12 letter word starting with sub

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
subagitation noun Unlawful sexual intercourse.
subalternant noun A universal proposition. See Subaltern, 2.
subalternate adjective Succeeding by turns; successive., Subordinate; subaltern; inferior., A particular proposition, as opposed to a universal one. See Subaltern, 2.
subaquaneous adjective Subaqueous.
subarachnoid adjective Alt. of Subarachnoidal
subarytenoid adjective Situated under the arytenoid cartilage of the larynx.
subbronchial adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the bronchi; as, the subbronchial air sacs of birds.
subcelestial adjective Being beneath the heavens; as, subcelestial glories.
subcommittee noun An under committee; a part or division of a committee.
subconscious adjective Occurring without the possibility or the fact of an attendant consciousness; — said of states of the soul., Partially conscious; feebly conscious.
subcultrated adjective Having a form resembling that of a colter, or straight on one side and curved on the other.
subcutaneous adjective Situated under the skin; hypodermic.
subcuticular adjective Situated under the cuticle, or scarfskin.
subcylindric adjective Imperfectly cylindrical; approximately cylindrical.
subdiaconate adjective Of or pertaining to a subdeacon, or to the office or rank of a subdeacon., The office or rank of a subdeacon.
subdichotomy noun A subordinate, or inferior, division into parts; a subdivision.
subdititious adjective Put secretly in the place of something else; foisted in.
subdiversify verb t. To diversify aggain what is already diversified.
subdivisible adjective Susceptible of subdivision.
subduplicate adjective Expressed by the square root; — said of ratios.
subepidermal adjective Situated immediately below the epidermis.
subhastation noun A public sale or auction.
subjectivism noun Any philosophical doctrine which refers all knowledge to, and founds it upon, any subjective states; egoism.
subjectivist noun One who holds to subjectivism; an egoist.
subjectivity noun The quality or state of being subjective; character of the subject.
sublapsarian noun & adjective Same as Infralapsarian.
sublibrarian noun An under or assistant librarian.
sublineation noun A mark of a line or lines under a word in a sentence, or under another line; underlining.
submaxillary adjective Situated under the maxilla, or lower jaw; inframaxillary; as, the submaxillary gland., Of or pertaining to submaxillary gland; as, submaxillary salvia.
subobscurely adverb Somewhat obscurely or darkly.
suboccipital adjective Situated under, or posterior to, the occiput; as, the suboccipital, or first cervical, nerve.
subopercular adjective Situated below the operculum; pertaining to the suboperculum., The suboperculum.
suboperculum noun The lower opercular bone in fishes.
suborbicular adjective Alt. of Suborbiculate
subordinance adjective Alt. of Subordinancy
subordinancy adjective Subordinacy; subordination.
subordinated imp. & past participle of Subordinate
subpolygonal adjective Approximately polygonal; somewhat or almost polygonal.
subpulmonary adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the lungs.
subpurchaser noun A purchaser who buys from a purchaser; one who buys at second hand.
subquadruple adjective Containing one part of four; in the ratio of one to four; as, subquadruple proportion.
subquintuple adjective Having the ratio of one to five; as, subquintuple proportion.
subsannation noun Derision; mockery.
subscapulary adjective Situated beneath the scapula; infrascapular; as, the subscapular muscle.
subscribable adjective Capable of being subscribed.
subscription noun The act of subscribing., That which is subscribed., A paper to which a signature is attached., The signature attached to a paper., Consent or attestation by underwriting the name., Sum subscribed; amount of sums subscribed; as, an individual subscription to a fund., The acceptance of articles, or other tests tending to promote uniformity; esp. (Ch. of Eng.), formal assent to the Thirty-nine Articles and the Book of Common Prayer, required before ordination., Submission; obedience., That part of a prescription which contains the direction to the apothecary., A method of purchasing items produced periodically in a series, as newspapers or magazines, in which a certain number of the items are delivered as produced, without need for ordering each item individually; also, the purchase thus executed.
subscriptive adjective Of or pertaining to a subscription, or signature.
subsequently adverb At a later time; afterwards.
subservience noun Alt. of Subserviency
subserviency noun The quality or state of being subservient; instrumental fitness or use; hence, willingness to serve another’s purposes; in a derogatory sense, servility.
subsidiarily adverb In a subsidiary manner; so as to assist.
subsidiaries plural of Subsidiary
subsinnation noun The act of writing the name under something, as for attestation.
subspherical adjective Nearly spherical; having a figure resembling that of a sphere.
substantials noun pl. Essential parts.
substantiate verb t. To make to exist; to make real., To establish the existence or truth of by proof or competent evidence; to verify; as, to substantiate a charge or allegation; to substantiate a declaration.
substantival adjective Of or pertaining to a substantive; of the nature of substantive.
substituting present participle & vb. noun of Substitute
substitution noun The act of substituting or putting one person or thing in the place of another; as, the substitution of an agent, attorney, or representative to act for one in his absense; the substitution of bank notes for gold and silver as a circulating medium., The state of being substituted for another., The office or authority of one acting for another; delegated authority., The designation of a person in a will to take a devise or legacy, either on failure of a former devisee or legatee by incapacity or unwillingness to accept, or after him., The doctrine that Christ suffered vicariously, being substituted for the sinner, and that his sufferings were expiatory., The act or process of substituting an atom or radical for another atom or radical; metethesis; also, the state of being so substituted. See Metathesis.
substitutive adjective Tending to afford or furnish a substitute; making substitution; capable of being substituted.
substraction noun Subtraction; deduction., See Subtraction, 3.
substruction noun Underbuilding; the foundation, or any preliminary structure intended to raise the lower floor or basement of a building above the natural level of the ground.
substructure noun Same as Substruction., An under structure; a foundation; groundwork.
subtartarean adjective Being or living under Tartarus; infernal.
subterfluent adjective Alt. of Subterfluous
subterfluous adjective Running under or beneath.
subterraneal adjective Subterranean.
subterranean adjective Alt. of Subterraneous
subterranity noun A place under ground; a subterrany.
subtreasurer noun The public officer who has charge of a subtreasury.
subtrihedral adjective Approaching the form of a three-sided pyramid; as, the subtrihedral crown of a tooth.
subulicornes noun pl. A division of insects having slender or subulate antennae. The dragon flies and May flies are examples.
subvertebral adjective Situated beneath, or on the ventral side of, the vertebral column; situated beneath, or inside of, the endoskeleton; hypaxial; hyposkeletal.
subvitalized adjective Imperfectly vitalized; having naturally but little vital power or energy.
subzigomatic adjective Situated under the zygoma or zygomatic process.