12 letter word starting with or

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
orang-outang noun An arboreal anthropoid ape (Simia satyrus), which inhabits Borneo and Sumatra. Often called simply orang.
orbiculation noun The state or quality of being orbiculate; orbicularness.
orchidaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order (Orchidaceae) of endogenous plants of which the genus Orchis is the type. They are mostly perennial herbs having the stamens and pistils united in a single column, and normally three petals and three sepals, all adherent to the ovary. The flowers are curiously shaped, often resembling insects, the odd or lower petal (called the lip) being unlike the others, and sometimes of a strange and unexpected appearance. About one hundred species occur in the United States, but several thousand in the tropics.
ordinability noun Capability of being ordained or appointed.
ordinaryship noun The state of being an ordinary.
oregon grape An evergreen species of barberry (Berberis Aquifolium), of Oregon and California; also, its roundish, blue-black berries.
organization noun The act of organizing; the act of arranging in a systematic way for use or action; as, the organization of an army, or of a deliberative body., The state of being organized; also, the relations included in such a state or condition., That which is organized; an organized existence; an organism, an arrangement of parts for the performance of the functions necessary to life.
organography noun A description of the organs of animals or plants.
organoleptic adjective Making an impression upon an organ; plastic; — said of the effect or impression produced by any substance on the organs of touch, taste, or smell, and also on the organism as a whole.
orichalceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, orichalch; having a color or luster like that of brass.
orientalized imp. & past participle of Orientalize
originalness noun The quality of being original; originality.
ornamentally adverb By way of ornament.
ornithologic adjective Alt. of Ornithological
ornithomancy noun Divination by means of birds, their flight, etc.
ornithopappi noun pl. An extinct order of birds. It includes only the Archaeopteryx.
ornithoscopy noun Observation of birds and their habits.
orographical adjective Of or pertaining to orography.
orthoclastic adjective Breaking in directions at right angles to each other; — said of the monoclinic feldspars.
orthodoxally adverb Orthodoxly.
orthodoxical adjective Pertaining to, or evincing, orthodoxy; orthodox.
orthodoxness noun The quality or state of being orthodox; orthodoxy.
orthodromics noun The art of sailing in a direct course, or on the arc of a great circle, which is the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of the globe; great-circle sailing; orthodromy.
orthognathic adjective Orthognathous.
orthogonally adverb Perpendicularly; at right angles; as, a curve cuts a set of curves orthogonally.
orthographer noun One versed in orthography; one who spells words correctly.
orthographic adjective Alt. of Orthographical
orthomorphic adjective Having the right form.
orthopedical adjective Pertaining to, or employed in, orthopedy; relating to the prevention or cure of deformities of children, or, in general, of the human body at any age; as, orthopedic surgery; an orthopedic hospital.
orthopterous adjective Of or pertaining to the Orthoptera.
orthorhombic adjective Noting the system of crystallization which has three unequal axes at right angles to each other; trimetric. See Crystallization.
orthosilicic adjective Designating the form of silicic acid having the normal or highest number of hydroxyl groups.
orthotropous adjective Having the axis of an ovule or seed straight from the hilum and chalaza to the orifice or the micropyle; atropous.
oryctography noun Description of fossils.
oryctologist noun One versed in oryctology.