13 letter word starting with mi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
microbacteria noun pl. In the classification of Cohn, one of the four tribes of Bacteria.
microcephalic adjective Alt. of Microcephalous
microcosmical adjective Of or pertaining to the microcosm.
micro-geology noun The part of geology relating to structure and organisms which require to be studied with a microscope.
micrometrical adjective Belonging to micrometry; made by the micrometer.
microorganism noun Any microscopic form of life; — particularly applied to bacteria and similar organisms, esp. such are supposed to cause infectious diseases.
microphthalmy noun An unnatural smallness of the eyes, occurring as the result of disease or of imperfect development.
microphyllous adjective Small-leaved.
microscopical adjective Of or pertaining to the microscope or to microscopy; made with a microscope; as, microscopic observation., Able to see extremely minute objects., Very small; visible only by the aid of a microscope; as, a microscopic insect.
microzoospore noun A small motile spore furnished with two vibratile cilia, found in certain green algae.
middle-ground noun That part of a picture between the foreground and the background.
millennialist noun One who believes that Christ will reign personally on earth a thousand years; a Chiliast; also, a believer in the universal prevalence of Christianity for a long period.
millennialism noun Alt. of Millenniarism
millenniarism noun Belief in, or expectation of, the millennium; millenarianism.
millionairess noun A woman who is a millionaire, or the wife of a millionaire.
mill-sixpence noun A milled sixpence; — the sixpence being one of the first English coins milled (1561).
mineralogical adjective Of or pertaining to mineralogy; as, a mineralogical table.
mingle-mangle verb t. To mix in a disorderly way; to make a mess of., A hotchpotch.
ministerially adverb In a ministerial manner; in the character or capacity of a minister.
misadjustment noun Wrong adjustment; unsuitable arrangement.
misadventured adjective Unfortunate.
misadvertence noun Inadvertence.
misallegation noun A erroneous statement or allegation.
misanthropist noun A misanthrope.
miscegenation noun A mixing of races; amalgamation, as by intermarriage of black and white.
miscellaneous adjective Mixed; mingled; consisting of several things; of diverse sorts; promiscuous; heterogeneous; as, a miscellaneous collection.
miscomprehend verb t. To get a wrong idea of or about; to misunderstand.
misconceiving present participle & vb. noun of Misconceive
misconception noun Erroneous conception; false opinion; wrong understanding.
misconclusion noun An erroneous inference or conclusion.
misconjecture noun A wrong conjecture or guess., To conjecture wrongly.
misconsecrate verb t. To consecrate amiss.
misconstruing present participle & vb. noun of Misconstrue
misemployment noun Wrong or mistaken employment.
miserableness noun The state or quality of being miserable.
misexposition noun Wrong exposition.
misexpression noun Wrong expression.
misgovernance noun Misgovernment; misconduct; misbehavior.
misgovernment noun Bad government; want of government.
mismanagement noun Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.
misordination noun Wrong ordination.
misperception noun Erroneous perception.
mispersuasion noun A false persuasion; wrong notion or opinion.
misproceeding noun Wrong or irregular proceding.
mispronounced imp. & past participle of Mispronounce
misproportion verb t. To give wrong proportions to; to join without due proportion.
missuggestion noun Wrong or evil suggestion.
mistrustingly adverb With distrust or suspicion.
misunderstood imp. & past participle of Misunderstand
misunderstand verb t. To misconceive; to mistake; to miscomprehend; to take in a wrong sense.