13 letter word starting with n

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
naphthalidine noun Same as Naphthylamine.
naphthylamine noun One of two basic amido derivatives of naphthalene, C10H7.NH2, forming crystalline solids.
napier’s rods A set of rods, made of bone or other material, each divided into nine spaces, and containing the numbers of a column of the multiplication table; — a contrivance of Baron Napier, the inventor of logarithms, for facilitating the operations of multiplication and division.
naples yellow See under Yellow.
narragansetts noun pl. A tribe of Indians who formerly inhabited the shores of Narragansett Bay.
narrow-minded adjective Of narrow mental scope; illiberal; mean.
nasolachrymal adjective Connected with the lachrymal apparatus and the nose; as, the nasolachrymal, or lachrymal duct.
nationalities plural of Nationality
nationalizing present participle & vb. noun of Nationalize
necessariness noun The quality of being necessary.
necessitarian adjective Of or pertaining to the doctrine of philosophical necessity in regard to the origin and existence of things, especially as applied to the actings or choices of the will; — opposed to libertarian., One who holds to the doctrine of necessitarianism.
necessitating present participle & vb. noun of Necessitate
necromantical adjective Of or pertaining to necromancy; performed by necromancy.
necroscopical adjective Or or relating to post-mortem examinations.
nectariferous adjective Secreting nectar; — said of blossoms or their parts.
neglectedness noun The state of being neglected.
negotiability noun The quality of being negotiable or transferable by indorsement.
negotiousness noun The state of being busily occupied; activity.
nematocalyces plural of Nematocalyx
neologistical adjective Of or pertaining to neology; neological.
neologization noun The act or process of neologizing.
nervelessness noun The state of being nerveless.
nervomuscular adjective Of or pertaining to both nerves and muscles; of the nature of nerves and muscles; as, nervomuscular energy.
neurapophyses plural of Neurapophysis
neurapophysis noun One of the two lateral processes or elements which form the neural arch., The dorsal process of the neural arch; neural spine; spinous process.
neuro-central adjective Between the neural arch and the centrum of a vertebra; as, the neurocentral suture.
neuromuscular adjective Nervomuscular.
neuroskeletal adjective Of or pertaining to the neuroskeleton.
neuroskeleton noun The deep-seated parts of the vertebrate skeleton which are relation with the nervous axis and locomation.
neverthelater adverb / conj. Nevertheless.
newfangleness noun Newfangledness.
nickeliferous adjective Containing nickel; as, nickelferous iron.
niggardliness noun The quality or state of being niggard; meanness in giving or spending; parsimony; stinginess.
nigrification noun The act or process of making black.
nitrification noun The act, process, or result of combining with nitrogen or some of its compounds., The act or process of oxidizing nitrogen or its compounds so as to form nitrous or nitric acid., A process of oxidation, in which nitrogenous vegetable and animal matter in the presence of air, moisture, and some basic substances, as lime or alkali carbonate, is converted into nitrates.
nitrogenizing present participle & vb. noun of Nitrogenize
nitroglycerin noun A liquid appearing like a heavy oil, colorless or yellowish, and consisting of a mixture of several glycerin salts of nitric acid, and hence more properly called glycerin nitrate. It is made by the action of nitric acid on glycerin in the presence of sulphuric acid. It is extremely unstable and terribly explosive. A very dilute solution is used in medicine as a neurotic under the name of glonion.
nitromuriatic adjective Of, pertaining to, or composed of, nitric acid and muriatic acid; nitrohydrochloric. See Nitrohydrochloric.
nitroprusside noun See Nitroprussic.
noctivagation noun A roving or going about in the night.
no-man’s land A space amidships used to keep blocks, ropes, etc.; a space on a ship belonging to no one in particular to care for., Fig.: An unclaimed space or time.
nomenclatress noun A female nomenclator.
nomenclatural adjective Pertaining or according to a nomenclature.
nonacceptance noun A neglect or refusal to accept.
nonaerobiotic adjective Capable of living without atmospheric oxygen; anaerobiotic.
nonalienation noun Failure to alienate; also, the state of not being alienated.
nonappearance noun Default of apperance, as in court, to prosecute or defend; failure to appear.
non assumpsit The general plea or denial in an action of assumpsit.
nonattendance noun A failure to attend; omission of attendance; nonappearance.
nonbituminous adjective Containing no bitumen; not bituminous.
noncoincident adjective Not coincident.
noncompletion noun Lack of completion; failure to complete.
noncompliance noun Neglect of compliance; failure to comply.
nonconcluding adjective Not concluding.
noncondensing adjective Not condensing; discharging the steam from the cylinder at a pressure nearly equal to or above that of the atmosphere and not into a condenser.
nonconducting adjective Not conducting; not transmitting a fluid or force; thus, in electricity, wax is a nonconducting substance.
nonconduction noun The quality of not being able to conduct or transmit; failure to conduct.
nonconforming adjective Not conforming; declining conformity; especially, not conforming to the established church of a country.
nonconformist noun One who does not conform to an established church; especially, one who does not conform to the established church of England; a dissenter.
nonconformity noun Neglect or failure of conformity; especially, in England, the neglect or refusal to unite with the established church in its rites and modes of worship.
noncontagious adjective Not contagious; not catching; not communicable by contact.
nondeposition noun A failure to deposit or throw down.
nonelectrical adjective Not electric; conducting electricity.
nonemphatical adjective Having no emphasis; unemphatic.
non-episcopal adjective Not Episcopal; not pertaining to the Episcopal church or system.
noninhabitant noun One who is not an inhabitant; a stranger; a foreigner; a nonresident.
nonlimitation noun Want of limitation; failure to limit.
nonmedullated adjective Not medullated; (Anat.) without a medulla or marrow, or without a medullary sheath; as, a nonmedullated nerve fiber.
nonmembership noun State of not being a member.
nonnitrognous adjective Devoid of nitrogen; as, a nonnitrogenous principle; a nonnitrogenous food. See the Note under Food, n., 1.
nonobservance noun Neglect or failure to observe or fulfill.
nonproduction noun A failure to produce or exhibit.
nonproficient noun One who has failed to become proficient.
nonregardance noun Want of due regard; disregard; slight.
nonresistance noun The principles or practice of a nonresistant; passive obedience; submission to authority, power, oppression, or violence without opposition.
nonsubmission noun Want of submission; failure or refusal to submit.
nonsubmissive adjective Not submissive.
nonuniformist noun One who believes that past changes in the structure of the earth have proceeded from cataclysms or causes more violent than are now operating; — called also nonuniformitarian.
nonvernacular adjective Not vernacular.
normalization noun Reduction to a standard or normal state.
northeasterly adjective Pertaining to the northeast; toward the northeast, or coming from the northeast., Toward the northeast.
northeastward adverb Alt. of Northeastwardly
northerliness noun The quality or state of being northerly; direction toward the north.
northwesterly adjective Toward the northwest, or from the northwest.
northwestward adverb Alt. of Northwestwardly
nucleoplasmic adjective Of or pertaining to nucleoplasm; — esp. applied to a body formed in the developing ovum from the plasma of the nucleus of the germinal vesicle.
nudibrachiate adjective Having tentacles without vibratile cilia.
nullification noun The act of nullifying; a rendering void and of no effect, or of no legal effect.
numismatology noun The science which treats of coins and medals, in their relation to history; numismatics.