13 letter word starting with mu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
muddy-mettled adjective Dull-spirited.
muhammadanism noun Mohammedanism.
multicapsular adjective Having many, or several, capsules.
multicarinate adjective Many-keeled.
multicellular adjective Consisting of, or having, many cells or more than one cell.
multidigitate adjective Having many fingers, or fingerlike processes.
multigenerous adjective Having many kinds.
multiloquence noun Quality of being multiloquent; use of many words; talkativeness.
multinominous adjective Having many names or terms.
multinucleate adjective Alt. of Multinucleated
multiplicable adjective Capable of being multiplied; multipliable.
multiplicator noun The number by which another number is multiplied; a multiplier.
multiplicious adjective Manifold.
multipresence noun The state or power of being multipresent.
multiramified adjective Divided into many branches.
multisyllable noun A word of many syllables; a polysyllable.
multitudinary adjective Multitudinous.
multitudinous adjective Consisting of a multitude; manifold in number or condition; as, multitudinous waves., Of or pertaining to a multitude.
multivalvular adjective Having many valves., Many-valved; having more than two valves; — said of certain shells, as the chitons.
mummification noun The act of making a mummy.
munchausenism noun An extravagant fiction embodying an account of some marvelous exploit or adventure.
mundification noun The act or operation of cleansing.
mundificative adjective Cleansing., A detergent medicine or preparation.
muriatiferous adjective Producing muriatic substances or salt.
muscovy glass Mica; muscovite. See Mica.
musculospiral adjective Of or pertaining to the muscles, and taking a spiral course; — applied esp. to a large nerve of the arm.
muzzle-loader noun A firearm which receives its charge through the muzzle, as distinguished from one which is loaded at the breech.