13 letter word starting with mo

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
moderatorship noun The office of a moderator.
modernization noun The act of rendering modern in style; the act or process of causing to conform to modern of thinking or acting.
modifiability noun Capability of being modified; state or quality of being modifiable.
mohammedanism noun Alt. of Mohammedism
mohammedanize verb t. Alt. of Mohammedize
mollification noun The act of mollifying, or the state of being mollified; a softening.
momentariness noun The state or quality of being momentary; shortness of duration.
monocephalous adjective Having a solitary head; — said of unbranched composite plants.
monochromatic adjective Consisting of one color, or presenting rays of light of one color only.
monocotyledon noun A plant with only one cotyledon, or seed lobe.
monodactylous adjective Having but one finger or claw.
monogrammatic adjective Monogrammic.
monographical adjective Of or pertaining to a monograph, or to a monography; as, a monographic writing; a monographic picture.
monometallism noun The legalized use of one metal only, as gold, or silver, in the standard currency of a country, or as a standard of money values. See Bimetallism.
monometallist noun One who believes in monometallism as opposed to bimetallism, etc.
monophthongal adjective Consisting of, or pertaining to, a monophthong.
monopolylogue noun An exhibition in which an actor sustains many characters.
monospherical adjective Consisting of one sphere only.
monosulphuret noun See Monosulphide.
monosyllabism noun The state of consisting of monosyllables, or having a monosyllabic form; frequent occurrence of monosyllables.
monosyllabled adjective Formed into, or consisting of, monosyllables.
monosymmetric adjective Alt. of Monosymmetrical
monothalamous adjective One-chambered.
monothelitism noun The doctrine of the Monothelites.
monotrematous adjective Of or pertaining to the Monotremata.
monsel’s salt A basic sulphate of iron; — so named from Monsel, a Frenchman.
monstrosities plural of Monstrosity
monstrousness noun The state or quality of being monstrous, unusual, extraordinary.
mont de piete One of certain public pawnbroking establishments which originated in Italy in the 15th century, the object of which was to lend money at a low rate of interest to poor people in need; — called also mount of piety. The institution has been adopted in other countries, as in Spain and France. See Lombard-house.
morning-glory noun A climbing plant (Ipomoea purpurea) having handsome, funnel-shaped flowers, usually red, pink, purple, white, or variegated, sometimes pale blue. See Dextrorsal.
morphological adjective Of, pertaining to, or according to, the principles of morphology.
mortification noun The act of mortifying, or the condition of being mortified, The death of one part of an animal body, while the rest continues to live; loss of vitality in some part of a living animal; gangrene., Destruction of active qualities; neutralization., Subjection of the passions and appetites, by penance, absistence, or painful severities inflicted on the body., Hence: Deprivation or depression of self-approval; abatement or pride; humiliation; chagrin; vexation., That which mortifies; the cause of humiliation, chagrin, or vexation., A gift to some charitable or religious institution; — nearly synonymous with mortmain.
mortifiedness noun The state of being mortified; humiliation; subjection of the passions.
mother-in-law noun The mother of one’s husband or wife.
motley-minded adjective Having a mind of a jester; foolish.
mountebankery noun The practices of a mountebank; quackery; boastful and vain pretenses.
mountebankish adjective Like a mountebank or his quackery.
mountebankism noun The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.