12 letter word starting with m

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
macadamizing present participle & vb. noun of Macadamize
maoadam road A macadamized road.
macassar oil A kind of oil formerly used in dressing the hair; — so called because originally obtained from Macassar, a district of the Island of Celebes. Also, an imitation of the same, of perfumed castor oil and olive oil.
machiavelian adjective Of or pertaining to Machiavel, or to his supposed principles; politically cunning; characterized by duplicity or bad faith; crafty., One who adopts the principles of Machiavel; a cunning and unprincipled politician.
machiavelism noun Alt. of Machiavelianism
machicolated adjective Having machicolations.
macrame lace A coarse lace made of twine, used especially in decorating furniture.
macrobiotics noun The art of prolonging life.
macroglossia noun Enlargement or hypertrophy of the tongue.
macrognathic adjective Long-jawed.
macropterous adjective Having long wings.
macropyramid noun See Macroprism.
madefication noun The act of madefying, or making wet; the state of that which is made wet.
mademoiselle noun A French title of courtesy given to a girl or an unmarried lady, equivalent to the English Miss., A marine food fish (Sciaena chrysura), of the Southern United States; — called also yellowtail, and silver perch.
madreporaria noun pl. An extensive division of Anthozoa, including most of the species that produce stony corals. See Illust. of Anthozoa.
magistracies plural of Magistracy
magistrality noun Magisterialness; arbitrary dogmatism.
magistrature noun Magistracy.
magna charta The great Charter, so called, obtained by the English barons from King John, A. D. 1215. This name is also given to the charter granted to the people of England in the ninth year of Henry III., and confirmed by Edward I., Hence, a fundamental constitution which guaranties rights and privileges.
magnetically adverb By or as by, magnetism.
magnetizable adjective Capable of magnetized.
magnetograph noun An automatic instrument for registering, by photography or otherwise, the states and variations of any of the terrestrial magnetic elements.
magnetometer noun An instrument for measuring the intensity of magnetic forces; also, less frequently, an instrument for determining any of the terrestrial magnetic elements, as the dip and declination.
magnetomotor noun A voltaic series of two or more large plates, producing a great quantity of electricity of low tension, and hence adapted to the exhibition of electro-magnetic phenomena.
magnificence noun The act of doing what magnificent; the state or quality of being magnificent.
magniloquent adjective Speaking pompously; using swelling discourse; bombastic; tumid in style; grandiloquent.
magniloquous adjective Magniloquent.
mahabharatam noun A celebrated epic poem of the Hindoos. It is of great length, and is chiefly devoted to the history of a civil war between two dynasties of ancient India.
mahometanism noun See Mohammedanism.
mahometanize verb t. To convert to the religion of Mohammed; to Mohammedanize.
mahumetanism noun See Mohammedan, Mohammedanism.
maidenliness noun The quality of being maidenly; the behavior that becomes a maid; modesty; gentleness.
mainpernable adjective Capable of being admitted to give surety by mainpernors; able to be mainprised.
maintainable adjective That maybe maintained.
majesticness noun The quality or state of being majestic.
make-believe noun A feigning to believe, as in the play of children; a mere pretense; a fiction; an invention., Feigned; insincere.
malacobdella noun A genus of nemertean worms, parasitic in the gill cavity of clams and other bivalves. They have a large posterior sucker, like that of a leech. See Illust. of Bdellomorpha.
malacologist noun One versed in the science of malacology.
malacostraca noun pl. A subclass of Crustacea, including Arthrostraca and Thoracostraca, or all those higher than the Entomostraca.
malapterurus noun A genus of African siluroid fishes, including the electric catfishes. See Electric cat, under Electric.
malashaganay noun The fresh-water drumfish (Haploidonotus grunniens).
malcontented adjective Malcontent.
malefactress noun A female malefactor.
malefeasance noun See Malfeasance.
maleficience noun The doing of evil, harm, or mischief.
malepractice noun See Malpractice.
malevolently adverb In a malevolent manner.
malexecution noun Bad execution.
malformation noun Ill formation; irregular or anomalous formation; abnormal or wrong conformation or structure.
malignifying present participle & vb. noun of Malignify
malleability noun The quality or state of being malleable; — opposed to friability and brittleness.
