13 letter word starting with m

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
macaranga gum A gum of a crimson color, obtained from a tree (Macaranga Indica) that grows in the East Indies. It is used in taking impressions of coins, medallions, etc., and sometimes as a medicine.
macedonianism noun The doctrines of Macedonius.
machicolation noun An opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal, shooting or dropping missiles upen assailants attacking the base of the walls. Also, the construction of such defenses, in general, when of this character. See Illusts. of Battlement and Castle., The act of discharging missiles or pouring burning or melted substances upon assailants through such apertures.
macrodactylic adjective Alt. of Macrodactylous
macrodiagonal noun The longer of two diagonals, as of a rhombic prism. See Crystallization.
macropetalous adjective Having long or large petals.
macrophyllous adjective Having long or large leaves.
macropinacoid noun One of the two planes of an orthorhombic crystal which are parallel to the vertical and longer lateral (macrodiagonal) axes.
macroscopical adjective Visible to the unassisted eye; — as opposed to microscopic.
macrozoospore noun A large motile spore having four vibratile cilia; — found in certain green algae.
madreporiform adjective Resembling a madreporian coral in form or structure.
magisterially adverb In a magisterial manner.
magistratical adjective Of, pertaining to, or proceeding from, a magistrate; having the authority of a magistrate.
magnanimously adverb In a magnanimous manner; with greatness of mind.
magnase black A black pigment which dries rapidly when mixed with oil, and is of intense body.
magnetiferous adjective Producing or conducting magnetism.
magnetization noun The act of magnetizing, or the state of being magnetized.
magnetometric adjective Pertaining to, or employed in, the measurement of magnetic forces; obtained by means of a magnetometer; as, magnetometric instruments; magnetometric measurements.
magnification noun The act of magnifying; enlargement; exaggeration.
magnificently adverb In a Magnificent manner.
magniloquence noun The quality of being magniloquent; pompous discourse; grandiloquence.
magnoliaceous adjective Pertaining to a natural order (Magnoliaceae) of trees of which the magnolia, the tulip tree, and the star anise are examples.
mahometanized imp. & past participle of Mahometanize
major general An officer of the army holding a rank next above that of brigadier general and next below that of lieutenant general, and who usually commands a division or a corps.
malacissation noun The act of making soft or supple.
malacostomous adjective Having soft jaws without teeth, as certain fishes.
malacostracan noun One of the Malacostraca.
maladjustment noun A bad adjustment.
malebranchism noun The philosophical system of Malebranche, an eminent French metaphysician. The fundamental doctrine of his system is that the mind can not have knowledge of anything external to itself except in its relation to God.
maleficiation noun A bewitching.
maleformation noun See Malformation.
male-spirited adjective Having the spirit of a male; vigorous; courageous.
malleableness noun Quality of being malleable.
malthusianism noun The system of Malthusian doctrines relating to population.
mammaliferous adjective Containing mammalian remains; — said of certain strata.
mammonization noun The process of making mammonish; the state of being under the influence of mammonism.
manageability noun The state or quality of being manageable; manageableness.
mandibuliform adjective Having the form of a mandible; — said especially of the maxillae of an insect when hard and adapted for biting.
manganiferous adjective Containing manganese.
mangel-wurzel noun A kind of large field beet (B. macrorhiza), used as food for cattle, — by some considered a mere variety of the ordinary beet. See Beet.
mangoldwurzel noun See Mangel-wurzel.
manifestation noun The act of manifesting or disclosing, or the state of being manifested; discovery to the eye or to the understanding; also, that which manifests; exhibition; display; revelation; as, the manifestation of God’s power in creation.
mannheim gold A kind of brass made in imitation of gold. It contains eighty per cent of copper and twenty of zinc.
manufacturing present participle & vb. noun of Manufacture, Employed, or chiefly employed, in manufacture; as, a manufacturing community; a manufacturing town., Pertaining to manufacture; as, manufacturing projects.
marechal niel A kind of large yellow rose.
mariposa lily One of a genus (Calochortus) of tuliplike bulbous herbs with large, and often gaycolored, blossoms. Called also butterfly lily. Most of them are natives of California.
marmottes oil A fine oil obtained from the kernel of Prunus brigantiaca. It is used instead of olive or almond oil.
marsipobranch noun One of the Marsipobranchia.
martel de fer A weapon resembling a hammer, often having one side of the head pointed; — used by horsemen in the Middle Ages to break armor.
martyrization noun Act of martyrizing, or state of being martyrized; torture.
martyrologist noun A writer of martyrology; an historian of martyrs.
marvelousness noun The quality or state of being marvelous; wonderfulness; strangeness.
massoola boat See Masoola boat.
materialistic adjective Alt. of Materialistical
materializing present participle & vb. noun of Materialize
mathematician noun One versed in mathematics.
