13 letter word starting with c

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cabinetmaking noun The art or occupation of making the finer articles of household furniture.
calcariferous adjective Lime-yielding; calciferous
calcification noun The process of change into a stony or calcareous substance by the deposition of lime salt; — normally, as in the formation of bone and of teeth; abnormally, as in calcareous degeneration of tissue.
calcispongiae noun pl. An order of marine sponges, containing calcareous spicules. See Porifera.
calisaya bark A valuable kind of Peruvian bark obtained from the Cinchona Calisaya, and other closely related species.
calligraphist noun A calligrapher
callisthenics noun See Calisthenic, Calisthenics.
callithumpian adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a callithump.
calorifacient adjective See Calorificient.
calorificient adjective Having, or relating to the power of producing heat; — applied to foods which, being rich in carbon, as the fats, are supposed to give rise to heat in the animal body by oxidation.
calvinistical adjective Of or pertaining to Calvin, or Calvinism; following Calvin; accepting or Teaching Calvinism.
cambro-briton noun A Welshman.
cameralistics noun The science of finance or public revenue.
camera lucida An instrument which by means of a prism of a peculiar form, or an arrangement of mirrors, causes an apparent image of an external object or objects to appear as if projected upon a plane surface, as of paper or canvas, so that the outlines may conveniently traced. It is generally used with the microscope.
campaniliform adjective Bell-shaped; campanulate; campaniform.
campanologist noun One skilled in campanology; a bell ringer.
campanularian noun A hydroid of the family ampanularidae, characterized by having the polyps or zooids inclosed in bell-shaped calicles or hydrothecae.
camphoraceous adjective Of the nature of camphor; containing camphor.
canaliculated adjective Having a channel or groove, as in the leafstalks of most palms.
candidateship noun Candidacy.
canonicalness noun The quality of being canonical; canonicity.
capaciousness noun The quality of being capacious, as of a vessel, a reservoir a bay, the mind, etc.
capellmeister noun The musical director in royal or ducal chapel; a choir-master.
capillariness noun The quality of being capillary.
capitan pasha Alt. of Pacha
capping plane A plane used for working the upper surface of staircase rails.
caprification noun The practice of hanging, upon the cultivated fig tree, branches of the wild fig infested with minute hymenopterous insects.
caravansaries plural of Caravansary
carbonatation noun The saturation of defecated beet juice with carbonic acid gas.
carboniferous adjective Producing or containing carbon or coal.
carbonization noun The act or process of carbonizing.
carburization noun The act, process, or result of carburizing.
carcinomatous adjective Of or pertaining to carcinoma.
cardiographic adjective Of or pertaining to, or produced by, a cardiograph.
carnal-minded adjective Worldly-minded.
carnification noun The act or process of turning to flesh, or to a substance resembling flesh.
carnivoracity noun Greediness of appetite for flesh.
carolina pink See Pinkboot.
carte blanche A blank paper, with a person’s signature, etc., at the bottom, given to another person, with permission to superscribe what conditions he pleases. Hence: Unconditional terms; unlimited authority.
cartilaginous adjective Of or pertaining to cartilage; gristly; firm and tough like cartilage., Having the skeleton in the state of cartilage, the bones containing little or no calcareous matter; said of certain fishes, as the sturgeon and the sharks.
caryophyllous adjective Caryophyllaceous.
casehardening noun The act or process of converting the surface of iron into steel.
castlebuilder noun Fig.: one who builds castles in the air or forms visionary schemes.
catadioptrics noun The science which treats of catadioptric phenomena, or of the used of catadioptric instruments.
catanadromous adjective Ascending and descending fresh streams from and to the sea, as the salmon; anadromous.
catastrophism noun The doctrine that the geological changes in the earth’s crust have been caused by the sudden action of violent physical causes; — opposed to the doctrine of uniformism.
catastrophist noun One who holds the theory or catastrophism.
catechisation noun The act of catechising.
catechistical adjective Of or pertaining to a catechist or to a catechism.
catechumenate noun The state or condition of a catechumen or the time during which one is a catechumen.
catechumenist noun A catechumen.
categorematic adjective Capable of being employed by itself as a term; — said of a word.
categorically adverb Absolutely; directly; expressly; positively; as, to affirm categorically.
catheterizing present participle & vb. noun of Catheterize
catoptromancy noun A species of divination, which was performed by letting down a mirror into water, for a sick person to look at his face in it. If his countenance appeared distorted and ghastly, it was an ill omen; if fresh and healthy, it was favorable.
causelessness noun The state of being causeless.
cauterization noun The act of searing some morbid part by the application of a cautery or caustic; also, the effect of such application.
celluliferous adjective Bearing or producing little cells.
centesimation noun The infliction of the death penalty upon one person in every hundred, as in cases of mutiny.
centicipitous adjective Hundred-headed.