malleableize verb t. To make malleable.
malnutrition noun Faulty or imperfect nutrition.
malversation noun Evil conduct; fraudulent practices; misbehavior, corruption, or extortion in office.
mammalogical adjective Of or pertaining to mammalogy.
mammilliform adjective Having the form of a mammilla.
mancona bark See Sassy bark.
mandibulated adjective Provided with mandibles adapted for biting, as many insects.
mandragorite noun One who habitually intoxicates himself with a narcotic obtained from mandrake.
manganesious adjective Manganous.
manifestable adjective Such as can be manifested.
manifestible adjective Manifestable.
manifestness noun The quality or state of being manifest; obviousness.
manifoldness noun Multiplicity., A generalized concept of magnitude.
manipulating present participle & vb. noun of Manipulate
manipulation noun The act or process of manipulating, or the state of being manipulated; the act of handling work by hand; use of the hands, in an artistic or skillful manner, in science or art., The use of the hands in mesmeric operations., Artful management; as, the manipulation of political bodies; sometimes, a management or treatment for purposes of deception or fraud.
manipulative adjective Of or pertaining to manipulation; performed by manipulation.
manipulatory adjective Of or pertaining to manipulation.
mannerliness noun The quality or state of being mannerly; civility; complaisance.
manometrical adjective Of or pertaining to the manometer; made by the manometer.
mansard roof A hipped curb roof; that is, a roof having on all sides two slopes, the lower one being steeper than the upper one.
manslaughter noun The slaying of a human being; destruction of men., The unlawful killing of a man, either in negligenc/ or incidentally to the commission of some unlawful act, but without specific malice, or upon a sudden excitement of anger.
manufactural adjective Of or pertaining to manufactures.
manufactured imp. & past participle of Manufacture
manufacturer noun One who manufactures.
manuscriptal adjective Manuscript.
marble-edged adjective Having the edge veined or spotted with different colors like marble, as a book.
marcasitical adjective Containing, or having the nature of, marcasite.
marcobrunner noun A celebrated Rhine wine.
margate fish A sparoid fish (Diabasis aurolineatus) of the Gulf of Mexico, esteemed as a food fish; — called also red-mouth grunt.
marginicidal adjective Dehiscent by the separation of united carpels; — said of fruits.
marksmanship noun Skill of a marksman.
marmoraceous adjective Pertaining to, or like, marble.
marriageable adjective Fit for, or capable of, marriage; of an age at which marriage is allowable.
marseillaise adjective f. Of or pertaining to Marseilles, in France, or to its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Marseilles.
marsupialian noun Alt. of Marsupian
martializing present participle & vb. noun of Martialize
martyrologic adjective Alt. of Martyrological
masoola boat A kind of boat used on the coast of Madras, India. The planks are sewed together with strands of coir which cross over a wadding of the same material, so that the shock on taking the beach through surf is much reduced.
masquerading present participle & vb. noun of Masquerade
masterliness noun The quality or state of being masterly; ability to control wisely or skillfully.
mastersinger noun One of a class of poets which flourished in Nuremberg and some other cities of Germany in the 15th and 16th centuries. They bound themselves to observe certain arbitrary laws of rhythm.
masturbation noun Onanism; self-pollution.
materialized imp. & past participle of Materialize
materialness noun The state of being material.
mathematical adjective Of or pertaining to mathematics; according to mathematics; hence, theoretically precise; accurate; as, mathematical geography; mathematical instruments; mathematical exactness.
matriarchate noun The office or jurisdiction of a matriarch; a matriarchal form of government.
matriculated imp. & past participle of Matriculate
matrimonious adjective Matrimonial.
maximization noun The act or process of increasing to the highest degree.
meal-mouthed adjective See Mealy-mouthed.
mechanically adverb In a mechanical manner.
mechanograph noun One of a number of copies of anything multiplied mechanically.
mediaevalism noun The method or spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to the institutions and practices of the Middle Ages; a survival from the Middle Ages.
mediaevalist noun One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the Middle Ages.
mediatorship noun The office or character of a mediator.
medicamental adjective Of or pertaining to medicaments or healing applications; having the qualities of medicaments.
medico-legal adjective Of or pertaining to law as affected by medical facts.
