12 letter word starting with no

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nobilitation noun The act of making noble.
noble-minded adjective Having a noble mind; honorable; magnanimous.
noctambulism noun Somnambulism.
noctambulist noun A somnambulist.
nomenclature noun A name., A vocabulary, dictionary, or glossary., The technical names used in any particular branch of science or art, or by any school or individual; as, the nomenclature of botany or of chemistry; the nomenclature of Lavoisier and his associates.
nominalistic adjective Of or pertaining to the Nominalists.
nominatively adverb In the manner of a nominative; as a nominative.
nomothetical adjective Legislative; enacting laws; as, a nomothetical power.
nonadmission noun Failure to be admitted.
nonagenarian noun A person ninety years old.
nonattention noun Inattention.
nonchalantly adverb In a nonchalant, indifferent, or careless manner; coolly.
noncombatant noun Any person connected with an army, or within the lines of an army, who does not make it his business to fight, as any one of the medical officers and their assistants, chaplains, and others; also, any of the citizens of a place occupied by an army; also, any one holding a similar position with respect to the navy.
noncommittal noun A state of not being committed or pledged; forbearance or refusal to commit one’s self. Also used adjectively.
noncommunion noun Neglect or failure of communion.
noncomplying adjective Neglecting or refusing to comply.
nonconductor noun A substance which does not conduct, that is, convey or transmit, heat, electricity, sound, vibration, or the like, or which transmits them with difficulty; an insulator; as, wool is a nonconductor of heat; glass and dry wood are nonconductors of electricity.
nondeciduate adjective Characterized by the absence of a decidua; indeciduate.
nondiscovery noun Want or failure of discovery.
noneffective adjective Not effective., Not fit or available for duty.
nonessential adjective Not essential., A thing not essential.
nonexecution noun Neglect or failure of execution; nonperformance.
nonexistence noun Absence of existence; the negation of being; nonentity., A thing that has no existence.
nonextensile adjective Not extensile; incapable of being stretched.
non-feasance noun An omission or neglect to do something, esp. that which ought to have been done. Cf. Malfeasance.
nonimporting adjective Not importing; not bringing from foreign countries.
nonmalignant adjective Not malignant, as a disease.
nonnecessity noun Absence of necessity; the quality or state of being unnecessary.
nonnucleated adjective Without a nucleus.
nonobedience noun Neglect of obedience; failure to obey.
non obstante Notwithstanding; in opposition to, or in spite of, what has been stated, or is to be stated or admitted., A clause in old English statutes and letters patent, importing a license from the crown to do a thing notwithstanding any statute to the contrary. This dispensing power was abolished by the Bill of Rights.
nonoxygenous adjective Without oxygen; characterized by the absence of oxygen; as, a nonoxygenous alkaloid.
non-prossing present participle & vb. noun of Non-pros
nonrecurrent adjective Not recurring.
nonrecurring adjective Nonrecurrent.
nonrendition noun Neglect of rendition; the not rendering what is due.
nonresidence noun The state or condition of being nonresident,
nonresistant adjective Making no resistance., One who maintains that no resistance should be made to constituted authority, even when unjustly or oppressively exercised; one who advocates or practices absolute submission; also, one who holds that violence should never be resisted by force.
nonresisting adjective Not making resistance.
nonsensitive adjective Not sensitive; wanting sense or perception; not easily affected.
non sequitur An inference which does not follow from the premises.
nook-shotten adjective Full of nooks, angles, or corners.
northeastern adjective Of or pertaining to the northeast; northeasterly.
northernmost adjective Farthest north.
northumbrian adjective Of or pertaining to Northumberland in England., A native or inhabitant of Northumberland.
northwestern adjective Of, pertaining to, or being in, the northwest; in a direction toward the northwest; coming from the northwest; northwesterly; as, a northwestern course.
notabilities plural of Notability
notelessness noun A state of being noteless.
nothingarian noun One of no certain belief; one belonging to no particular sect.
notification noun The act of notifying, or giving notice; the act of making known; especially, the act of giving official notice or information to the public or to individuals, corporations, companies, or societies, by words, by writing, or by other means., Notice given in words or writing, or by signs., The writing which communicates information; an advertisement, or citation, etc.
nourishingly adverb Nutritively; cherishingly.