12 letter word starting with tho

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
thomsenolite noun A fluoride of aluminium, calcium, and sodium occurring with the cryolite of Greenland.
thoracometer noun Same as Stethometer.
thorn-headed adjective Having a head armed with thorns or spines.
thoroughbred adjective Bred from the best blood through a long line; pure-blooded; — said of stock, as horses. Hence, having the characteristics of such breeding; mettlesome; courageous; of elegant form, or the like., A thoroughbred animal, especially a horse.
thoroughfare noun A passage through; a passage from one street or opening to another; an unobstructed way open to the public; a public road; hence, a frequented street., A passing or going through; passage.
thoroughness noun The quality or state of being thorough; completeness.
thoroughsped adjective Fully accomplished; thoroughplaced.
thoroughwort noun Same as Boneset.
thousandfold adjective Multiplied by a thousand.