13 letter word starting with e

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
esthesiometer noun An instrument to measure the degree of sensation, by determining at how short a distance two impressions upon the skin can be distinguished, and thus to determine whether the condition of tactile sensibility is normal or altered., Same as Aesthesiometer.
eagle-sighted adjective Farsighted and strong-sighted; sharp-sighted.
ear-splitting adjective Deafening; disagreeably loud or shrill; as, ear-splitting strains.
eavesdropping noun The habit of lurking about dwelling houses, and other places where persons meet fro private intercourse, secretly listening to what is said, and then tattling it abroad. The offense is indictable at common law.
eccentrically adverb In an eccentric manner.
echinodermata noun pl. One of the grand divisions of the animal kingdom. By many writers it was formerly included in the Radiata.
economization noun The act or practice of using to the best effect.
ectobronchium noun One of the dorsal branches of the main bronchi in the lungs of birds.
edriophthalma noun pl. A group of Crustacea in which the eyes are without stalks; the Arthrostraca.
effascination noun A charming; state of being bewitched or deluded.
effectiveness noun The quality of being effective.
effectualness noun The quality of being effectual.
effervescence noun Alt. of Effervescency
effervescency noun A kind of natural ebullition; that commotion of a fluid which takes place when some part of the mass flies off in a gaseous form, producing innumerable small bubbles; as, the effervescence of a carbonate with citric acid.
effervescible adjective Capable of effervescing.
efflorescence noun Flowering, or state of flowering; the blooming of flowers; blowth., A redness of the skin; eruption, as in rash, measles, smallpox, scarlatina, etc., The formation of the whitish powder or crust on the surface of efflorescing bodies, as salts, etc., The powder or crust thus formed.
efflorescency noun The state or quality of being efflorescent; efflorescence.
effrontuously adverb Impudently.
egotistically adverb With egotism.
egregiousness noun The state of being egregious.
egyptological adjective Of, pertaining to, or devoted to, Egyptology.
electioneerer noun One who electioneers.
electricities plural of Electricity
electrifiable adjective Capable of receiving electricity, or of being charged with it.
electrization noun The act of electrizing; electrification.
electrolyzing present participle & vb. noun of Electrolyze
electrophorus noun An instrument for exciting electricity, and repeating the charge indefinitely by induction, consisting of a flat cake of resin, shelllac, or ebonite, upon which is placed a plate of metal.
electroplater noun One who electroplates.
electro-polar adjective Possessing electrical polarity; positively electrified at one end, or on one surface, and negatively at the other; — said of a conductor.
electroscopic adjective Relating to, or made by means of, the electroscope.
electrostatic adjective Pertaining to electrostatics.
electrotonize verb t. To cause or produce electrotonus.
electrotonous adjective Electrotonic.
electrotyping present participle & vb. noun of Electrotype, The act or the process of making electrotypes.
electro-vital adjective Derived from, or dependent upon, vital processes; — said of certain electric currents supposed by some physiologists to circulate in the nerves of animals.
elegiographer noun An elegist.
elephantiasis noun A disease of the skin, in which it become enormously thickened, and is rough, hard, and fissured, like an elephant’s hide.
elephantoidal adjective Resembling an elephant in form or appearance.
elgin marbles Greek sculptures in the British Museum. They were obtained at Athens, about 1811, by Lord Elgin.
embarrassment noun A state of being embarrassed; perplexity; impediment to freedom of action; entanglement; hindrance; confusion or discomposure of mind, as from not knowing what to do or to say; disconcertedness., Difficulty or perplexity arising from the want of money to pay debts.
embassadorial adjective Same as Ambassadorial.
embellishment noun The act of adorning, or the state of being adorned; adornment., That which adds beauty or elegance; ornament; decoration; as, pictorial embellishments.
emblematizing present participle & vb. noun of Emblematize
embreathement noun The act of breathing in; inspiration.
embryological adjective Of or pertaining to embryology.
embryoplastic noun Relating to, or aiding in, the formation of an embryo; as, embryoplastic cells.
emigrationist noun An advocate or promoter of emigration.
emphysematous adjective Pertaining to, or of the nature of, emphysema; swelled; bloated.