medina epoch A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.
medium-sized adjective Having a medium size; as, a medium-sized man.
meetinghouse noun A house used as a place of worship; a church; — in England, applied only to a house so used by Dissenters.
megacephalic adjective Alt. of Megacephalous
megalopsychy noun Greatness of soul.
megalosaurus noun A gigantic carnivorous dinosaur, whose fossil remains have been found in England and elsewhere.
melancholian noun A person affected with melancholy; a melancholic.
melancholily adverb In a melancholy manner.
melancholist noun One affected with melancholy or dejection.
melancholize verb i. To become gloomy or dejected in mind., To make melancholy.
melanochroic adjective Having a dark complexion; of or pertaining to the Melanochroi.
melanocomous adjective Having very dark or black hair; black-haired.
melanorrhoea noun An East Indian genus of large trees. Melanorrh/a usitatissima is the lignum-vitae of Pegu, and yelds a valuable black varnish.
mellifluence noun A flow of sweetness, or a sweet, smooth flow.
melliloquent adjective Speaking sweetly or harmoniously.
melliphagous adjective See Meliphagous.
melodiograph noun A contrivance for preserving a record of music, by recording the action of the keys of a musical instrument when played upon.
melodramatic adjective Of or pertaining to melodrama; like or suitable to a melodrama; unnatural in situation or action.
membraniform adjective Having the form of a membrane or of parchment.
membranology noun The science which treats of membranes.
memorability noun The quality or state of being memorable.
memorialized imp. & past participle of Memorialize
memorializer noun One who petitions by a memorial.
menispermine noun An alkaloid distinct from picrotoxin and obtained from the cocculus indicus (the fruit of Anamirta Cocculus, formerly Menispermum Cocculus) as a white, crystalline, tasteless powder; — called also menispermina.
menobranchus noun A large aquatic American salamander of the genus Necturus, having permanent external gills.
menstruating present participle & vb. noun of Menstruate
menstruation noun The discharge of the menses; also, the state or the period of menstruating.
merchandised imp. & past participle of Merchandise
merchandiser noun A trader.
merchantable adjective Fit for market; such as is usually sold in market, or such as will bring the ordinary price; as, merchantable wheat; sometimes, a technical designation for a particular kind or class.
mercurialist noun One under the influence of Mercury; one resembling Mercury in character., A physician who uses much mercury, in any of its forms, in his practice.
mercurialize verb t. To affect with mercury., To treat with mercury; to expose to the vapor of mercury., To be sprightly, fantastic, or capricious.
mercurifying present participle & vb. noun of Mercurify
meretricious adjective Of or pertaining to prostitutes; having to do with harlots; lustful; as, meretricious traffic., Resembling the arts of a harlot; alluring by false show; gaudily and deceitfully ornamental; tawdry; as, meretricious dress or ornaments.
meridionally adverb In the direction of the meridian.
merry-andrew noun One whose business is to make sport for others; a buffoon; a zany; especially, one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor.
merrymeeting noun A meeting for mirth.
merrythought noun The forked bone of a fowl’s breast; — called also wishbone. See Furculum.
mesitylenate noun A salt of mesitylenic acid.
mesobronchia plural of Mesobronchium
mesocephalic adjective Of or pertaining to, or in the region of, the middle of the head; as, the mesocephalic flexure., Having the cranial cavity of medium capacity; neither megacephalic nor microcephalic., Having the ratio of the length to the breadth of the cranium a medium one; mesaticephalic.
mesocephalon noun The pons Varolii.
mesocoracoid noun A process from the middle of the coracoid in some animals.
mesocuniform noun One of the bones of the tarsus. See 2d Cuneiform.
mesogastrium noun The umbilical region., The mesogaster.
mesognathous adjective Having the jaws slightly projecting; between prognathous and orthognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic.
mesopodialia plural of Mesopodiale
mesoscapular adjective Of or pertaining to the mesoscapula.
mesosiderite noun See the Note under Meteorite.
mesotartaric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also inactive tartaric acid.
mesothoracic adjective Of or pertaining to the mesothorax.
metachronism noun An error committed in chronology by placing an event after its real time.
metagnathous adjective Cross-billed; — said of certain birds, as the crossbill.
