12 letter word starting with r

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
rabbinically adverb In a rabbinical manner; after the manner of the rabbins.
racemiferous adjective Bearing racemes, as the currant.
raffaelesque adjective Raphaelesque.
ramentaceous adjective Covered with ramenta.
ramification noun The process of branching, or the development of branches or offshoots from a stem; also, the mode of their arrangement., A small branch or offshoot proceeding from a main stock or channel; as, the ramifications of an artery, vein, or nerve., A division into principal and subordinate classes, heads, or departments; also, one of the subordinate parts; as, the ramifications of a subject or scheme., The production of branchlike figures.
ranunculuses plural of Ranunculus
raphaelesque adjective Like Raphael’s works; in Raphael’s manner of painting.
rarification noun See Rarefaction.
ratification noun The act of ratifying; the state of being ratified; confirmation; sanction; as, the ratification of a treaty.
ratihabition noun Confirmation or approbation, as of an act or contract.
rationalness noun The quality or state of being rational; rationality.
rattle-pated adjective Rattle-headed.
raven’s-duck noun A fine quality of sailcloth.
razor-backed adjective Having a sharp, lean, or thin back; as, a razor-backed hog, perch, etc.
reabsorption noun The act or process of reabsorbing.
readjustment noun A second adjustment; a new or different adjustment.
readmittance noun Allowance to enter again; a second admission.
readvertency noun The act of adverting to again, or of reviewing.
ready-witted adjective Having ready wit.
reaffirmance noun Alt. of Reaffirmation
reamputation noun The second of two amputations performed upon the same member.
reannexation noun Act of reannexing.
reappearance noun A second or new appearance; the act or state of appearing again.
reassemblage noun Assemblage a second time or again.
reassessment noun A renewed or second assessment.
reassignment noun The act of reassigning.
reassimilate verb t. & i. To assimilate again.
reattachment noun The act of reattaching; a second attachment.
reattainment noun The act of reattaining.
recalcitrant adjective Kicking back; recalcitrating; hence, showing repugnance or opposition; refractory.
recalcitrate verb t. To kick against; to show repugnance to; to rebuff., To kick back; to kick against anything; hence, to express repugnance or opposition.
recapacitate verb t. To qualify again; to confer capacity on again.
recapitulate verb t. To repeat, as the principal points in a discourse, argument, or essay; to give a summary of the principal facts, points, or arguments of; to relate in brief; to summarize., To sum up, or enumerate by heads or topics, what has been previously said; to repeat briefly the substance.
receivedness noun The state or quality of being received, accepted, or current; as, the receivedness of an opinion.
receivership noun The state or office of a receiver.
recensionist noun One who makes recensions; specifically, a critical editor.
receptacular adjective Pertaining to the receptacle, or growing on it; as, the receptacular chaff or scales in the sunflower.
receptaculum noun A receptacle; as, the receptaculum of the chyle.
recidivation noun A falling back; a backsliding.
reciprocally adverb In a reciprocal manner; so that each affects the other, and is equally affected by it; interchangeably; mutually., In the manner of reciprocals.
reciprocated imp. & past participle of Reciprocate
recognizable adjective Capable of being recognized.
recognizance noun An obligation of record entered into before some court of record or magistrate duly authorized, with condition to do some particular act, as to appear at the same or some other court, to keep the peace, or pay a debt. A recognizance differs from a bond, being witnessed by the record only, and not by the party’s seal., The verdict of a jury impaneled upon assize., A token; a symbol; a pledge; a badge., Acknowledgment of a person or thing; avowal; profession; recognition.
recollecting present participle & vb. noun of Recollect
recollection noun The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance., The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance; memory; as, an event within my recollection., That which is recollected; something called to mind; reminiscence., The act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind; concentration; self-control.
recollective adjective Having the power of recollecting.
recomforture noun The act of recomforting; restoration of comfort.
recommending present participle & vb. noun of Recommend
recommission verb t. To commission again; to give a new commission to.
recommitment noun Alt. of Recommittal
recompensing present participle & vb. noun of Recompense
recompensive adjective Of the nature of recompense; serving to recompense.
reconcilable adjective Capable of being reconciled; as, reconcilable adversaries; an act reconciable with previous acts.
reconsecrate verb t. To consecrate anew or again.
reconvention noun A cross demand; an action brought by the defendant against the plaintiff before the same judge.
reconversion noun A second conversion.
reconveyance noun Act of reconveying.
recordership noun The office of a recorder.
re coverance noun Recovery.
recriminator noun One who recriminates.