emplastration noun The act or process of grafting by inoculation; budding., The application of a plaster or salve.
empyreumatize verb t. To render empyreumatic.
enaliosaurian adjective Pertaining to the Enaliosauria., One of the Enaliosauria.
enantiopathic adjective Serving to palliate; palliative.
encapsulation noun The act of inclosing in a capsule; the growth of a membrane around (any part) so as to inclose it in a capsule.
encephalocele noun Hernia of the brain.
encephalology noun The science which treats of the brain, its structure and functions.
encephalotomy noun The act or art of dissecting the brain.
encomiastical adjective Bestowing praise; praising; eulogistic; laudatory; as, an encomiastic address or discourse.
encompassment noun The act of surrounding, or the state of being surrounded; circumvention.
encouragement noun The act of encouraging; incitement to action or to practice; as, the encouragement of youth in generosity., That which serves to incite, support, promote, or advance, as favor, countenance, reward, etc.; incentive; increase of confidence; as, the fine arts find little encouragement among a rude people.
encroachingly adverb By way of encroachment.
encyclopaedia noun The circle of arts and sciences; a comprehensive summary of knowledge, or of a branch of knowledge; esp., a work in which the various branches of science or art are discussed separately, and usually in alphabetical order; a cyclopedia.
encyclopedian adjective Embracing the whole circle of learning, or a wide range of subjects.
encyclopedism noun The art of writing or compiling encyclopedias; also, possession of the whole range of knowledge; encyclopedic learning.
encyclopedist noun The compiler of an encyclopedia, or one who assists in such compilation; also, one whose knowledge embraces the whole range of the sciences.
endolymphatic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, endolymph; as, the endolymphatic duct., Within a lymphatic vessel; endolymphangial.
endosmometric adjective Pertaining to, or designed for, the measurement of endosmotic action.
enfranchising present participle & vb. noun of Enfranchise
enigmatically adverb Darkly; obscurely.
enlightenment noun Act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed.
enneapetalous adjective Having nine petals, or flower leaves.
enneaspermous adjective Having nine seeds; — said of fruits.
enravishingly adverb So as to throw into ecstasy.
enteropneusta noun pl. A group of wormlike invertebrates having, along the sides of the body, branchial openings for the branchial sacs, which are formed by diverticula of the alimentary canal. Balanoglossus is the only known genus. See Illustration in Appendix.
enterorrhaphy noun The operation of sewing up a rent in the intestinal canal.
enterparlance noun Mutual talk or conversation; conference.
entertainment noun The act of receiving as host, or of amusing, admitting, or cherishing; hospitable reception; also, reception or treatment, in general., That which entertains, or with which one is entertained; as: (a) Hospitality; hospitable provision for the wants of a guest; especially, provision for the table; a hospitable repast; a feast; a formal or elegant meal. (b) That which engages the attention agreeably, amuses or diverts, whether in private, as by conversation, etc., or in public, by performances of some kind; amusement., Admission into service; service., Payment of soldiers or servants; wages.
enthelminthes noun pl. Intestinal worms. See Helminthes.
entobronchium noun One of the main bronchi in the lungs of birds.
entocuneiform noun Alt. of Entocuniform
entomological adjective Of or relating to entomology.
entomophagous adjective Feeding on insects; insectivorous.
entomophilous adjective Fertilized by the agency of insects; — said of plants in which the pollen is carried to the stigma by insects.
entomostracan adjective Relating to the Entomostraca., One of the Entomostraca.
entortilation noun A turning into a circle; round figures.
entosthoblast noun The granule within the nucleolus or entoblast of a nucleated cell.
entozoologist noun One versed in the science of the Entozoa.
epanadiplosis noun A figure by which the same word is used both at the beginning and at the end of a sentence; as, “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”
epiglottidean adjective Same as Epiglottic.
epigrammatist noun One who composes epigrams, or makes use of them.
epigrammatize verb t. To represent by epigrams; to express by epigrams.
epiperipheral adjective Connected with, or having its origin upon, the external surface of the body; — especially applied to the feelings which originate at the extremities of nerves distributed on the outer surface, as the sensation produced by touching an object with the finger; — opposed to entoperipheral.
