12 letter word starting with fl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
flabellation noun The act of keeping fractured limbs cool by the use of a fan or some other contrivance.
flabelliform adjective Having the form of a fan; fan-shaped; flabellate.
flagellating present participle & vb. noun of Flagellate
flagellation noun A beating or flogging; a whipping; a scourging.
flagelliform adjective Shaped like a whiplash; long, slender, round, flexible, and (comming) tapering.
flammability noun The quality of being flammable; inflammability.
flammiferous adjective Producing flame.
flammivomous adjective Vomiting flames, as a volcano.
flap-mouthed adjective Having broad, hangling lips.
flatteringly adverb With flattery.
fleur-de-lis noun The iris. See Flower-de-luce., A conventional flower suggested by the iris, and having a form which fits it for the terminal decoration of a scepter, the ornaments of a crown, etc. It is also a heraldic bearing, and is identified with the royal arms and adornments of France.
flexicostate adjective Having bent or curved ribs.
flickeringly adverb In a flickering manner.
flickermouse noun See Flittermouse.
flindermouse noun A bat; a flittermouse.
flippantness noun State or quality of being flippant.
flittermouse noun A bat; — called also flickermouse, flindermouse, and flintymouse.
flocculating present participle & vb. noun of Flocculate
flocculation noun The process by which small particles of fine soils and sediments aggregate into larger lumps.
floriculture noun The cultivation of flowering plants.
florida bean The large, roundish, flattened seed of Mucuna urens. See under Bean., One of the very large seeds of the Entada scandens.
floscularian noun One of a group of stalked rotifers, having ciliated tentacles around the lobed disk.
flower-fence noun A tropical leguminous bush (Poinciana, / Caesalpinia, pulcherrima) with prickly branches, and showy yellow or red flowers; — so named from its having been sometimes used for hedges in the West Indies.
fluctiferous adjective Tending to produce waves.
fluctisonous adjective Sounding like waves.
fluoranthene noun A white crystalline hydrocarbon C/H/, of a complex structure, found as one ingrdient of the higher boiling portion of coal tar.
fluorescence noun That property which some transparent bodies have of producing at their surface, or within their substance, light different in color from the mass of the material, as when green crystals of fluor spar afford blue reflections. It is due not to the difference in the color of a distinct surface layer, but to the power which the substance has of modifying the light incident upon it. The light emitted by fluorescent substances is in general of lower refrangibility than the incident light.
fluosilicate noun A double fluoride of silicon and some other (usually basic) element or radical, regarded as a salt of fluosilicic acid; — called also silicofluoride.
flusteration noun The act of flustering, or the state of being flustered; fluster.
flutteringly adverb In a fluttering manner.
fly-catching adjective Having the habit of catching insects on the wing.
floatiersman noun A man living on the frontier.