centrifugence noun The property or quality of being centrifugal.
centripetence noun Centripetency.
centripetency noun Tendency toward the center.
centrostaltic adjective A term applied to the action of nerve force in the spinal center.
centuplicated imp. & past participle of Centuplicate
cephalanthium noun Same as Anthodium.
cephalization noun Domination of the head in animal life as expressed in the physical structure; localization of important organs or parts in or near the head, in animal development.
cephalocercal adjective Relating to the long axis of the body.
cephalopodous adjective Belonging to, or resembling, the cephalopods.
cephalothorax noun The anterior portion of any one of the Arachnida and higher Crustacea, consisting of the united head and thorax.
cephalotripsy noun The act or operation of crushing the head of a fetus in the womb in order to effect delivery.
cephalotrocha noun A kind of annelid larva with a circle of cilia around the head.
ceremonialism noun Adherence to external rites; fondness for ceremony.
ceremoniously adverb In a ceremonious way.
cerographical adjective Of or pertaining to cerography.
certificating present participle & vb. noun of Certificate
certification noun The act of certifying.
chalaziferous adjective Having or bearing chalazas.
chalcographer noun Alt. of Chalcographist
challengeable adjective That may be challenged.
chance-medley noun The killing of another in self-defense upon a sudden and unpremeditated encounter. See Chaud-Medley., Luck; chance; accident.
changeability noun Changeableness.
chansonnettes plural of Chansonnette
characterized imp. & past participle of Characterize
characterless adjective Destitute of any distinguishing quality; without character or force.
charlatanical adjective Of or like a charlatan; making undue pretension; empirical; pretentious; quackish.
chartographer noun Alt. of Chartography
chartographic noun Alt. of Chartography
cheatableness noun Capability of being cheated.
chef-d’oeuvre noun A masterpiece; a capital work in art, literature, etc.
cheiropterous adjective Belonging to the Cheiroptera, or Bat family.
cheirotherium noun A genus of extinct animals, so named from fossil footprints rudely resembling impressions of the human hand, and believed to have been made by labyrinthodont reptiles. See Illustration in Appendix.
chelerythrine noun An alkaloidal principle obtained from the celandine, and named from the red color of its salts. It is a colorless crystalline substance, and acts as an acrid narcotic poison. It is identical with sanguinarine.
chessy copper The mineral azurite, found in fine crystallization at Chessy, near Lyons; called also chessylite.
chest founder A rheumatic affection of the muscles of the breast and fore legs of a horse, affecting motion and respiration.
chiaroscurist noun A painter who cares for and studies light and shade rather than color.
chiaro-oscuro noun The arrangement of light and dark parts in a work of art, such as a drawing or painting, whether in monochrome or in color., The art or practice of so arranging the light and dark parts as to produce a harmonious effect. Cf. Clair-obscur.
chief justice The presiding justice, or principal judge, of a court.
chieftainship noun The rank, dignity, or office of a chieftain.
childlessness noun The state of being childless.
chimney-piece noun A decorative construction around the opening of a fireplace.
chipping bird The chippy.
chirographist noun A chirographer; a writer or engrosser., One who tells fortunes by examining the hand.
chiromantical adjective Of or pertaining to chiromancy.
chitinization noun The process of becoming chitinous.
chlorocruorin noun A green substance, supposed to be the cause of the green color of the blood in some species of worms.
chloroforming present participle & vb. noun of Chloroform
chloroleucite noun Same as Chloroplastid.
chloroplastid noun A granule of chlorophyll; — also called chloroleucite.
chondrigenous adjective Affording chondrin.
chorepiscopal adjective Pertaining to a chorepiscopus or his change or authority.
chorepiscopus noun A “country” or suffragan bishop, appointed in the ancient church by a diocesan bishop to exercise episcopal jurisdiction in a rural district.
chrematistics noun The science of wealth; the science, or a branch of the science, of political economy.
chreotechnics noun The science of the useful arts, esp. agriculture, manufactures, and commerce.
chrestomathic adjective Teaching what is useful.
christianized imp. & past participle of Christianize
christianlike adjective Becoming to a Christian.
christianness noun Consonance with the doctrines of Christianity.
christmastide noun The season of Christmas.
chromatically adverb In a chromatic manner.
chromatophore noun A contractile cell or vesicle containing liquid pigment and capable of changing its form or size, thus causing changes of color in the translucent skin of such animals as possess them. They are highly developed and numerous in the cephalopods., One of the granules of protoplasm, which in mass give color to the part of the plant containing them.
chromatoscope noun A reflecting telescope, part of which is made to rotate eccentrically, so as to produce a ringlike image of a star, instead of a point; — used in studying the scintillation of the stars.
chromoleucite noun A chromoplastid.
chromoplastid noun A protoplasmic granule of some other color than green; — also called chromoleucite.
