12 letter word starting with im

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
imbastardize verb t. To bastardize; to debase.
imbecilitate verb t. To weaken, as to the body or the mind; to enfeeble.
imbecilities plural of Imbecility
imbitterment noun The act of imbittering; bitter feeling; embitterment.
imitableness noun The state or quality of being imitable; worthness of imitation.
imitatorship noun The state or office of an imitator.
immaterially adverb In an immaterial manner; without matter or corporeal substance., In an unimportant manner or degree.
immatureness noun The state or quality of being immature; immaturity.
immeasurable adjective Incapble of being measured; indefinitely extensive; illimitable; immensurable; vast.
immeasurably adverb In an immeasurable manner or degree.
immechanical adjective Not mechanical.
immemorially adverb Beyond memory.
immensurable adjective Immeasurable.
immersionist noun One who holds the doctrine that immersion is essential to Christian baptism.
immethodical adjective Not methodical; without method or systematic arrangement; without order or regularity; confused.
immoderately adverb In an immoderate manner; excessively.
immoderation noun Want of moderation.
immoralities plural of Immorality
immorigerous adjective Rude; uncivil; disobedient.
immortalized imp. & past participle of Immortalize
immovability noun The quality or state of being immovable; fixedness; steadfastness; as, immovability of a heavy body; immovability of purpose.
immutability noun The state or quality of being immutable; immutableness.
imparadising present participle & vb. noun of Imparadise
imparalleled adjective Unparalleled.
impardonable adjective Unpardonable.
impartialist noun One who is impartial.
impartiality noun The quality of being impartial; freedom from bias or favoritism; disinterestedness; equitableness; fairness; as, impartiality of judgment, of treatment, etc.
impassionate adjective Strongly affected., To affect powerfully; to arouse the passions of., Without passion or feeling.
impatronized imp. & past participle of Impatronize
impedimental adjective Of the nature of an impediment; hindering; obstructing; impeditive.
impenetrable adjective Incapable of being penetrated or pierced; not admitting the passage of other bodies; not to be entered; impervious; as, an impenetrable shield., Having the property of preventing any other substance from occupying the same space at the same time., Inaccessible, as to knowledge, reason, sympathy, etc.; unimpressible; not to be moved by arguments or motives; as, an impenetrable mind, or heart.
impenetrably adverb In an impenetrable manner or state; imperviously.
impenitently adverb Without repentance.
imperatively adverb In an imperative manner.
imperatorial adjective Commanding; imperative; authoritative., Of or pertaining to the title or office of imperator.
imperatorian adjective Imperial.
imperception noun Want of perception.
imperceptive adjective Unable to perceive.
impercipient adjective Not perceiving, or not able to perceive.
imperfection adjective The quality or condition of being imperfect; want of perfection; incompleteness; deficiency; fault or blemish.
imperforable adjective Incapable of being perforated, or bored through.
imperforated adjective Not perforated; having no opening or aperture.
imperialized imp. & past participle of Imperialize
imperiousnes noun The quality or state of being imperious; arrogance; haughtiness.
imperishable adjective Not perishable; not subject to decay; indestructible; enduring permanently; as, an imperishable monument; imperishable renown.
imperiwigged adjective Wearing a periwig.
impermanence noun Alt. of Impermanency
impermanency noun lack of permanence.
impersonally adverb In an impersonal manner.
impersonated imp. & past participle of Impersonate
impersonator noun One who impersonates; an actor; a mimic.
impertinence noun The condition or quality of being impertnent; absence of pertinence, or of adaptedness; irrelevance; unfitness., Conduct or language unbecoming the person, the society, or the circumstances; rudeness; incivility., That which is impertinent; a thing out of place, or of no value.
impertinency noun Impertinence.
impetiginous adjective Of the nature of, or pertaining to, impetigo.
impierceable adjective Not capable of being pierced; impenetrable.
impinguation noun The act of making fat, or the state of being fat or fattened.
implantation noun The act or process of implantating.
implicitness noun State or quality of being implicit.
impoisonment noun The act of poisoning or impoisoning.
imponderable adjective Not ponderable; without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed., An imponderable substance or body; specifically, in the plural, a name formerly applied to heat, light, electricity, and magnetism, regarded as subtile fluids destitute of weight but in modern science little used.
importunable adjective Heavy; insupportable.
importunator noun One who importunes; an importuner.
imposingness noun The quality of being imposing.
imposthumate verb t. To apostemate; to form an imposthume or abscess., To affect with an imposthume or abscess., Imposthumated.
impostorship noun The condition, character, or practice of an impostor.
impoverished imp. & past participle of Impoverish
impoverisher noun One who, or that which, impoverishes.
impregnating present participle & vb. noun of Impregnate
impregnation noun The act of impregnating or the state of being impregnated; fecundation., The fusion of a female germ cell (ovum) with a male germ cell (in animals, a spermatozoon) to form a single new cell endowed with the power of developing into a new individual; fertilization; fecundation., That with which anything is impregnated., Intimate mixture; influsion; saturation., An ore deposit, with indefinite boundaries, consisting of rock impregnated with ore.
imprevalence noun Alt. of Imprevalency
imprevalency noun Want of prevalence.
improfitable adjective Unprofitable.
impropitious adjective Unpropitious; unfavorable.
impropriated imp. & past participle of Impropriate
impropriator noun One who impropriates; specifically, a layman in possession of church property.
improsperity noun Want of prosperity.
improsperous adjective Not prosperous.
improvidence noun The quality of being improvident; want of foresight or thrift.
improvisated imp. & past participle of Improvisate
improvisator noun An improviser, or improvvisatore.
imputability noun The quality of being imputable; imputableness.