13 letter word starting with p

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
palaeographer adjective Alt. of Palaeographic
palaeographic adjective See Paleographer, Paleographic, etc.
palatableness noun The quality or state of being agreeable to the taste; relish; acceptableness.
paleobotanist noun One versed in paleobotany.
paleographist noun One versed in paleography; a paleographer.
palindromical adjective Of, pertaining to, or like, a palindrome.
palladiumized imp. & past participle of Paladiumize
palma christi A plant (Ricinus communis) with ornamental peltate and palmately cleft foliage, growing as a woody perennial in the tropics, and cultivated as an herbaceous annual in temperate regions; — called also castor-oil plant.
palmatisected adjective Divided, as a palmate leaf, down to the midrib, so that the parenchyma is interrupted.
palmidactyles noun pl. A group of wading birds having the toes webbed, as the avocet.
pancratiastic adjective Of or pertaining to the pancratium.
pandiculation noun A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy.
pansclavonian See Panslavic, Panslavism, etc.
panspermatist noun Alt. of Panspermist
panstereorama noun A model of a town or country, in relief, executed in wood, cork, pasteboard, or the like.
pantagruelism noun The theory or practice of the medical profession; — used in burlesque or ridicule., An assumption of buffoonery to cover some serious purpose.
pantheistical adjective Of or pertaining to pantheism; founded in, or leading to, pantheism.
pantheologist noun One versed in pantheology.
pantisocratic adjective Of or pertaining to a pantisocracy.
papaveraceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of plants (Papaveraceae) of which the poppy, the celandine, and the bloodroot are well-known examples.
papillomatous adjective Of, pertaining to, or consisting of, papillomata.
parabolically adverb By way of parable; in a parabolic manner., In the form of a parabola.
parabronchium noun One of the branches of an ectobronchium or entobronchium.
paracentrical adjective Deviating from circularity; changing the distance from a center.
paradigmatize verb t. To set forth as a model or example.
paragraphical adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, a paragraph or paragraphs.
paralipomenon noun pl. A title given in the Douay Bible to the Books of Chronicles.
parallactical adjective Of or pertaining to a parallax.
parallelistic adjective Of the nature of a parallelism; involving parallelism.
parallelogram noun A right-lined quadrilateral figure, whose opposite sides are parallel, and consequently equal; — sometimes restricted in popular usage to a rectangle, or quadrilateral figure which is longer than it is broad, and with right angles.
paramagnetism noun Magnetism, as opposed to diamagnetism.
paranthracene noun An inert isomeric modification of anthracene.
paraphernalia noun pl. Something reserved to a wife, over and above her dower, being chiefly apparel and ornaments suited to her degree., Appendages; ornaments; finery; equipments.
paraphragmata plural of Paraphagma
paraschematic adjective Of or pertaining to a change from the right form, as in the formation of a word from another by a change of termination, gender, etc.
parasynthetic adjective Formed from a compound word.
parenthetical adjective Of the nature of a parenthesis; pertaining to, or expressed in, or as in, a parenthesis; as, a parenthetical clause; a parenthetic remark., Using or containing parentheses.
parepididymis noun A small body containing convoluted tubules, situated near the epididymis in man and some other animals, and supposed to be a remnant of the anterior part of the Wolffian body.
parliamentary adjective Of or pertaining to Parliament; as, parliamentary authority., Enacted or done by Parliament; as, a parliamentary act., According to the rules and usages of Parliament or of deliberative bodies; as, a parliamentary motion.
parrot’s-bill noun The glory pea. See under Glory.
participantly adverb In a participant manner.
participating present participle & vb. noun of Participate
participation noun The act or state of participating, or sharing in common with others; as, a participation in joy or sorrows., Distribution; division into shares., community; fellowship; association.
participative adjective Capable of participating.
participially adverb In the sense or manner of a participle.
particularism noun A minute description; a detailed statement., The doctrine of particular election., Devotion to the interests of one’s own kingdom or province rather than to those of the empire.
particularist noun One who holds to particularism.
particularity noun The state or quality of being particular; distinctiveness; circumstantiality; minuteness in detail., That which is particular, Peculiar quality; individual characteristic; peculiarity., Special circumstance; minute detail; particular., Something of special or private concern or interest.