metaleptical adjective Metaleptic.
metallograph noun A print made by metallography.
metallurgist noun One who works in metals, or prepares them for use; one who is skilled in metallurgy.
metalorganic adjective Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of a series of compounds of certain metallic elements with organic radicals; as, zinc methyl, sodium ethyl, etc.
metamorphism noun The state or quality of being metamorphic; the process by which the material of rock masses has been more or less recrystallized by heat, pressure, etc., as in the change of sedimentary limestone to marble.
metamorphist noun One who believes that the body of Christ was merged into the Deity when he ascended.
metamorphize verb t. To metamorphose.
metamorphose verb t. To change into a different form; to transform; to transmute., Same as Metamorphosis.
metanauplius noun A larval crustacean in a stage following the nauplius, and having about seven pairs of appendages.
metantimonic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (formerly called antimonic acid) analogous to metaphosphoric acid, and obtained as a white amorphous insoluble substance, (HSbO3)., Formerly, designating an acid, which is now properly called pyroantimonic acid, and analogous to pyrophosphoric acid.
metaphorical adjective Of or pertaining to metaphor; comprising a metaphor; not literal; figurative; tropical; as, a metaphorical expression; a metaphorical sense.
metaphrastic adjective Alt. of Metaphrastical
metaphysical adjective Of or pertaining to metaphysics., According to rules or principles of metaphysics; as, metaphysical reasoning., Preternatural or supernatural.
metapodialia plural of Metapodiale
metapophyses plural of Metapophysis
metapophysis noun A tubercle projecting from the anterior articular processes of some vertebr/; a mammillary process.
metasilicate noun A salt of metasilicic acid.
metasomatism noun An alteration in a mineral or rock mass when involving a chemical change of the substance, as of chrysolite to serpentine; — opposed to ordinary metamorphism, as implying simply a recrystallization.
metastannate noun A salt of metastannic acid.
metathetical adjective Of or pertaining to metathesis.
metathoracic adjective Of or pertaining to the metathorax.
metatungstic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid known only in its salts (the metatungstates) and properly called polytungstic, or pyrotungstic, acid.
metavanadate noun A salt of metavanadic acid.
metempirical adjective Related, or belonging, to the objects of knowledge within the province of metempirics.
meteorograph noun An instrument which registers meteorologic phases or conditions.
meteoroligic adjective Alt. of Meteorological
meteoromancy noun A species of divination by meteors, chiefly by thunder and lightning, which was held in high estimation by the Romans.
meteorometer noun An apparatus which transmits automatically to a central station atmospheric changes as marked by the anemometer, barometer, thermometer, etc.
meteoroscope noun An astrolabe; a planisphere., An instrument for measuring the position, length, and direction, of the apparent path of a shooting star.
metoposcopic adjective Alt. of Metoposcopical
metrological adjective Of or pertaining to metrology.
metropolitan adjective Of or pertaining to the capital or principal city of a country; as, metropolitan luxury., Of, pertaining to, or designating, a metropolitan or the presiding bishop of a country or province, his office, or his dignity; as, metropolitan authority., The superior or presiding bishop of a country or province., An archbishop., A bishop whose see is civil metropolis. His rank is intermediate between that of an archbishop and a patriarch.
metrorrhagia noun Profuse bleeding from the womb, esp. such as does not occur at the menstrual period.
metrosideros noun A myrtaceous genus of trees or shrubs, found in Australia and the South Sea Islands, and having very hard wood. Metrosideros vera is the true ironwood.
mezzotintoed imp. & past participle of Mezzotinto
micracoustic adjective Same as Microustic.
microcoulomb noun A measure of electrical quantity; the millionth part of one coulomb.
microcoustic adjective Pertaining, or suited, to the audition of small sounds; fitted to assist hearing., An instrument for making faint sounds audible, as to a partially deaf person.
micrographic adjective Of or pertaining to micrography.
micrological adjective Of or pertaining to micrology; very minute; as, micrologic examination.
micronesians noun pl. A dark race inhabiting the Micronesian Islands. They are supposed to be a mixed race, derived from Polynesians and Papuans.
micronometer noun An instrument for noting minute portions of time.
microphonics noun The science which treats of the means of increasing the intensity of low or weak sounds, or of the microphone.
