12 letter word starting with mi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
micracoustic adjective Same as Microustic.
microcoulomb noun A measure of electrical quantity; the millionth part of one coulomb.
microcoustic adjective Pertaining, or suited, to the audition of small sounds; fitted to assist hearing., An instrument for making faint sounds audible, as to a partially deaf person.
micrographic adjective Of or pertaining to micrography.
micrological adjective Of or pertaining to micrology; very minute; as, micrologic examination.
micronesians noun pl. A dark race inhabiting the Micronesian Islands. They are supposed to be a mixed race, derived from Polynesians and Papuans.
micronometer noun An instrument for noting minute portions of time.
microphonics noun The science which treats of the means of increasing the intensity of low or weak sounds, or of the microphone.
microphonous adjective Serving to augment the intensity of weak sounds; microcoustic.
microscopial adjective Microscopic.
microscopist noun One skilled in, or given to, microscopy.
microsthenic adjective Having a typically small size; of or pertaining to the microsthenes.
middle-earth noun The world, considered as lying between heaven and hell.
milk-livered adjective White-livered; cowardly; timorous.
millionnaire noun Millionaire.
minatorially adverb Alt. of Minatorily
mineralizing present participle & vb. noun of Mineralize
mineralogist noun One versed in mineralogy; one devoted to the study of minerals., A carrier shell (Phorus).
mineralogize verb i. To study mineralogy by collecting and examining minerals.
mineralogies plural of Mineralogy
minimization noun The act or process of minimizing.
ministration noun The act of ministering; service; ministry.
ministrative adjective Serving to aid; ministering.
ministryship noun The office of a minister.
mirabilaries plural of Mirabilary
misadventure noun Mischance; misfortune; ill lick; unlucky accident; ill adventure.
misaffection noun An evil or wrong affection; the state of being ill affected.
misallotment noun A wrong allotment.
misanthropic adjective Alt. of Misanthropical
misanthropos noun A misanthrope.
misapprehend verb t. To take in a wrong sense; to misunderstand.
misarranging present participle & vb. noun of Misarrange
misbefitting adjective No befitting.
miscalculate verb t. & i. To calculate erroneously; to judge wrongly.
miscellanist noun A writer of miscellanies; miscellanarian.
miscellanies plural of Miscellany
mischanceful adjective Unlucky.
mischiefable adjective Mischievous.
miscognizant adjective Not cognizant; ignorant; not knowing.
misconceived imp. & past participle of Misconceive
misconceiver noun One who misconceives.
misconfident adjective Having a mistaken confidence; wrongly trusting.
misconstruct verb t. To construct wrongly; to construe or interpret erroneously.
misconstrued imp. & past participle of Misconstrue
misconstruer noun One who misconstrues.
miscredulity noun Wrong credulity or belief; misbelief.
misdemeanant noun One guilty of a misdemeanor.
misdirection noun The act of directing wrongly, or the state of being so directed., An error of a judge in charging the jury on a matter of law.
misericordia noun An amercement., A thin-bladed dagger; so called, in the Middle Ages, because used to give the death wound or “mercy” stroke to a fallen adversary., An indulgence as to food or dress granted to a member of a religious order.
misformation noun Malformation.
misfortunate adjective Producing misfortune.
misinformant noun A misinformer.
misinterpret verb t. To interpret erroneously; to understand or to explain in a wrong sense.
mislactation noun Defective flow or vitiated condition of the milk.
misobedience noun Mistaken obedience; disobedience.
misplacement noun The act of misplacing, or the state of being misplaced.
mispronounce verb t. & i. To pronounce incorrectly.
mispunctuate verb t. To punctuate wrongly or incorrectly.
misquotation noun Erroneous or inaccurate quotation.
misreckoning noun An erroneous computation.
misrecollect verb t. & i. To have an erroneous remembrance of; to suppose erroneously that one recollects.
misrepresent verb t. To represent incorrectly (almost always, unfacorably); to give a false erroneous representation of, either maliciously, ignirantly, or carelessly., To make an incorrect or untrue representation.
missemblance noun False resemblance or semblance.
missionaries plural of Missionary
misstatement noun An incorrect statement.
missummation noun Wrong summation.
mistakenness noun Erroneousness.
mistradition noun A wrong tradition.
mistranslate verb t. To translate erroneously.
mistransport verb t. To carry away or mislead wrongfully, as by passion.
mistreatment noun Wrong treatment.
mistressship noun Female rule or dominion., Ladyship, a style of address; — with the personal pronoun.
mistrustless adjective Having no mistrust or suspicion.
misworshiper noun One who worships wrongly.
mitrailleuse noun A breech-loading machine gun consisting of a number of barrels fitted together, so arranged that the barrels can be fired simultaneously, or successively, and rapidly.