particularize verb t. To give as a particular, or as the particulars; to mention particularly; to give the particulars of; to enumerate or specify in detail., To mention or attend to particulars; to give minute details; to be circumstantial; as, to particularize in a narrative.
partitionment noun The act of partitioning.
party-colored adjective Alt. of Parti-colored
parti-colored adjective Colored with different tints; variegated; as, a party-colored flower.
pasigraphical adjective Of or pertaining to pasigraphy.
passementerie noun Beaded embroidery for women’s dresses.
passe partout noun That by which one can pass anywhere; a safe-conduct., A master key; a latchkey., A light picture frame or mat of cardboard, wood, or the like, usually put between the picture and the glass, and sometimes serving for several pictures.
paterfamilias noun The head of a family; in a large sense, the proprietor of an estate; one who is his own master.
pathognomonic adjective Specially or decisively characteristic of a disease; indicating with certainty a disease; as, a pathognomonic symptom.
patriarchship noun A patriarchate.
patrimonially adverb By inheritance.
patrocination noun The act of patrocinating or patronizing.
patronization noun The act of patronizing; patronage; support.
pauperization noun The act or process of reducing to pauperism.
peach-colored adjective Of the color of a peach blossom.
pectinibranch noun One of the Pectinibranchiata. Also used adjectively.
peculiarities plural of Peculiarity
pedestrianism noun The act, art, or practice of a pedestrian; walking or running; traveling or racing on foot.
pedestrianize verb i. To practice walking; to travel on foot.
pedicellariae plural of Pedicellaria
peloponnesian adjective Of or pertaining to the Peloponnesus, or southern peninsula of Greece., A native or an inhabitant of the Peloponnesus.
pendulousness noun The quality or state of being pendulous; the state of hanging loosely; pendulosity.
penetrability noun The quality of being penetrable; susceptibility of being penetrated, entered, or pierced.
penetratingly adverb In a penetrating manner.
penicilliform adjective Penicillate.
peninsulating present participle & vb. noun of Peninsulate
penitentially adverb In a penitential manner.
penny-a-liner noun One who furnishes matter to public journals at so much a line; a poor writer for hire; a hack writer.
pentacapsular adjective Having five capsules.
pentachloride noun A chloride having five atoms of chlorine in each molecule.
pentadecatoic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, pentadecane, or designating an acid related to it.
pentadelphous adjective Having the stamens arranged in five clusters, those of each cluster having their filaments more or less united, as the flowers of the linden.
pentahedrical adjective Pentahedral.
pentapetalous adjective Having five petals, or flower leaves.
pentaphyllous adjective Having five leaves or leaflets.
pentaspermous adjective Containing five seeds.
pentastichous adjective Having, or arranged in, five vertical ranks, as the leaves of an apple tree or a cherry tree.
perambulating present participle & vb. noun of Perambulate
perambulation noun The act of perambulating; traversing., An annual survey of boundaries, as of town, a parish, a forest, etc., A district within which one is authorized to make a tour of inspection.
percarbureted adjective Combined with a relatively large amount of carbon.
perditionable adjective Capable of being ruined; worthy of perdition.
perdurability noun Durability; lastingness.
peregrination noun A traveling from one country to another; a wandering; sojourn in foreign countries.
perfectionate verb t. To perfect.
perfectionism noun The doctrine of the Perfectionists.
perfectionist noun One pretending to perfection; esp., one pretending to moral perfection; one who believes that persons may and do attain to moral perfection and sinlessness in this life.
perfunctorily adverb In a perfunctory manner; formally; carelessly.
perfuncturate verb t. To perform in a perfunctory manner; to do negligently.
peribranchial adjective Surrounding the branchiae; as, a peribranchial cavity., Around the bronchi or bronchial tubes; as, the peribronchial lymphatics.
perichondrial adjective Of or pertaining to the perichondrium; situated around cartilage.
perichondrium noun The membrane of fibrous connective tissue which closely invests cartilage, except where covering articular surfaces.
periclitation noun Trial; experiment., The state of being in peril.
perilymphatic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, perilymph., Perilymphangial.
