13 letter word starting with a

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
abdominoscopy noun Examination of the abdomen to detect abdominal disease.
abnormalities plural of Abnormality
aboriginality noun The quality of being aboriginal.
abortifacient verb Producing miscarriage., A drug or an agent that causes premature delivery.
absent-minded adjective Absent in mind; abstracted; preoccupied.
absorbability noun The state or quality of being absorbable.
abstractional adjective Pertaining to abstraction.
abstractively adverb In a abstract manner; separately; in or by itself.
accelerograph noun An apparatus for studying the combustion of powder in guns, etc.
accelerometer noun An apparatus for measuring the velocity imparted by gunpowder.
accendibility noun Capacity of being kindled, or of becoming inflamed; inflammability.
acceptability noun The quality of being acceptable; acceptableness.
acceptilation noun Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.
accessariness noun The state of being accessary.
accessibility noun The quality of being accessible, or of admitting approach; receptibility.
accessoriness noun The state of being accessory, or connected subordinately.
accidentalism noun Accidental character or effect.
accidentality noun The quality of being accidental; accidentalness.
acclimatation noun Acclimatization.
acclimatement noun Acclimation.
acclimatizing present participle & vb. noun of Acclimatize
accombination noun A combining together.
accommodating present participle & vb. noun of Accommodate, Affording, or disposed to afford, accommodation; obliging; as an accommodating man, spirit, arrangement.
accommodately adverb Suitably; fitly.
accommodation noun The act of fitting or adapting, or the state of being fitted or adapted; adaptation; adjustment; — followed by to., Willingness to accommodate; obligingness., Whatever supplies a want or affords ease, refreshment, or convenience; anything furnished which is desired or needful; — often in the plural; as, the accommodations — that is, lodgings and food — at an inn., An adjustment of differences; state of agreement; reconciliation; settlement., The application of a writer’s language, on the ground of analogy, to something not originally referred to or intended., A loan of money., An accommodation bill or note.
accompaniment noun That which accompanies; something that attends as a circumstance, or which is added to give greater completeness to the principal thing, or by way of ornament, or for the sake of symmetry., A part performed by instruments, accompanying another part or parts performed by voices; the subordinate part, or parts, accompanying the voice or a principal instrument; also, the harmony of a figured bass.
accomplishing present participle & vb. noun of Accomplish
accouterments noun pl. Alt. of Accoutrements
accoutrements noun pl. Dress; trappings; equipment; specifically, the devices and equipments worn by soldiers.
accreditation noun The act of accrediting; as, letters of accreditation.
accustomarily adverb Customarily.
acetabulifera noun pl. The division of Cephalopoda in which the arms are furnished with cup-shaped suckers, as the cuttlefishes, squids, and octopus; the Dibranchiata. See Cephalopoda.
acetabuliform adjective Shaped like a shallow cup; saucer-shaped; as, an acetabuliform calyx.
acetification noun The act of making acetous or sour; the process of converting, or of becoming converted, into vinegar.
achromaticity noun Achromatism.
achromatizing present participle & vb. noun of Achromatize
achroodextrin noun Dextrin not colorable by iodine. See Dextrin.
acidification noun The act or process of acidifying, or changing into an acid.
acknowledging present participle & vb. noun of Acknowledge
acotyledonous adjective Having no seed lobes, as the dodder; also applied to plants which have no true seeds, as ferns, mosses, etc.
acquiescently adverb In an acquiescent manner.
acquirability noun The quality of being acquirable; attainableness.
acquisitively adverb In the way of acquisition.
acrimoniously adverb In an acrimonious manner.
acroceraunian adjective Of or pertaining to the high mountain range of “thunder-smitten” peaks (now Kimara), between Epirus and Macedonia.
actinophorous adjective Having straight projecting spines.
actualization noun A making actual or really existent.
adaptableness noun The quality of being adaptable; suitableness.
addle-brained adjective Alt. of Addle-pated
adelantadillo noun A Spanish red wine made of the first ripe grapes.
adenophyllous adjective Having glands on the leaves.
adiaphoristic adjective Pertaining to matters indifferent in faith and practice.
adipoceration noun The act or process of changing into adipocere.
adipoceriform adjective Having the form or appearance of adipocere; as, an adipoceriform tumor.
admensuration noun Same as Admeasurement.
administering present participle & vb. noun of Administer
administerial adjective Pertaining to administration, or to the executive part of government.