chromospheric adjective Of or pertaining to the chromosphere.
chronographer noun One who writes a chronography; a chronologer.
chronographic adjective Of or pertaining to a chronograph.
chronological adjective Relating to chronology; containing an account of events in the order of time; according to the order of time; as, chronological tables.
chrysanthemum noun A genus of composite plants, mostly perennial, and of many species including the many varieties of garden chrysanthemums (annual and perennial), and also the feverfew and the oxeye daisy.
chthonophagia noun Alt. of Chthonophagy
chuckleheaded adjective Having a large head; thickheaded; dull; stupid.
churchmanship noun The state or quality of being a churchman; attachment to the church.
chylification noun The formation of chyle. See Chylifaction.
chylificatory adjective Chylifactive.
chymification noun The conversion of food into chyme by the digestive action of gastric juice.
cicatrization noun The process of forming a cicatrix, or the state of being cicatrized.
ciceronianism noun Imitation of, or resemblance to, the style or action Cicero; a Ciceronian phrase or expression.
cinchonaceous adjective Allied or pertaining to cinchona, or to the plants that produce it.
circumagitate verb t. To agitate on all sides.
circumambient adjective Surrounding; inclosing or being on all sides; encompassing.
circumclusion noun Act of inclosing on all sides.
circumduction noun A leading about; circumlocution., An annulling; cancellation., The rotation of a limb round an imaginary axis, so as to describe a concial surface.
circumference noun The line that goes round or encompasses a circular figure; a periphery., A circle; anything circular., The external surface of a sphere, or of any orbicular body., To include in a circular space; to bound.
circumflected imp. & past participle of Circumflect
circumflexing present participle & vb. noun of Circumflex
circumflexion noun The act of bending, or causing to assume a curved form., A winding about; a turning; a circuity; a fold.
circumfluence noun A flowing round on all sides; an inclosing with a fluid.
circumfulgent adjective Shining around or about.
circumjacence noun Condition of being circumjacent, or of bordering on every side.
circumscribed imp. & past participle of Circumscribe
circumscriber noun One who, or that which, circumscribes.
circumspectly adverb In a circumspect manner; cautiously; warily.
circumstanced p. adjective Placed in a particular position or condition; situated., Governed by events or circumstances.
circumvallate verb t. To surround with a rampart or wall., Surrounded with a wall; inclosed with a rampart., Surrounded by a ridge or elevation; as, the circumvallate papillae, near the base of the tongue.
circumvection noun The act of carrying anything around, or the state of being so carried.
circumventing present participle vb. noun of Circumvent
circumvention noun The act of prevailing over another by arts, address, or fraud; deception; fraud; imposture; delusion.
circumventive adjective Tending to circumvent; deceiving by artifices; deluding.
circumvolving present participle vb. noun of Circumvolve
cirro-cumulus noun See under Cloud.
cirro-stratus noun See under Cloud.
clandestinity noun Privacy or secrecy.
clare-obscure noun See Chiaroscuro.
clarification noun The act or process of making clear or transparent, by freeing visible impurities; as, the clarification of wine., The act of freeing from obscurities.
claro-obscuro noun See Chiaroscuro.
classicalness noun The quality of being classical.
clear-shining adjective Shining brightly.
clear-sighted adjective Seeing with clearness; discerning; as, clear-sighted reason
clearstarched imp. & past participle of Clearstarch
clearstarcher noun One who clearstarches.
cleavelandite noun A variety of albite, white and lamellar in structure.
cleistogamous adjective Having, beside the usual flowers, other minute, closed flowers, without petals or with minute petals; — said of certain species of plants which possess flowers of two or more kinds, the closed ones being so constituted as to insure self-fertilization.
climacterical adjective & noun See Climacteric.
climatography noun A description of climates.
climatologist noun One versed in, or who studies, climatology.
clinker-built adjective Having the side planks (af a boat) so arranged that the lower edge of each overlaps the upper edge of the plank next below it like clapboards on a house. See Lapstreak.
clinodiagonal noun That diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which makes an oblique angle with the vertical axis. See Crystallization., Pertaining to, or the direction of, the clinodiagonal.
clinopinacoid noun The plane in crystals of the monoclinic system which is parallel to the vertical and the inclined lateral (clinidiagonal) axes.
close-tongued adjective Closemouthed; silent.
cloven-footed adjective Alt. of Cloven-hoofed
cloven-hoofed adjective Having the foot or hoof divided into two parts, as the ox.
clowe-gilofre noun Spice clove.
cluniacensian adjective Cluniac.
coadjutorship noun The state or office of a coadjutor; joint assistance.
coagmentation noun The act of joining, or the state of being joined, together; union.
coagulability noun The quality of being coagulable; capacity of being coagulated.
cobaltiferous adjective Containing cobalt.
cobelligerent adjective Carrying on war in conjunction with another power., A nation or state that carries on war in connection with another.