microphonous adjective Serving to augment the intensity of weak sounds; microcoustic.
microscopial adjective Microscopic.
microscopist noun One skilled in, or given to, microscopy.
microsthenic adjective Having a typically small size; of or pertaining to the microsthenes.
middle-earth noun The world, considered as lying between heaven and hell.
milk-livered adjective White-livered; cowardly; timorous.
millionnaire noun Millionaire.
minatorially adverb Alt. of Minatorily
mineralizing present participle & vb. noun of Mineralize
mineralogist noun One versed in mineralogy; one devoted to the study of minerals., A carrier shell (Phorus).
mineralogize verb i. To study mineralogy by collecting and examining minerals.
mineralogies plural of Mineralogy
minimization noun The act or process of minimizing.
ministration noun The act of ministering; service; ministry.
ministrative adjective Serving to aid; ministering.
ministryship noun The office of a minister.
mirabilaries plural of Mirabilary
misadventure noun Mischance; misfortune; ill lick; unlucky accident; ill adventure.
misaffection noun An evil or wrong affection; the state of being ill affected.
misallotment noun A wrong allotment.
misanthropic adjective Alt. of Misanthropical
misanthropos noun A misanthrope.
misapprehend verb t. To take in a wrong sense; to misunderstand.
misarranging present participle & vb. noun of Misarrange
misbefitting adjective No befitting.
miscalculate verb t. & i. To calculate erroneously; to judge wrongly.
miscellanist noun A writer of miscellanies; miscellanarian.
miscellanies plural of Miscellany
mischanceful adjective Unlucky.
mischiefable adjective Mischievous.
miscognizant adjective Not cognizant; ignorant; not knowing.
misconceived imp. & past participle of Misconceive
misconceiver noun One who misconceives.
misconfident adjective Having a mistaken confidence; wrongly trusting.
misconstruct verb t. To construct wrongly; to construe or interpret erroneously.
misconstrued imp. & past participle of Misconstrue
misconstruer noun One who misconstrues.
miscredulity noun Wrong credulity or belief; misbelief.
misdemeanant noun One guilty of a misdemeanor.
misdirection noun The act of directing wrongly, or the state of being so directed., An error of a judge in charging the jury on a matter of law.
misericordia noun An amercement., A thin-bladed dagger; so called, in the Middle Ages, because used to give the death wound or “mercy” stroke to a fallen adversary., An indulgence as to food or dress granted to a member of a religious order.
misformation noun Malformation.
misfortunate adjective Producing misfortune.
misinformant noun A misinformer.
misinterpret verb t. To interpret erroneously; to understand or to explain in a wrong sense.
mislactation noun Defective flow or vitiated condition of the milk.
misobedience noun Mistaken obedience; disobedience.
misplacement noun The act of misplacing, or the state of being misplaced.
mispronounce verb t. & i. To pronounce incorrectly.
mispunctuate verb t. To punctuate wrongly or incorrectly.
misquotation noun Erroneous or inaccurate quotation.
misreckoning noun An erroneous computation.
misrecollect verb t. & i. To have an erroneous remembrance of; to suppose erroneously that one recollects.
misrepresent verb t. To represent incorrectly (almost always, unfacorably); to give a false erroneous representation of, either maliciously, ignirantly, or carelessly., To make an incorrect or untrue representation.
missemblance noun False resemblance or semblance.
missionaries plural of Missionary
misstatement noun An incorrect statement.
missummation noun Wrong summation.
mistakenness noun Erroneousness.
mistradition noun A wrong tradition.
mistranslate verb t. To translate erroneously.
mistransport verb t. To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion.
mistreatment noun Wrong treatment.
mistressship noun Female rule or dominion., Ladyship, a style of address; — with the personal pronoun.
mistrustless adjective Having no mistrust or suspicion.
misworshiper noun One who worships wrongly.
mitrailleuse noun A breech-loading machine gun consisting of a number of barrels fitted together, so arranged that the barrels can be fired simultaneously, or successively, and rapidly.
mobilization noun The act of mobilizing.
mockingstock noun A butt of sport; an object of derision.
moderateness noun The quality or state of being moderate; temperateness; moderation.
