13 letter word starting with i

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
iatrochemical adjective Of or pertaining to iatrochemistry, or to the iatrochemists.
ichneumonidan adjective Of or pertaining to the Ichneumonidae, or ichneumon flies., One of the Ichneumonidae.
ichneumonides noun pl. The ichneumon flies.
ichthyography noun A treatise on fishes.
ichthyologist noun One versed in, or who studies, ichthyology.
ichthyomorpha noun pl. The Urodela.
ichthyosauria noun pl. An extinct order of marine reptiles, including Ichthyosaurus and allied forms; — called also Ichthyopterygia. They have not been found later than the Cretaceous period.
ichthyosaurus noun An extinct genus of marine reptiles; — so named from their short, biconcave vertebrae, resembling those of fishes. Several species, varying in length from ten to thirty feet, are known from the Liassic, Oolitic, and Cretaceous formations.
ichthyotomist noun One skilled in ichthyotomy.
identicalness noun The quality or state of being identical; sameness.
ideographical adjective Of or pertaining to an ideogram; representing ideas by symbols, independently of sounds; as, 9 represents not the word “nine,” but the idea of the number itself.
idiographical adjective Of or pertaining to an idiograph.
idiorepulsive adjective Repulsive by itself; as, the idiorepulsive power of heat.
idiosyncratic adjective Alt. of Idiosyncratical
ignatius bean See Saint Ignatius’s bean, under Saint.
ignominiously adverb In an ignominious manner; disgracefully; shamefully; ingloriously.
ihlang-ihlang noun A rich, powerful, perfume, obtained from the volatile oil of the flowers of Canada odorata, an East Indian tree.
illecebration noun Allurement.
illegitimated imp. & past participle of Illegitimate
illiberalized imp. & past participle of Illiberalize
illiberalness noun The state of being illiberal; illiberality.
illustriously adverb In a illustrious manner; conspicuously; eminently; famously.
imaginability noun Capacity for imagination.
imaginariness noun The state or quality of being imaginary; unreality.
imaginational adjective Pertaining to, involving, or caused by, imagination.
immarcescible adjective Unfading; lasting.
immarcescibly adverb Unfadingly.
immaterialism noun The doctrine that immaterial substances or spiritual being exist, or are possible., The doctrine that external bodies may be reduced to mind and ideas in a mind; any doctrine opposed to materialism or phenomenalism, esp. a system that maintains the immateriality of the soul; idealism; esp., Bishop Berkeley’s theory of idealism.
immaterialist noun One who believes in or professes, immaterialism.
immateriality noun The state or quality of being immaterial or incorporeal; as, the immateriality of the soul.
immaterialize verb t. To render immaterial or incorporeal.
immediateness noun The quality or relations of being immediate in manner, place, or time; exemption from second or interventing causes.
immiscibility noun Incapability of being mixed, or mingled.
immortalities plural of Immortality
immortalizing present participle & vb. noun of Immortalize
immovableness noun Quality of being immovable.
impalpability noun The quality of being impalpable.
imparipinnate adjective Pinnate with a single terminal leaflet.
impartialness noun Impartiality.
impartibility noun The quality of being impartible; communicability., The quality of being incapable of division into parts; indivisibility.
impassibility adjective The quality or condition of being impassible; insusceptibility of injury from external things.
impassionable adjective Excitable; susceptible of strong emotion.
impatronizing present participle & vb. noun of Impatronize
impeccability noun the quality of being impeccable; exemption from sin, error, or offense.
impecuniosity noun The state of being impecunious.
imperceivable adjective Imperceptible.
imperceptible adjective Not perceptible; not to be apprehended or cognized by the souses; not discernible by the mind; not easily apprehended.
imperdibility noun The state or quality of being imperdible.
imperfectible adjective Incapable of being mad perfect.
imperfectness noun The state of being imperfect.
imperforation noun The state of being without perforation.
imperialities plural of Imperiality
imperializing present participle & vb. noun of Imperialize
impermissible adjective Not permissible.
imperseverant adjective Not persevering; fickle; thoughtless.
impersonality noun The quality of being impersonal; want or absence of personality.
impersonating present participle & vb. noun of Impersonate
impersonation noun Alt. of Impersonification
imperspicuity noun Want of perspicuity or clearness; vaguness; ambiguity.
imperspicuous adjective Not perspicuous; not clear; obscure; vague; ambeguous.
impersuadable adjective Not to be persuaded; obstinate; unyielding; impersuasible.
