12 letter word starting with sup

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
superangelic adjective Superior to the angels in nature or rank.
superannuate verb t. To impair or disquality on account of age or infirmity., To give a pension to, on account of old age or other infirmity; to cause to retire from service on a pension., To last beyond the year; — said of annual plants.
supercharged imp. & past participle of Supercharge
superciliary adjective Of or pertaining to the eyebrows; supraorbital., Having a distinct streak of color above the eyes; as, the superciliary woodpecker.
supercilious adjective Lofty with pride; haughty; dictatorial; overbearing; arrogant; as, a supercilious officer; asupercilious air; supercilious behavior.
supercurious adjective Excessively curious or inquisitive.
supereminent adjective Eminent in a superior degree; surpassing others in excellence; as, a supereminent divine; the supereminent glory of Christ.
supererogant adjective Supererogatory.
supererogate verb i. To do more than duty requires; to perform works of supererogation; to atone (for a dificiency in another) by means of a surplus action or quality.
superethical adjective More than ethical; above ethics.
superexalted imp. & past participle of Superexalt
superficiary noun One to whom a right of surface occupation is granted; one who pays quitrent for a house built upon another man’s ground., Of or pertaining to the superficies, or surface; superficial., Situated or built on another man’s land, as a house.
superfinical adjective Extremely finical.
superfluence noun Superfluity.
superfrontal noun A cloth which is placed over the top of an altar, and often hangs down a few inches over the frontal.
superheating present participle & vb. noun of Superheat
superimposed imp. & past participle of Superimpose
superinduced imp. & past participle of Superinduce
superinspect verb t. To over see; to superintend by inspection.
supermaxilla noun The supermaxilla.
supermundane adjective Being above the world; — opposed to inframundane.
supermundial adjective Supermundane.
supernacular adjective Like supernaculum; first-rate; as, a supernacular wine.
supernaculum adverb & noun A kind of mock Latin term intended to mean, upon the nail; — used formerly by topers., Good liquor, of which not enough is left to wet one’s nail.
supernatural adjective Being beyond, or exceeding, the power or laws of nature; miraculous.
superplusage noun Surplusage.
superpolitic adjective More than politic; above or exceeding policy.
superposable adjective Capable of being superposed, as one figure upon another.
supersalient adjective Leaping upon.
superscribed imp. & past participle of Superscribe
supersecular adjective Being above the world, or secular things.
supersensual adjective Supersensible.
supersession noun The act of superseding, or the state of being superseded; supersedure.
superspinous adjective Supraspinuos.
superstition noun An excessive reverence for, or fear of, that which is unknown or mysterious., An ignorant or irrational worship of the Supreme Deity; excessive exactness or rigor in religious opinions or practice; extreme and unnecessary scruples in the observance of religious rites not commanded, or of points of minor importance; also, a rite or practice proceeding from excess of sculptures in religion., The worship of a false god or gods; false religion; religious veneration for objects., Belief in the direct agency of superior powers in certain extraordinary or singular events, or in magic, omens, prognostics, or the like., Excessive nicety; scrupulous exactness.
superterrene adjective Being above ground, or above the earth.
supervenient adjective Coming as something additional or extraneous; coming afterwards.
supervention noun The act of supervening.
suppalpation noun The act of enticing by soft words; enticement.
suppedaneous adjective Being under the feet.
supplemented imp. & past participle of Supplement
supplemental adjective Alt. of Supplementary
suppletories plural of Suppletory
supplicating present participle & vb. noun of Supplicate
supplication noun The act of supplicating; humble and earnest prayer, as in worship., A humble petition; an earnest request; an entreaty., A religious solemnity observed in consequence of some military success, and also, in times of distress and danger, to avert the anger of the gods.
supplicatory adjective Containing supplication; humble; earnest.
supportation noun Maintenance; support.
suppressible adjective That may be suppressed.
suprachoroid adjective Alt. of Suprachoroidal
supraciliary adjective Superciliary.
supracranial adjective Situated above, or in the roof of, the cranium.
suprahepatic adjective Situated over, or on the dorsal side of, the liver; — applied to the branches of the hepatic veins.
supralapsary adjective Supralapsarian., A Supralapsarian.
supramaxilla noun The upper jaw or maxilla.
supramundane adjective Being or situated above the world or above our system; celestial.
supraorbital adjective Alt. of Supraorbitar
supraorbitar adjective Situated above the orbit of the eye.
supraprotest noun An acceptance of a bill by a third person after protest for nonacceptance by the drawee.
supraspinate adjective Alt. of Supraspinous
supraspinous adjective Situated above a spine or spines; especially, situated above, or on the dorsal side of, the neural spines of the vertebral column, or above, or in front of, the spine of the scapula.
suprasternal adjective Situated above, or anterior to, the sternum.
supravaginal adjective Situated above or outside a sheath or vaginal membrane.