coccobacteria plural of Coccobacterium
cochineal fig A plant of Central and Southern America, of the Cactus family, extensively cultivated for the sake of the cochineal insect, which lives on it.
coelospermous adjective Hollow-seeded; having the ventral face of the seedlike carpels incurved at the ends, as in coriander seed.
cognomination noun A cognomen or surname.
coinheritance noun Joint inheritance.
coinquination noun Defilement.
collaborateur noun See Collaborator.
collaboration noun The act of working together; united labor.
colleagueship noun Partnership in office.
collectedness noun A collected state of the mind; self-possession.
collectorship noun The office of a collector of customs or of taxes.
colloquialism noun A colloquial expression, not employed in formal discourse or writing.
colloquialize verb t. To make colloquial and familiar; as, to colloquialize one’s style of writing.
cologne earth An earth of a deep brown color, containing more vegetable than mineral matter; an earthy variety of lignite, or brown coal.
columbatz fly See Buffalo fly, under Buffalo.
columbiferous adjective Producing or containing columbium.
columelliform adjective Shaped like a little column, or columella.
combativeness noun The quality of being combative; propensity to contend or to quarrel., A cranial development supposed to indicate a combative disposition.
comet- seeker noun A telescope of low power, having a large field of view, used for finding comets.
cometographer noun One who describes or writes about comets.
commandership noun The office of a commander.
commeasurable adjective Having the same measure; commensurate; proportional.
commemorating present participle & vb. noun of Commemorate
commemoration noun The act of commemorating; an observance or celebration designed to honor the memory of some person or event., Whatever serves the purpose of commemorating; a memorial.
commemorative adjective Tending or intended to commemorate.
commemoratory adjective Serving to commemorate; commemorative.
commensurable adjective Having a common measure; capable of being exactly measured by the same number, quantity, or measure.
commensurably adverb In a commensurable manner; so as to be commensurable.
commensurated imp. & past participle of Commensurate
commentitious adjective Fictitious or imaginary; unreal; as, a commentitious system of religion.
commercialism noun The commercial spirit or method.
commiserating present participle & vb. noun of Commiserate
commiseration noun The act of commiserating; sorrow for the wants, afflictions, or distresses of another; pity; compassion.
commiserative adjective Feeling or expressing commiseration.
commissioning p. pr & vb. noun of Commission
commissionary adjective Of, pertaining to, or conferring, a commission; conferred by a commission or warrant.
commissionate verb t. To commission
communalistic adjective Pertaining to communalism.
communicating present participle & vb. noun of Communicate
communication noun The act or fact of communicating; as, communication of smallpox; communication of a secret., Intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence., Association; company., Means of communicating; means of passing from place to place; a connecting passage; connection., That which is communicated or imparted; intelligence; news; a verbal or written message., Participation in the Lord’s supper., A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you.
communicative adjective Inclined to communicate; ready to impart to others.
communicatory adjective Imparting knowledge or information.
commutability noun The quality of being commutable.
compactedness noun A state of being compact.
compagination noun Union of parts; structure.
companionable adjective Fitted to be a companion; fit for good fellowship; agreeable; sociable.
companionless adjective Without a companion.
companionship noun Fellowship; association; the act or fact of keeping company with any one.
comparatively adverb According to estimate made by comparison; relatively; not positively or absolutely.
compassionate adjective Having a temper or disposition to pity; sympathetic; merciful., Complaining; inviting pity; pitiable., To have compassion for; to pity; to commiserate; to sympathize with.
compatibility noun The quality or power of being compatible or congruous; congruity; as, a compatibility of tempers; a compatibility of properties.
compatriotism noun The condition of being compatriots.
compendiously adverb In a compendious manner.
complacential adjective Marked by, or causing, complacence.
complementary adjective Serving to fill out or to complete; as, complementary numbers., One skilled in compliments.
complexedness noun The quality or state of being complex or involved; complication.
complexionary adjective Pertaining to the complexion, or to the care of it.
complimentary adjective Expressive of regard or praise; of the nature of, or containing, a compliment; as, a complimentary remark; a complimentary ticket.
complutensian adjective Of or pertaining to Complutum (now Alcala de Henares) a city near Madrid; as, the Complutensian Bible.
comprehending present participle & vb. noun of Comprehend
comprehension noun The act of comprehending, containing, or comprising; inclusion., That which is comprehended or inclosed within narrow limits; a summary; an epitome., The capacity of the mind to perceive and understand; the power, act, or process of grasping with the intellect; perception; understanding; as, a comprehension of abstract principles., The complement of attributes which make up the notion signified by a general term., A figure by which the name of a whole is put for a part, or that of a part for a whole, or a definite number for an indefinite.
comprehensive adjective Including much; comprising many things; having a wide scope or a full view., Having the power to comprehend or understand many things., Possessing peculiarities that are characteristic of several diverse groups.
