.
free-tongued adjective Speaking without reserve.
frenchifying present participle & vb. noun of Frenchify
frequentable adjective Accessible.
frequentness noun The quality of being frequent.
freshmanship noun The state of being a freshman.
fresnel lamp Alt. of Fres’nel’ lan’tern
fresnel lens See under Lens.
fricasseeing present participle &. vb. noun of Frlcassee
frictionless adjective Having no friction.
friendliness noun The condition or quality of being friendly.
frigefaction noun The act of making cold. [Obs.]
frigefactive adjective Cooling.
frigorifical adjective Causing cold; producing or generating cold.
frondescence noun The time at which each species of plants unfolds its leaves., The act of bursting into leaf.
frondiferous adjective Producing fronds.
frontiersmen plural of Floatiersman
floatiersman noun A man living on the frontier.
frontispiece noun The part which first meets the eye, The principal front of a building., An ornamental figure or illustration fronting the first page, or titlepage, of a book; formerly, the titlepage itself.
frost-bitten p. adjective Nipped, withered, or injured, by frost or freezing.
fructescence noun The maturing or ripening of fruit.
fructiculose adjective Fruitful; full of fruit.
fructiferuos adjective Bearing or producing fruit.
frumentation noun A largess of grain bestowed upon the people, to quiet them when uneasy.
frustraneous adjective Vain; useless; unprofitable.
fugitiveness noun The quality or condition of being fugitive; evanescence; volatility; fugacity; instability.
fuliginosity noun The condition or quality of being fuliginous; sootiness; matter deposited by smoke.
fuliginously adverb In a smoky manner.
full-blooded adjective Having a full supply of blood., Of pure blood; thoroughbred; as, a full-blooded horse.
full-bloomed adjective Like a perfect blossom.
full-hearted adjective Full of courage or confidence.
functionally adverb In a functional manner; as regards normal or appropriate activity.
functionless adjective Destitute of function, or of an appropriate organ. Darwin.
fungilliform adjective Shaped like a small fungus.
furfuraceous adjective Made of bran; like bran; scurfy.