administrable adjective Capable of being administered; as, an administrable law.
administrator noun One who administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a manager., A man who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor; one to whom the right of administration has been committed by competent authority.
admirableness noun The quality of being admirable; wonderful excellence.
admissibility noun The quality of being admissible; admissibleness; as, the admissibility of evidence.
admortization noun The reducing or lands or tenements to mortmain. See Mortmain.
advantageable adjective Advantageous.
adventuresome adjective Full of risk; adventurous; venturesome.
adventurously adverb In an adventurous manner; venturesomely; boldly; daringly.
advertisement noun The act of informing or notifying; notification., Admonition; advice; warning., A public notice, especially a paid notice in some public print; anything that advertises; as, a newspaper containing many advertisements.
aerographical adjective Pertaining to aerography; aerological.
aerolithology noun The science of aerolites.
affectibility noun The quality or state of being affectible.
affectionated adjective Disposed; inclined.
affirmatively adverb In an affirmative manner; on the affirmative side of a question; in the affirmative; — opposed to negatively.
afflictedness noun The state of being afflicted; affliction.
afforestation noun The act of converting into forest or woodland.
affreightment noun The act of hiring, or the contract for the use of, a vessel, or some part of it, to convey cargo.
agglomerating present participle & vb. noun of Agglomerate
agglomeration noun The act or process of collecting in a mass; a heaping together., State of being collected in a mass; a mass; cluster.
agglomerative adjective Having a tendency to gather together, or to make collections.
agglutinating present participle & vb. noun of Agglutinate
agglutination noun The act of uniting by glue or other tenacious substance; the state of being thus united; adhesion of parts., Combination in which root words are united with little or no change of form or loss of meaning. See Agglutinative, 2.
agglutinative adjective Pertaining to agglutination; tending to unite, or having power to cause adhesion; adhesive., Formed or characterized by agglutination, as a language or a compound.
aggrandizable adjective Capable of being aggrandized.
aggravatingly adverb In an aggravating manner.
agonistically adverb In an agonistic manner.
agreeableness noun The quality of being agreeable or pleasing; that quality which gives satisfaction or moderate pleasure to the mind or senses., The quality of being agreeable or suitable; suitableness or conformity; consistency., Resemblance; concordance; harmony; — with to or between.
agriculturism noun Agriculture.
agriculturist noun One engaged or skilled in agriculture; a husbandman.
agrostography noun A description of the grasses.
agrostologist noun One skilled in agrostology.
alacriousness noun Alacrity.
album graecum Dung of dogs or hyenas, which becomes white by exposure to air. It is used in dressing leather, and was formerly used in medicine.
albuminimeter noun An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of albumen in a liquid.
alchemistical adjective Relating to or practicing alchemy.
alcoholometer noun Alt. of Alcoholmeter
alcoholometry noun The process or method of ascertaining the proportion of pure alcohol which spirituous liquors contain.
alder-liefest adjective Most beloved.
alectoromachy noun Cockfighting.
alectoromancy noun See Alectryomancy.
alectryomancy noun Divination by means of a cock and grains of corn placed on the letters of the alphabet, the letters being put together in the order in which the grains were eaten.
algebraically adverb By algebraic process.
alisphenoidal adjective Pertaining to or forming the wing of the sphenoid; relating to a bone in the base of the skull, which in the adult is often consolidated with the sphenoid; as, alisphenoid bone; alisphenoid canal.
allhallow eve The evening before Allhallows. See Halloween.
allhallowtide noun The time at or near All Saints, or November 1st.
allotriophagy noun A depraved appetite; a desire for improper food.
allotropicity noun Allotropic property or nature.
allowableness noun The quality of being allowable; permissibleness; lawfulness; exemption from prohibition or impropriety.
all-possessed adjective Controlled by an evil spirit or by evil passions; wild.
alongshoreman noun See Longshoreman.
alphabetarian noun A learner of the alphabet; an abecedarian.
al-phitomancy noun Divination by means of barley meal.
alterableness noun The quality of being alterable; variableness; alterability.
alternateness noun The quality of being alternate, or of following by turns.
alternatively adverb In the manner of alternatives, or that admits the choice of one out of two things.
alto-rilievos plural of Alto-rilievo
aluminiferous adjective Containing alum.
amarantaceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the amaranth is the type.
amaryllideous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, an order of plants differing from the lily family chiefly in having the ovary below the /etals. The narcissus and daffodil are members of this family.
