12 letter word starting with si

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sick-brained adjective Disordered in the brain.
siderography noun The art or practice of steel engraving; especially, the process, invented by Perkins, of multiplying facsimiles of an engraved steel plate by first rolling over it, when hardened, a soft steel cylinder, and then rolling the cylinder, when hardened, over a soft steel plate, which thus becomes a facsimile of the original. The process has been superseded by electrotypy.
sightfulness noun The state of being sightful; perspicuity.
sight-seeing adjective Engaged in, or given to, seeing sights; eager for novelties or curiosities., The act of seeing sights; eagerness for novelties or curiosities.
significance noun Alt. of Significancy
significancy noun The quality or state of being significant., That which is signified; meaning; import; as, the significance of a nod, of a motion of the hand, or of a word or expression., Importance; moment; weight; consequence.
significator noun One who, or that which, signifies.
significavit noun Formerly, a writ issuing out of chancery, upon certificate given by the ordinary, of a man’s standing excommunicate by the space of forty days, for the laying him up in prison till he submit himself to the authority of the church.
siliciferous adjective Producing silica; united with silica.
siliciureted adjective Combined or impregnated with silicon.
silviculture noun See Sylviculture.
simultaneity noun The quality or state of being simultaneous; simultaneousness.
simultaneous adjective Existing, happening, or done, at the same time; as, simultaneous events.
sinew-shrunk adjective Having the sinews under the belly shrunk by excessive fatigue.
sinistrality noun The quality or state of being sinistral.
sinistrorsal adjective Rising spirally from right to left (of the spectator); sinistrorse.
sinistrously adverb In a sinistrous manner; perversely; wrongly; unluckily., With a tendency to use the left hand.
sinupalliate adjective Having a pallial sinus. See under Sinus.
siphonophora noun pl. An order of pelagic Hydrozoa including species which form complex free-swimming communities composed of numerous zooids of various kinds, some of which act as floats or as swimming organs, others as feeding or nutritive zooids, and others as reproductive zooids. See Illust. under Physallia, and Porpita.
siphonophore noun One of the Siphonophora.
siphonostome noun Any parasitic entomostracan of the tribe Siphonostomata., A siphonostomatous shell.
siphorhinian noun A siphorhinal bird.
sipunculacea noun pl. A suborder of Gephyrea, including those which have the body unarmed and the intestine opening anteriorly.
siraskierate noun See Seraskierate.
sixty-fourth adjective Constituting or being one of sixty-four equal parts into which a thing is divided.