12 letter word starting with mon

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
monadelphian adjective Alt. of Monadelphous
monadelphous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monadelphia; having the stamens united in one body by the filaments.
monarchizing present participle & vb. noun of Monarchize
monastically adverb In a monastic manner.
monetization noun The act or process of converting into money, or of adopting as money; as, the monetization of silver.
money-making noun The act or process of making money; the acquisition and accumulation of wealth., Affording profitable returns; lucrative; as, a money-making business., Sussessful in gaining money, and devoted to that aim; as, a money-making man.
monitorially adverb In a monitorial manner.
monkey-bread noun The fruit of the Adansonia digitata; also, the tree. See Adansonia.
monocarbonic adjective Containing one carboxyl group; as, acetic acid is a monocarbonic acid.
monociliated adjective Having but one cilium.
monodelphian noun One of the Monodelphia.
monodelphous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monodelphia.
monodimetric adjective Dimetric.
monodramatic adjective Pertaining to a monodrama.
monodynamism noun The theory that the various forms of activity in nature are manifestations of the same force.
monogenistic adjective Monogenic.
monogoneutic adjective Having but one brood in a season.
monogrammous adjective Monogrammic.
monographist noun One who writes a monograph.
monographous adjective Monographic.
monohemerous adjective Lasting but one day.
monomaniacal adjective Affected with monomania, or partial derangement of intellect; caused by, or resulting from, monomania; as, a monomaniacal delusion.
monometallic adjective Consisting of one metal; of or pertaining to monometallism.
monomorphous adjective Having but a single form; retaining the same form throughout the various stages of development; of the same or of an essentially similar type of structure; — opposed to dimorphic, trimorphic, and polymorphic.
monopersonal adjective Having but one person, or form of existence.
monopetalous adjective Having only one petal, or the corolla in one piece, or composed of petals cohering so as to form a tube or bowl; gamopetalous.
monophyletic adjective Of or pertaining to a single family or stock, or to development from a single common parent form; — opposed to polyphyletic; as, monophyletic origin.
monophyllous adjective One-leaved; composed of a single leaf; as, a monophyllous involucre or calyx.
monophyodont adjective Having but one set of teeth; — opposed to diphyodont.
monopneumona noun pl. A suborder of Dipnoi, including the Ceratodus.
monopolistic adjective Of or pertaining to a monopolist.
monopolizing present participle & vb. noun of Monopolize
monopsychism noun The doctrine that there is but one immortal soul or intellect with which all men are endowed.
monopyrenous adjective Having but a single stone or kernel.
monosepalous adjective Having only one sepal, or the calyx in one piece or composed of the sepals united into one piece; gamosepalous.
monospermous adjective Having only one seed.
monostichous adjective Arranged in a single row on one side of an axis, as the flowers in grasses of the tribe Chloridae.
monostrophic adjective Having one strophe only; not varied in measure; written in unvaried measure.
monosulphide noun A sulphide containing one atom of sulphur, and analogous to a monoxide; — contrasted with a polysulphide; as, galena is a monosulphide.
monosyllabic adjective Being a monosyllable, or composed of monosyllables; as, a monosyllabic word; a monosyllabic language.
monosyllable noun A word of one syllable.
monotessaron noun A single narrative framed from the statements of the four evangelists; a gospel harmony.
monothalaman noun A foraminifer having but one chamber.
monotheistic adjective Of or pertaining to monotheism.
monothelitic adjective Of or pertaining to the Monothelites, or their doctrine.
monotriglyph noun A kind of intercolumniation in an entablature, in which only one triglyph and two metopes are introduced.
monstruosity noun Monstrosity.
monumentally adverb By way of memorial., By means of monuments.