ambassadorial adjective Of or pertaining to an ambassador.
ambidexterity noun The quality of being ambidextrous; the faculty of using both hands with equal facility., Versatility; general readiness; as, ambidexterity of argumentation., Double-dealing., A juror’s taking of money from the both parties for a verdict.
ambiguousness noun Ambiguity.
ambitiousness noun The quality of being ambitious; ambition; pretentiousness.
ambulacriform adjective Having the form of ambulacra.
americanizing present participle & vb. noun of Americanize
ammunitioning p pr. & vb. noun of Ammunition
amphibologies plural of Amphibology
amphictyonies plural of Amphictyony
amphidromical adjective Pertaining to an Attic festival at the naming of a child; — so called because the friends of the parents carried the child around the hearth and then named it.
amphiprostyle adjective Doubly prostyle; having columns at each end, but not at the sides., An amphiprostyle temple or edifice.
amphisbaenoid adjective Like or pertaining to the lizards of the genus Amphisbaena.
amphitheatral adjective Amphitheatrical; resembling an amphitheater.
amphitheatric adjective Alt. of Amphitheatrical
amplification noun The act of amplifying or enlarging in dimensions; enlargement; extension., The enlarging of a simple statement by particularity of description, the use of epithets, etc., for rhetorical effect; diffuse narrative or description, or a dilating upon all the particulars of a subject., The matter by which a statement is amplified; as, the subject was presented without amplifications.
amplificative adjective Amplificatory.
amplificatory adjective Serving to amplify or enlarge; amplificative.
amygdalaceous adjective Akin to, or derived from, the almond.
anachoretical adjective See Anchoret, Anchoretic.
anachronistic adjective Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism.
anagrammatism noun The act or practice of making anagrams.
anagrammatist noun A maker anagrams.
anagrammatize verb t. To transpose, as the letters of a word, so as to form an anagram.
anallantoidea noun pl. The division of Vertebrata in which no allantois is developed. It includes amphibians, fishes, and lower forms.
anaphrodisiac adjective & noun Same as Antaphrodisiac.
anathematical adjective Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema.
anathematized imp. & past participle of Anathematize
anathematizer noun One who pronounces an anathema.
anatomization noun The act of anatomizing.
ancestorially adverb With regard to ancestors.
andropetalous adjective Produced by the conversion of the stamens into petals, as double flowers, like the garden ranunculus.
anemometrical adjective Of or pertaining to anemometry.
anemorphilous adjective Fertilized by the agency of the wind; — said of plants in which the pollen is carried to the stigma by the wind; wind-Fertilized.
anencephalous adjective Without a brain; brainless.
anfractuosity noun A state of being anfractuous, or full of windings and turnings; sinuosity., A sinuous depression or sulcus like those separating the convolutions of the brain.
angelicalness noun The quality of being angelic; excellence more than human.
angiospermous adjective Having seeds inclosed in a pod or other pericarp.
anglicization noun The act of anglicizing, or making English in character.
anidiomatical adjective Not idiomatic.
animadversion noun The act or power of perceiving or taking notice; direct or simple perception., Monition; warning., Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure; adverse criticism; reproof; blame., Judicial cognizance of an offense; chastisement; punishment.
animadversive adjective Having the power of perceiving; percipient.
animadverting present participle & vb. noun of Animadvert
animalization noun The act of animalizing; the giving of animal life, or endowing with animal properties., Conversion into animal matter by the process of assimilation.
anisopetalous adjective Having unequal petals.
anisophyllous adjective Having unequal leaves.
annexationist noun One who favors annexation.
anniversarily adverb Annually.
anniversaries plural of Anniversary
annotationist noun An annotator.
anomalistical adjective Irregular; departing from common or established rules., Pertaining to the anomaly, or angular distance of a planet from its perihelion.
anomalousness noun Quality of being anomalous.
anomophyllous adjective Having leaves irregularly placed.
anonymousness noun The state or quality of being anonymous.
anoplotherium noun A genus of extinct quadrupeds of the order Ungulata, whose were first found in the gypsum quarries near Paris; characterized by the shortness and feebleness of their canine teeth (whence the name).
another-gates adjective Of another sort.
another-guess adjective Of another sort.
antambulacral adjective Away from the ambulacral region.
antaphroditic adjective Antaphrodisiac., Antisyphilitic., An antaphroditic medicine.
