12 letter word starting with me

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
meal-mouthed adjective See Mealy-mouthed.
mechanically adverb In a mechanical manner.
mechanograph noun One of a number of copies of anything multiplied mechanically.
mediaevalism noun The method or spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to the institutions and practices of the Middle Ages; a survival from the Middle Ages.
mediaevalist noun One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the Middle Ages.
mediatorship noun The office or character of a mediator.
medicamental adjective Of or pertaining to medicaments or healing applications; having the qualities of medicaments.
medico-legal adjective Of or pertaining to law as affected by medical facts.
medina epoch A subdivision of the Niagara period in the American upper Silurian, characterized by the formations known as the Oneida conglomerate, and the Medina sandstone. See the Chart of Geology.
medium-sized adjective Having a medium size; as, a medium-sized man.
meetinghouse noun A house used as a place of worship; a church; — in England, applied only to a house so used by Dissenters.
megacephalic adjective Alt. of Megacephalous
megalopsychy noun Greatness of soul.
megalosaurus noun A gigantic carnivorous dinosaur, whose fossil remains have been found in England and elsewhere.
melancholian noun A person affected with melancholy; a melancholic.
melancholily adverb In a melancholy manner.
melancholist noun One affected with melancholy or dejection.
melancholize verb i. To become gloomy or dejected in mind., To make melancholy.
melanochroic adjective Having a dark complexion; of or pertaining to the Melanochroi.
melanocomous adjective Having very dark or black hair; black-haired.
melanorrhoea noun An East Indian genus of large trees. Melanorrh/a usitatissima is the lignum-vitae of Pegu, and yelds a valuable black varnish.
mellifluence noun A flow of sweetness, or a sweet, smooth flow.
melliloquent adjective Speaking sweetly or harmoniously.
melliphagous adjective See Meliphagous.
melodiograph noun A contrivance for preserving a record of music, by recording the action of the keys of a musical instrument when played upon.
melodramatic adjective Of or pertaining to melodrama; like or suitable to a melodrama; unnatural in situation or action.
membraniform adjective Having the form of a membrane or of parchment.
membranology noun The science which treats of membranes.
memorability noun The quality or state of being memorable.
memorialized imp. & past participle of Memorialize
memorializer noun One who petitions by a memorial.
menispermine noun An alkaloid distinct from picrotoxin and obtained from the cocculus indicus (the fruit of Anamirta Cocculus, formerly Menispermum Cocculus) as a white, crystalline, tasteless powder; — called also menispermina.
menobranchus noun A large aquatic American salamander of the genus Necturus, having permanent external gills.
menstruating present participle & vb. noun of Menstruate
menstruation noun The discharge of the menses; also, the state or the period of menstruating.
merchandised imp. & past participle of Merchandise
merchandiser noun A trader.
merchantable adjective Fit for market; such as is usually sold in market, or such as will bring the ordinary price; as, merchantable wheat; sometimes, a technical designation for a particular kind or class.
mercurialist noun One under the influence of Mercury; one resembling Mercury in character., A physician who uses much mercury, in any of its forms, in his practice.
mercurialize verb t. To affect with mercury., To treat with mercury; to expose to the vapor of mercury., To be sprightly, fantastic, or capricious.
mercurifying present participle & vb. noun of Mercurify
meretricious adjective Of or pertaining to prostitutes; having to do with harlots; lustful; as, meretricious traffic., Resembling the arts of a harlot; alluring by false show; gaudily and deceitfully ornamental; tawdry; as, meretricious dress or ornaments.
meridionally adverb In the direction of the meridian.
merry-andrew noun One whose business is to make sport for others; a buffoon; a zany; especially, one who attends a mountebank or quack doctor.
merrymeeting noun A meeting for mirth.
merrythought noun The forked bone of a fowl’s breast; — called also wishbone. See Furculum.
mesitylenate noun A salt of mesitylenic acid.
mesobronchia plural of Mesobronchium
mesocephalic adjective Of or pertaining to, or in the region of, the middle of the head; as, the mesocephalic flexure., Having the cranial cavity of medium capacity; neither megacephalic nor microcephalic., Having the ratio of the length to the breadth of the cranium a medium one; mesaticephalic.
mesocephalon noun The pons Varolii.
mesocoracoid noun A process from the middle of the coracoid in some animals.