impersuasible adjective Not persuasible; not to be moved by persuasion; inflexible; impersuadable.
impertinently adverb In an impertinent manner.
impertrubable adjective Incapable of being disturbed or disconcerted; as, imperturbable gravity.
imperturbably adverb In an imperturbable manner; calmly.
impignoration noun The act of pawning or pledging; the state of being pawned.
implacability noun The quality or state of being implacable.
implacentalia noun pl. A primary division of the Mammalia, including the monotremes and marsupials, in which no placenta is formed.
implicatively adverb By implication.
impoliticness noun The quality of being impolitic.
importunities plural of Importunity
imposableness noun Quality of being imposable.
impossibility noun The quality of being impossible; impracticability., An impossible thing; that which can not be thought, done, or endured., Inability; helplessness.
imposthumated imp. & past participle of Imposthumate
impoverishing present participle & vb. noun of Impoverish
impracticable adjective Not practicable; incapable of being performed, or accomplished by the means employed, or at command; impossible; as, an impracticable undertaking., Not to be overcome, presuaded, or controlled by any reasonable method; unmanageable; intractable; not capable of being easily dealt with; — used in a general sense, as applied to a person or thing that is difficult to control or get along with., Incapable of being used or availed of; as, an impracticable road; an impracticable method.
impracticably adverb In an impracticable manner.
imprejudicate adjective Not prejuged; unprejudiced; impartial.
impreparation noun Want of preparation.
impresionable adjective Liable or subject to impression; capable of being molded; susceptible; impressible.
impressionism noun The theory or method of suggesting an effect or impression without elaboration of the details; — a disignation of a recent fashion in painting and etching.
impressionist noun One who adheres to the theory or method of impressionism, so called.
impreventable adjective Not preventable; invitable.
imprison ment noun The act of imprisoning, or the state of being imprisoned; confinement; restraint.
improbability noun The quality or state of being improbable; unlikelihood; also, that which is improbable; an improbable event or result.
improficience noun Alt. of Improficiency
improficiency noun Want of proficiency.
improgressive adjective Not progressive.
improlificate verb t. To impregnate.
improperation noun The act of upbraiding or taunting; a reproach; a taunt.
impropriating present participle & vb. noun of Impropriate
impropriation noun The act of impropriating; as, the impropriation of property or tithes; also, that which is impropriated., The act of putting an ecclesiastical benefice in the hands of a layman, or lay corporation., A benefice in the hands of a layman, or of a lay corporation.
impropriatrix noun A female impropriator.
improprieties plural of Impropriety
improvability noun The state or quality of being improvable; improvableness.
improvidently adverb In a improvident manner.
improvisating present participle & vb. noun of Improvisate
improvisation noun The act or art of composing and rendering music, poetry, and the like, extemporaneously; as, improvisation on the organ., That which is improvised; an impromptu.
improvisatize verb t. & i. Same as Improvisate.
improvisatore noun See Improvvisatore.
improvisatory adjective Of or pertaining to improvisation or extemporaneous composition.
impulsiveness noun The quality of being impulsive.
impunctuality noun Neglect of, or failure in, punctuality.
imputableness noun Quality of being imputable.
imputrescible adjective Not putrescible.
inacquiescent adjective Not acquiescent or acquiescing.
inaffectation noun Freedom from affectation; naturalness.
inanimateness noun The quality or state of being inanimate.
inapplication noun Want of application, attention, or diligence; negligence; indolence.
inappreciable adjective Not appreciable; too small to be perceived; incapable of being duly valued or estimated.
inappropriate adjective Not instrument (to); not appropriate; unbecoming; unsuitable; not specially fitted; — followed by to or for.
inarticulated adjective Not articulated; not jointed or connected by a joint.
incandescence noun A white heat, or the glowing or luminous whiteness of a body caused by intense heat.
incapableness noun The quality or state of being incapable; incapability.
incapacitated imp. & past participle of Incapacitate
incapsulation noun The process of becoming, or the state or condition of being, incapsulated; as, incapsulation of the ovum in the uterus.
incarcerating present participle & vb. noun of Incarcerate
incarceration noun The act of confining, or the state of being confined; imprisonment., Formerly, strangulation, as in hernia., A constriction of the hernial sac, rendering it irreducible, but not great enough to cause strangulation.
incastellated adjective Confined or inclosed in a castle.
incircumspect adjective Not circumspect; heedless; careless; reckless; impolitic.
incito-motory adjective Incitomotor.