epipharyngeal adjective Pertaining to the segments above the epibranchial in the branchial arches of fishes., An epipharyngeal bone or cartilage.
epithalamiums plural of Epithalamium
epithumetical adjective Pertaining to sexual desire; sensual.
equestrianism noun The art of riding on horseback; performance on horseback; horsemanship; as, feats equestrianism.
equibalancing present participle & vb. noun of Equibalance
equidifferent adjective Having equal differences; as, the terms of arithmetical progression are equidifferent.
equilibrating present participle & vb. noun of Equilibrate
equilibration noun Act of keeping a balance, or state of being balanced; equipoise., The process by which animal and vegetable organisms preserve a physiological balance.
equinoctially adverb Towards the equinox.
equipollently adverb With equal power.
equiponderant adjective Being of the same weight.
equiponderate verb i. To be equal in weight; to weigh as much as another thing., To make equal in weight; to counterbalance.
equiponderous adjective Having equal weight.
equipotential adjective Having the same potential.
equisetaceous adjective Belonging to the Equisetaceae, or Horsetail family.
equitableness noun The quality of being equitable, just, or impartial; as, the equitableness of a judge, a decision, or distribution of property.
equivocalness noun The state of being equivocal.
erecto-patent adjective Having a position intermediate between erect and patent, or spreading., Standing partially spread and erect; — said of the wings of certain insects.
erysipelatoid adjective Resembling erysipelas.
erysipelatous adjective Resembling erysipelas, or partaking of its nature.
erythrochroic adjective Having, or subject to, erythrochroism.
erythrolitmin noun Erythrolein.
eschscholtzia noun A genus of papaveraceous plants, found in California and upon the west coast of North America, some species of which produce beautiful yellow, orange, rose-colored, or white flowers; the California poppy.
establishment noun The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation., The state of being established, founded, and the like; fixed state., That which is established; as: (a) A form of government, civil or ecclesiastical; especially, a system of religion maintained by the civil power; as, the Episcopal establishment of England. (b) A permanent civil, military, or commercial, force or organization. (c) The place in which one is permanently fixed for residence or business; residence, including grounds, furniture, equipage, etc.; with which one is fitted out; also, any office or place of business, with its fixtures; that which serves for the carrying on of a business; as, to keep up a large establishment; a manufacturing establishment.
estimableness noun The quality of deserving esteem or regard.
estrangedness noun State of being estranged; estrangement.
ethmotrubinal adjective See Turbinal., An ethmoturbinal bone.
ethmovomerine noun Pertaining to the region of the vomer and the base of the ethmoid in the skull.
eucharistical adjective Giving thanks; expressing thankfulness; rejoicing., Pertaining to the Lord’s Supper.
eudaemonistic adjective Of or pertaining to eudemonism.
eudiometrical adjective Of or pertaining to a eudiometer; as, eudiometrical experiments or results.
euphemistical adjective Pertaining to euphemism; containing a euphemism; softened in expression.
eurhipidurous adjective Having a fanlike tail; belonging to the Eurhipidurae, a division of Aves which includes all living birds.
eurypteroidea noun pl. An extinct order of Merostomata, of which the genus Eurypterus is the type. They are found only in Paleozoic rocks.
evangelically adverb In an evangelical manner.
evangelistary noun A selection of passages from the Gospels, as a lesson in divine service.
eventualities plural of Eventuality
everlastingly adverb In an everlasting manner.
exanthematous adjective Of, relating to, or characterized by, exanthema; efflorescent; as, an exanthematous eruption.
exauctoration noun See Exauthoration.
exauthoration noun Deprivation of authority or dignity; degration.
excandescence noun A growing hot; a white or glowing heat; incandescence., Violent anger; a growing angry.
excarnificate verb t. To clear of flesh; to excarnate.
exceptionable adjective Liable to exception or objection; objectionable.
exceptionless adjective Without exception.
excerebration noun The act of removing or beating out the brains.
excito-motion noun Motion excited by reflex nerves. See Excito-motory.
excito-motory adjective Exciting motion; — said of that portion of the nervous system concerned in reflex actions, by which impressions are transmitted to a nerve center and then reflected back so as to produce muscular contraction without sensation or volition.
