13 letter word starting with b

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
babbitt metal A soft white alloy of variable composition (as a nine parts of tin to one of copper, or of fifty parts of tin to five of antimony and one of copper) used in bearings to diminish friction.
baccalaureate noun The degree of bachelor of arts. (B.A. or A.B.), the first or lowest academical degree conferred by universities and colleges., A baccalaureate sermon., Pertaining to a bachelor of arts.
backwardation noun The seller’s postponement of delivery of stock or shares, with the consent of the buyer, upon payment of a premium to the latter; — also, the premium so paid. See Contango.
bacterioscopy noun The application of a knowledge of bacteria for their detection and identification, as in the examination of polluted water.
badger-legged adjective Having legs of unequal length, as the badger was thought to have.
balance wheel A wheel which regulates the beats or pulses of a watch or chronometer, answering to the pendulum of a clock; — often called simply a balance., A ratchet-shaped scape wheel, which in some watches is acted upon by the axis of the balance wheel proper (in those watches called a balance)., A wheel which imparts regularity to the movements of any engine or machine; a fly wheel.
balanoglossus noun A peculiar marine worm. See Enteropneusta, and Tornaria.
ballad monger A seller or maker of ballads; a poetaster.
balneotherapy noun The treatment of disease by baths.
balsamiferous adjective Producing balsam.
banding plane A plane used for cutting out grooves and inlaying strings and bands in straight and circular work.
barbarousness noun The quality or state of being barbarous; barbarity; barbarism.
barefacedness noun The quality of being barefaced; shamelessness; assurance; audaciousness.
barker’s mill A machine, invented in the 17th century, worked by a form of reaction wheel. The water flows into a vertical tube and gushes from apertures in hollow horizontal arms, causing the machine to revolve on its axis.
barking irons Instruments used in taking off the bark of trees., A pair of pistols.
basioccipital adjective Of or pertaining to the bone in the base of the cranium, frequently forming a part of the occipital in the adult, but usually distinct in the young., The basioccipital bone.
basipterygium noun A bar of cartilage at the base of the embryonic fins of some fishes. It develops into the metapterygium.
basipterygoid adjective & noun Applied to a protuberance of the base of the sphenoid bone.
basking shark One of the largest species of sharks (Cetorhinus maximus), so called from its habit of basking in the sun; the liver shark, or bone shark. It inhabits the northern seas of Europe and America, and grows to a length of more than forty feet. It is a harmless species.
basso-rilievo noun Alt. of Basso-relievo
basso-relievo noun Same as Bas-relief.
bathymetrical adjective Pertaining to bathymetry; relating to the measurement of depths, especially of depths in the sea.
battering-ram noun An engine used in ancient times to beat down the walls of besieged places., A blacksmith’s hammer, suspended, and worked horizontally.
beardlessness noun The state or quality of being destitute of beard.
bearing cloth A cloth with which a child is covered when carried to be baptized.
bear’s-breech noun See Acanthus, n., 1., The English cow parsnip (Heracleum sphondylium)
beatification noun The act of beatifying, or the state of being beatified; esp., in the R. C. Church, the act or process of ascertaining and declaring that a deceased person is one of “the blessed,” or has attained the second degree of sanctity, — usually a stage in the process of canonization.
beetle-browed Having prominent, overhanging brows; hence, lowering or sullen.
beetle-headed adjective Dull; stupid.
beggar’s lice The prickly fruit or seed of certain plants (as some species of Echinospermum and Cynoglossum) which cling to the clothing of those who brush by them.
beholdingness noun The state of being obliged or beholden.
belligerently adverb In a belligerent manner; hostilely.
belly-pinched adjective Pinched with hunger; starved.
bench warrant A process issued by a presiding judge or by a court against a person guilty of some contempt, or indicted for some crime; — so called in distinction from a justice’s warrant.
benedictional noun A book of benedictions.
beneficential adjective Relating to beneficence.
beneficiaries plural of Beneficiary
bermuda grass A kind of grass (Cynodon Dactylon) esteemed for pasture in the Southern United States. It is a native of Southern Europe, but is now wide-spread in warm countries; — called also scutch grass, and in Bermuda, devil grass.
bewitchedness noun The state of being bewitched.
bibble-babble noun Idle talk; babble.
bibliographer noun One who writes, or is versed in, bibliography.
bibliographic adjective Alt. of Bibliographical
bibliolatrist noun A worshiper of books; especially, a worshiper of the Bible; a believer in its verbal inspiration.
bibliological adjective Relating to bibliology.
bibliophilism noun Love of books.
bibliophilist noun A lover of books.
bibliotaphist noun One who hides away books, as in a tomb.
bibliothecary noun A librarian.
bignoniaceous adjective Of pertaining to, or resembling, the family of plants of which the trumpet flower is an example.
biostatistics noun Vital statistics.
bird’s-tongue noun The knotgrass (Polygonum aviculare).