inclinnometer noun An apparatus to determine the inclination of the earth’s magnetic force to the plane of the horizon; — called also inclination compass, and dip circle.
incoalescence noun The state of not coalescing.
incoexistence noun The state of not coexisting.
incognoscible adjective Incognizable.
incoincidence noun The quality of being incoincident; want of coincidence.
incombustible adjective Not combustible; not capable of being burned, decomposed, or consumed by fire; uninflammable; as, asbestus is an incombustible substance; carbon dioxide is an incombustible gas.
incommiscible adjective Not commiscible; not mixable.
incommodating present participle & vb. noun of Incommodate
incommodation noun The state of being incommoded; inconvenience.
incommodement noun The act of incommoded.
incommodities plural of Incommodity
incompetently adverb In an competent manner; inadequately; unsuitably.
incompossible adjective Not capable of joint existence; incompatible; inconsistent.
incomprehense adjective Incomprehensible.
inconcealable adjective Not concealable.
inconceivable adjective Not conceivable; incapable of being conceived by the mind; not explicable by the human intellect, or by any known principles or agencies; incomprehensible; as, it is inconceivable to us how the will acts in producing muscular motion.
inconceptible adjective Inconceivable.
inconcussible adjective Not concussible; that cannot be shaken.
incondensable adjective Alt. of Incondensible
incondensible adjective Not condensable; incapable of being made more dense or compact, or reduced to liquid form.
inconditional adjective Unconditional.
inconformable adjective Unconformable.
incongealable adjective Not congealable; incapable of being congealed.
incongruities plural of Incongruity
inconsequence noun The quality or state of being inconsequent; want of just or logical inference or argument; inconclusiveness.
inconsideracy noun Inconsiderateness; thoughtlessness.
inconsiderate adjective Not considerate; not attentive to safety or to propriety; not regarding the rights or feelings of others; hasty; careless; thoughtless; heedless; as, the young are generally inconsiderate; inconsiderate conduct., Inconsiderable.
inconsistence noun Inconsistency.
inconsistency noun The quality or state of being inconsistent; discordance in respect to sentiment or action; such contrariety between two things that both can not exist or be true together; disagreement; incompatibility., Absurdity in argument ore narration; incoherence or irreconcilability in the parts of a statement, argument, or narration; that which is inconsistent., Want of stability or uniformity; unsteadiness; changeableness; variableness.
inconspicuous adjective Not conspicuous or noticeable; hardly discernible.
incontaminate adjective Not contaminated; pure.
incontestable adjective Not contestable; not to be disputed; that cannot be called in question or controverted; incontrovertible; indisputable; as, incontestable evidence, truth, or facts.
incontinently adverb In an incontinent manner; without restraint, or without due restraint; — used esp. of the passions or appetites., Immediately; at once; forthwith.
inconvenience noun The quality or condition of being inconvenient; want of convenience; unfitness; unsuitableness; inexpediency; awkwardness; as, the inconvenience of the arrangement., That which gives trouble, embarrassment, or uneasiness; disadvantage; anything that disturbs quiet, impedes prosperity, or increases the difficulty of action or success; as, one inconvenience of life is poverty., To put to inconvenience; to incommode; as, to inconvenience a neighbor.
inconveniency noun Inconvenience.
inconversable adjective Incommunicative; unsocial; reserved.
inconvertible adjective Not convertible; not capable of being transmuted, changed into, or exchanged for, something else; as, one metal is inconvertible into another; bank notes are sometimes inconvertible into specie.
inconvertibly adverb In an inconvertible manner.
inconvincible adjective Not convincible; incapable of being convinced.
inconvincibly adverb In a manner not admitting of being convinced.
incorporality noun Incorporeality.
incorporating present participle & vb. noun of Incorporate
incorporation noun The act of incorporating, or the state of being incorporated., The union of different ingredients in one mass; mixture; combination; synthesis., The union of something with a body already existing; association; intimate union; assimilation; as, the incorporation of conquered countries into the Roman republic., The act of creating a corporation., A body incorporated; a corporation.
incorporative adjective Incorporating or tending to incorporate; as, the incorporative languages (as of the Basques, North American Indians, etc. ) which run a whole phrase into one word.
incorporeally adverb In an incorporeal manner.
incorrectness noun The quality of being incorrect; want of conformity to truth or to a standard; inaccuracy; inexactness; as incorrectness may in defect or in redundance.
