13 letter word starting with g

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
galacta-gogue noun An agent exciting secretion of milk.
galericu-late adjective Covered as with a hat or cap.
gallimaufries plural of Gallimaufry
gallipoli oil An inferior kind of olive oil, brought from Gallipoli, in Italy.
galvanization noun The act of process of galvanizing.
galvanoglyphy noun Same as Glyphography.
galvanography noun The art or process of depositing metals by electricity; electrotypy., A method of producing by means of electrotyping process (without etching) copperplates which can be printed from in the same manner as engraved plates.
galvanologist noun One who describes the phenomena of galvanism; a writer on galvanism.
galvanometric adjective Of, pertaining to, or measured by, a galvanometer.
galvanoplasty noun The art or process of electrotypy.
galvanoscopic adjective Of or pertaining to a galvanoscope.
gangrenescent adjective Tending to mortification or gangrene.
ganocephalous adjective Of or pertaining to the Ganocephala.
garnetiferous adjective Containing garnets.
gasteropodous adjective Same as Gastropodous.
gastriloquist noun One who appears to speak from his stomach; a ventriloquist.
gastriloquous adjective Ventriloquous.
gastrocnemius noun The muscle which makes the greater part of the calf of the leg.
gastroenteric adjective Gastrointestinal.
gastrohepatic adjective Pertaining to the stomach and liver; hepatogastric; as, the gastrohepatic, or lesser, omentum.
gastromalacia noun A softening of the coats of the stomach; — usually a post-morten change.
gastronomical adjective Pertaining to gastromony.
gastrophrenic adjective Pertaining to the stomach and diaphragm; as, the gastrophrenic ligament.
gastrosplenic noun Pertaining to the stomach and spleen; as, the gastrosplenic ligament.
geissler tube A glass tube provided with platinum electrodes, and containing some gas under very low tension, which becomes luminous when an electrical discharge is passed through it; — so called from the name of a noted maker in germany. It is called also Plucker tube, from the German physicist who devised it.
geminiflorous adjective Having the flowers arranged in pairs.
gemmification noun The production of a bud or gem.
gemmuliferous adjective Bearing or producing gemmules or buds.
generalissimo adjective The chief commander of an army; especially, the commander in chief of an army consisting of two or more grand divisions under separate commanders; — a title used in most foreign countries.
generalizable adjective Capable of being generalized, or reduced to a general form of statement, or brought under a general rule.
genericalness noun The quality of being generic.
genesee epoch The closing subdivision of the Hamilton period in the American Devonian system; — so called because the formations of this period crop out in Genesee, New York.
genethlialogy noun Divination as to the destinies of one newly born; the act or art of casting nativities; astrology.
genitourinary adjective See Urogenital.
gentianaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Gentianaceae) of which the gentian is the type.
gentlemanhood noun The qualities or condition of a gentleman.
gentlemanlike adjective Alt. of Gentlemanly
gentlemanship noun The carriage or quality of a gentleman.
geometrically adverb According to the rules or laws of geometry.
germanization noun The act of Germanizing.
gerrymandered imp. & past participle of Gerrymander
gesticulating present participle & vb. noun of Gesticulate
gesticulation noun The act of gesticulating, or making gestures to express passion or enforce sentiments., A gesture; a motion of the body or limbs in speaking, or in representing action or passion, and enforcing arguments and sentiments., Antic tricks or motions.
gesticulatory adjective Representing by, or belonging to, gestures.
gheber ghebre noun A worshiper of fire; a Zoroastrian; a Parsee.
gladiatorship noun Conduct, state, or art, of a gladiator.
globuliferous adjective Bearing globules; in geology, used of rocks, and denoting a variety of concretionary structure, where the concretions are isolated globules and evenly distributed through the texture of the rock.
glomuliferous adjective Having small clusters of minutely branched coral-like excrescences.
glorification noun The act of glorifyng or of giving glory to., The state of being glorifed; as, the glorification of Christ after his resurrection.
glossographer noun A writer of a glossary; a commentator; a scholiast.
glossological adjective Of or pertaining to glossology.
glottological adjective Of or pertaining to glottology.
glutinousness noun The quality of being glutinous.
glyphographic adjective Of or pertaining to glyphography.
glyptographic adjective Relating to glyptography, or the art of engraving on precious stones.
gnathastegite noun One of a pair of broad plates, developed from the outer maxillipeds of crabs, and forming a cover for the other mouth organs.
goniometrical adjective Pertaining to, or determined by means of, a goniometer; trigonometric.
gonoblastidia plural of Gonoblastidium
good-tempered adjective Having a good temper; not easily vexed. See Good-natured.
gossaniferous adjective Containing or producing gossan.
governability noun Governableness.
graminivorous adjective Feeding or subsisting on grass, and the like food; — said of horses, cattle, and other animals.
grammarianism noun The principles, practices, or peculiarities of grammarians.
grammaticized imp. & past participle of Grammaticize
granddaughter noun The daughter of one’s son or daughter.
grandfatherly adjective Like a grandfather in age or manner; kind; benignant; indulgent.
grandiloquent adjective Speaking in a lofty style; pompous; bombastic.
grandiloquous adjective Grandiloquent.
grandmotherly adjective Like a grandmother in age or manner; kind; indulgent.
granite state New Hampshire; — a nickname alluding to its mountains, which are chiefly of granite.
granuliferous adjective Full of granulations.
graphicalness noun The quality or state of being graphic.
graticulation noun The division of a design or draught into squares, in order the more easily to reproduce it in larger or smaller dimensions.
gratification noun The act of gratifying, or pleasing, either the mind, the taste, or the appetite; as, the gratification of the palate, of the appetites, of the senses, of the desires, of the heart., That which affords pleasure; satisfaction; enjoyment; fruition: delight., A reward; a recompense; a gratuity.
gravitational adjective Of or pertaining to the force of gravity; as, gravitational units.
great-bellied adjective Having a great belly; bigbellied; pregnant; teeming.
great-hearted adjective High-spirited; fearless., Generous; magnanimous; noble.
grindle stone A grindstone.
grotesqueness noun Quality of being grotesque.
gubernatorial adjective Pertaining to a governor, or to government.
guernsey lily A South African plant (Nerine Sarniensis) with handsome lilylike flowers, naturalized on the island of Guernsey.
gunter’s line A logarithmic line on Gunter’s scale, used for performing the multiplication and division of numbers mechanically by the dividers; — called also line of lines, and line of numbers.
gymnastically adverb In a gymnastic manner.
gymnospermous noun Having naked seeds, or seeds not inclosed in a capsule or other vessel., Belonging to the class of plants consisting of gymnosperms.
gynandromorph noun An animal affected with gynandromorphism,
gynecological adjective Of or pertaining to gynecology.
gynodioecious adjective Dioecious, but having some hermaphrodite or perfect flowers on an individual plant which bears mostly pistillate flowers.