antapoplectic adjective Good against apoplexy., A medicine used against apoplexy.
antecedaneous adjective Antecedent; preceding in time.
antecommunion noun A name given to that part of the Anglican liturgy for the communion, which precedes the consecration of the elements.
antenniferous adjective Bearing or having antennae.
antepenultima noun The last syllable of a word except two, as -syl- in monosyllable.
antheriferous adjective Producing anthers, as plants., Supporting anthers, as a part of a flower.
antherogenous adjective Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower.
anthobranchia noun pl. A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and Doris.
anthophyllite noun A mineral of the hornblende group, of a yellowish gray or clove brown color.
anthracomancy noun Divination by inspecting a burning coal.
anthracometer noun An instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.
anthraquinone noun A hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2O2.C6H4, subliming in shining yellow needles. It is obtained by oxidation of anthracene.
anthropogenic adjective Of or pertaining to anthropogeny.
anthropolatry noun Man worship.
anthropologic adjective Alt. of Anthropological
anthropomancy noun Divination by the entrails of human being.
anthropometry noun Measurement of the height and other dimensions of human beings, especially at different ages, or in different races, occupations, etc.
anthropopathy noun The ascription of human feelings or passions to God, or to a polytheistic deity.
anthropophagi noun pl. Man eaters; cannibals.
anthropophagy noun The eating of human flesh; cannibalism.
anthroposcopy noun The art of discovering or judging of a man’s character, passions. and inclinations from a study of his visible features.
anthroposophy noun Knowledge of the nature of man; hence, human wisdom.
anti-american adjective Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
antiasthmatic adjective & noun Same as Antasthmatic.
antiattrition noun Anything to prevent the effects of friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc., often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material; antifriction grease.
anticatarrhal adjective Efficacious against catarrh., An anticatarrhal remedy.
antichristian adjective Opposed to the Christian religion.
antichronical adjective Deviating from the proper order of time.
anticlinorium noun The upward elevation of the crust of the earth, resulting from a geanticlinal.
antiephialtic adjective & noun Same as Antephialtic.
antiepileptic adjective & noun Same as Antepileptic.
anti-gallican adjective Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
antilibration noun A balancing; equipoise.
antilogarithm noun The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to a given logarithmic sine.
antimonarchic Alt. of Antimonarchical
antinephritic adjective Counteracting, or deemed of use in, diseases of the kidneys., An antinephritic remedy.
antinomianism noun The tenets or practice of Antinomians.
antiparallels noun pl. Straight lines or planes which make angles in some respect opposite in character to those made by parallel lines or planes.
antiparalytic adjective Good against paralysis., A medicine for paralysis.
antiquateness noun Antiquatedness.
antiquitarian noun An admirer of antiquity. [Used by Milton in a disparaging sense.]
antiscorbutic adjective Counteracting scurvy., A remedy for scurvy.
antisocialist noun One opposed to the doctrines and practices of socialists or socialism.
antispasmodic adjective Good against spasms., A medicine which prevents or allays spasms or convulsions.
antisplenetic adjective Good as a remedy against disease of the spleen., An antisplenetic medicine.
antistrumatic adjective Antistrumous., A medicine for scrofula.
antivaccinist noun One opposed to vaccination.
antivariolous adjective Preventing the contagion of smallpox.
anythingarian noun One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.
apathetically adverb In an apathetic manner.
apetalousness noun The state of being apetalous.
aphanipterous adjective Of or pertaining to the Aphaniptera.
apheliotropic adjective Turning away from the sun; — said of leaves, etc.
aphidophagous adjective Feeding upon aphides, or plant lice, as do beetles of the family Coccinellidae.
aphilanthropy noun Want of love to mankind; — the opposite of philanthropy.
aphrodisiacal adjective Exciting venereal desire; provocative to venery.
apocalyptical adjective Of or pertaining to a revelation, or, specifically, to the Revelation of St. John; containing, or of the nature of, a prophetic revelation.
apocrisiarius noun A delegate or deputy; especially, the pope’s nuncio or legate at Constantinople.
apocryphalist noun One who believes in, or defends, the Apocrypha.
apodictically adverb So as to be evident beyond contradiction.
apogeotropism noun The apogeotropic tendency of some leaves, and other parts.
apophlegmatic adjective Designed to facilitate discharges of phlegm or mucus from mouth or nostrils., An apophlegmatic medicine.