incorruptible adjective Not corruptible; incapable of corruption, decay, or dissolution; as, gold is incorruptible., Incapable of being bribed or morally corrupted; inflexibly just and upright., One of a religious sect which arose in Alexandria, in the reign of the Emperor Justinian, and which believed that the body of Christ was incorruptible, and that he suffered hunger, thirst, pain, only in appearance., The quality or state of being incorruptible.
incorruptibly adverb In an incorruptible manner.
incorruptness noun Freedom or exemption from decay or corruption., Probity; integrity; honesty.
incredibility noun The quality or state of being incredible; incredibleness., That which is incredible.
incredulously adverb In an incredulous manner; with incredulity.
incriminating present participle & vb. noun of Incriminate
incrimination noun The act of incriminating; crimination.
incriminatory adjective Of or pertaining to crimination; tending to incriminate; criminatory.
incultivation noun Want of cultivation.
incurableness noun The state of being incurable; incurability.
incuriousness noun Unconcernedness; incuriosity.
indefatigable adjective Incapable of being fatigued; not readily exhausted; unremitting in labor or effort; untiring; unwearying; not yielding to fatigue; as, indefatigable exertions, perseverance, application.
indefatigably adverb Without weariness; without yielding to fatigue; persistently.
indeliberated adjective Indeliberate.
independently adverb In an independent manner; without control.
indescribable adjective Incapable of being described.
indescriptive adjective Not descriptive.
indeterminate adjective Not determinate; not certain or fixed; indefinite; not precise; as, an indeterminate number of years.
indevirginate adjective Not devirginate.
indifferently adverb In an indifferent manner; without distinction or preference; impartially; without concern, wish, affection, or aversion; tolerably; passably.
indiscernible adjective Not to be discerned; imperceptible; not discoverable or visible.
indiscerpible adjective Alt. of Indiscerptible
indispensable adjective Not dispensable; impossible to be omitted, remitted, or spared; absolutely necessary or requisite., Not admitting dispensation; not subject to release or exemption., Unavoidable; inevitable.
indispensably adverb In an indispensable manner.
indisposition noun The state of being indisposed; disinclination; as, the indisposition of two substances to combine., A slight disorder or illness.
indissolvable adjective Not dissolvable; incapable of being dissolved or separated; incapable o/ separation; perpetually firm and binding; indissoluble; as, an indissolvable bond of union.
indistinction noun Want of distinction or distinguishableness; confusion; uncertainty; indiscrimination.
indistinctive adjective Having nothing distinctive; common.
indisturbance noun Freedom from disturbance; calmness; repose; apathy; indifference.
individualism noun The quality of being individual; individuality; personality., An excessive or exclusive regard to one’s personal interest; self-interest; selfishness.
individuality noun The quality or state of being individual or constituting an individual; separate or distinct existence; oneness; unity., The character or property appropriate or peculiar to an individual; that quality which distinguishes one person or thing from another; the sum of characteristic traits; distinctive character; as, he is a person of marked individuality.
individualize verb t. The mark as an individual, or to distinguish from others by peculiar properties; to invest with individuality.
individuating present participle & vb. noun of Individuate
individuation noun The act of individuating or state of being individuated; individualization.
indoctrinated imp. & past participle of Indoctrinate
indo-european adjective Aryan; — applied to the languages of India and Europe which are derived from the prehistoric Aryan language; also, pertaining to the people or nations who speak these languages; as, the Indo-European or Aryan family.
indo-germanic adjective Same as Aryan, and Indo-European., Pertaining to or denoting the Teutonic family of languages as related to the Sanskrit, or derived from the ancient Aryan language.
induplicative adjective Having induplicate sepals or petals in aestivation., Having induplicate leaves in vernation.
industrialism noun Devotion to industrial pursuits; labor; industry., The principles or policy applicable to industrial pursuits or organized labor.
ineffableness noun The quality or state of being ineffable or unutterable; unspeakableness.
ineffectively adverb In an ineffective manner; without effect; inefficiently; ineffectually.
ineffectually adverb Without effect; in vain.
inefficacious adjective Not efficacious; not having power to produce the effect desired; inadequate; incompetent; inefficient; impotent.
inefficiently adverb In an inefficient manner.
ineligibility noun The state or quality of being ineligible.
inequidistant adjective Not equally distant; not equidistant.
inequilateral adjective Having unequal sides; unsymmetrical; unequal-sided., Having the two ends unequal, as in the clam, quahaug, and most lamellibranch shells.
inergetically adverb Without energy.
inerrableness noun Exemption from error; inerrability; infallibility.
inevitability noun Impossibility to be avoided or shunned; inevitableness.
