12 letter word starting with pa

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
pachycarpous adjective Having the pericarp thick.
pachydermata noun pl. A group of hoofed mammals distinguished for the thickness of their skins, including the elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, tapir, horse, and hog. It is now considered an artificial group.
pachydermoid adjective Related to the pachyderms.
pachyglossal adjective Having a thick tongue; — applied to a group of lizards (Pachyglossae), including the iguanas and agamas.
pacification noun The act or process of pacifying, or of making peace between parties at variance; reconciliation.
pacificatory adjective Tending to make peace; conciliatory.
paedobaptism noun Pedobaptism.
paedogenesis noun Reproduction by young or larval animals.
paedogenetic adjective Producing young while in the immature or larval state; — said of certain insects, etc.
palaetiology noun The science which explains, by the law of causation, the past condition and changes of the earth.
palatability noun Palatableness.
paleichthyes noun pl. A comprehensive division of fishes which includes the elasmobranchs and ganoids.
paleocrystic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, a former glacial formation.
paleographer noun One skilled in paleography; a paleographist.
paleographic adjective Alt. of Paleographical
paleontology noun The science which treats of the ancient life of the earth, or of fossils which are the remains of such life.
paleotechnic adjective Belonging to, or connected with, ancient art.
paleotherian adjective Of or pertaining to Paleotherium.
paleotherium noun An extinct genus of herbivorous Tertiary mammals, once supposed to have resembled the tapir in form, but now known to have had a more slender form, with a long neck like that of a llama.
paleotheroid Resembling Paleotherium., An animal resembling, or allied to, the paleothere.
paleozoology noun The Paleozoic time or strata.
palification noun The act or practice of driving piles or posts into the ground to make it firm.
palindromist noun A writer of palindromes.
palingenesia noun See Palingenesis.
palingenesis noun Alt. of Palingenesy
palingenetic adjective Of or pertaining to palingenesis: as, a palingenetic process.
palmatilobed adjective Palmate, with the divisions separated less than halfway to the common center.
paludamentum noun A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
pan-american adjective Of or pertaining to both North and South America.
pan-anglican adjective Belonging to, or representing, the whole Church of England; used less strictly, to include the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States; as, the Pan-Anglican Conference at Lambeth, in 1888.
pandiculated adjective Extended; spread out; stretched.
panegyrizing present participle & vb. noun of Panegyrize
panhellenism noun A scheme to unite all the Greeks in one political body.
panhellenist noun An advocate of Panhellenism.
panhellenium noun An assembly or association of Greeks from all the states of Greece.
panic-struck adjective Struck with a panic, or sudden fear.
panification noun The act or process of making bread.
panpharmacon noun A medicine for all diseases; a panacea.
panslavonian adjective See Panslavic.
pantaloonery noun The character or performances of a pantaloon; buffoonery., Materials for pantaloons.
pantamorphic adjective Taking all forms.
pantastomata noun pl. One of the divisions of Flagellata, including the monads and allied forms.
pantechnicon noun A depository or place where all sorts of manufactured articles are collected for sale.
pantelegraph noun See under Telegraph.
pantisocracy noun A Utopian community, in which all should rule equally, such as was devised by Coleridge, Lovell, and Southey, in their younger days.
pantographic adjective Alt. of Pantographical
pantological adjective Of or pertaining to pantology.
pantomimical adjective Of or pertaining to the pantomime; representing by dumb show.
pantophagist noun A person or an animal that has the habit of eating all kinds of food.
pantophagous adjective Eating all kinds of food.
papier-mache noun A hard and strong substance made of a pulp from paper, mixed with sise or glue, etc. It is formed into various articles, usually by means of molds.
papilionides noun pl. The typical butterflies.
papyrography noun The process of multiplying copies of writings, etc., by means of the papyrograph.
paraboliform adjective Resembling a parabola in form.
paraboloidal adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a paraboloid.
parabronchia plural of Parabronchium
paracentesis noun The perforation of a cavity of the body with a trocar, aspirator, or other suitable instrument, for the evacuation of effused fluid, pus, or gas; tapping.
parachronism noun An error in chronology, by which the date of an event is set later than the time of its occurrence.
paracyanogen noun A polymeric modification of cyanogen, obtained as a brown or black amorphous residue by heating mercuric cyanide.
paradactylum noun The side of a toe or finger.
paradigmatic adjective Alt. of Paradigmatical, A writer of memoirs of religious persons, as examples of Christian excellence.
paradisaical adjective Of or pertaining to, or resembling, paradise; paradisiacal.
paradisiacal adjective Of or pertaining to paradise; suitable to, or like, paradise.