recrudescent adjective Growing raw, sore, or painful again., Breaking out again after temporary abatement or supression; as, a recrudescent epidemic.
rectificator noun That which rectifies or refines; esp., a part of a distilling apparatus in which the more volatile portions are separated from the less volatile by the process of evaporation and condensation; a rectifier.
rectilineous adjective Rectilinear.
rectirostral adjective Having a straight beak.
rectovaginal adjective Of or pertaining to both the rectum and the vagina.
recuperating present participle & vb. noun of Recuperate
recuperation noun. Recovery, as of anything lost, especially of the health or strength.
recuperative adjective Alt. of Recuperatory
recuperatory adjective Of or pertaining to recuperation; tending to recovery.
redeliberate verb t. & i. To deliberate again; to reconsider.
redemptioner noun One who redeems himself, as from debt or servitude., Formerly, one who, wishing to emigrate from Europe to America, sold his services for a stipulated time to pay the expenses of his passage.
redemptorist noun One of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, founded in Naples in 1732 by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liquori. It was introduced onto the United States in 1832 at Detroit. The Fathers of the Congregation devote themselves to preaching to the neglected, esp. in missions and retreats, and are forbidden by their rule to engage in the instruction of youth.
redintegrate adjective Restored to wholeness or a perfect state; renewed., To make whole again; a renew; to restore to integrity or soundness.
redistrainer noun One who distrains again.
redistribute verb t. To distribute again.
reengagement noun A renewed or repeated engagement.
reenlistment noun A renewed enlistment.
reexaminable adjective Admitting of being reexamined or reconsidered.
reexperience noun A renewed or repeated experience.
reflectingly adverb With reflection; also, with censure; reproachfully.
re-formation noun The act of forming anew; a second forming in order; as, the reformation of a column of troops into a hollow square.
refractorily adverb In a refractory manner; perversely; obstinately.
refrigerated imp. & past participle of Refrigerate
refrigerator noun That which refrigerates or makes cold; that which keeps cool., A box or room for keeping food or other articles cool, usually by means of ice., An apparatus for rapidly cooling heated liquids or vapors, connected with a still, etc.
refutability noun The quality of being refutable.
regeneration noun The act of regenerating, or the state of being regenerated., The entering into a new spiritual life; the act of becoming, or of being made, Christian; that change by which holy affectations and purposes are substituted for the opposite motives in the heart., The reproduction of a part which has been removed or destroyed; re-formation; — a process especially characteristic of a many of the lower animals; as, the regeneration of lost feelers, limbs, and claws by spiders and crabs., The reproduction or renewal of tissues, cells, etc., which have been used up and destroyed by the ordinary processes of life; as, the continual regeneration of the epithelial cells of the body, or the regeneration of the contractile substance of muscle., The union of parts which have been severed, so that they become anatomically perfect; as, the regeneration of a nerve.
regenerative adjective Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to regenerate; as, regenerative influences.
regeneratory adjective Having power to renew; tending to reproduce; regenerating.
regimentally adverb In or by a regiment or regiments; as, troops classified regimentally.
registership noun The office of a register.
registration verb The act of registering; registry; enrollment., The art of selecting and combining the stops or registers of an organ.
reglementary adjective Regulative.
regratiatory noun A returning or giving of thanks.
regressively adverb In a regressive manner.
rehabilitate verb t. To invest or clothe again with some right, authority, or dignity; to restore to a former capacity; to reinstate; to qualify again; to restore, as a delinquent, to a former right, rank, or privilege lost or forfeited; — a term of civil and canon law.
reilluminate verb t. To enlighten again; to reillumine.
reimbursable adjective Capable of being repaid; repayable.
reimpregnate verb t. To impregnate again or anew.
reimpression noun A second or repeated impression; a reprint.
reinaugurate verb t. To inaugurate anew.
reinfectious adjective Capable of reinfecting.
reingratiate verb t. To ingratiate again or anew.
reinspection noun The act of reinspecting.
reinthronize verb t. To enthrone again.
reinvestment noun The act of investing anew; a second or repeated investment.
reinvigorate verb t. To invigorate anew.
reis effendi A title formerly given to one of the chief Turkish officers of state. He was chancellor of the empire, etc.
reiteratedly adverb Repeatedly.
rejectamenta noun pl. Things thrown out or away; especially, things excreted by a living organism.
rejectaneous adjective Not chosen or received; rejected.
rejectitious adjective Implying or requiring rejection; rejectable.
rejuvenation noun Rejuvenescence.
relationship noun The state of being related by kindred, affinity, or other alliance.
relativeness noun The state of being relative, or having relation; relativity.