inexhaustedly adverb Without exhaustion.
inexhaustible adjective Incapable of being exhausted, emptied, or used up; unfailing; not to be wasted or spent; as, inexhaustible stores of provisions; an inexhaustible stock of elegant words.
inexorability noun The quality of being inexorable, or unyielding to entreaty.
inexpectation noun Absence of expectation.
inexpediently adverb Not expediently; unfitly.
inexperienced adjective Not having experience unskilled.
inexplainable adjective Incapable of being explained; inexplicable.
inexpressible adjective Not capable of expression or utterance in language; ineffable; unspeakable; indescribable; unutterable; as, inexpressible grief or pleasure.
inexpressibly adverb In an inexpressible manner or degree; unspeakably; unutterably.
inexsuperable adjective Not capable of being passed over; insuperable; insurmountable.
inextinguible adjective Inextinguishable.
infallibilist noun One who accepts or maintains the dogma of papal infallibility.
infallibility noun The quality or state of being infallible, or exempt from error; inerrability.
infashionable adjective Unfashionable.
infeasibility noun The state of being infeasible; impracticability.
inferentially adverb By way of inference.
infinitesimal adjective Infinitely or indefinitely small; less than any assignable quantity or value; very small., An infinitely small quantity; that which is less than any assignable quantity.
inflexibility noun The quality or state of being inflexible, or not capable of being bent or changed; unyielding stiffness; inflexibleness; rigidity; firmness of will or purpose; unbending pertinacity; steadfastness; resoluteness; unchangeableness; obstinacy.
inflorescence noun A flowering; the putting forth and unfolding of blossoms., The mode of flowering, or the general arrangement and disposition of the flowers with reference to the axis, and to each other., An axis on which all the flower buds.
influentially adverb In an influential manner.
informalities plural of Informality
inframarginal adjective Below the margin; submarginal; as, an inframarginal convolution of the brain.
infraposition noun A situation or position beneath.
infrascapular adjective Beneath the scapula, or shoulder blade; subscapular.
infratemporal adjective Below the temple; below the temporal bone.
infrigidation noun The act of chilling or causing to become cold; a chilling; coldness; congelation.
infrugiferous adjective Not bearing fruit; not fructiferous.
infundibulate adjective Having the form of a funnel; pertaining to an infundibulum.
infundibulums plural of Infundibulum
infusibleness noun Infusibility.
ingeniousness noun The quality or state of being ingenious; ingenuity.
ingenuousness noun The state or quality of being ingenuous; openness of heart; frankness., Ingenuity.
ingravidation noun The state of being pregnant or impregnated.
ingurgitation noun The act of swallowing greedily or immoderately; that which is so swallowed.
inhospitality noun The quality or state of being inhospitable; inhospitableness; lack of hospitality.
inimitability noun The quality or state of being inimitable; inimitableness.
injudiciously adverb In an injudicious manner.
injuriousness noun The quality of being injurious or hurtful; harmfulness; injury.
innovationist noun One who favors innovation.
inobservation noun Neglect or want of observation.
inoculability noun The qual ity or state of being inoculable.
inofficiously adverb Not-officiously.
inopportunely adverb Not opportunely; unseasonably; inconveniently.
inopportunity noun Want of opportunity; unseasonableness; inconvenience.
inorganically adverb In an inorganic manner.
inorthography noun Deviation from correct orthography; bad spelling.
inquisitional adjective Relating to inquiry or inquisition; inquisitorial; also, of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Inquisition.
inquisitively adverb In an inquisitive manner.
inquisitorial adjective Pertaining to inquisition; making rigorous and unfriendly inquiry; searching; as, inquisitorial power., Pertaining to the Court of Inquisition or resembling its practices.
inregistering present participle & vb. noun of Inregister
insanableness noun The state of being insanable; insanability; incurableness.
insatiability noun The state or quality of being insatiable; insatiableness.
insatiateness noun The state of being insatiate.
insectivorous adjective Feeding or subsisting on insects; carnivorous., plants which have some special adaptation for catching and digesting insects, as the sundew, Venus’s flytrap, Sarracenia, etc., the Insectivora, and to many bats, birds, and reptiles.
insensibility noun The state or quality of being insensible; want of sensibility; torpor; unconsciousness; as, the insensibility produced by a fall, or by opiates., Want of tenderness or susceptibility of emotion or passion; dullness; stupidity.