compromitting present participle & vb. noun of Compromit
comprovincial adjective Belonging to, or associated in, the same province., One who belongs to the same province.
compsognathus noun A genus of Dinosauria found in the Jurassic formation, and remarkable for having several birdlike features.
concameration noun An arch or vault., A chamber of a multilocular shell.
concatenating present participle & vb. noun of Concatenate
concatenation noun A series of links united; a series or order of things depending on each other, as if linked together; a chain, a succession.
conceitedness noun The state of being conceited; conceit; vanity.
concentrating present participle & vb. noun of Concentrate
concentration noun The act or process of concentrating; the process of becoming concentrated, or the state of being concentrated; concentration., The act or process of reducing the volume of a liquid, as by evaporation., The act or process of removing the dress of ore and of reducing the valuable part to smaller compass, as by currents of air or water.
concentrative adjective Serving or tending to concentrate; characterized by concentration.
concentricity noun The state of being concentric.
conceptualism noun A theory, intermediate between realism and nominalism, that the mind has the power of forming for itself general conceptions of individual or single objects.
conceptualist noun One who maintains the theory of conceptualism.
concessionist noun One who favors concession.
conchological adjective Pertaining to, or connected with, conchology.
concho-spiral noun A kind of spiral curve found in certain univalve shells.
conchylaceous adjective Alt. of Conchyliaceous
conchyliology noun See Conchologist, and Conchology.
concomitantly adverb In company with others; unitedly; concurrently.
concretionary adjective Pertaining to, or formed by, concretion or aggregation; producing or containing concretions.
concubinarian adjective & noun Concubinary.
concubinaries plural of Concubinary
concupiscence noun Sexual lust; morbid carnal passion.
concupiscible adjective Exciting to, or liable to be affected by, concupiscence; provoking lustful desires., Exciting desire, good or evil.
condescending present participle & vb. noun of Condescend
condescension noun The act of condescending; voluntary descent from one’s rank or dignity in intercourse with an inferior; courtesy toward inferiors.
conditionally adverb In a conditional manner; subject to a condition or conditions; not absolutely or positively.
conducibility noun The state or quality of being conducible; conducibleness.
conduciveness noun The quality of conducing.
confabulating present participle & vb. noun of Confabulate
confabulation noun Familiar talk; easy, unrestrained, unceremonious conversation.
confabulatory adjective Of the nature of familiar talk; in the form of a dialogue.
confarreation noun A form of marriage among the Romans, in which an offering of bread was made, in presence of the high priest and at least ten witnesses.
confectionary noun A confectioner., Prepared as a confection.
confectionery noun Sweetmeats, in general; things prepared and sold by a confectioner; confections; candies., A place where candies, sweetmeats, and similar things are made or sold.
confederacies plural of Confederacy
confederating present participle & vb. noun of Confederate
confederation noun The act of confederating; a league; a compact for mutual support; alliance, particularly of princes, nations, or states., The parties that are confederated, considered as a unit; a confederacy.
confederative adjective Of or pertaining to a confederation.
confervaceous adjective Belonging to the confervae.
confessionary noun A confessional., Pertaining to auricular confession; as, a confessionary litany.
confessionist noun One professing a certain faith.
confessorship noun The act or state of suffering persecution for religious faith.
confidentness noun The quality of being confident.
configuration noun Form, as depending on the relative disposition of the parts of a thing’ shape; figure., Relative position or aspect of the planets; the face of the horoscope, according to the relative positions of the planets at any time.
confirmedness noun A fixed state.
conflagration noun A fire extending to many objects, or over a large space; a general burning.
confraternity noun A society of body of men united for some purpose, or in some profession; a brotherhood.
confrontation noun Act of confrontating.
confusability noun Capability of being confused.
congealedness noun The state of being congealed.
congenialness noun Congeniality.
conglaciation noun The act or process of changing into ice, or the state of being converted to ice; a freezing; congelation; also, a frost.
conglomerated imp. & past participle of Conglomerate
conglutinated imp. & past participle of Conglutinate
congratulated imp. & past participle of Congratulate
congratulator noun One who offers congratulation.
congressional adjective Of or pertaining to a congress, especially, to the Congress of the United States; as, congressional debates.
conjecturable adjective Capable of being conjectured or guessed.
conjecturally noun That which depends upon guess; guesswork., In a conjectural manner; by way of conjecture.
conjugational adjective relating to conjugation.
conjunctional adjective Relating to a conjunction.
conjunctively adverb In conjunction or union; together.
connaturality noun Participation of the same nature; natural union or connection.
connaturalize verb t. To bring to the same nature as something else; to adapt.
conning tower noun The shot-proof pilot house of a war vessel.
connotatively adverb In a connotative manner; expressing connotation.
connumeration noun A reckoning together.
