12 letter word starting with g

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gum ammoniac noun The concrete juice (gum resin) of an umbelliferous plant, the Dorema ammoniacum. It is brought chiefly from Persia in the form of yellowish tears, which occur singly, or are aggregated into masses. It has a peculiar smell, and a nauseous, sweet taste, followed by a bitter one. It is inflammable, partially soluble in water and in spirit of wine, and is used in medicine as an expectorant and resolvent, and for the formation of certain plasters.
gaber-lunzie noun A beggar with a wallet; a licensed beggar.
gaff-topsail noun A small triangular sail having its foot extended upon the gaff and its luff upon the topmast.
gainstanding present participle & vb. noun of Gainstand
gairish/ness noun Same as Garish, Garishly, Garishness.
galactometer noun An instrument for ascertaining the quality of milk (i.e., its richness in cream) by determining its specific gravity; a lactometer.
galapee tree The West Indian Sciadophyllum Brownei, a tree with very large digitate leaves.
galliardness noun Gayety.
galligaskins noun pl. Loose hose or breeches; leather leg quards. The word is used loosely and often in a jocose sense.
gallinaceous adjective Resembling the domestic fowls and pheasants; of or pertaining to the Gallinae.
gallygaskins noun pl. See Galligaskins.
galvanograph noun A copperplate produced by the method of galvanography; also, a picture printed from such a plate.
galvanometer noun An instrument or apparatus for measuring the intensity of an electric current, usually by the deflection of a magnetic needle.
galvanometry noun The art or process of measuring the force of electric currents.
galvanoscope noun An instrument or apparatus for detecting the presence of electrical currents, especially such as are of feeble intensity.
galvanoscopy noun The use of galvanism in physiological experiments.
galvanotonus noun Same as Electrotonus.
gamomorphism noun That stage of growth or development in an organism, in which the reproductive elements are generated and matured in preparation for propagating the species.
gamopetalous adjective Having the petals united or joined so as to form a tube or cup; monopetalous.
gamophyllous adjective Composed of leaves united by their edges (coalescent).
gamosepalous adjective Formed of united sepals; monosepalous.
garnisheeing present participle & vb. noun of Garnishee
gasification noun The act or process of converting into gas.
gasometrical adjective Of or pertaining to the measurement of gases; as, gasometric analysis.
gastronomist noun A gastromomer.
gastropodous adjective Of or pertaining to the Gastropoda.
gastroscopic adjective Of or pertaining to gastroscopy.
gastrotricha noun pl. A group of small wormlike animals, having cilia on the ventral side. The group is regarded as an ancestral or synthetic one, related to rotifers and annelids.
gastrotrocha noun A form of annelid larva having cilia on the ventral side.
gastrulation noun The process of invagination, in embryonic development, by which a gastrula is formed.
geanticlinal noun An upward bend or flexure of a considerable portion of the earth’s crust, resulting in the formation of a class of mountain elevations called anticlinoria; — opposed to geosynclinal.
gelatigenous noun Producing, or yielding, gelatin; gelatiniferous; as, the gelatigeneous tissues.
gelatinating present participle & vb. noun of Gelatinate
gelatination noun The act of process of converting into gelatin, or a substance like jelly.
gelatiniform adjective Having the form of gelatin.
gemmiflorate adjective Having flowers like buds.
gens d’armes plural of Gendarme
geneagenesis noun Alternate generation. See under Generation.
genealogical adjective Of or pertaining to genealogy; as, a genealogical table; genealogical order.
generability noun Capability of being generated.
generalities plural of Generality
generalizing present participle & vb. noun of Generalize
generatrices plural of Generatrix
generatrixes plural of Generatrix
genethliacal adjective Genethliac.
genethliatic noun One who calculates nativities.
geniculating present participle & vb. noun of Geniculate
geniculation noun The act of kneeling., The state of being bent abruptly at an angle.
genitocrural adjective Pertaining to the genital organs and the thigh; — applied especially to one of the lumbar nerves.
gentilitious adjective Peculiar to a people; national., Hereditary; entailed on a family.
gentiopikrin noun A bitter, yellow, crystalline substance, regarded as a glucoside, and obtained from the gentian.
genuflecting present participle & vb. noun of Genuflect
genuflection noun The act of bending the knee, particularly in worship.
geocentrical adjective Having reference to the earth as center; in relation to or seen from the earth, — usually opposed to heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric longitude or latitude of a planet., Having reference to the center of the earth.
geodephagous adjective Living in the earth; — applied to the ground beetles.
geodetically adverb In a geodetic manner; according to geodesy.
geognostical adjective Of or pertaining to geognosy, or to a knowledge of the structure of the earth; geological.
geographical adjective Of or pertaining to geography.
geologically adverb In a geological manner.
geometrician noun One skilled in geometry; a geometer; a mathematician.
geometrizing present participle & vb. noun of Geometrize
george noble A gold noble of the time of Henry VIII. See Noble, n.
geosynclinal noun the downward bend or subsidence of the earth’s crust, which allows of the gradual accumulation of sediment, and hence forms the first step in the making of a mountain range; — opposed to geanticlinal.
geraniaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of pants (Geraniaceae) which includes the genera Geranium, Pelargonium, and many others.
gerontocracy noun Government by old men.
gesticulated imp. & past participle of Gesticulate
gesticulator noun One who gesticulates.
giddy-headed adjective Thoughtless; unsteady.
gigantomachy noun A war of giants; especially, the fabulous war of the giants against heaven.
gila monster A large tuberculated lizard (Heloderma suspectum) native of the dry plains of Arizona, New Mexico, etc. It is the only lizard known to have venomous teeth.
