12 letter word starting with un

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
unabsorbable adjective Not absorbable; specifically (Physiol.), not capable of absorption; unable to pass by osmosis into the circulating blood; as, the unabsorbable portion of food.
unacceptable adjective Not acceptable; not pleasing; not welcome; unpleasant; disagreeable; displeasing; offensive.
unaccessible adjective Inaccessible.
unaccustomed adjective Not used; not habituated; unfamiliar; unused; — which to., Not usual; uncommon; strange; new.
unacquainted adjective Not acquainted., Not usual; unfamiliar; strange.
unactiveness noun Inactivity.
unadmissible adjective Alt. of Unadmittable
unadmittable adjective Inadmissible.
unadulterate adjective Alt. of Unadulterated
unamiability noun The quality or state of being unamiable; moroseness.
unanswerable adjective Not answerable; irrefutable; conclusive; decisive; as, he have an unanswerable argument.
unappealable adjective Not appealable; that can not be carried to a higher tribunal by appeal; as, an unappealable suit or action., Not to be appealed from; — said of a judge or a judgment that can not be overruled.
unapplicable adjective Inapplicable.
unauspicious adjective Inauspicious.
uncalled-for adjective Not called for; not required or needed; improper; gratuitous; wanton.
uncautiously adverb Incautiously.
uncharitable adjective Not charitable; contrary to charity; severe in judging; harsh; censorious; as, uncharitable opinions or zeal.
uncharneling present participle & vb. noun of Uncharnel
unchristened adjective Not christened; as, an unchristened child.
uncleansable adjective Incapable of being cleansed or cleaned.
uncomeatable adjective Not to be come at, or reached; inaccessible.
uncomprehend verb t. To fail to comprehend.
unconcerning adjective Not interesting of affecting; insignificant; not belonging to one.
unconcludent adjective Alt. of Unconcluding
unconcluding adjective Inconclusive.
unconclusive adjective Inconclusive.
unconfidence noun Absence of confidence; uncertainty; doubt.
unconformist noun A nonconformist.
unconformity noun Want of conformity; incongruity; inconsistency., Want of parallelism between strata in contact.
unconfounded adjective Not confounded.
unconsecrate verb t. To render not sacred; to deprive of sanctity; to desecrate.
unconsidered adjective Not considered or attended to; not regarded; inconsiderable; trifling.
unconstraint noun Freedom from constraint; ease.
unconsummate adjective Not consummated; not accomplished.
unconvenient adjective Inconvenient.
unconversion noun The state of being unconverted; impenitence.
uncorrigible adjective Incorrigible; not capable of correction.
uncorruption noun Incorruption.
uncovenanted adjective Not covenanted; not granted or entered into under a covenant, agreement, or contract., Not having joined in a league, or assented to a covenant or agreement, as to the Solemn League and Covenant of the Scottish people in the times of the Stuarts., Not having entered into relationship with God through the appointed means of grace; also, not promised or assured by the divine promises or conditions; as, uncovenanted mercies.
uncreditable adjective Discreditable.
uncustomable adjective Not customable, or subject to custom duties.
undefeasible adjective Indefeasible.
undepartable adjective Incapable of being parted; inseparable.
underbuilder noun A subordinate or assistant builder.
underchanter noun Same as Subchanter.
underclothes noun pl. Clothes worn under others, especially those worn next the skin for warmth.
underconduct noun A lower conduit; a subterranean conduit.
undercurrent noun A current below the surface of water, sometimes flowing in a contrary direction to that on the surface., Hence, figuratively, a tendency of feeling, opinion, or the like, in a direction contrary to what is publicly shown; an unseen influence or tendency; as, a strong undercurrent of sentiment in favor of a prisoner., Running beneath the surface; hidden.
underdealing noun Crafty, unfair, or underhand dealing; unfair practice; trickery.
underdressed adjective Not dresses enough.
underfaction noun A subordinate party or faction.