connutritious adjective Nutritious by force of habit; — said of certain kinds of food.
consanguineal adjective Of the same blood; related by birth.
consanguinity noun The relation of persons by blood, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage; blood relationship; as, lineal consanguinity; collateral consanguinity.
conscientious adjective Influenced by conscience; governed by a strict regard to the dictates of conscience, or by the known or supposed rules of right and wrong; — said of a person., Characterized by a regard to conscience; conformed to the dictates of conscience; — said of actions.
consciousness noun The state of being conscious; knowledge of one’s own existence, condition, sensations, mental operations, acts, etc., Immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation. See the Note under Attention., Feeling, persuasion, or expectation; esp., inward sense of guilt or innocence.
consectaneous adjective Following as a matter of course.
consecutively adverb In a consecutive manner; by way of sequence; successively.
consentaneity noun Mutual agreement.
consentaneous adjective Consistent; agreeable; suitable; accordant to; harmonious; concurrent.
consequencing noun Drawing inference.
consequential adjective Following as a consequence, result, or logical inference; consequent., Assuming or exhibiting an air of consequence; pretending to importance; pompous; self-important; as, a consequential man. See Consequence, n., 4.
conservatoire noun A public place of instruction in any special branch, esp. music and the arts. [See Conservatory, 3].
consideration noun The act or process of considering; continuous careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention., Attentive respect; appreciative regard; — used especially in diplomatic or stately correspondence., Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or notice., Claim to notice or regard; some degree of importance or consequence., The result of delibration, or of attention and examonation; matured opinion; a reflection; as, considerations on the choice of a profession., That which is, or should be, taken into account as a ground of opinion or action; motive; reason., The cause which moves a contracting party to enter into an agreement; the material cause of a contract; the price of a stripulation; compensation; equivalent.
considerative adjective Considerate; careful; thoughtful.
consideringly adverb With consideration or deliberation.
consimilitude noun Alt. of Consimility
consolidating present participle & vb. noun of Consolidate
consolidation noun The act or process of consolidating, making firm, or uniting; the state of being consolidated; solidification; combination., To organic cohesion of different circled in a flower; adnation., The combination of several actions into one.
consolidative adjective Tending or having power to consolidate; healing.
consonantness noun The quality or condition of being consonant, agreeable, or consistent.
conspissation noun A making thick or viscous; thickness; inspissation.
conspurcation noun The act of defiling; defilement; pollution.
constableship noun The office or functions of a constable.
constablewick noun The district to which a constable’s power is limited.
constellation noun A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included., An assemblage of splendors or excellences., Fortune; fate; destiny.
consternation noun Amazement or horror that confounds the faculties, and incapacitates for reflection; terror, combined with amazement; dismay.
constrainable adjective Capable of being constrained; liable to constraint, or to restraint.
constrainedly adverb By constraint or compulsion; in a constrained manner.
constraintive adjective Constraining; compulsory.
construprated imp. & past participle of Constuprate
constuprating past participle & vb. noun of Constuprate
constupration noun The act of ravishing; violation; defilement.
consuetudinal adjective According to custom; customary; usual.
consumptively adverb In a way tending to or indication consumption.
contaminating present participle & vb. noun of Contaminate
contamination noun The act or process of contaminating; pollution; defilement; taint; also, that which contaminates.
contemplating present participle & vb. noun of Contemplate
contemplation noun The act of the mind in considering with attention; continued attention of the mind to a particular subject; meditation; musing; study., Holy meditation., The act of looking forward to an event as about to happen; expectation; the act of intending or purposing.
contemplatist noun A contemplator.
contemplative adjective Pertaining to contemplation; addicted to, or employed in, contemplation; meditative., Having the power of contemplation; as, contemplative faculties., A religious or either sex devoted to prayer and meditation, rather than to active works of charity.
conterminable adjective Having the same bounds; terminating at the same time or place; conterminous.
conterraneous adjective Of or belonging to the same country.
contingencies plural of Contingency
contertionist noun One who makes or practices contortions.
contourniated adjective Having furrowed edges, as if turned in a lathe.
contrabandism noun Traffic in contraband goods; smuggling.
contrabandist noun One who traffics illegally; a smuggler.
contractility noun The quality or property by which bodies shrink or contract., The power possessed by the fibers of living muscle of contracting or shortening.
contradicting present participle & vb. noun of Contradict
contradiction noun An assertion of the contrary to what has been said or affirmed; denial of the truth of a statement or assertion; contrary declaration; gainsaying., Direct opposition or repugnancy; inconsistency; incongruity or contrariety; one who, or that which, is inconsistent.
contradictive adjective Contradictory; inconsistent.
contradictory adjective Affirming the contrary; implying a denial of what has been asserted; also, mutually contradicting; inconsistent., Opposing or opposed; repugnant., A proposition or thing which denies or opposes another; contrariety., propositions with the same terms, but opposed to each other both in quality and quantity.