mesocuniform noun One of the bones of the tarsus. See 2d Cuneiform.
mesogastrium noun The umbilical region., The mesogaster.
mesognathous adjective Having the jaws slightly projecting; between prognathous and orthognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic.
mesopodialia plural of Mesopodiale
mesoscapular adjective Of or pertaining to the mesoscapula.
mesosiderite noun See the Note under Meteorite.
mesotartaric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also inactive tartaric acid.
mesothoracic adjective Of or pertaining to the mesothorax.
metachronism noun An error committed in chronology by placing an event after its real time.
metagnathous adjective Cross-billed; — said of certain birds, as the crossbill.
metaleptical adjective Metaleptic.
metallograph noun A print made by metallography.
metallurgist noun One who works in metals, or prepares them for use; one who is skilled in metallurgy.
metalorganic adjective Pertaining to, or denoting, any one of a series of compounds of certain metallic elements with organic radicals; as, zinc methyl, sodium ethyl, etc.
metamorphism noun The state or quality of being metamorphic; the process by which the material of rock masses has been more or less recrystallized by heat, pressure, etc., as in the change of sedimentary limestone to marble.
metamorphist noun One who believes that the body of Christ was merged into the Deity when he ascended.
metamorphize verb t. To metamorphose.
metamorphose verb t. To change into a different form; to transform; to transmute., Same as Metamorphosis.
metanauplius noun A larval crustacean in a stage following the nauplius, and having about seven pairs of appendages.
metantimonic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid (formerly called antimonic acid) analogous to metaphosphoric acid, and obtained as a white amorphous insoluble substance, (HSbO3)., Formerly, designating an acid, which is now properly called pyroantimonic acid, and analogous to pyrophosphoric acid.
metaphorical adjective Of or pertaining to metaphor; comprising a metaphor; not literal; figurative; tropical; as, a metaphorical expression; a metaphorical sense.
metaphrastic adjective Alt. of Metaphrastical
metaphysical adjective Of or pertaining to metaphysics., According to rules or principles of metaphysics; as, metaphysical reasoning., Preternatural or supernatural.
metapodialia plural of Metapodiale
metapophyses plural of Metapophysis
metapophysis noun A tubercle projecting from the anterior articular processes of some vertebr/; a mammillary process.
metasilicate noun A salt of metasilicic acid.
metasomatism noun An alteration in a mineral or rock mass when involving a chemical change of the substance, as of chrysolite to serpentine; — opposed to ordinary metamorphism, as implying simply a recrystallization.
metastannate noun A salt of metastannic acid.
metathetical adjective Of or pertaining to metathesis.
metathoracic adjective Of or pertaining to the metathorax.
metatungstic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an acid known only in its salts (the metatungstates) and properly called polytungstic, or pyrotungstic, acid.
metavanadate noun A salt of metavanadic acid.
metempirical adjective Related, or belonging, to the objects of knowledge within the province of metempirics.
meteorograph noun An instrument which registers meteorologic phases or conditions.
meteoroligic adjective Alt. of Meteorological
meteoromancy noun A species of divination by meteors, chiefly by thunder and lightning, which was held in high estimation by the Romans.
meteorometer noun An apparatus which transmits automatically to a central station atmospheric changes as marked by the anemometer, barometer, thermometer, etc.
meteoroscope noun An astrolabe; a planisphere., An instrument for measuring the position, length, and direction, of the apparent path of a shooting star.
metoposcopic adjective Alt. of Metoposcopical
metrological adjective Of or pertaining to metrology.
metropolitan adjective Of or pertaining to the capital or principal city of a country; as, metropolitan luxury., Of, pertaining to, or designating, a metropolitan or the presiding bishop of a country or province, his office, or his dignity; as, metropolitan authority., The superior or presiding bishop of a country or province., An archbishop., A bishop whose see is civil metropolis. His rank is intermediate between that of an archbishop and a patriarch.
metrorrhagia noun Profuse bleeding from the womb, esp. such as does not occur at the menstrual period.
metrosideros noun A myrtaceous genus of trees or shrubs, found in Australia and the South Sea Islands, and having very hard wood. Metrosideros vera is the true ironwood.
mezzotintoed imp. & past participle of Mezzotinto
messeigneurs plural of Monseigneur