modification noun The act of modifying, or the state of being modified; a modified form or condition; state as modified; a change; as, the modification of an opinion, or of a machine; the various modifications of light.
modificative noun That which modifies or qualifies, as a word or clause.
modificatory adjective Tending or serving to modify; modifying.
moistureless adjective Without moisture.
molecularity noun The state of consisting of molecules; the state or quality of being molecular.
molluscoidal adjective Molluscoid.
molluscoidea noun pl. A division of Invertebrata which includes the classes Brachiopoda and Bryozoa; — called also Anthoid Mollusca.
momentaneous adjective Alt. of Momentany
monadelphian adjective Alt. of Monadelphous
monadelphous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monadelphia; having the stamens united in one body by the filaments.
monarchizing present participle & vb. noun of Monarchize
monastically adverb In a monastic manner.
monetization noun The act or process of converting into money, or of adopting as money; as, the monetization of silver.
money-making noun The act or process of making money; the acquisition and accumulation of wealth., Affording profitable returns; lucrative; as, a money-making business., Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim; as, a money-making man.
monitorially adverb In a monitorial manner.
monkey-bread noun The fruit of the Adansonia digitata; also, the tree. See Adansonia.
monocarbonic adjective Containing one carboxyl group; as, acetic acid is a monocarbonic acid.
monociliated adjective Having but one cilium.
monodelphian noun One of the Monodelphia.
monodelphous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monodelphia.
monodimetric adjective Dimetric.
monodramatic adjective Pertaining to a monodrama.
monodynamism noun The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force.
monogenistic adjective Monogenic.
monogoneutic adjective Having but one brood in a season.
monogrammous adjective Monogrammic.
monographist noun One who writes a monograph.
monographous adjective Monographic.
monohemerous adjective Lasting but one day.
monomaniacal adjective Affected with monomania, or partial derangement of intellect; caused by, or resulting from, monomania; as, a monomaniacal delusion.
monometallic adjective Consisting of one metal; of or pertaining to monometallism.
monomorphous adjective Having but a single form; retaining the same form throughout the various stages of development; of the same or of an essentially similar type of structure; — opposed to dimorphic, trimorphic, and polymorphic.
monopersonal adjective Having but one person, or form of existence.
monopetalous adjective Having only one petal, or the corolla in one piece, or composed of petals cohering so as to form a tube or bowl; gamopetalous.
monophyletic adjective Of or pertaining to a single family or stock, or to development from a single common parent form; — opposed to polyphyletic; as, monophyletic origin.
monophyllous adjective One-leaved; composed of a single leaf; as, a monophyllous involucre or calyx.
monophyodont adjective Having but one set of teeth; — opposed to diphyodont.
monopneumona noun pl. A suborder of Dipnoi, including the Ceratodus.
monopolistic adjective Of or pertaining to a monopolist.
monopolizing present participle & vb. noun of Monopolize
monopsychism noun The doctrine that there is but one immortal soul or intellect with which all men are endowed.
monopyrenous adjective Having but a single stone or kernel.
monosepalous adjective Having only one sepal, or the calyx in one piece or composed of the sepals united into one piece; gamosepalous.
monospermous adjective Having only one seed.
monostichous adjective Arranged in a single row on one side of an axis, as the flowers in grasses of the tribe Chloridae.
monostrophic adjective Having one strophe only; not varied in measure; written in unvaried measure.
monosulphide noun A sulphide containing one atom of sulphur, and analogous to a monoxide; — contrasted with a polysulphide; as, galena is a monosulphide.
monosyllabic adjective Being a monosyllable, or composed of monosyllables; as, a monosyllabic word; a monosyllabic language.
monosyllable noun A word of one syllable.
monotessaron noun A single narrative framed from the statements of the four evangelists; a gospel harmony.
monothalaman noun A foraminifer having but one chamber.
monotheistic adjective Of or pertaining to monotheism.
monothelitic adjective Of or pertaining to the Monothelites, or their doctrine.
monotriglyph noun A kind of intercolumniation in an entablature, in which only one triglyph and two metopes are introduced.
messeigneurs plural of Monseigneur
monstruosity noun Monstrosity.
monumentally adverb By way of memorial., By means of monuments.
moralization noun The act of moralizing; moral reflections or discourse., Explanation in a moral sense.