perineoplasty noun The act or process of restoring an injured perineum.
perinephritis noun Inflammation of the cellular tissue around the kidney.
periodicalist noun One who publishes, or writes for, a periodical.
periodicities plural of Periodicity
peripatetical adjective Peripatetic.
peripneumonia noun Alt. of Peripneumony
peripneumonic adjective Of or pertaining to peripneumonia.
periproctitis noun Inflammation of the tissues about the rectum.
perishability noun Perishableness.
perispherical adjective Exactly spherical; globular.
perissodactyl noun One of the Perissodactyla.
perityphlitis noun Inflammation of the connective tissue about the caecum.
perivertebral adjective Surrounding the vertebrae.
perivitelline adjective Situated around the vitellus, or between the vitellus and zona pellucida of an ovum.
perlustration noun The act of viewing all over.
perpendicular adjective Exactly upright or vertical; pointing to the zenith; at right angles to the plane of the horizon; extending in a right line from any point toward the center of the earth., At right angles to a given line or surface; as, the line ad is perpendicular to the line bc., A line at right angles to the plane of the horizon; a vertical line or direction., A line or plane falling at right angles on another line or surface, or making equal angles with it on each side.
perpend stone See Perpender.
perpent stone See Perpender.
perscrutation noun A thorough searching; a minute inquiry or scrutiny.
personalities plural of Personality
personalizing present participle & vb. noun of Personalize
perspectively adverb Optically; as through a glass., According to the rules of perspective.
perspicacious adjective Having the power of seeing clearly; quick-sighted; sharp of sight., Fig.: Of acute discernment; keen.
perstreperous adjective Noisy; obstreperous.
pervigilation noun Careful watching.
pessimistical adjective Pessimistic.
pestiferously adverb In a pestiferuos manner.
pestilentious adjective Pestilential.
pestilentness noun The quality of being pestilent.
petitionarily adverb By way of begging the question; by an assumption.
petrification noun See Petrifaction., Fig.: Obduracy; callousness.
petrostearine noun A solid unctuous material, of which candles are made.
pettifogulize verb i. To act as a pettifogger; to use contemptible tricks.
phalangistine noun Same as Phalangist.
phalansterian adjective Of or pertaining to phalansterianism., One who favors the system of phalansteries proposed by Fourier.
phalansterism noun Alt. of Phalansterianism
phanerocarpae noun pl. Same as Acraspeda.
phanerogamian adjective Phanerogamous.
phanerogamous adjective Having visible flowers containing distinct stamens and pistils; — said of plants.
phantasmagory noun See Phantasmagoria.
pharmaceutics noun The science of preparing medicines.
pharmaceutist noun One skilled in pharmacy; a druggist. See the Note under Apothecary.
pharmacognosy noun Pharmacognosis.
pharmacomathy noun See Pharmacognosis.
pharmacopoeia noun A book or treatise describing the drugs, preparations, etc., used in medicine; especially, one that is issued by official authority and considered as an authoritative standard., A chemical laboratory.
phaseomannite noun Same as Inosite.
phenomenalism noun That theory which limits positive or scientific knowledge to phenomena only, whether material or spiritual.
phenomenology noun A description, history, or explanation of phenomena.
philadelphian adjective Of or pertaining to Ptolemy Philadelphus, or to one of the cities named Philadelphia, esp. the modern city in Pennsylvania., A native or an inhabitant of Philadelphia., One of a society of mystics of the seventeenth century, — called also the Family of Love.
philanthropic adjective Alt. of Philanthropical
philhellenism noun Love of Greece.
philhellenist noun A friend of Greece; one who supports the cause of the Greeks; particularly, one who supported them in their struggle for independence against the Turks; a philhellene.
philosophical adjective Of or pertaining to philosophy; versed in, or imbued with, the principles of philosophy; hence, characterizing a philosopher; rational; wise; temperate; calm; cool.
philosophized imp. & past participle of Philosophize
philosophizer noun One who philosophizes.
phlebotomized imp. & past participle of Phlebotomize
phlogisticate verb t. To combine phlogiston with; — usually in the form and sense of the p. p. or the adj.; as, highly phlogisticated substances.