underfaculty noun An inferior or subordinate faculty.
underfilling noun The filling below or beneath; the under part of a building.
underfurnish verb t. To supply with less than enough; to furnish insufficiently.
underhangman noun An assistant or deputy hangman.
underkingdom noun A subordinate or dependent kingdom.
underlaborer noun An assistant or subordinate laborer.
undermoneyed adjective Bribed.
underofficer noun A subordinate officer.
underpeopled adjective Not fully peopled.
underpinning present participle & vb. noun of Underpin, The act of one who underpins; the act of supporting by stones, masonry, or the like., That by which a building is underpinned; the material and construction used for support, introduced beneath a wall already constructed., The foundation, esp. of a frame house.
underservant noun An inferior servant.
undersetting noun Something set or built under as a support; a pedestal.
undersheriff noun A sheriff’s deputy.
undershrieve noun A low shrub; a woody plant of low stature.
underskinker noun Undertapster.
undersparred adjective Having spars smaller than the usual dimension; — said of vessels.
understanded of Understand
understander noun One who understands, or knows by experience.
understratum noun The layer, or stratum, of earth on which the mold, or soil, rests; subsoil.
undertakable adjective Capable of being undertaken; practicable.
undertapster noun Assistant to a tapster.
undertenancy noun Tenancy or tenure under a tenant or lessee; the tenure of an undertenant.
underwrought of Underwork
underworking present participle & vb. noun of Underwork
underwritten past participle of Underwrite
underwriting present participle & vb. noun of Underwrite, The business of an underwriter,
undigestible adjective Indigestible.
undiscerning noun Want of discernment.
undisputable adjective Indisputable.
undistinctly adverb Indistinctly.
unelasticity noun Inelasticity.
unexperience noun Inexperience.
unexpressive adjective Not expressive; not having the power of utterance; inexpressive., Incapable of being expressed; inexpressible; unutterable; ineffable.
unextricable adjective Not extricable; inextricable.
unfrequented adjective Rarely visited; seldom or never resorted to by human beings; as, an unfrequented place or forest.
unfriendship noun The state or quality of being unfriendly; unfriendliness; enmity.
ungainliness noun The state or quality of being ungainly; awkwardness.
ungenerously adverb In an ungenerous manner.
ungovernable adjective Not governable; not capable of being governed, ruled, or restrained; licentious; wild; unbridled; as, ungovernable passions.
unguiculated adjective Furnished with nails, claws, or hooks; clawed. See the Note under Nail, n., 1., Furnished with a claw, or a narrow stalklike base, as the petals of a carnation.
unharmonious adjective Inharmonious; unsymmetrical; also, unmusical; discordant.
unhospitable adjective Inhospitable.
unicarinated adjective Having one ridge or keel.
unifollilate adjective Having only one leaflet, as the leaves of the orange tree.
unimpairable adjective That can not be impaired.
unimportance noun Want of importance; triviality.
unincumbered adjective Not incumbered; not burdened., Free from any temporary estate or interest, or from mortgage, or other charge or debt; as, an estate unincumbered with dower.
uninteressed adjective Uninterested; unaffected.
uninterested adjective Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business., Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration.
uninucleated adjective Possessed of but a single nucleus; as, a uninucleated cell.
unitarianism noun The doctrines of Unitarians.
unitarianize verb t. & i. To change or turn to Unitarian views.
universalian adjective Of or pertaining to Universalism; Universalist.
universalism noun The doctrine or belief that all men will be saved, or made happy, in the future state.
universalist noun One who believes in Universalism; one of a denomination of Christians holding this faith., One who affects to understand all the particulars in statements or propositions., Of or pertaining to Unversalists of their doctrines.
universality noun The quality or state of being universal; unlimited extension or application; generality; — distinguished from particularity; as, the unversality of a proposition; the unversality of sin; the unversality of the Deluge.
universalize verb t. To make universal; to generalize.