matriculating present participle & vb. noun of Matriculate
matriculation noun The act or process of matriculating; the state of being matriculated.
matrimonially adverb In a matrimonial manner.
mealy-mouthed adjective Using soft words; plausible; affectedly or timidly delicate of speech; unwilling to tell the truth in plain language.
mean-spirited adjective Of a mean spirit; base; groveling.
mechanicalize verb t. To cause to become mechanical.
mechanography noun The art of mechanically multiplying copies of a writing, or any work of art.
mediatization noun The act of mediatizing.
mediterranean adjective Inclosed, or nearly inclosed, with land; as, the Mediterranean Sea, between Europe and Africa., Inland; remote from the ocean., Of or pertaining to the Mediterranean Sea; as, Mediterranean trade; a Mediterranean voyage.
megacephalous adjective Large headed; — applied to animals, and to plants when they have large flower heads.
megalophonous adjective Having a loud voice.
melostemonous adjective Having fever stamens than the parts of the corolla.
meistersinger noun See Mastersinger.
melancholious adjective Melancholy.
melanochroite noun A mineral of a red, or brownish or yellowish red color. It is a chromate of lead; — called also phoenicocroite.
mellification noun The making or production of honey.
mellifluently adverb In a mellifluent manner.
melodramatist noun One who acts in, or writes, melodramas.
membranaceous adjective Same as Membranous., Thin and rather soft or pliable, as the leaves of the rose, peach tree, and aspen poplar.
memorializing present participle & vb. noun of Memorialize
mensurability noun The quality of being mensurable.
menticultural adjective Of or pertaining to mental culture; serving to improve or strengthen the mind.
mercenariness noun The quality or state of being mercenary; venality.
merchandising present participle & vb. noun of Merchandise
mercurialized imp. & past participle of Mercurialize
meridionality noun The state of being in the meridian., Position in the south; aspect toward the south.
mesencephalic adjective Of or pertaining to the mesencephalon or midbrain.
mesencephalon noun The middle segment of the brain; the midbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to mesen. See Brain.
mesmerization noun The act of mesmerizing; the state of being mesmerized.
mesobranchial adjective Of or pertaining to a region of the carapace of a crab covering the middle branchial region.
mesobronchium noun The main bronchus of each lung.
mesocephalous adjective Mesocephalic.
mesocuneiform noun Alt. of Mesocuniform
mesologarithm noun A logarithm of the cosine or cotangent.
mesopterygium noun The middle one of the three principal basal cartilages in the fins of fishes.
metabranchial adjective Of or pertaining to the lobe of the carapace of crabs covering the posterior branchiae.
metadiscoidal adjective Discoidal by derivation; — applied especially to the placenta of man and apes, because it is supposed to have been derived from a diffused placenta.
metalammonium noun A hypothetical radical derived from ammonium by the substitution of metallic atoms in place of hydrogen.
metalliferous adjective Producing metals; yielding metals.
metallization noun The act or process of metallizing.
metallochrome noun A coloring produced by the deposition of some metallic compound; specifically, the prismatic tints produced by depositing a film of peroxide of lead on polished steel by electricity.
metallochromy noun The art or process of coloring metals.
metallography noun The science or art of metals and metal working; also, a treatise on metals., A method of transferring impressions of the grain of wood to metallic surfaces by chemical action., A substitute for lithography, in which metallic plates are used instead of stone.
metallorganic adjective Metalorganic.
metallurgical adjective Of or pertaining to metallurgy.
metamerically adverb In a metameric manner.
metamorphosed imp. & past participle of Metamorphose
metamorphoser noun One who metamorphoses.
metamorphosic adjective Changing the form; transforming.
metamorphoses plural of Metamorphosis
metamorphosis noun Change of form, or structure; transformation., A change in the form or function of a living organism, by a natural process of growth or development; as, the metamorphosis of the yolk into the embryo, of a tadpole into a frog, or of a bud into a blossom. Especially, that form of sexual reproduction in which an embryo undergoes a series of marked changes of external form, as the chrysalis stage, pupa stage, etc., in insects. In these intermediate stages sexual reproduction is usually impossible, but they ultimately pass into final and sexually developed forms, from the union of which organisms are produced which pass through the same cycle of changes. See Transformation., The change of material of one kind into another through the agency of the living organism; metabolism.
metanephritic adjective Of or pertaining to the metanephros.
metantimonate noun A salt of metantimonic acid.
metaphosphate noun A salt of metaphosphoric acid.
metaphysician noun One who is versed in metaphysics.
metapterygium noun The posterior of the three principal basal cartilages in the fins of fishes.
metatungstate noun A salt of metatungstic acid.
metempiricism noun The science that is concerned with metempirics.
metempsychose verb t. To translate or transfer, as the soul, from one body to another.