religionless adjective Destitute of religion.
relinquished imp. & past participle of Relinquish
relinquisher noun One who relinquishes.
rememberable adjective Capable or worthy of being remembered.
remembrancer noun One who, or that which, serves to bring to, or keep in, mind; a memento; a memorial; a reminder., A term applied in England to several officers, having various functions, their duty originally being to bring certain matters to the attention of the proper persons at the proper time.
rememoration noun A recalling by the faculty of memory; remembrance.
rememorative adjective Tending or serving to remind.
reminiscence noun The act or power of recalling past experience; the state of being reminiscent; remembrance; memory., That which is remembered, or recalled to mind; a statement or narration of remembered experience; a recollection; as, pleasing or painful reminiscences.
reminiscency noun Reminiscence.
remonstrance noun The act of remonstrating, A pointing out; manifestation; proof; demonstration., Earnest presentation of reason in opposition to something; protest; expostulation., Same as Monstrance.
remonstrated imp. & past participle of Remonstrate
remonstrator noun One who remonstrates; a remonsrant.
remunerating present participle & vb. noun of Remunerate
remuneration noun The act of remunerating., That which is given to remunerate; an equivalent given, as for services, loss, or sufferings.
remunerative adjective Affording remuneration; as, a remunerative payment for services; a remunerative business.
remuneratory adjective Remunerative.
renal-portal adjective Both renal and portal. See Portal.
rencountered imp. & past participle of Rencounter
rendezvouses plural of Rendezvous
rendezvoused imp. &. past participle of Rendezvous
renewability noun The quality or state of being renewable.
renouncement noun The act of disclaiming or rejecting; renunciation.
renunciation noun The act of renouncing., Formal declination to take out letters of administration, or to assume an office, privilege, or right.
renunciatory adjective Pertaining to renunciation; containing or declaring a renunciation; as, renunciatory vows.
renversement noun A reversing.
reobtainable adjective That may be reobtained.
reordination noun A second ordination.
reparability noun The quality or state of being reparable.
repatriation noun Restoration to one’s country.
reperception noun The act of perceiving again; a repeated perception of the same object.
repercussing present participle & vb. noun of Repercuss
repercussion noun The act of driving back, or the state of being driven back; reflection; reverberation; as, the repercussion of sound., Rapid reiteration of the same sound., The subsidence of a tumor or eruption by the action of a repellent., In a vaginal examination, the act of imparting through the uterine wall with the finger a shock to the fetus, so that it bounds upward, and falls back again against the examining finger.
repercussive adjective Tending or able to repercuss; having the power of sending back; causing to reverberate., Repellent., Driven back; rebounding; reverberated., A repellent.
repertitious adjective Found; gained by finding.
repetitional adjective Alt. of Repetitionary
repetitioner noun One who repeats.
replantation noun The act of planting again; a replanting.
replenishing present participle & vb. noun of Replenish
replevisable adjective Repleviable.
repopulation noun The act of repeopling; act of furnishing with a population anew.
repossession noun The act or the state of possessing again.
reprehending present participle & vb. noun of Reprehend
reprehension noun Reproof; censure; blame; disapproval.
reprehensive adjective Containing reprehension; conveying reproof.
reprehensory adjective Containing reproof; reprehensive; as, reprehensory complaint.
representant adjective Appearing or acting for another; representing., A representative.
reprimanding present participle & vb. noun of Reprimand
repristinate verb t. To restore to an original state.
reproachablr adjective Deserving reproach; censurable., Opprobrius; scurrilous.
reproachless adjective Being without reproach.
reproduction noun The act or process of reproducing; the state of being reproduced, the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring., That which is reproduced.
reproductive adjective Tending, or pertaining, to reproduction; employed in reproduction.
reproductory adjective Reproductive.
republishing present participle & vb. noun of Republish
reputatively adverb By repute.
re-reiterate verb t. To reiterate many times.
resemblingly adverb So as to resemble; with resemblance or likeness.
resettlement noun Act of settling again, or state of being settled again; as, the resettlement of lees.
residentiary adjective Having residence; as, a canon residentary; a residentiary guardian., One who is resident., An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence.
residentship noun The office or condition of a resident.
resiniferous adjective Yielding resin; as, a resiniferous tree or vessel.
resinousness noun The quality of being resinous.
resipiscence noun Wisdom derived from severe experience; hence, repentance.
resoluteness noun The quality of being resolute.
resolutioner noun One who makes a resolution; one who joins with others in a declaration or resolution; specifically, one of a party in the Scottish Church in the 17th century.