gillie gilly noun A boy or young man; a manservant; a male attendant, in the Scottish Highlands.
ginglymoidal adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a ginglymus, or hinge joint; ginglyform.
gladiatorial adjective Alt. of Gladiatorian
gladiatorian adjective Of or pertaining to gladiators, or to contests or combatants in general.
gladiatorism noun The art or practice of a gladiator.
glandiferous adjective Bearing acorns or other nuts; as, glandiferous trees.
glandulation noun The situation and structure of the secretory vessels in plants.
glandulosity noun Quality of being glandulous; a collection of glands.
glass-gazing adjective Given to viewing one’s self in a glass or mirror; finical.
glass-sponge noun A siliceous sponge, of the genus Hyalonema, and allied genera; — so called from their glassy fibers or spicules; — called also vitreous sponge. See Glass-rope, and Euplectella.
glaucomatous adjective Having the nature of glaucoma.
glisteringly adverb In a glistering manner.
glitteringly adverb In a glittering manner.
globe-shaped adjective Shaped like a globe.
globularness noun Sphericity; globosity.
globulimeter noun An instrument for measuring the number of red blood corpuscles in the blood.
glossanthrax noun A disease of horses and cattle accompanied by carbuncles in the mouth and on the tongue.
glossarially adverb In the manner of a glossary.
glossography noun The writing of glossaries, glosses, or comments for illustrating an author.
glassologist noun One who defines and explains terms; one who is versed in glossology.
glottologist noun A linguist; a philologist.
glucogenesis noun Glycogenesis.
gluttonizing present participle & vb. noun of Gluttonize
glycocholate noun A salt of glycocholic acid; as, sodium glycocholate.
glycogenesis noun The production or formation of sugar from gycogen, as in the liver.
glycyrrhizin noun A glucoside found in licorice root (Glycyrrhiza), in monesia bark (Chrysophyllum), in the root of the walnut, etc., and extracted as a yellow, amorphous powder, of a bittersweet taste.
glyphography noun A process similar to etching, in which, by means of voltaic electricity, a raised copy of a drawing is made, so that it can be used to print from.
glyptography noun The art or process of engraving on precious stones.
gnathopodite noun Any leglike appendage of a crustacean, when modified wholly, or in part, to serve as a jaw, esp. one of the maxillipeds.
gnathothecae plural of Gnathotheca
gnomological adjective Pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling, a gnomology.
gnomonically adverb According to the principles of the gnomonic projection.
gold-beating noun The art or process of reducing gold to extremely thin leaves, by beating with a hammer.
good-humored adjective Having a cheerful spirit and demeanor; good-tempered. See Good-natured.
good-looking adjective Handsome.
good-natured adjective Naturally mild in temper; not easily provoked.
gooseberries plural of Gooseberry
goring cloth noun A piece of canvas cut obliquely to widen a sail at the foot.
gormandizing present participle & vb. noun of Gormandize
goroon shell A large, handsome, marine, univalve shell (Triton femorale).
governmental adjective Pertaining to government; made by government; as, governmental duties.
governorship noun The office of a governor.
graciousness noun Quality of being gracious.
graduateship noun State of being a graduate.
graham bread Bread made of unbolted wheat flour.
grallatorial adjective Alt. of Grallatory
graminaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, the grasses; gramineous; as, graminaceous plants.
grammaticism noun A point or principle of grammar.
grammaticize verb t. To render grammatical.
graphitoidal adjective Resembling graphite or plumbago.
graveclothes noun pl. The clothes or dress in which the dead are interred.
gravelliness noun State of being gravelly.
gravel-stone noun A pebble, or small fragment of stone; a calculus.
gross-headed adjective Thick-skulled; stupid.
grozing iron A tool with a hardened steel point, formerly used instead of a diamond for cutting glass., A tool for smoothing the solder joints of lead pipe.
grudgingness noun The state or quality of grudging, or of being full of grudge or unwillingness.
guaranteeing p, pr. & vb. noun of Guarantee
guardianless adjective Without a guardian.
guardianship noun The office, duty, or care, of a guardian; protection; care; watch.
guelderrose’ noun A cultivated variety of a species of Viburnum (V. Opulus), bearing large bunches of white flowers; — called also snowball tree.
guillotining present participle & vb. noun of Guillotine
gunsmith ing noun The art or business of a gunsmith.
gutta-percha noun A concrete juice produced by various trees found in the Malayan archipelago, especially by the Isonandra, / Dichopsis, Gutta. It becomes soft, and unpressible at the tamperature of boiling water, and, on cooling, retains its new shape. It dissolves in oils and ethers, but not in water. In many of its properties it resembles caoutchouc, and it is extensively used for many economical purposes. The Mimusops globosa of Guiana also yields this material.
gutturalness noun The quality of being guttural.
gymnoblastea noun pl. The Athecata; — so called because the medusoid buds are not inclosed in a capsule.
gymnoblastic adjective Of or pertaining to the Gymnoblastea.
gymnocarpous adjective Naked-fruited, the fruit either smooth or not adherent to the perianth.
gymnolaemata noun pl. An order of Bryozoa, having no epistome.
gymnosophist noun One of a sect of philosophers, said to have been found in India by Alexander the Great, who went almost naked, denied themselves the use of flesh, renounced bodily pleasures, and employed themselves in the contemplation of nature.
gynaecophore noun A ventral canal or groove, in which the males of some di/cious trematodes carry the female. See Illust. of Haematozoa.
gynantherous adjective Pertaining to an abnormal condition of the flower, in which the stamens are converted into pistils.
gyrencephala noun pl. The higher orders of Mammalia, in which the cerebrum is convoluted.