13 letter word starting with an

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
anachoretical adjective See Anchoret, Anchoretic.
anachronistic adjective Erroneous in date; containing an anachronism.
anagrammatism noun The act or practice of making anagrams.
anagrammatist noun A maker anagrams.
anagrammatize verb t. To transpose, as the letters of a word, so as to form an anagram.
anallantoidea noun pl. The division of Vertebrata in which no allantois is developed. It includes amphibians, fishes, and lower forms.
anaphrodisiac adjective & noun Same as Antaphrodisiac.
anathematical adjective Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an anathema.
anathematized imp. & past participle of Anathematize
anathematizer noun One who pronounces an anathema.
anatomization noun The act of anatomizing.
ancestorially adverb With regard to ancestors.
andropetalous adjective Produced by the conversion of the stamens into petals, as double flowers, like the garden ranunculus.
anemometrical adjective Of or pertaining to anemometry.
anemorphilous adjective Fertilized by the agency of the wind; — said of plants in which the pollen is carried to the stigma by the wind; wind-Fertilized.
anencephalous adjective Without a brain; brainless.
anfractuosity noun A state of being anfractuous, or full of windings and turnings; sinuosity., A sinuous depression or sulcus like those separating the convolutions of the brain.
angelicalness noun The quality of being angelic; excellence more than human.
angiospermous adjective Having seeds inclosed in a pod or other pericarp.
anglicization noun The act of anglicizing, or making English in character.
anidiomatical adjective Not idiomatic.
animadversion noun The act or power of perceiving or taking notice; direct or simple perception., Monition; warning., Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure; adverse criticism; reproof; blame., Judicial cognizance of an offense; chastisement; punishment.
animadversive adjective Having the power of perceiving; percipient.
animadverting present participle & vb. noun of Animadvert
animalization noun The act of animalizing; the giving of animal life, or endowing with animal properties., Conversion into animal matter by the process of assimilation.
anisopetalous adjective Having unequal petals.
anisophyllous adjective Having unequal leaves.
annexationist noun One who favors annexation.
anniversarily adverb Annually.
anniversaries plural of Anniversary
annotationist noun An annotator.
anomalistical adjective Irregular; departing from common or established rules., Pertaining to the anomaly, or angular distance of a planet from its perihelion.
anomalousness noun Quality of being anomalous.
anomophyllous adjective Having leaves irregularly placed.
anonymousness noun The state or quality of being anonymous.
anoplotherium noun A genus of extinct quadrupeds of the order Ungulata, whose were first found in the gypsum quarries near Paris; characterized by the shortness and feebleness of their canine teeth (whence the name).
another-gates adjective Of another sort.
another-guess adjective Of another sort.
antambulacral adjective Away from the ambulacral region.
antaphroditic adjective Antaphrodisiac., Antisyphilitic., An antaphroditic medicine.
antapoplectic adjective Good against apoplexy., A medicine used against apoplexy.
antecedaneous adjective Antecedent; preceding in time.
antecommunion noun A name given to that part of the Anglican liturgy for the communion, which precedes the consecration of the elements.
antenniferous adjective Bearing or having antennae.
antepenultima noun The last syllable of a word except two, as -syl- in monosyllable.
antheriferous adjective Producing anthers, as plants., Supporting anthers, as a part of a flower.
antherogenous adjective Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower.
anthobranchia noun pl. A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and Doris.
anthophyllite noun A mineral of the hornblende group, of a yellowish gray or clove brown color.
anthracomancy noun Divination by inspecting a burning coal.
anthracometer noun An instrument for measuring the amount of carbonic acid in a mixture.
anthraquinone noun A hydrocarbon, C6H4.C2O2.C6H4, subliming in shining yellow needles. It is obtained by oxidation of anthracene.
anthropogenic adjective Of or pertaining to anthropogeny.
anthropolatry noun Man worship.
anthropologic adjective Alt. of Anthropological
anthropomancy noun Divination by the entrails of human being.
anthropometry noun Measurement of the height and other dimensions of human beings, especially at different ages, or in different races, occupations, etc.
anthropopathy noun The ascription of human feelings or passions to God, or to a polytheistic deity.
anthropophagi noun pl. Man eaters; cannibals.
anthropophagy noun The eating of human flesh; cannibalism.
anthroposcopy noun The art of discovering or judging of a man’s character, passions. and inclinations from a study of his visible features.
anthroposophy noun Knowledge of the nature of man; hence, human wisdom.
anti-american adjective Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions.
antiasthmatic adjective & noun Same as Antasthmatic.
antiattrition noun Anything to prevent the effects of friction, esp. a compound lubricant for machinery, etc., often consisting of plumbago, with some greasy material; antifriction grease.
anticatarrhal adjective Efficacious against catarrh., An anticatarrhal remedy.
antichristian adjective Opposed to the Christian religion.
antichronical adjective Deviating from the proper order of time.
anticlinorium noun The upward elevation of the crust of the earth, resulting from a geanticlinal.
antiephialtic adjective & noun Same as Antephialtic.
antiepileptic adjective & noun Same as Antepileptic.
anti-gallican adjective Opposed to what is Gallic or French.
antilibration noun A balancing; equipoise.
antilogarithm noun The number corresponding to a logarithm. The word has been sometimes, though rarely, used to denote the complement of a given logarithm; also the logarithmic cosine corresponding to a given logarithmic sine.
antimonarchic Alt. of Antimonarchical
antinephritic adjective Counteracting, or deemed of use in, diseases of the kidneys., An antinephritic remedy.
antinomianism noun The tenets or practice of Antinomians.
antiparallels noun pl. Straight lines or planes which make angles in some respect opposite in character to those made by parallel lines or planes.
antiparalytic adjective Good against paralysis., A medicine for paralysis.
antiquateness noun Antiquatedness.
antiquitarian noun An admirer of antiquity. [Used by Milton in a disparaging sense.]
antiscorbutic adjective Counteracting scurvy., A remedy for scurvy.
antisocialist noun One opposed to the doctrines and practices of socialists or socialism.
antispasmodic adjective Good against spasms., A medicine which prevents or allays spasms or convulsions.
antisplenetic adjective Good as a remedy against disease of the spleen., An antisplenetic medicine.
antistrumatic adjective Antistrumous., A medicine for scrofula.
antivaccinist noun One opposed to vaccination.
antivariolous adjective Preventing the contagion of smallpox.
anythingarian noun One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.