12 letter word starting with la

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
laboratories plural of Laboratory
labor-saving adjective Saving labor; adapted to supersede or diminish the labor of men; as, labor-saving machinery.
labyrinthian adjective Intricately winding; like a labyrinth; perplexed; labyrinthal.
labyrinthici noun pl. An order of teleostean fishes, including the Anabas, or climbing perch, and other allied fishes.
labyrinthine adjective Pertaining to, or like, a labyrinth; labyrinthal.
lachrymation noun The act of shedding tears; weeping.
lachrymatory noun A “tear-bottle;” a narrow-necked vessel found in sepulchers of the ancient Romans; — so called from a former notion that the tears of the deceased person’s friends were collected in it. Called also lachrymal or lacrymal.
lachrymiform adjective Having the form of a tear; tear-shaped.
lactoprotein noun A peculiar albuminous body considered a normal constituent of milk.
lady-killing noun The art or practice of captivating the hearts of women.
ladylikeness noun The quality or state of being ladylike.
lady’s bower A climbing plant with fragrant blossoms (Clematis vitalba).
lady’s laces A slender climbing plant; dodder.
lady’s smock A plant of the genus Cardamine (C. pratensis); cuckoo flower.
lady’s thumb An annual weed (Polygonum Persicaria), having a lanceolate leaf with a dark spot in the middle.
laemmergeyer noun See Lammergeir.
lake-dweller noun See Lake dwellers, under Lake.
lambert pine The gigantic sugar pine of California and Oregon (Pinus Lambertiana). It has the leaves in fives, and cones a foot long. The timber is soft, and like that of the white pine of the Eastern States.
laminability noun The quality or state of being laminable.
laminiferous adjective Having a structure consisting of laminae, or thin layers.
landgraviate noun The territory held by a landgrave., The office, jurisdiction, or authority of a landgrave.
landstreight noun A narrow strip of land.
languageless adjective Lacking or wanting language; speechless; silent.
langue d’oil The dialect formerly spoken north of the Loire (in which the word for “yes” was oil, F. oui).
languishment noun The state of languishing., Tenderness of look or mien; amorous pensiveness.
languishness noun Languishment.
lapidescence noun The state or quality of being lapidescent., A hardening into a stone substance., A stony concretion.
lapis lazuli An albuminous mineral of a rich blue color. Same as Lazuli, which see.
large-handed adjective Having large hands, Fig.: Taking, or giving, in large quantities; rapacious or bountiful.
largiloquent adjective Grandiloquent.
lark-colored adjective Having the sandy brown color of the European larks.
laryngophony noun The sound of the voice as heard through a stethoscope when the latter is placed upon the larynx.
larungoscope noun An instrument, consisting of an arrangement of two mirrors, for reflecting light upon the larynx, and for examining its image.
laryngoscopy noun The art of using the laryngoscope; investigations made with the laryngoscope.
latibulizing present participle & vb. noun of Latibulize
laticiferous adjective Containing the latex; — applied to the tissue or tubular vessels in which the latex of the plant is found.
latinitaster noun One who has but a smattering of Latin.
latinization noun The act or process of Latinizing, as a word, language, or country.
latirostrous adjective Having a broad beak.
latitudinous adjective Having latitude, or wide extent.
latus rectum The line drawn through a focus of a conic section parallel to the directrix and terminated both ways by the curve. It is the parameter of the principal axis. See Focus, and Parameter.
laudableness noun The quality of being laudable; praiseworthiness; commendableness.
laughterless adjective Not laughing; without laughter.
laureateship noun State, or office, of a laureate.
laxativeness noun The quality of being laxative.