metencephalon noun The posterior part of the brain, including the medulla; the afterbrain. Sometimes abbreviated to meten.
meteorography noun The registration of meteorological phenomena.
meteorologist noun A person skilled in meteorology.
methodistical adjective Of or pertaining to methodists, or to the Methodists.
methodization noun The act or process of methodizing, or the state of being methodized.
metoposcopist noun One versed in metoposcopy.
metric system See Metric, a.
metrification noun Composition in metrical form; versification.
mezzo-relievo noun Mezzo-rilievo.
mezzo-rilievo noun A middle degree of relief in figures, between high and low relief., Sculpture in this kind of relief. See under Alto-rilievo.
mezzo-soprano adjective Having a medium compass between the soprano and contralto; — said of the voice of a female singer., A mezzo-soprano voice., A person having such a voice.
mezzotintoing present participle & vb. noun of Mezzotinto
microbacteria noun pl. In the classification of Cohn, one of the four tribes of Bacteria.
microcephalic adjective Alt. of Microcephalous
microcosmical adjective Of or pertaining to the microcosm.
micro-geology noun The part of geology relating to structure and organisms which require to be studied with a microscope.
micrometrical adjective Belonging to micrometry; made by the micrometer.
microorganism noun Any microscopic form of life; — particularly applied to bacteria and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious diseases.
microphthalmy noun An unnatural smallness of the eyes, occurring as the result of disease or of imperfect development.
microphyllous adjective Small-leaved.
microscopical adjective Of or pertaining to the microscope or to microscopy; made with a microscope; as, microscopic observation., Able to see extremely minute objects., Very small; visible only by the aid of a microscope; as, a microscopic insect.
microzoospore noun A small motile spore furnished with two vibratile cilia, found in certain green algae.
middle-ground noun That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.
millennialist noun One who believes that Christ will reign personally on earth a thousand years; a Chiliast; also, a believer in the universal prevalence of Christianity for a long period.
millennialism noun Alt. of Millenniarism
millenniarism noun Belief in, or expectation of, the millennium; millenarianism.
millionairess noun A woman who is a millionaire, or the wife of a millionaire.
mill-sixpence noun A milled sixpence; — the sixpence being one of the first English coins milled (1561).
mineralogical adjective Of or pertaining to mineralogy; as, a mineralogical table.
mingle-mangle verb t. To mix in a disorderly way; to make a mess of., A hotchpotch.
ministerially adverb In a ministerial manner; in the character or capacity of a minister.
misadjustment noun Wrong adjustment; unsuitable arrangement.
misadventured adjective Unfortunate.
misadvertence noun Inadvertence.
misallegation noun A erroneous statement or allegation.
misanthropist noun A misanthrope.
miscegenation noun A mixing of races; amalgamation, as by intermarriage of black and white.
miscellaneous adjective Mixed; mingled; consisting of several things; of diverse sorts; promiscuous; heterogeneous; as, a miscellaneous collection.
miscomprehend verb t. To get a wrong idea of or about; to misunderstand.
misconceiving present participle & vb. noun of Misconceive
misconception noun Erroneous conception; false opinion; wrong understanding.
misconclusion noun An erroneous inference or conclusion.
misconjecture noun A wrong conjecture or guess., To conjecture wrongly.
misconsecrate verb t. To consecrate amiss.
misconstruing present participle & vb. noun of Misconstrue
misemployment noun Wrong or mistaken employment.
miserableness noun The state or quality of being miserable.
misexposition noun Wrong exposition.
misexpression noun Wrong expression.
misgovernance noun Misgovernment; misconduct; misbehavior.
misgovernment noun Bad government; want of government.
mismanagement noun Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.
misordination noun Wrong ordination.
misperception noun Erroneous perception.
mispersuasion noun A false persuasion; wrong notion or opinion.
misproceeding noun Wrong or irregular proceding.
mispronounced imp. & past participle of Mispronounce
misproportion verb t. To give wrong proportions to; to join without due proportion.
missuggestion noun Wrong or evil suggestion.
mistrustingly adverb With distrust or suspicion.
misunderstood imp. & past participle of Misunderstand
misunderstand verb t. To misconceive; to mistake; to miscomprehend; to take in a wrong sense.
moderatorship noun The office of a moderator.
modernization noun The act of rendering modern in style; the act or process of causing to conform to modern of thinking or acting.
modifiability noun Capability of being modified; state or quality of being modifiable.
mohammedanism noun Alt. of Mohammedism
mohammedanize verb t. Alt. of Mohammedize
mollification noun The act of mollifying, or the state of being mollified; a softening.
momentariness noun The state or quality of being momentary; shortness of duration.
monocephalous adjective Having a solitary head; — said of unbranched composite plants.