morigeration noun Obsequiousness; obedience.
morphologist noun One who is versed in the science of morphology.
morsing horn A horn or flask for holding powder, as for priming.
mortifyingly adverb In a mortifying manner.
motherliness noun The state or quality of being motherly.
mother-naked adjective Naked as when born.
mountenaunce noun Mountance.
mouth-footed adjective Having the basal joints of the legs converted into jaws.
mucilaginous adjective Partaking of the nature of, or resembling, mucilage; moist, soft, and viscid; slimy; ropy; as, a mucilaginous liquid., Of, pertaining to, or secreting, mucilage; as, the mucilaginous glands., Soluble in water, but not in alcohol; yielding mucilage; as, mucilaginous gums or plants.
mucopurulent adjective Having the character or appearance of both mucus and pus.
muddy-headed adjective Dull; stupid.
muggletonian noun One of an extinct sect, named after Ludovic Muggleton, an English journeyman tailor, who (about 1657) claimed to be inspired.
mullagatawny noun An East Indian curry soup.
mulligatawny noun See Mullagatawny.
multicentral adjective Having many, or several, centers; as, a multicentral cell.
multicipital adjective Having many heads or many stems from one crown or root.
multicostate adjective Having numerous ribs, or costae, as the leaf of a plant, or as certain shells and corals.
multidentate adjective Having many teeth, or toothlike processes.
multifarious adjective Having multiplicity; having great diversity or variety; of various kinds; diversified; made up of many differing parts; manifold., Having parts, as leaves, arranged in many vertical rows.
multiflorous adjective Having many flowers.
multiformity noun The quality of being multiform; diversity of forms; variety of appearances in the same thing.
multiformous adjective Multiform.
multilateral adjective Having many sides; many-sided.
multilocular adjective Having many or several cells or compartments; as, a multilocular shell or capsule.
multiloquent adjective Alt. of Multiloquous
multiloquous adjective Speaking much; very talkative; loquacious.
multinominal adjective Alt. of Multinominous
multinuclear adjective Containing many nuclei; as, multinuclear cells.
multipartite adjective Divided into many parts; having several parts.
multipliable adjective Capable of being multiplied.
multiplicand noun The number which is to be multiplied by another number called the multiplier. See Note under Multiplication.
multiplicate adjective Consisting of many, or of more than one; multiple; multifold.
multiplicity noun The quality of being multiple, manifold, or various; a state of being many; a multitude; as, a multiplicity of thoughts or objects.
multipresent adjective Being, or having the power to be, present in two or more places at once.
multiradiate adjective Having many rays.
multiseptate adjective Divided into many chambers by partitions, as the pith of the pokeweed.
multistriate adjective Having many streaks.
multisulcate adjective Having many furrows.
multititular adjective Having many titles.
multitubular adjective Having many tubes; as, a multitubular boiler.
multivalence noun Quality, state, or degree, of a multivalent element, atom, or radical.
multiversant adjective Turning into many shapes; assuming many forms; protean.
multungulate adjective Having many hoofs.
municipalism noun Municipal condition.
municipality noun A municipal district; a borough, city, or incorporated town or village.
muscovy duck A duck (Cairina moschata), larger than the common duck, often raised in poultry yards. Called also musk duck. It is native of tropical America, from Mexico to Southern Brazil.
mussulmanish adjective Mohammedan.
mussulmanism noun Mohammedanism.
myographical adjective Of or pertaining to myography.
myriological adjective Of or relating to a myriologue.
myrmotherine adjective Feeding upon ants; — said of certain birds.
mystagogical adjective Of or pertaining to interpretation of mysteries or to mystagogue; of the nature of mystagogy.
mysteriously adverb In a mysterious manner.
mystificator noun One who mystifies.
mythographer noun A composer of fables.
mythological adjective Of or pertaining to mythology or to myths; mythical; fabulous.
mythologizer noun One who, or that which, mythologizes.
mytilotoxine noun A poisonous base (leucomaine) found in the common mussel. It either causes paralysis of the muscles, or gives rise to convulsions, including death by an accumulation of carbonic acid in the blood.
myxocystodea noun pl. A division of Infusoria including the Noctiluca. See Noctiluca.