13 letter word starting with f

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
false-hearted adjective Hollow or unsound at the core; treacherous; deceitful; perfidious.
falsification noun The act of falsifying, or making false; a counterfeiting; the giving to a thing an appearance of something which it is not., Willful misstatement or misrepresentation., The showing an item of charge in an account to be wrong.
familiarities plural of Familiarity
familiarizing present participle & vb. noun of Familiarize
familisteries plural of Familistery
fantastically adverb In a fantastic manner.
fantasticness noun Fantasticalness.
father-in-law noun The father of one’s husband or wife; — correlative to son-in-law and daughter-in-law.
father-lasher noun A European marine fish (Cottus bubalis), allied to the sculpin; — called also lucky proach.
fault-finding noun The act of finding fault or blaming; — used derogatively. Also Adj.
feasibilities plural of Feasibility
feather-edge/ noun The thin, new growth around the edge of a shell, of an oyster., Any thin, as on a board or a razor.
feather-pated adjective Feather-headed; frivolous.
feeble-minded adjective Weak in intellectual power; wanting firmness or constancy; irresolute; vacilating; imbecile.
fellowshiping present participle & vb. noun of Fellowship
female rhymes double rhymes, or rhymes (called in French feminine rhymes because they end in e weak, or feminine) in which two syllables, an accented and an unaccented one, correspond at the end of each line.
ferae naturae Of a wild nature; — applied to animals, as foxes, wild ducks, etc., in which no one can claim property.
ferrumination noun The soldering ir uniting of me/ als.
fertilization noun The act or process of rendering fertile., The act of fecundating or impregnating animal or vegetable germs; esp., the process by which in flowers the pollen renders the ovule fertile, or an analogous process in flowerless plants; fecundation; impregnation.
fedaliza/tion noun The act of reducing to feudal tenure.
fibrinogenous adjective Possessed of properties similar to fibrinogen; capable of forming fibrin.
fibrospongiae noun pl. An order of sponges having a fibrous skeleton, including the commercial sponges.
fibrovascular adjective Containing woody fiber and ducts, as the stems of all flowering plants and ferns; — opposed to cellular.
foddle-faddle noun A trifle; trifling talk; nonsense.
fiddle-faddle verb i. To talk nonsense.
fiddle-shaped adjective Inversely ovate, with a deep hollow on each side.
fillibustered imp. & past participle of Filibuster
filibustering present participle & vb. noun of Filibuster
filibusterism noun The characteristics or practices of a filibuster.
filipendulous adjective Suspended by, or strung upon, a thread; — said of tuberous swellings in the middle or at the extremities of slender, threadlike rootlets.
fingle-fangle noun A trifle.
finnan haddie Haddock cured in peat smoke, originally at Findon (pron. fin”an), Scotland. the name is also applied to other kinds of smoked haddock.
firmer-chisel noun A chisel, thin in proportion to its width. It has a tang to enter the handle instead of a socket for receiving it.
five-twenties noun pl. Five-twenty bonds of the United States (bearing six per cent interest), issued in 1862, ’64, and ’65, redeemable after five and payable in twenty years.
flame-colored adjective Of the color of flame; of a bright orange yellow color.
flat-bottomed adjective Having an even lower surface or bottom; as, a flat-bottomed boat.
fleurs-de-lis plural of Fleur-de-lis
flint-hearted adjective Hard-hearted.
floccillation noun A delirious picking of bedclothes by a sick person, as if to pick off flocks of wool; carphology; — an alarming symptom in acute diseases.
floricultural adjective Pertaining to the cultivation of flowering plants.
florification noun The act, process, or time of flowering; florescence.
flourishingly adverb In a flourishing manner; ostentatiously.
flower-gentle noun A species of amaranth (Amarantus melancholicus).
fluctuability noun The capacity or ability to fluctuate.
fluophosphate noun A double salt of fluoric and phosphoric acids.
fluvio-marine adjective Formed by the joint action of a river and the sea, as deposits at the mouths of rivers.
foolhardihood noun The state of being foolhardy; foolhardiness.
foolhardiness noun Courage without sense or judgment; foolish rashness; recklessness.
fool-largesse noun Foolish expenditure; waste.
foredetermine verb t. To determine or decree beforehand.
foreknowa-ble adjective That may be foreknown.
foreknowingly adverb With foreknowledge.
foreknowledge noun Knowledge of a thing before it happens, or of whatever is to happen; prescience.
forementioned adjective Mentioned before; already cited; aforementioned.
forepossessed adjective Holding or held formerly in possession., Preoccupied; prepossessed; preengaged.
forgetfulness noun The quality of being forgetful; prononess to let slip from the mind., Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion., Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention; as, forgetfulness of duty.
forget-me-not noun A small herb, of the genus Myosotis (M. palustris, incespitosa, etc.), bearing a beautiful blue flower, and extensively considered the emblem of fidelity.
formidability noun Formidableness.
formularistic adjective Pertaining to, or exhibiting, formularization.
formulization noun The act or process of reducing to a formula; the state of being formulized.
fortification noun The act of fortifying; the art or science of fortifying places in order to defend them against an enemy., That which fortifies; especially, a work or works erected to defend a place against attack; a fortified place; a fortress; a fort; a castle.
fortitudinous adjective Having fortitude; courageous.
fortunateness noun The condition or quality of being fortunate; good luck; success; happiness.
fossiliferous adjective Containing or composed of fossils.
fossilization noun The process of converting, or of being converted, into a fossil.
four-cornered adjective Having four corners or angles.
fragmentarily adverb In a fragmentary manner; piecemeal.
franchisement noun Release; deliverance; freedom.
frankalmoigne adjective A tenure by which a religious corporation holds lands given to them and their successors forever, usually on condition of praying for the soul of the donor and his heirs; — called also tenure by free alms.
free-swimming adjective Swimming in the open sea; — said of certain marine animals.
frequentation noun The act or habit of frequenting or visiting often; resort.
frequentative adjective Serving to express the frequent repetition of an action; as, a frequentative verb., A frequentative verb.
frigate-built adjective Built like a frigate with a raised quarter-deck and forecastle.
frightfulness noun The quality of being frightful.
frumentaceous adjective Made of, or resembling, wheat or other grain.
frumentarious adjective Of or pertaining to wheat or grain.
fugaciousness noun Fugacity.
full-bottomed adjective Full and large at the bottom, as wigs worn by certain civil officers in Great Britain., Of great capacity below the water line.
funambulation noun Ropedancing.
funambulatory adjective Performing like a ropedancer., Narrow, like the walk of a ropedancer.
functionalize verb t. To assign to some function or office.
functionaries plural of Functionary
fundamentally adverb Primarily; originally; essentially; radically; at the foundation; in origin or constituents.