12 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
mucilaginous adjective Partaking of the nature of, or resembling, mucilage; moist, soft, and viscid; slimy; ropy; as, a mucilaginous liquid., Of, pertaining to, or secreting, mucilage; as, the mucilaginous glands., Soluble in water, but not in alcohol; yielding mucilage; as, mucilaginous gums or plants.
mucopurulent adjective Having the character or appearance of both mucus and pus.
muddy-headed adjective Dull; stupid.
muggletonian noun One of an extinct sect, named after Ludovic Muggleton, an English journeyman tailor, who (about 1657) claimed to be inspired.
mullagatawny noun An East Indian curry soup.
mulligatawny noun See Mullagatawny.
multicentral adjective Having many, or several, centers; as, a multicentral cell.
multicipital adjective Having many heads or many stems from one crown or root.
multicostate adjective Having numerous ribs, or costae, as the leaf of a plant, or as certain shells and corals.
multidentate adjective Having many teeth, or toothlike processes.
multifarious adjective Having multiplicity; having great diversity or variety; of various kinds; diversified; made up of many differing parts; manifold., Having parts, as leaves, arranged in many vertical rows.
multiflorous adjective Having many flowers.
multiformity noun The quality of being multiform; diversity of forms; variety of appearances in the same thing.
multiformous adjective Multiform.
multilateral adjective Having many sides; many-sided.
multilocular adjective Having many or several cells or compartments; as, a multilocular shell or capsule.
multiloquent adjective Alt. of Multiloquous
multiloquous adjective Speaking much; very talkative; loquacious.
multinominal adjective Alt. of Multinominous
multinuclear adjective Containing many nuclei; as, multinuclear cells.
multipartite adjective Divided into many parts; having several parts.
multipliable adjective Capable of being multiplied.
multiplicand noun The number which is to be multiplied by another number called the multiplier. See Note under Multiplication.
multiplicate adjective Consisting of many, or of more than one; multiple; multifold.
multiplicity noun The quality of being multiple, manifold, or various; a state of being many; a multitude; as, a multiplicity of thoughts or objects.
multipresent adjective Being, or having the power to be, present in two or more places at once.
multiradiate adjective Having many rays.
multiseptate adjective Divided into many chambers by partitions, as the pith of the pokeweed.
multistriate adjective Having many streaks.
multisulcate adjective Having many furrows.
multititular adjective Having many titles.
multitubular adjective Having many tubes; as, a multitubular boiler.
multivalence noun Quality, state, or degree, of a multivalent element, atom, or radical.
multiversant adjective Turning into many shapes; assuming many forms; protean.
multungulate adjective Having many hoofs.
municipalism noun Municipal condition.
municipality noun A municipal district; a borough, city, or incorporated town or village.
muscovy duck A duck (Cairina moschata), larger than the common duck, often raised in poultry yards. Called also musk duck. It is native of tropical America, from Mexico to Southern Brazil.
mussulmanish adjective Mohammedan.
mussulmanism noun Mohammedanism.