insignificant adjective Not significant; void of signification, sense, or import; meaningless; as, insignificant words., Having no weight or effect; answering no purpose; unimportant; valueless; futile., Without weight of character or social standing; mean; contemptible; as, an insignificant person.
insinuatingly adverb By insinuation.
insociability noun The quality of being insociable; want of sociability; unsociability.
insolubleness noun The quality or state of being insoluble; insolubility.
inspectorship noun The office of an inspector., The district embraced by an inspector’s jurisdiction.
inspirational adjective Pertaining to inspiration.
instabilities plural of Instability
instantaneity noun Quality of being instantaneous.
instantaneous adjective Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous., At or during a given instant; as, instantaneous acceleration, velocity, etc.
instigatingly adverb Incitingly; temptingly.
instilllatory adjective Belonging to instillation.
instimulation noun Stimulation.
instinctively adverb In an instinctive manner; by force of instinct; by natural impulse.
instinctivity noun The quality of being instinctive, or prompted by instinct.
institutional adjective Pertaining to, or treating of, institutions; as, institutional legends., Instituted by authority., Elementary; rudimental.
institutively adverb In conformity with an institution.
instructional adjective Pertaining to, or promoting, instruction; educational.
instrumentary adjective Instrumental.
instrumentist noun A performer on a musical instrument; an instrumentalist.
insubmergible adjective Not capable of being submerged; buoyant.
insubordinate adjective Not submitting to authority; disobedient; rebellious; mutinous.
insubstantial adjective Unsubstantial; not real or strong.
insufficience noun Insufficiency.
insufficiency noun The quality or state of being insufficient; want of sufficiency; deficiency; inadequateness; as, the insufficiency of provisions, of an excuse, etc., Want of power or skill; inability; incapacity; incompetency; as, the insufficiency of a man for an office.
insupportable adjective Incapable of being supported or borne; unendurable; insufferable; intolerable; as, insupportable burdens; insupportable pain.
insuppressive adjective Insuppressible.
insusceptible adjective Not susceptible; not capable of being moved, affected, or impressed; that can not feel, receive, or admit; as, a limb insusceptible of pain; a heart insusceptible of pity; a mind insusceptible to flattery.
insusurration noun The act of whispering into something.
intangibility noun The quality or state of being intangible; intangibleness.
integrability noun The quality of being integrable.
integumentary noun Belonging to, or composed of, integuments.
intelligencer noun One who, or that which, sends or conveys intelligence or news; a messenger.
intelligently adverb In an intelligent manner; with intelligence.
intemperately adverb In an intemperate manner; immoderately; excessively; without restraint.
intemperature noun Intemperateness.
intensiveness noun The quality or state of being intensive; intensity.
intentionally adverb In an intentional manner; with intention; by design; of purpose.
intentiveness noun Closeness of attention or application of mind; attentiveness.
interadditive adjective Added or placed between the parts of another thing, as a clause inserted parenthetically in a sentence.
interalveolar adjective Between alveoli; as, the interalveolar septa between adjacent air cells in the lungs.
interaxillary adjective Situated within or between the axils of leaves.
interbrachial adjective Between the arms.
intercalating present participle & vb. noun of Intercalate
intercalation noun The insertion of a day, or other portion of time, in a calendar., The insertion or introduction of anything among others, as the insertion of a phrase, line, or verse in a metrical composition; specif. (Geol.), the intrusion of a bed or layer between other layers.
intercellular adjective Lying between cells or cellules; as, intercellular substance, space, or fluids; intercellular blood channels.
interchaining present participle & vb. noun of Interchain
interchanging present participle & vb. noun of Interchange
interclavicle noun See Episternum.
intercolonial adjective Between or among colonies; pertaining to the intercourse or mutual relations of colonies; as, intercolonial trade.
intercolumnar adjective Between columns or pillars; as, the intercolumnar fibers of Poupart’s ligament; an intercolumnar statue.
intercommoned imp. & past participle of Intercommon
intercommuned imp. & past participle of Intercommune
intercondylar adjective Alt. of Intercondyloid
intercrossing present participle & vb. noun of Intercross
intercurrence noun A passing or running between; occurrence.
interdigitate verb t. To interweave., To interlock, as the fingers of two hands that are joined; to be interwoven; to commingle.
interepimeral adjective Between the epimeral plates of insects and crustaceans.
interestingly adverb In an interesting manner.
interferingly adverb By or with interference.
interglobular adjective Between globules; — applied esp. to certain small spaces, surrounded by minute globules, in dentine.
interjaculate verb t. To ejaculate parenthetically.
interjunction noun A mutual joining.