apoplectiform adjective Alt. of Apoplectoid
apostolically adverb In an apostolic manner.
apotelesmatic adjective Relating to the casting of horoscopes., Relating to an issue of fulfillment.
apothegmatist noun A collector or maker of apothegms.
apothegmatize verb i. To utter apothegms, or short and sententious sayings.
appellatively adverb After the manner of nouns appellative; in a manner to express whole classes or species; as, Hercules is sometimes used appellatively, that is, as a common name, to signify a strong man.
appendication noun An appendage.
appendiculata noun pl. An order of annelids; the Polych/ta.
appendiculate adjective Having small appendages; forming an appendage.
appertainment noun That which appertains to a person; an appurtenance.
applicability noun The quality of being applicable or fit to be applied.
applicatorily adverb By way of application.
apportionment noun The act of apportioning; a dividing into just proportions or shares; a division or shares; a division and assignment, to each proprietor, of his just portion of an undivided right or property.
apprehensible adjective Capable of being apprehended or conceived.
apprenticeage noun Apprenticeship.
appropinquate verb i. To approach.
appropinquity noun Nearness; propinquity.
appropriament noun What is peculiarly one’s own; peculiar qualification.
appropriating present participle & vb. noun of Appropriate
appropriately adverb In an appropriate or proper manner; fitly; properly.
appropriation noun The act of setting apart or assigning to a particular use or person, or of taking to one’s self, in exclusion of all others; application to a special use or purpose, as of a piece of ground for a park, or of money to carry out some object., Anything, especially money, thus set apart., The severing or sequestering of a benefice to the perpetual use of a spiritual corporation. Blackstone., The application of payment of money by a debtor to his creditor, to one of several debts which are due from the former to the latter.
appropriative adjective Appropriating; making, or tending to, appropriation; as, an appropriative act.
approximating present participle & vb. noun of Approximate
approximately adverb With approximation; so as to approximate; nearly.
approximation noun The act of approximating; a drawing, advancing or being near; approach; also, the result of approximating., An approach to a correct estimate, calculation, or conception, or to a given quantity, quality, etc., A continual approach or coming nearer to a result; as, to solve an equation by approximation., A value that is nearly but not exactly correct.
approximative adjective Approaching; approximate.
arachnologist noun One who is versed in, or studies, arachnology.
arbitrariness noun The quality of being arbitrary; despoticalness; tyranny.
arboriculture noun The cultivation of trees and shrubs, chiefly for timber or for ornamental purposes.
archaeography noun A description of, or a treatise on, antiquity or antiquities.
archaeolithic adjective Of or pertaining to the earliest Stone age; — applied to a prehistoric period preceding the Paleolithic age.
archaeologian noun An archaeologist.
archaeologist noun One versed in archaeology; an antiquary.
archaeopteryx noun A fossil bird, of the Jurassic period, remarkable for having a long tapering tail of many vertebrae with feathers along each side, and jaws armed with teeth, with other reptilian characteristics.
archbishopric noun The jurisdiction or office of an archbishop; the see or province over which archbishop exercises archiepiscopal authority.
archencephala noun pl. The division that includes man alone.
archeological adjective Same as Archaeology, etc.
archiannelida noun pl. A group of Annelida remarkable for having no external segments or distinct ventral nerve ganglions.
archiblastula noun A hollow blastula, supposed to be the primitive form; a c/loblastula.
archidiaconal adjective Of or pertaining to an archdeacon.
archimandrite noun A chief of a monastery, corresponding to abbot in the Roman Catholic church., A superintendent of several monasteries, corresponding to superior abbot, or father provincial, in the Roman Catholic church.
architectonic adjective Alt. of Architectonical, The science of architecture., The act of arranging knowledge into a system.
architectress noun A female architect.
architectural adjective Of or pertaining to the art of building; conformed to the rules of architecture.
archpresbyter noun Same as Archpriest.
archtreasurer noun A chief treasurer. Specifically, the great treasurer of the German empire.
argentiferous adjective Producing or containing silver; as, argentiferous lead ore or veins.
argilliferous adjective Producing clay; — applied to such earths as abound with argil.
argumentation noun The act of forming reasons, making inductions, drawing conclusions, and applying them to the case in discussion; the operation of inferring propositions, not known or admitted as true, from facts or principles known, admitted, or proved to be true., Debate; discussion.
