13 letter word starting with o

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
objectionable adjective Liable to objection; likely to be objected to or disapproved of; offensive; as, objectionable words.
objectivation noun Converting into an object.
objectiveness noun Objectivity.
observational adjective Of a pertaining to observation; consisting of, or containing, observations.
observatories plural of Observatory
obsigillation noun A sealing up.
obstetricious adjective Serving to assist childbirth; obstetric; hence, facilitating any bringing forth or deliverance.
obtenebration noun The act of darkening; the state of being darkened; darkness.
obtuse-angled adjective Alt. of obtuse-angular
occasionalism noun The system of occasional causes; — a name given to certain theories of the Cartesian school of philosophers, as to the intervention of the First Cause, by which they account for the apparent reciprocal action of the soul and the body.
occasionality noun Quality or state of being occasional; occasional occurrence.
occipitoaxial adjective Of or pertaining to the occipital bone and second vertebra, or axis.
ochlocratical adjective Of or pertaining to ochlocracy; having the form or character of an ochlocracy; mobocratic.
octonaphthene noun A colorless liquid hydrocarbon of the octylene series, occurring in Caucasian petroleum.
odontographic adjective Of or pertaining to odontography.
odontophorous adjective Having an odontophore.
odontornithes noun pl. A group of Mesozoic birds having the jaws armed with teeth, as in most other vertebrates. They have been divided into three orders: Odontolcae, Odontotormae, and Saururae.
ogeechee lime The acid, olive-shaped, drupaceous fruit of a species of tupelo (Nyssa capitata) which grows in swamps in Georgia and Florida., The tree which bears this fruit.
old-fashioned adjective Formed according to old or obsolete fashion or pattern; adhering to old customs or ideas; as, an old-fashioned dress, girl.
old lang syne See Auld lang syne.
oleomargarine noun A liquid oil made from animal fats (esp. beef fat) by separating the greater portion of the solid fat or stearin, by crystallization. It is mainly a mixture of olein and palmitin with some little stearin., An artificial butter made by churning this oil with more or less milk.
oligopetalous adjective Having few petals.
oligosepalous adjective Having few sepals.
oligosiderite noun A meteorite characterized by the presence of but a small amount of metallic iron.
oligospermous adjective Having few seeds.
omnicorporeal adjective Comprehending or including all bodies; embracing all substance.
omniprevalent adjective Prevalent everywhere or in all things.
oneirocritics noun The art of interpreting dreams.
oneiroscopist noun One who interprets dreams.
onomatologist noun One versed in the history of names.
onomatopoetic adjective Of or pertaining to onomatopoeia; characterized by onomatopoeia; imitative; as, an onomatopoetic writer or word.
ontologically adverb In an ontological manner.
oosporangiums plural of Oosporangium
ophiomorphite noun An ammonite.
ophiomorphous adjective Having the form of a serpent.
ophthalmology noun The science which treats of the structure, functions, and diseases of the eye.
opisthoglypha noun pl. A division of serpents which have some of the posterior maxillary teeth grooved for fangs.
opisthography noun A writing upon the back of anything, as upon the back of a leaf or sheet already written upon on one side.
opportunities plural of Opportunity
oppositionist noun One who belongs to the opposition party.
orchesography noun A treatise upon dancing.
orchestration noun The arrangement of music for an orchestra; orchestral treatment of a composition; — called also instrumentation.
orchidologist noun One versed in orchidology.
orchilla weed The lichen from which archil is obtained. See Archil.
organicalness noun The quality or state of being organic.
organogenesis noun The origin and development of organs in animals and plants., The germ history of the organs and systems of organs, — a branch of morphogeny.
organographic adjective Alt. of Organographical
organological adjective Of or relating to organology.
organoplastic adjective Having the property of producing the tissues or organs of animals and plants; as, the organoplastic cells.
organotrophic adjective Relating to the creation, organization, and nutrition of living organs or parts.
orientalizing present participle & vb. noun of Orientalize
orismological adjective Of or pertaining to orismology.
ornamentation noun The act or art of ornamenting, or the state of being ornamented., That which ornaments; ornament.
ornithichnite noun The footmark of a bird occurring in strata of stone.
ornithologist noun One skilled in ornithology; a student of ornithology; one who describes birds.
ornithosauria noun pl. An order of extinct flying reptiles; — called also Pterosauria.
ornithotomist noun One who is skilled in ornithotomy.
orphanotrophy noun A hospital for orphans., The act of supporting orphans.
orthocarbonic adjective Designating a complex ether, C.(OC2H5)4, which is obtained as a liquid of a pleasant ethereal odor by means of chlorpicrin, and is believed to be a derivative of the hypothetical normal carbonic acid, C.(OH)4.
orthoceratite noun An orthoceras; also, any fossil shell allied to Orthoceras.
orthodiagonal noun The diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which is at right angles with the vertical axis.
orthodoxality noun Orthodoxness.
orthognathism noun The quality or state of being orthognathous.
orthognathous adjective Having the front of the head, or the skull, nearly perpendicular, not retreating backwards above the jaws; — opposed to prognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic.
orthographist noun One who spells words correctly; an orthographer.
orthographize verb t. To spell correctly or according to usage; to correct in regard to spelling.
orthopinacoid noun A name given to the two planes in the monoclinic system which are parallel to the vertical and orthodiagonal axes.
orthospermous adjective Having the seeds straight, as in the fruits of some umbelliferous plants; — opposed to coelospermous.
orthostichies plural of Orthostichy
oryctological adjective Of or pertaining to oryctology.
ostensibility noun The quality or state of being ostensible.
ostreaculture noun The artificial cultivation of oysters.
ostreophagist noun One who feeds on oysters.
ourang-outang noun See Orang-outang.
outgeneralled of Outgeneral
outgeneraling present participle & vb. noun of Outgeneral
outrecuidance noun Excessive presumption.
overbounteous adjective Bounteous to excess.
overconfident adjective Confident to excess.
overcredulous adjective Too credulous.
overdelighted adjective Delighted beyond measure.
overexquisite adjective Too exquisite; too exact or nice; too careful.
overflowingly adverb In great abundance; exuberantly.
overfreighted imp. & past participle of Overfreight
overgreatness noun Excessive greatness.
overinfluence verb t. To influence in an excessive degree; to have undue influence over.
overlanguaged adjective Employing too many words; diffuse.
overlargeness noun Excess of size or bulk.
overliberally adverb In an overliberal manner.
overmultitude verb t. To outnumber.
overofficious adjective Too busy; too ready to intermeddle; too officious.
overponderous adjective Too heavy.
overprovident adjective Too provident.
overquietness noun Too much quietness.
overrighteous adjective Excessively righteous; — usually implying hypocrisy.
overshadowing present participle & vb. noun of Overshadow
overspreading present participle & vb. noun of Overspread
overstatement noun An exaggerated statement or account.
overstraining present participle & vb. noun of Overstrain
overvaluation noun Excessive valuation; overestimate.
ovoviviparous adjective Oviparous, but hatching the egg while it is within the body, as some fishes and reptiles.
oxygenizement noun Oxidation.
oxyhemoglobin noun See Hemoglobin.
ozonification noun The act or process of producing, or of subjecting to the action of, ozone.