phonautograph noun An instrument by means of which a sound can be made to produce a visible trace or record of itself. It consists essentially of a resonant vessel, usually of paraboloidal form, closed at one end by a flexible membrane. A stylus attached to some point of the membrane records the movements of the latter, as it vibrates, upon a moving cylinder or plate.
phoneidoscope noun An instrument for studying the motions of sounding bodies by optical means. It consists of a tube across the end of which is stretched a film of soap solution thin enough to give colored bands, the form and position of which are affected by sonorous vibrations.
phonetization noun The act, art, or process of representing sounds by phonetic signs.
phonographist noun Phonographer.
phosphorating present participle & vb. noun of Phosphorate
phosphoresced imp. & past participle of Phosphoresce
photochemical adjective Of or pertaining to chemical action of light, or produced by it; as, the photochemical changes of the visual purple of the retina.
photographing present participle & vb. noun of Photograph
photographist noun A photographer.
photomagnetic adjective Of or pertaining to photomagnetism.
photometrical adjective Of or pertaining to photometry, or to a photometer.
phragmosiphon noun The siphon of a phragmocone.
phraseologist noun A collector or coiner of phrases.
phrenological adjective Of or pertaining to phrenology.
phthongometer noun An instrument for measuring vocal sounds.
phycoerythrin noun Alt. of Phycoerythrine
phycoxanthine noun A yellowish coloring matter found in certain algae.
phylacterical adjective Of or pertaining to phylacteries.
phylactolaema noun pl. Alt. of Phylactolaemata
phyllocladium noun A flattened stem or branch which more or less resembles a leaf, and performs the function of a leaf as regards respiration and assimilation.
phyllodineous adjective Having phyllodia; relating to phyllodia.
phyllophagous adjective Substituting on leaves; leaf-eating.
phyllophorous adjective Leaf-bearing; producing leaves.
phylloxanthin noun A yellow coloring matter extracted from chlorophyll.
physianthropy noun The philosophy of human life, or the doctrine of the constitution and diseases of man, and their remedies.
physiognomist noun Same as Physiognomy, 1., One skilled in physiognomy., One who tells fortunes by physiognomy.
physiognomize verb t. To observe and study the physiognomy of.
physiognomies plural of Physiognomy
physiographic adjective Alt. of Physiographical
physiological adjective Of or pertaining to physiology; relating to the science of the functions of living organism; as, physiological botany or chemistry.
physostigmine noun An alkaloid found in the Calabar bean (the seed of Physostigma venenosum), and extracted as a white, tasteless, substance, amorphous or crystalline; — formerly called eserine, with which it was regarded as identical.
phytochemical adjective Relating to phytochemistry.
pichurim bean The seed of a Brazilian lauraceous tree (Nectandra Puchury) of a taste and smell between those of nutmeg and of sassafras, — sometimes used medicinally. Called also sassafras nut.
picturesquish adjective Somewhat picturesque.
pilled-garlic noun See Pilgarlic.
pinnatilobate adjective Having lobes arranged in a pinnate manner.
piscicultural adjective Relating to pisciculture.
pistillaceous adjective Growing on, or having nature of, the pistil; of or pertaining to a pistil.
pittle-pattle verb i. To talk unmeaningly; to chatter or prattle.
placoganoidei noun pl. A division of ganoid fishes including those that have large external bony plates and a cartilaginous skeleton.
plagiocephaly noun Oblique lateral deformity of the skull.
plagiostomous adjective Of or pertaining to the Plagiostomi.
plagiotremata noun pl. Same as Lepidosauria.
plain-dealing adjective Practicing plain dealing; artless. See Plain dealing, under Dealing.
plain-hearted adjective Frank; sincere; artless.
planet-struck adjective Affected by the influence of planets; blasted.
planimetrical adjective Of or pertaining to planimetry.
planipetalous adjective Having flat petals.
plano-concave adjective Plane or flat on one side, and concave on the other; as, a plano-concave lens. See Lens.
plano-conical adjective Plane or flat on one side, and conical on the other.
platiniferous adjective Yielding platinum; as, platiniferous sand.