resolvedness noun Fixedness of purpose; firmness; resolution.
resourceless adjective Destitute of resources.
respectively adverb As relating to each; particularly; as each belongs to each; as each refers to each in order; as, let each man respectively perform his duty., Relatively; not absolutely., Partially; with respect to private views., With respect; regardfully.
resplendence noun Alt. of Resplendency
resplendency noun The quality or state of being resplendent; brilliant luster; vivid brightness; splendor.
respondentia noun A loan upon goods laden on board a ship. It differs from bottomry, which is a loan on the ship itself.
responseless adjective Giving no response.
responsorial adjective Responsory; antiphonal.
restagnation noun Stagnation.
restaurateur noun The keeper of an eathing house or a restaurant.
restauration noun Restoration.
restrainable adjective Capable of being restrained; controllable.
restrainedly adverb With restraint.
restrainment noun The act of restraining.
restrengthen verb t. To strengthen again; to fortify anew.
restringency noun Quality or state of being restringent; astringency.
resubjection noun A second subjection.
resupination noun The state of luing on the back; the state of being resupinate, or reversed.
resurrection noun A rising again; the resumption of vigor., Especially, the rising again from the dead; the resumption of life by the dead; as, the resurrection of Jesus Christ; the general resurrection of all the dead at the Day of Judgment., State of being risen from the dead; future state., The cause or exemplar of a rising from the dead.
resuscitable adjective Capable of resuscitation; as, resuscitable plants.
resuscitated imp. & past participle of Resuscitate
resuscitator noun One who, or that which, resuscitates.
reticularian noun One of the Reticularia.
reticulation noun The quality or state of being reticulated, or netlike; that which is reticulated; network; an organization resembling a net.
retinasphalt noun Alt. of Retinasphaltum
retiniphorae plural of Retinophora
retinophoral adjective Of or pertaining to retinophorae.
retractation noun The act of retracting what has been said; recantation.
retrenchment noun The act or process of retrenching; as, the retrenchment of words in a writing., A work constructed within another, to prolong the defense of the position when the enemy has gained possession of the outer work; or to protect the defenders till they can retreat or obtain terms for a capitulation.
retrievement noun Retrieval.
retrocession noun The act of retroceding., The state of being retroceded, or granted back., Metastasis of an eruption or a tumor from the surface to the interior of the body.
retroduction noun A leading or bringing back.
retroflexion noun The act of reflexing; the state of being retroflexed. Cf. Retroversion.
retrofracted adjective Refracted; as, a retrofract stem.
retrograding present participle & vb. noun of Retrograde
retromingent adjective Organized so as to discharge the urine backward., An animal that discharges its urine backward.
retropulsive adjective Driving back; repelling.
retroversion noun A turning or bending backward; also, the state of being turned or bent backward; displacement backwards; as, retroversion of the uterus.
retroverting present participle & vb. noun of Retrovert
revalescence noun The act of growing well; the state of being revalescent.
revendicated imp. & past participle of Revendicate
reverberated imp. & past participle of Reverberate
reverberator noun One who, or that which, produces reverberation.
reversionary adjective Of or pertaining to a reversion; involving a reversion; to be enjoyed in succession, or after the termination of a particular estate; as, a reversionary interest or right., That which is to be received in reversion.
revirescence noun A growing green or fresh again; renewal of youth or vigor.
revisitation noun The act of revisiting.
revivalistic adjective Pertaining to revivals.
revivificate verb t. To revive; to recall or restore to life.
reviviscence noun Alt. of Reviviscency
reviviscency noun The act of reviving, or the state of being revived; renewal of life.
revocability noun The quality of being revocable; as, the revocability of a law.
revolutioner noun One who is engaged in effecting a revolution; a revolutionist.
rhabarbarate adjective Impregnated or tinctured with rhubarb.
rhabarbarine noun Chrysophanic acid.
rhabdopleura noun A genus of marine Bryozoa in which the tubular cells have a centralchitinous axis and the tentacles are borne on a bilobed lophophore. It is the type of the order Pterobranchia, or Podostomata
rhabdosphere noun A minute sphere composed of rhabdoliths.
rhachiglossa noun pl. A division of marine gastropods having a retractile proboscis and three longitudinal rows of teeth on the radula. It includes many of the large ornamental shells, as the miters, murices, olives, purpuras, volutes, and whelks. See Illust. in Append.
rhadamanthus noun One of the three judges of the infernal regions; figuratively, a strictly just judge.
rhamphotheca noun The horny covering of the bill of birds.
rhaponticine noun Chrysophanic acid.