universities plural of University
universology noun The science of the universe, and the relations which it involves.
unkindliness noun Unkindness.
unknowledged adjective Not acknowledged or recognized.
unlikelihood noun Absence of likelihood.
unlikeliness noun The quality or state of being unlikely.
unliquidated adjective Not liquidated; not exactly ascertained; not adjusted or settled.
unlooked-for adjective Not looked for; unexpected; as, an unlooked-for event.
unmagistrate verb t. To divest of the office or authority of a magistrate.
unmasterable adjective Incapable of being mastered or subdued.
unmeasurable adjective Immeasurable.
unmechanized adjective Not mechanized.
unmistakable adjective Incapable of being mistaken or misunderstood; clear; plain; obvious; evident.
unmonopolize verb t. To recover or release from the state of being monopolized.
unnaturalize verb t. To make unnatural.
unneighbored adjective Being without neigbors.
unneighborly adjective Not neighborly; distant; reserved; solitary; exclusive., Not in a neighborly manner.
unobservance noun Want or neglect of observance; inobservance.
unoriginated adjective Not originated; existing from all eternity., Not yet caused to be, or to be made; as, possible inventions still unoriginated.
unparalleled adjective Having no parallel, or equal; unequaled; unmatched.
unpassionate adjective Not passionate; dispassionate.
unpenetrable adjective Impenetrable.
unperfection noun Want of perfection; imperfection.
unperishable adjective Imperishable.
unperishably adverb Imperishably.
unpersuasion noun The state of not being persuaded; disbelief; doubt.
unpleasantry noun Want of pleasantry., A state of disagreement; a falling out.
unprejudiced adjective Not prejudiced; free from undue bias or prepossession; not preoccupied by opinion; impartial; as, an unprejudiced mind; an unprejudiced judge., Not warped or biased by prejudice; as, an unprejudiced judgment.
unprincipled adjective Being without principles; especially, being without right moral principles; also, characterized by absence of principle.
unprudential adjective Imprudent.
unquestioned adjective Not called in question; not doubted., Not interrogated; having no questions asked; not examined or examined into., Indisputable; not to be opposed or impugned.
unreasonable adjective Not reasonable; irrational; immoderate; exorbitant.
unregeneracy noun The quality or state of being unregenerate.
unregenerate adjective Alt. of Unregenerated
unrepentance noun Impenitence.
unresistance noun Nonresistance; passive submission; irresistance.
unresistible adjective Irresistible.
unreverently adverb Irreverently.
un-romanized adjective Not subjected to Roman arms or customs., Not subjected to the principles or usages of the Roman Catholic Church.
unsaturation noun The quality or state of being unsaturated.
unscrupulous adjective Not scrupulous; unprincipled.
unsearchable adjective Not searchable; inscrutable; hidden; mysterious.
unseasonable adjective Not seasonable; being, done, or occurring out of the proper season; ill-timed; untimely; too early or too late; as, he called at an unseasonable hour; unseasonable advice; unseasonable frosts; unseasonable food.
unsecularize verb t. To cause to become not secular; to detach from secular things; to alienate from the world.
unseemliness noun The quality or state of being unseemly; unbecomingness.
unsensualize verb t. To elevate from the domain of the senses; to purify.
unsettlement noun The act of unsettling, or state of being unsettled; disturbance.
unsimplicity noun Absence of simplicity; artfulness.
unstockinged adjective Destitute of stockings., Deprived of stockings.
unstratified adjective Not stratified; — applied to massive rocks, as granite, porphyry, etc., and also to deposits of loose material, as the glacial till, which occur in masses without layers or strata.
unsuccessful adjective Not successful; not producing the desired event; not fortunate; meeting with, or resulting in, failure; unlucky; unhappy.
unsufferable adjective Insufferable.
unsufficient adjective Insufficient.
untimeliness noun Unseasonableness.
unvulnerable adjective Invulnerable.