exclusiveness noun Quality of being exclusive.
excommunicant noun One who has been excommunicated.
excommunicate adjective Excommunicated; interdicted from the rites of the church., One excommunicated., To put out of communion; especially, to cut off, or shut out, from communion with the church, by an ecclesiastical sentence., To lay under the ban of the church; to interdict.
excortication noun The act of stripping off bark, or the state of being thus stripped; decortication.
excrescential adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, an excrescence.
exemplariness noun The state or quality of being exemplary; fitness to be an example.
exemplifiable adjective That can be exemplified.
expansibility noun The capacity of being expanded; as, the expansibility of air.
expectorating present participle & vb. noun of Expectorate
expectoration noun The act of ejecting phlegm or mucus from the throat or lungs, by coughing, hawking, and spitting., That which is expectorated, as phlegm or mucus.
expectorative adjective & noun Same as Expectorant.
expeditionary adjective Of or pertaining to an expedition; as, an expeditionary force.
expeditionist noun One who goes upon an expedition. [R].
experinenting present participle & vb. noun of Experiment
experimentist noun An experimenter.
exportability noun The quality or state of being suitable for exportation.
ex post facto Alt. of Ex postfacto
expostulating present participle & vb. noun of Expostulate
expostulation noun The act of expostulating or reasoning with a person in opposition to some impropriety of conduct; remonstrance; earnest and kindly protest; dissuasion.
expostulatory adjective Containing expostulation or remonstrance; as, an expostulatory discourse or letter.
expropriation noun The act of expropriating; the surrender of a claim to exclusive property; the act of depriving of ownership or proprietary rights.
expurgatorial adjective Tending or serving to expurgate; expurgatory.
exquisiteness noun Quality of being exquisite.
exsanguineous adjective Destitute of blood; anaemic; exsanguious.
exsuscitation noun A stirring up; a rousing.
extemporanean adjective Extemporaneous.
extemporarily adverb Extemporaneously.
extemporiness noun The quality of being done or devised extempore
extemporizing present participle & vb. noun of Extemporize
extensibility noun The quality of being extensible; the capacity of being extended; as, the extensibility of a fiber, or of a plate of metal.
extensiveness noun The state of being extensive; wideness; largeness; extent; diffusiveness.
exterminating present participle & vb. noun of Exterminate
extermination noun The act of exterminating; total destruction; eradication; excision; as, the extermination of inhabitants or tribes, of error or vice, or of weeds from a field., Elimination.
exterminatory adjective Of or pertaining to extermination; tending to exterminate.
externalistic adjective Pertaining to externalism
exterritorial adjective Beyond the territorial limits; foreign to, or exempt from, the territorial jurisdiction.
extinguishing p pr. & vb. noun of Extinguish
extraaxillary adjective Growing outside of the axils; as, an extra-axillary bud.
extracapsular adjective Situated outside of a capsule, esp. outside the capsular ligament of a joint.
extrajudicial adjective Out of or beyond the proper authority of a court or judge; beyond jurisdiction; not legally required.
extralimitary adjective Being beyond the limit or bounds; as, extraliminary land.
extraordinary adjective Beyond or out of the common order or method; not usual, customary, regular, or ordinary; as, extraordinary evils; extraordinary remedies., Exceeding the common degree, measure. or condition; hence, remarkable; uncommon; rare; wonderful; as, extraordinary talents or grandeur., Employed or sent upon an unusual or special service; as, an ambassador extraordinary., That which is extraordinary; — used especially in the plural; as, extraordinaries excepted, there is nothing to prevent success.
extraphysical adjective Not subject to physical laws or methods.
extratropical adjective Beyond or outside of the tropics.
extra-uterine adjective Outside of the uterus, or womb.
extravagantly adverb In an extravagant manner; wildly; excessively; profusely.
extravagation noun A wandering beyond limits; excess.
extravasating present participle & vb. noun of Extravasate
extravasation noun The act of forcing or letting out of its proper vessels or ducts, as a fluid; effusion; as, an extravasation of blood after a rupture of the vessels.
extravascular adjective Outside the vessels; — said of the substance of all the tissues., Destitute of vessels; non-vascular.