13 letter word starting with bu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bubbling jock The male wild turkey, the gobbler; — so called in allusion to its notes.
buffle-headed adjective Having a large head, like a buffalo; dull; stupid; blundering.
bullen-bullen noun The lyre bird.
bullock’s-eye noun See Bull’s-eye, 3.
bumptiousness noun Conceitedness.
bureaucratist noun An advocate for , or supporter of, bureaucracy.
burghermaster noun See Burgomaster.
burglariously adverb With an intent to commit burglary; in the manner of a burglar.
burying place The ground or place for burying the dead; burial place.
butcherliness noun Butchery quality.
butter-scotch noun A kind of candy, mainly composed of sugar and butter.
butting joint A joint between two pieces of timber or wood, at the end of one or both, and either at right angles or oblique to the grain, as the joints which the struts and braces form with the truss posts; — sometimes called abutting joint.