monochromatic adjective Consisting of one color, or presenting rays of light of one color only.
monocotyledon noun A plant with only one cotyledon, or seed lobe.
monodactylous adjective Having but one finger or claw.
monogrammatic adjective Monogrammic.
monographical adjective Of or pertaining to a monograph, or to a monography; as, a monographic writing; a monographic picture.
monometallism noun The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money values. See Bimetallism.
monometallist noun One who believes in monometallism as opposed to bimetallism, etc.
monophthongal adjective Consisting of, or pertaining to, a monophthong.
monopolylogue noun An exhibition in which an actor sustains many characters.
monospherical adjective Consisting of one sphere only.
monosulphuret noun See Monosulphide.
monosyllabism noun The state of consisting of monosyllables, or having a monosyllabic form; frequent occurrence of monosyllables.
monosyllabled adjective Formed into, or consisting of, monosyllables.
monosymmetric adjective Alt. of Monosymmetrical
monothalamous adjective One-chambered.
monothelitism noun The doctrine of the Monothelites.
monotrematous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monotremata.
monsel’s salt A basic sulphate of iron; — so named from Monsel, a Frenchman.
monstrosities plural of Monstrosity
monstrousness noun The state or quality of being monstrous, unusual, extraordinary.
mont de piete One of certain public pawnbroking establishments which originated in Italy in the 15th century, the object of which was to lend money at a low rate of interest to poor people in need; — called also mount of piety. The institution has been adopted in other countries, as in Spain and France. See Lombard-house.
morning-glory noun A climbing plant (Ipomoea purpurea) having handsome, funnel-shaped flowers, usually red, pink, purple, white, or variegated, sometimes pale blue. See Dextrorsal.
morphological adjective Of, pertaining to, or according to, the principles of morphology.
mortification noun The act of mortifying, or the condition of being mortified, The death of one part of an animal body, while the rest continues to live; loss of vitality in some part of a living animal; gangrene., Destruction of active qualities; neutralization., Subjection of the passions and appetites, by penance, absistence, or painful severities inflicted on the body., Hence: Deprivation or depression of self-approval; abatement or pride; humiliation; chagrin; vexation., That which mortifies; the cause of humiliation, chagrin, or vexation., A gift to some charitable or religious institution; — nearly synonymous with mortmain.
mortifiedness noun The state of being mortified; humiliation; subjection of the passions.
mother-in-law noun The mother of one’s husband or wife.
motley-minded adjective Having a mind of a jester; foolish.
mountebankery noun The practices of a mountebank; quackery; boastful and vain pretenses.
mountebankish adjective Like a mountebank or his quackery.
mountebankism noun The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.
muddy-mettled adjective Dull-spirited.
muhammadanism noun Mohammedanism.
multicapsular adjective Having many, or several, capsules.
multicarinate adjective Many-keeled.
multicellular adjective Consisting of, or having, many cells or more than one cell.
multidigitate adjective Having many fingers, or fingerlike processes.
multigenerous adjective Having many kinds.
multiloquence noun Quality of being multiloquent; use of many words; talkativeness.
multinominous adjective Having many names or terms.
multinucleate adjective Alt. of Multinucleated
multiplicable adjective Capable of being multiplied; multipliable.
multiplicator noun The number by which another number is multiplied; a multiplier.
multiplicious adjective Manifold.
multipresence noun The state or power of being multipresent.
multiramified adjective Divided into many branches.
multisyllable noun A word of many syllables; a polysyllable.
multitudinary adjective Multitudinous.
multitudinous adjective Consisting of a multitude; manifold in number or condition; as, multitudinous waves., Of or pertaining to a multitude.
multivalvular adjective Having many valves., Many-valved; having more than two valves; — said of certain shells, as the chitons.
mummification noun The act of making a mummy.
munchausenism noun An extravagant fiction embodying an account of some marvelous exploit or adventure.
mundification noun The act or operation of cleansing.
mundificative adjective Cleansing., A detergent medicine or preparation.
muriatiferous adjective Producing muriatic substances or salt.
muscovy glass Mica; muscovite. See Mica.
musculospiral adjective Of or pertaining to the muscles, and taking a spiral course; — applied esp. to a large nerve of the arm.
muzzle-loader noun A firearm which receives its charge through the muzzle, as distinguished from one which is loaded at the breech.
myelencephala noun pl. Same as Vertebrata.
myoepithelial adjective Derived from epithelial cells and destined to become a part of the muscular system; — applied to structural elements in certain embryonic forms., Having the characteristics of both muscle and epithelium; as, the myoepithelial cells of the hydra.
myriacanthous adjective Having numerous spines, as certain fishes.
myriophyllous adjective Having an indefinitely great or countless number of leaves.
mystification noun The act of mystifying, or the state of being mystied; also, something designed to, or that does, mystify.