interlacement noun The act of interlacing, or the state of being interlaced; also, that which is interlaced.
interlamellar adjective Alt. of Interlaminar
interlocation noun A placing or coming between; interposition.
interlocution noun Interchange of speech; dialogue; conversation; conference., An intermediate act or decree before final decision., Hence, intermediate argument or discussion.
interlocutory adjective Consisting of, or having the nature of, dialogue; conversational., Intermediate; not final or definitive; made or done during the progress of an action., Interpolated discussion or dialogue.
interlucation noun Act of thinning a wood to let in light.
intermarriage noun Connection by marriage; reciprocal marriage; giving and taking in marriage, as between two families, tribes, castes, or nations.
intermaxillae plural of Intermaxilla
intermeddling noun The act of improperly interfering.
intermediator noun A mediator.
intermication noun A shining between or among.
intermination noun A menace or threat.
intermittence noun Act or state of intermitting; intermission.
intermobility noun Capacity of things to move among each other; as, the intermobility of fluid particles.
intermuscular adjective Between muscles; as, intermuscular septa.
intermutation noun Interchange; mutual or reciprocal change.
international adjective Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations., Of or concerning the association called the International., The International; an abbreviated from of the title of the International Workingmen’s Association, the name of an association, formed in London in 1864, which has for object the promotion of the interests of the industrial classes of all nations., A member of the International Association.
internunciess noun A female messenger.
interpercular adjective Of or pertaining to the interoperculum., The interopercular bone.
interosculant adjective Mutually touching or intersecting; as, interosculant circles., Uniting two groups; — said of certain genera which connect family groups, or of species that connect genera. See Osculant.
interosculate verb i. & t. To kiss together to touch. See Osculate., To have the character of, or to lie between, two distinct groups.
interparietal adjective Between the parietal bones or cartilages; as, the interparietal suture., The interparietal bone or cartilage.
interpetalary adjective Between the petals of a flower.
interpetiolar adjective Being between petioles. Cf. Intrapetiolar.
interpilaster noun The interval or space between two pilasters.
interpolating present participle & vb. noun of Interpolate
interpolation noun The act of introducing or inserting anything, especially that which is spurious or foreign., That which is introduced or inserted, especially something foreign or spurious., The method or operation of finding from a few given terms of a series, as of numbers or observations, other intermediate terms in conformity with the law of the series.
interposition noun The act of interposing, or the state of being interposed; a being, placing, or coming between; mediation., The thing interposed.
interpretable adjective Admitting of interpretation; capable of being interpreted or explained.
interpunction noun The insertion of points between word or sentences; punctuation.
interrelation noun Mutual or reciprocal relation; correlation.
interrogating imp. & past participle of Interrogate
interrogation noun The act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry., A question put; an inquiry., A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point.
interrogative adjective Denoting a question; expressed in the form of a question; as, an interrogative sentence; an interrogative pronoun., A word used in asking questions; as, who? which? why?
interrogatory noun A formal question or inquiry; esp. (Law), a question asked in writing., Containing, expressing, or implying a question; as, an interrogatory sentence.
interruptedly adverb With breaks or interruptions; discontinuously.
interscapular adjective Between the scapulae or shoulder blades., Pertaining to the upper back, or the part between the shoulders; as, the interscapular feathers.
interscendent adjective Having exponents which are radical quantities; — said of certain powers; as, xÃ2, or xÃa.
interscinding present participle & vb. noun of Interscind
interscribing present participle & vb. noun of Interscribe
interseminate verb t. To sow between or among.
interserttion noun The act of interserting, or that which is interserted.
intersesamoid adjective Between sesamoid bones; as, intersesamoid ligaments.
intersidereal adjective Between or among constellations or stars; interstellar.
intersomnious adjective Between the times of sleeping; in an interval of wakefulness.
interspersing present participle & vb. noun of Intersperse
interspersion noun The act of interspersing, or the state of being interspersed.
interstellary adjective Interstellar.
interstratify verb t. To put or insert between other strata.
interthoracic adjective In the thorax.
intertropical adjective Situated between or within the tropics.
interungulate adjective Between ungulae; as, interungular glands.
intervenience noun Alt. of Interveniency
interveniency noun Intervention; interposition.
intervolution noun The state of being intervolved or coiled up; a convolution; as, the intervolutions of a snake.
intraaxillary adjective Situated below the point where a leaf joins the stem.
intracellular adjective Within a cell; as, the intracellular movements seen in the pigment cells, the salivary cells, and in the protoplasm of some vegetable cells.