birectangular adjective Containing or having two right angles; as, a birectangular spherical triangle.
bisa antelope See Oryx.
bishop sleeve A wide sleeve, once worn by women.
bishop’s-weed noun An umbelliferous plant of the genus Ammi., Goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria).
bishop’s-wort noun Wood betony (Stachys betonica); also, the plant called fennel flower (Nigella Damascena), or devil-in-a-bush.
black-a-vised adjective Dark-visaged; swart.
blackguarding present participle & vb. noun of Blackguard
blackguardism noun The conduct or language of a blackguard; ruffianism.
black-hearted adjective Having a wicked, malignant disposition; morally bad.
black-mouthed adjective Using foul or scurrilous language; slanderous.
black pudding A kind of sausage made of blood, suet, etc., thickened with meal.
blamelessness noun The quality or state of being blameless; innocence.
blandiloquous adjective Alt. of Blandiloquious
blasphemously adverb In a blasphemous manner.
blastocarpous adjective Germinating inside the pericarp, as the mangrove.
blastogenesis noun Multiplication or increase by gemmation or budding.
bleareyedness noun The state of being blear-eyed.
bloodshedding noun Bloodshed.
blood-shotten adjective Bloodshot.
bloody-minded adjective Having a cruel, ferocious disposition; bloodthirsty.
bojanus organ A glandular organ of bivalve mollusca, serving in part as a kidney.
bona peritura Perishable goods.
booking clerk A clerk who registers passengers, baggage, etc., for conveyance, as by railway or steamship, or who sells passage tickets at a booking office.
boraginaceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a family of plants (Boraginaceae) which includes the borage, heliotrope, beggar’s lice, and many pestiferous plants.
boroglyceride noun A compound of boric acid and glycerin, used as an antiseptic.
boroughholder noun A headborough; a borsholder.
boroughmaster noun The mayor, governor, or bailiff of a borough.
boroughmonger noun One who buys or sells the parliamentary seats of boroughs.
boustrophedon noun An ancient mode of writing, in alternate directions, one line from left to right, and the next from right to left (as fields are plowed), as in early Greek and Hittite.
bow-compasses plural of Bow-compass
brachioganoid noun One of the Brachioganoidei.
brachycephaly noun Alt. of Brachycephalism
brachygrapher noun A writer in short hand; a stenographer.
brachypterous adjective Having short wings.
branchiferous adjective Having gills; branchiate; as, branchiferous gastropods.
branchiostege The branchiostegal membrane. See Illustration in Appendix.
branchiostoma noun The lancelet. See Amphioxus.
branding iron An iron to brand with.
brassicaceous adjective Related to, or resembling, the cabbage, or plants of the Cabbage family.
brass-visaged adjective Impudent; bold.
brazen-browed adjective Shamelessly impudent.
breadthwinner noun The member of a family whose labor supplies the food of the family; one who works for his living.
break-circuit noun A key or other device for breaking an electrical circuit.
brequet chain A watch-guard.
breviloquence noun A brief and pertinent mode of speaking.
brevirostrate adjective Short-billed; having a short beak.
brilliantness noun Brilliancy; splendor; glitter.
broad-brimmed adjective Having a broad brim.
broken-backed adjective Having a broken back; as, a broken-backed chair., Hogged; so weakened in the frame as to droop at each end; — said of a ship.
broken-winded adjective Having short breath or disordered respiration, as a horse.
bromatologist noun One versed in the science of foods.
bromeliaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a family of endogenous and mostly epiphytic or saxicolous plants of which the genera Tillandsia and Billbergia are examples. The pineapple, though terrestrial, is also of this family.
brontotherium noun A genus of large extinct mammals from the miocene strata of western North America. They were allied to the rhinoceros, but the skull bears a pair of powerful horn cores in front of the orbits, and the fore feet were four-toed. See Illustration in Appendix.
brotherliness noun The state or quality of being brotherly.
brutalization noun The act or process of making brutal; state of being brutalized.
bubbling jock The male wild turkey, the gobbler; — so called in allusion to its notes.
buffle-headed adjective Having a large head, like a buffalo; dull; stupid; blundering.
bullen-bullen noun The lyre bird.
bullock’s-eye noun See Bull’s-eye, 3.
bumptiousness noun Conceitedness.
bureaucratist noun An advocate for , or supporter of, bureaucracy.
burghermaster noun See Burgomaster.
burglariously adverb With an intent to commit burglary; in the manner of a burglar.
burying place The ground or place for burying the dead; burial place.
butcherliness noun Butchery quality.
butter-scotch noun A kind of candy, mainly composed of sugar and butter.
butting joint A joint between two pieces of timber or wood, at the end of one or both, and either at right angles or oblique to the grain, as the joints which the struts and braces form with the truss posts; — sometimes called abutting joint.
by-dependence noun An appendage; that which depends on something else, or is distinct from the main dependence; an accessory.