rhapsodizing present participle & vb. noun of Rhapsodize
rheumatismal adjective Of or pertaining to rheumatism.
rhinocerical adjective Of or pertaining to the rhinoceros; resembling the rhinoceros, or his horn.
rhinocerotic adjective Of or pertaining to the rhinoceros.
rhinological adjective Of or pertaining to rhinology.
rhinolophine adjective Like or pertaining to the rhinolophids, or horseshoe bats.
rhinoplastic adjective Of or pertaining to rhinoplasty; as, a rhinoplastic operation.
rhizocarpous adjective Having perennial rootstocks or bulbs, but annual flowering stems; — said of all perennial herbs.
rhizocephala noun pl. A division of Pectostraca including saclike parasites of Crustacea. They adhere by rootlike extensions of the head. See Illusration in Appendix.
rhizophagous adjective Feeding on roots; root-eating.
rhizophorous adjective Bearing roots.
rhizostomata noun pl. A suborder of Medusae which includes very large species without marginal tentacles, but having large mouth lobes closely united at the edges. See Illust. in Appendix.
rhodammonium adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or containing, rhodium and ammonia; — said of certain complex compounds.
rhodocrinite noun A rose encrinite.
rhododendron noun A genus of shrubs or small trees, often having handsome evergreen leaves, and remarkable for the beauty of their flowers; rosebay.
rhodomontade noun See Rodomontade.
rhomboganoid noun A ganoid fish having rhombic enameled scales; one of the Rhomboganoidei.
rhombohedral adjective Related to the rhombohedron; presenting the form of a rhombohedron, or a form derivable from a rhombohedron; relating to a system of forms including the rhombohedron and scalenohedron.
rhombohedric adjective Rhombohedral.
rhombohedron noun A solid contained by six rhomboids; a parallelopiped.
rhynchocoela noun pl. Same as Nemertina.
rhynchonella noun A genus of brachiopods of which some species are still living, while many are found fossil.
rhynchophora noun pl. A group of Coleoptera having a snoutlike head; the snout beetles, curculios, or weevils.
rhynchophore noun One of the Rhynchophora.
rhythmically adverb In a rhythmical manner.
rhythmometer noun An instrument for marking time in musical movements. See Metronome.
ricinelaidic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an isomeric modification of ricinoleic acid obtained as a white crystalline solid.
ricinelaidin noun The glycerin salt of ricinelaidic acid, obtained as a white crystalline waxy substance by treating castor oil with nitrous acid.
ricochetting present participle & vb. noun of Ricochet
ridiculosity noun The quality or state of being ridiculous; ridiculousness; also, something ridiculous.
right-angled adjective Containing a right angle or right angles; as, a right-angled triangle.
rightfulness noun The quality or state of being rightful; accordance with right and justice., Moral rectitude; righteousness.
right-handed adjective Using the right hand habitually, or more easily than the left., Having the same direction or course as the movement of the hands of a watch seen in front; — said of the motion of a revolving object looked at from a given direction., Having the whorls rising from left to right; dextral; — said of spiral shells. See Illust. of Scalaria.
right-minded adjective Having a right or honest mind.
roach-backed adjective Having a back like that of roach; — said of a horse whose back a convex instead of a concave curve.
roching cask A tank in which alum is crystallized from a solution.
rodomontador noun A rodomontadist.
romanticness noun The state or quality of being romantic; widness; fancifulness.
rose-colored adjective Having the color of a pink rose; rose-pink; of a delicate pink color., Uncommonly beautiful; hence, extravagantly fine or pleasing; alluring; as, rose-colored anticipations.
rosetta wood An east Indian wood of a reddish orange color, handsomely veined with darker marks. It is occasionally used for cabinetwork.
rostelliform adjective Having the form of a rostellum, or small beak.
rouge dragon noun One of the four pursuivants of the English college of arms.
rough-footed adjective Feather-footed; as, a rough-footed dove.
rough-legged adjective Having the legs covered with feathers; — said of a bird.
roughstrings noun pl. Pieces of undressed timber put under the steps of a wooden stair for their support.
roughwrought adjective Wrought in a rough, unfinished way; worked over coarsely.
round-backed adjective Having a round back or shoulders; round-shouldered.
royalization noun The act of making loyal to a king.
royston crow See Hooded crow, under Hooded.
rubification noun The act of making red.
rush-bearing noun A kind of rural festival at the dedication of a church, when the parishioners brought rushes to strew the church.
russophilist noun One who, not being a Russian, favors Russian policy and aggrandizement.
russophobist One who dreads Russia or Russian influence.