12 letter word starting with fi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
fibrillation noun The state of being reduced to fibers.
fiddledeedee interj. An exclamatory word or phrase, equivalent to nonsense!
fiddlestring noun One of the catgut strings of a fiddle.
fieri facias A judicial writ that lies for one who has recovered in debt or damages, commanding the sheriff that he cause to be made of the goods, chattels, or real estate of the defendant, the sum claimed.
figurability noun The quality of being figurable.
financialist noun A financier.
financiering present participle & vb. noun of Financier
findfaulting adjective Apt to censure or cavil; faultfinding; captious.
fippenny bit The Spanish half real, or one sixteenth of a dollar, — so called in Pennsylvania and the adjacent States.
fireprrofing noun The act or process of rendering anything incombustible; also, the materials used in the process.
fish-bellied adjective Bellying or swelling out on the under side; as, a fish-bellied rail.
fissilingual adjective Having the tongue forked.
fissilinguia noun pl. A group of Lacertilia having the tongue forked, including the common lizards.
fissipalmate adjective Semipalmate and loboped, as a grebe’s foot. See Illust. under Aves.
fissirostral adjective Having the bill cleft beyond the horny part, as in the case of swallows and goatsuckers.
fissirostres noun pl. A group of birds having the bill deeply cleft.
fistularioid adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Fistularia.