intramarginal adjective Situated within the margin.
intranscalent adjective Impervious to heat; adiathermic.
intraparietal adjective Situated or occurring within an inclosure; shut off from public sight; private; secluded; retired.
intrapetiolar adjective Situated between the petiole and the stem; — said of the pair of stipules at the base of a petiole when united by those margins next the petiole, thus seeming to form a single stipule between the petiole and the stem or branch; — often confounded with interpetiolar, from which it differs essentially in meaning.
intrathoracic adjective Within the thora/ or chest.
intratropical adjective Within the tropics.
intravalvular adjective Between valves.
intricateness noun The state or quality of being intricate; intricacy.
intrinsically adverb Internally; in its nature; essentially; really; truly.
introducement noun Introduction.
introductress noun A female introducer.
introgression noun The act of going in; entrance.
intropression noun Pressure acting within.
introspection noun A view of the inside or interior; a looking inward; specifically, the act or process of self-examination, or inspection of one’s own thoughts and feelings; the cognition which the mind has of its own acts and states; self-consciousness; reflection.
introspective adjective Inspecting within; seeing inwardly; capable of, or exercising, inspection; self-conscious., Involving the act or results of conscious knowledge of physical phenomena; — contrasted with associational.
inturbidating present participle & vb. noun of Inturbidate
inturgescence noun A swelling; the act of swelling, or state of being swelled.
invariability noun The quality of being invariable; invariableness; constancy; uniformity.
invendibility noun The quality of being invendible; invendibleness; unsalableness.
invertebrated adjective Having no backbone; invertebrate.
investigating present participle & vb. noun of Investigate
investigation noun The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist.
investigative adjective Given to investigation; inquisitive; curious; searching.
invincibility noun The quality or state of being invincible; invincibleness.
inviolability noun The quality or state of being inviolable; inviolableness.
inviscerating present participle & vb. noun of Inviscerate
invisibleness noun The quality or state of being invisible; invisibility.
invitrifiable adjective Not admitting of being vitrified, or converted into glass.
involucellate adjective Furnished with involucels.
involuntarily adverb In an involuntary manner; not voluntarily; not intentionally or willingly.
ironbark tree The Australian Eucalyptus Sideroxylon, used largely by carpenters and shipbuilders; — called also ironwood.
irrationality noun The quality or state of being irrational.
irreclaimable adjective Incapable of being reclaimed.
irrecognition noun A failure to recognize; absence of recognition.
irrecoverable adjective Not capable of being recovered, regained, or remedied; irreparable; as, an irrecoverable loss, debt, or injury.
irrecuperable adjective Irrecoverable.
irrefrangible adjective Not refrangible; that can not be refracted in passing from one medium to another.
irreligionist noun One who is irreligious.
irreligiously adverb In an irreligious manner.
irremunerable adjective Not remunerable; not capable of remuneration.
irrepleviable adjective Alt. of Irreplevisable
irrepressible adjective Not capable of being repressed, restrained, or controlled; as, irrepressible joy; an irrepressible conflict.
irrepressibly adverb In a manner or to a degree that can not be repressed.
irresponsible adjective Nor responsible; not liable or able to answer fro consequences; innocent., Not to be trusted; unreliable.
irresponsibly adverb So as not to be responsible.
irretraceable adjective Incapable of being retraced; not retraceable.
irretrievable adjective Not retrievable; irrecoverable; irreparable; as, an irretrievable loss.
irretrievably adverb In an irretrievable manner.
irritableness noun Irritability.
isabella moth A common American moth (Pyrrharctia isabella), of an isabella color. The larva, called woolly bear and hedgehog caterpillar, is densely covered with hairs, which are black at each end of the body, and red in the middle part.
isobarometric adjective Indicating equal barometric pressure.
isobathytherm noun A line connecting the points on the surface of the earth where a certain temperature is found at the same depth.
isodimorphism noun Isomorphism between the two forms severally of two dimorphous substances.
isodimorphous adjective Having the quality of isodimorphism.
isogeothermal adjective Alt. of Isogeothermic
isogeothermic adjective Pertaining to, having the nature of, or marking, isogeotherms; as, an isogeothermal line or surface; as isogeothermal chart., An isogeotherm.
isospondylous adjective Of or pertaining to the Isospondyli; having the anterior vertebrae separate and normal.
isothermobath noun A line drawn through points of equal temperature in a vertical section of the ocean.
isotrimorphic adjective Isotrimorphous.