paradoxology noun The use of paradoxes.
paraglobulin noun An albuminous body in blood serum, belonging to the group of globulins. See Fibrinoplastin.
paragnathous adjective Having both mandibles of equal length, the tips meeting, as in certain birds.
paragrandine noun An instrument to avert the occurrence of hailstorms. See Paragr/le.
paragraphing present participle & vb. noun of Paragraph
paragraphist noun A paragrapher.
paraguay tea See Mate, the leaf of the Brazilian holly.
parallelable adjective Capable of being paralleled, or equaled.
parallelless adjective Matchless.
paralogizing present participle & vb. noun of Paralogize
paralyzation noun The act or process of paralyzing, or the state of being paralyzed.
paramagnetic adjective Magnetic, as opposed to diamagnetic., A paramagnetic substance.
parametritis noun Inflammation of the cellular tissue in the vicinity of the uterus.
paramorphism noun The change of one mineral species to another, so as to involve a change in physical characters without alteration of chemical composition.
paramorphous adjective Relating to paramorphism; exhibiting paramorphism.
parapetalous adjective Growing by the side of a petal, as a stamen.
paraphimosis noun A condition in which the prepuce, after being retracted behind the glans penis, is constricted there, and can not be brought forward into place again.
paraphrasing present participle & vb. noun of Paraphrase
paraphrasian noun A paraphraser.
paraphrastic adjective Alt. of Paraphrastical
parapophyses plural of Parapophysis
parapophysis noun The ventral transverse, or capitular, process of a vertebra. See Vertebra.
parasiticide noun Anything used to destroy parasites.
parasphenoid adjective Near the sphenoid bone; — applied especially to a bone situated immediately beneath the sphenoid in the base of the skull in many animals., The parasphenoid bone.
paratonnerre noun A conductor of lightning; a lightning rod.
parenchymous adjective Of, pertaining to, or connected with, the parenchyma of a tissue or an organ; as, parenchymatous degeneration.
parenthesize verb t. To make a parenthesis of; to include within parenthetical marks.
parentticide noun The act of one who kills one’s own parent., One who kills one’s own parent; a parricide.
paridigitata noun pl. Same as Artiodactyla.
parjdigitate adjective Having an evennumber of digits on the hands or the feet.
parisyllabic adjective Alt. of Parisyllabical
parliamental adjective Parliamentary.
paroccipital adjective Situated near or beside the occipital condyle or the occipital bone; paramastoid; — applied especially to a process of the skull in some animals.
parochialism noun The quality or state of being parochial in form or nature; a system of management peculiar to parishes.
parochiality noun The state of being parochial.
parochialize verb t. To render parochial; to form into parishes.
paronomastic adjective Alt. of Paronomastical
parricidious adjective Parricidal.
parsimonious adjective Exhibiting parsimony; sparing in expenditure of money; frugal to excess; penurious; niggardly; stingy.
parthenogeny noun Same as Parthenogenesis.
participable adjective Capable of being participated or shared.
participated imp. & past participle of Participate
participator noun One who participates, or shares with another; a partaker.
particolored adjective Same as Party-colored.
particularly adverb In a particular manner; expressly; with a specific reference or interest; in particular; distinctly., In an especial manner; in a high degree; as, a particularly fortunate man; a particularly bad failure.
partisanship noun The state of being a partisan, or adherent to a party; feelings or conduct appropriate to a partisan.
partitioning present participle & vb. noun of Partition
party-coated adjective Having a motley coat, or coat of divers colors.
parumbilical adjective Near the umbilicus; — applied especially to one or more small veins which, in man, connect the portal vein with the epigastric veins in the front wall of the abdomen.
passableness noun The quality of being passable.
passibleness noun Passibility.
passionately adverb In a passionate manner; with strong feeling; ardently., Angrily; irascibly.
passymeasure noun See Paspy.
pathogenesis noun Pathogeny.
pathogenetic adjective Pathogenic.
pathological adjective Of or pertaining to pathology.
patriarchate noun The office, dignity, or jurisdiction of a patriarch., The residence of an ecclesiastic patriarch., A patriarchal form of government or society. See Patriarchal, a., 3.
patriarchdom noun The office or jurisdiction of a patriarch; patriarchate.
patriarchism noun Government by a patriarch, or the head of a family.
patricianism noun The rank or character of patricians.
patripassian noun One of a body of believers in the early church who denied the independent preexistent personality of Christ, and who, accordingly, held that the Father suffered in the Son; a monarchian.
patronymical adjective Same as Patronymic.
pauciloquent adjective Uttering few words; brief in speech.