contrafagetto noun The double bassoon, an octave deeper than the bassoon.
contrafissure noun A fissure or fracture on the side opposite to that which received the blow, or at some distance from it.
contranatural adjective Opposed to or against nature; unnatural.
contrapuntist noun One skilled in counterpoint.
contrariantly adverb Contrarily.
contrarieties plural of Contrariety
contrariously adverb Contrarily; oppositely.
contravention noun The act of contravening; opposition; obstruction; transgression; violation.
contraversion noun A turning to the opposite side; antistrophe.
contributable adjective Capable of being contributed.
controversary adjective Controversial.
controversial adjective Relating to, or consisting of, controversy; disputatious; polemical; as, controversial divinity.
controversion noun Act of controverting; controversy.
controversies plural of Controversy
controverting present participle & vb. noun of Controvert
controvertist noun One skilled in or given to controversy; a controversialist.
convalescence noun Alt. of Convalescency
convalescency noun The recovery of heath and strength after disease; the state of a body renewing its vigor after sickness or weakness; the time between the subsidence of a disease and complete restoration to health.
convallamarin noun A white, crystalline, poisonous substance, regarded as a glucoside, extracted from the lily of the valley (Convallaria Majalis). Its taste is first bitter, then sweet.
conventicling adjective Belonging or going to, or resembling, a conventicle.
conventionary adjective Acting under contract; settled by express agreement; as, conventionary tenants.
conventionist noun One who enters into a convention, covenant, or contract.
conversazioni plural of Conversazi-one
convexo-plane adjective Convex on one side, and flat on the other; plano-convex.
convicinities plural of Convicinity
convocational adjective Of or pertaining to a convocation.
convulsionary adjective Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive., A convulsionist.
convulsionist noun One who has convulsions; esp., one of a body of fanatics in France, early in the eighteenth century, who went into convulsions under the influence of religious emotion; as, the Convulsionists of St. Medard.
coparcenaries plural of Coparcenary
copartnership noun The state of being a copartner or of having a joint interest in any matter., A partnership or firm; as, A. and B. have this day formed a copartnership.
copper-nickel noun Niccolite.
coralliferous adjective Containing or producing coral.
coralligenous adjective producing coral; coralligerous; coralliferous.
coralligerous adjective Producing coral; coralliferous.
co-respondent noun One who is called upon to answer a summons or other proceeding jointly with another.
cornification noun Conversion into, or formation of, horn; a becoming like horn.
corni inglesi plural of Corno Inglese
corno inglese A reed instrument, related to the oboe, but deeper in pitch; the English horn.
cornu ammonis A fossil shell, curved like a ram’s horn; an obsolete name for an ammonite.
corollifloral adjective Alt. of Corolliflorous
corporalities plural of Corporality
corporealness noun Corporeality; corporeity.
corpora lutea plural of Corpus
correlatively adverb In a correlative relation.
corresponding present participle & vb. noun of Correspond, Answering; conformable; agreeing; suiting; as, corresponding numbers., Carrying on intercourse by letters.
correspondent adjective Suitable; adapted; fit; corresponding; congruous; conformable; in accord or agreement; obedient; willing., One with whom intercourse is carried on by letter., One who communicates information, etc., by letter or telegram to a newspaper or periodical., One who carries on commercial intercourse by letter or telegram with a person or firm at a distance.
corresponsive adjective Corresponding; conformable; adapted.
corrigibility noun Quality of being corrigible; capability of being corrected; corrigibleness.
corroborating present participle & vb. noun of Corroborate
corroboration noun The act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming; addition of strength; confirmation; as, the corroboration of an argument, or of information., That which corroborates.
corroborative adjective Tending to strengthen of confirm., A medicine that strengthens; a corroborant.
corroboratory adjective Tending to strengthen; corroborative; as, corroboratory facts.
corrodibility noun The quality of being corrodible.
corrosibility noun Corrodibility.
corruptionist noun One who corrupts, or who upholds corruption.
corticiferous adjective Producing bark or something that resembling that resembles bark., Having a barklike c/nenchyms.
corymbiferous adjective Bearing corymbs of flowers or fruit.
cosignitaries plural of Cosignitary
cosmographies plural of Cosmography
cosmopolitism noun The condition or character of a cosmopolite; disregard of national or local peculiarities and prejudices.
costal-nerved adjective Having the nerves spring from the midrib.
costardmonger noun A costermonger.
cotemporaries plural of Cotemporary
counselorship noun The function and rank or office of a counselor.
countenancing present participle & vb. noun of Countenance
counteracting present participle & vb. noun of Counteract
counteraction noun Action in opposition; hindrance resistance.
counteractive adjective Tending to counteract., One who, or that which, counteracts.