argumentative adjective Consisting of, or characterized by, argument; containing a process of reasoning; as, an argumentative discourse., Adductive as proof; indicative; as, the adaptation of things to their uses is argumentative of infinite wisdom in the Creator., Given to argument; characterized by argument; disputatious; as, an argumentative writer.
ariel gazelle A variety of the gazelle (Antilope, / Gazella, dorcas), found in Arabia and adjacent countries., A squirrel-like Australian marsupial, a species of Petaurus., A beautiful Brazilian toucan Ramphastos ariel).
aristocracies plural of Aristocracy
aristocratism noun The principles of aristocrats., Aristocrats, collectively.
arithmetician noun One skilled in arithmetic.
aromatization noun The act of impregnating or secting with aroma.
arterializing present participle & vb. noun of Arterialize
arteriography noun A systematic description of the arteries.
artificiality noun The quality or appearance of being artificial; that which is artificial.
artificialize verb t. To render artificial.
arundinaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a reed; resembling the reed or cane.
ascertainable adjective That may be ascertained.
ascertainment noun The act of ascertaining; a reducing to certainty; a finding out by investigation; discovery.
ascriptitious adjective Ascribed., Added; additional.
ash wednesday The first day of Lent; — so called from a custom in the Roman Catholic church of putting ashes, on that day, upon the foreheads of penitents.
asperifoliate adjective Alt. of Asperifolious
asperifolious adjective Having rough leaves.
assassinating present participle & vb. noun of Assassinate
assassination noun The act of assassinating; a killing by treacherous violence.
assignability noun The quality of being assignable.
associability noun The quality of being associable, or capable of association; associableness.
associateship noun The state of an associate, as in Academy or an office.
associational adjective Of or pertaining to association, or to an association., Pertaining to the theory held by the associationists.
assyriologist noun One versed in Assyriology; a student of Assyrian archaeology.
astrophysical adjective Pertaining to the physics of astronomical science.
astrotheology noun Theology founded on observation or knowledge of the celestial bodies.
atmospherical adjective Of or pertaining to the atmosphere; of the nature of, or resembling, the atmosphere; as, atmospheric air; the atmospheric envelope of the earth., Existing in the atmosphere., Caused, or operated on, by the atmosphere; as, an atmospheric effect; an atmospheric engine., Dependent on the atmosphere.
atrabilarious adjective Affected with melancholy; atrabilious.
attainability noun The quality of being attainable; attainableness.
attemperament noun A tempering, or mixing in due proportion.
attemperation noun The act of attempering or regulating.
attitudinizer noun One who practices attitudes.
attributively adverb In an attributive manner.
audaciousness noun The quality of being audacious; impudence; audacity.
aurantiaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, the Aurantiaceae, an order of plants (formerly considered natural), of which the orange is the type.
aurichalceous adjective Brass-colored.
auriphrygiate adjective Embroidered or decorated with gold.
aurocephalous adjective Having a gold-colored head.
authentically adverb In an authentic manner; with the requisite or genuine authority.
authenticated imp. & past participle of Authenticate
authenticness noun The quality of being authentic; authenticity.
authoritative adjective Having, or proceeding from, due authority; entitled to obedience, credit, or acceptance; determinate; commanding., Having an air of authority; positive; dictatorial; peremptory; as, an authoritative tone.
authorization noun The act of giving authority or legal power; establishment by authority; sanction or warrant.
autobiography noun A biography written by the subject of it; memoirs of one’s life written by one’s self.
autocephalous adjective Having its own head; independent of episcopal or patriarchal jurisdiction, as certain Greek churches.
authochthonic adjective Alt. of Autochthonous
autochthonous adjective Aboriginal; indigenous; native.
autochthonism noun The state of being autochthonal.
autographical adjective Pertaining to an autograph, or one’s own handwriting; of the nature of an autograph., Pertaining to, or used in, the process of autography; as, autographic ink, paper, or press.
automatically adverb In an automatic manner.
availableness noun Competent power; validity; efficacy; as, the availableness of a title., Quality of being available; capability of being used for the purpose intended.
avant-courier noun A person dispatched before another person or company, to give notice of his or their approach.
averruncation noun The act of averting., Eradication.
avignon berry The fruit of the Rhamnus infectorius, eand of other species of the same genus; — so called from the city of Avignon, in France. It is used by dyers and painters for coloring yellow. Called also French berry.
axiomatically adverb By the use of axioms; in the form of an axiom.