counter brace The brace of the fore-topsail on the leeward side of a vessel., A brace, in a framed structure, which resists a strain of a character opposite to that which a main brace is designed to receive.
countercaster noun A caster of accounts; a reckoner; a bookkeeper; — used contemptuously.
counterchange verb t. To give and receive; to cause to change places; to exchange., To checker; to diversify, as in heraldic counterchanging. See Counterchaged, a., 2., Exchange; reciprocation.
countercharge noun An opposing charge.
counterfeited imp. & past participle of Counterfeit
counterfeiter noun One who counterfeits; one who copies or imitates; especially, one who copies or forges bank notes or coin; a forger., One who assumes a false appearance or semblance; one who makes false pretenses.
counterfeitly adverb By forgery; falsely.
counterfleury adjective Counterflory.
counterjumper noun A salesman in a shop; a shopman; — used contemptuously.
countermanded imp. & past participle of Countermand
countermining present participle & vb. noun of Countermine
countermuring present participle & vb. noun of Countermure
counterpoised imp. & past participle of Counterpoise
counterproved imp. & past participle of Counterprove
countersealed imp. & past participle of Counterseal
countersecure verb t. To give additional security to or for.
countersigned imp. & past participle of Countersign
counterstroke noun A stroke or blow in return.
counter tenor One of the middle parts in music, between the tenor and the treble; high tenor.
countervailed imp. & past participle of Countervail
countinghouse verb Alt. of Countingroom
countourhouse noun A merchant’s office; a countinghouse.
countretaille noun A counter tally; correspondence (in sound).
country-dance noun See Contradance.
couple-beggar noun One who makes it his business to marry beggars to each other.
couple-closes plural of Couple-close
courteousness noun The quality of being courteous; politeness; courtesy.
courtesanship noun Harlotry.
court-martial noun A court consisting of military or naval officers, for the trial of one belonging to the army or navy, or of offenses against military or naval law., To subject to trial by a court-martial.
court-plaster noun Sticking plaster made by coating taffeta or silk on one side with some adhesive substance, commonly a mixture of isinglass and glycerin.
cousin-german noun A first cousin. See Note under Cousin, 1.
coversed sine The versed sine of the complement of an arc or angle. See Illust. of Functions.
crack-brained adjective Having an impaired intellect; whimsical; crazy.
craftsmanship noun The work of a craftsman.
craniological adjective Of or pertaining to craniology.
cranioscopist noun One skilled in, or who practices, cranioscopy.
cream-colored adjective Of the color of cream; light yellow.
crebricostate adjective Marked with closely set ribs or ridges.
crebrisulcate adjective Marked with closely set transverse furrows.
credulousness noun Readiness to believe on slight evidence; credulity.
crinicultural adjective Relating to the growth of hair.
cross-examine verb t. To examine or question, as a witness who has been called and examined by the opposite party.
crosshatching noun In drawing and line engraving, shading with lines that cross one another at an angle.
cross-purpose noun A counter or opposing purpose; hence, that which is inconsistent or contradictory., A conversational game, in which questions and answers are made so as to involve ludicrous combinations of ideas.
cross-reading noun The reading of the lines of a newspaper directly across the page, instead of down the columns, thus producing a ludicrous combination of ideas.
crotchetiness noun The state or character of being crotchety, or whimsical.
crustaceology noun That branch of Zoology which treats of the Crustacea; malacostracology; carcinology.
crustalogical adjective Pertaining to crustalogy.
cryptographal adjective Pertaining to cryptography; cryptographical.
cryptographer noun One who writes in cipher, or secret characters.
cryptographic adjective Alt. of Cryptographical
crystallizing present participle & vb. noun of Crystallize
crystallogeny noun The science which pertains to the production of crystals.
cristallology noun The science of the crystalline structure of inorganic bodies.
cucking stool A kind of chair formerly used for punishing scolds, and also dishonest tradesmen, by fastening them in it, usually in front of their doors, to be pelted and hooted at by the mob, but sometimes to be taken to the water and ducked; — called also a castigatory, a tumbrel, and a trebuchet; and often, but not so correctly, a ducking stool.
culpabilities plural of Culpability
cumulostratus noun A form of cloud. See Cloud.
curvilinearly adverb In a curvilinear manner.
custodianship noun Office or duty of a custodian.
customariness noun Quality of being customary.
cyanuric acid an organic acid, C3O3N3H3, first obtained by heating uric acid or urea, and called pyrouric acid; afterwards obtained from isocyanic acid. It is a white crystalline substance, odorless and almost tasteless; — called also tricarbimide.
cycloganoidei noun pl. An order of ganoid fishes, having cycloid scales. The bowfin (Amia calva) is a living example.
cylindraceous adjective Cylindrical, or approaching a cylindrical form.
cylindrically adverb In the manner or shape of a cylinder; so as to be cylindrical.
cynarctomachy noun Bear baiting with a dog.