platiniridium noun A natural alloy of platinum and iridium occurring in grayish metallic rounded or cubical grains with platinum.
platinocyanic adjective Pertaining to, derived from, or designating, an acid compound of platinous cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. It is obtained as a cinnaber-red crystalline substance.
platitudinize verb i. To utter platitudes or truisms.
platitudinous adjective Abounding in platitudes; of the nature of platitudes; uttering platitudes.
platter-faced adjective Having a broad, flat face.
platycephalic adjective Alt. of Platycephalous
plausibleness noun Quality of being plausible.
plebeianizing present participle & vb. noun of Plebeianize
plebification noun A rendering plebeian; the act of vulgarizing.
plectognathic adjective Alt. of Plec-tognathous
pleiophyllous adjective Having several leaves; — used especially when several leaves or leaflets appear where normally there should be only one.
plenitudinary adjective Having plenitude; full; complete; thorough.
pleochromatic adjective Pleochroic.
plesimorphism noun The property possessed by some substances of crystallizing in closely similar forms while unlike in chemical composition.
plesiosaurian noun A plesiosaur.
pleurobrachia noun A genus of ctenophores having an ovate body and two long plumose tentacles.
pleurocarpous adjective Side-fruited; — said of those true mosses in which the pedicels or the capsules are from lateral archegonia; — opposed to acrocarpous.
pleurocentrum noun One of the lateral elements in the centra of the vertebrae in some fossil batrachians.
pleuronectoid adjective Pertaining to the Pleuronectidae, or Flounder family.
plumbagineous adjective Pertaining to natural order (Plumbagineae) of gamopetalous herbs, of which Plumbago is the type. The order includes also the marsh rosemary, the thrift, and a few other genera.
plumber block A pillow block.
pluralization noun The act of pluralizing.
pluripresence noun Presence in more places than one.
pneumatograph noun An instrument for recording the movements of the thorax or chest wall during respiration; — also called stethograph.
pneumatometer noun An instrument for measuring the amount of force exerted by the lungs in respiration.
pneumatometry noun See Spirometry.
pneumatophore noun One of the Pneumonophora.
pneumogastric adjective Of or pertaining to the lungs and the stomach., The pneumogastric nerve.
pneumonometer noun A spirometer; a pneumometer.
pneumonophora noun pl. The division of Siphonophora which includes the Physalia and allied genera; — called also Pneumatophorae.
pneumotherapy noun The treatment of disease by inhalations of compressed or rarefied air.
pococurantism noun Carelessness; apathy; indifference.
podobranchiae plural of Podobranchia
podocephalous adjective Having a head of flowers on a long peduncle, or footstalk.
podophthalmia noun pl. The stalk-eyed Crustacea, — an order of Crustacea having the eyes supported on movable stalks. It includes the crabs, lobsters, and prawns. Called also Podophthalmata, and Decapoda.
podophthalmic adjective Alt. of Podophthalmous
point d’appui See under Appui.
pointingstock noun An object of ridicule or scorn; a laughingstock.
polleniferous adjective Producing pollen; polliniferous.
pollicitation noun A voluntary engagement, or a paper containing it; a promise., A promise without mutuality; a promise which has not been accepted by the person to whom it is made.
polliniferous adjective Producing pollen; polleniferous.
polyacoustics noun The art of multiplying or magnifying sounds.
polyadelphian adjective Alt. of Polyadelphous
polyadelphous adjective Belonging to the class Polyadelphia; having stamens united in three or more bundles.
polychromatic adjective Showing a variety, or a change, of colors.
polychronious adjective Enduring through a long time; chronic.
polycotyledon noun A plant that has many, or more than two, cotyledons in the seed.
polydactylism noun The possession of more that the normal number of digits.
polyembryonic adjective Polyembryonate.
polygalaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of plants (Polygalaceae) of which Polygala is the type.
polygonaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a natural order of apetalous plants (Polygonaceae), of which the knotweeds (species of Polygonum) are the type, and which includes also the docks (Rumex), the buckwheat, rhubarb, sea grape (Coccoloba), and several other genera.
polygonometry noun The doctrine of polygons; an extension of some of the principles of trigonometry to the case of polygons.
polygraphical adjective Pertaining to, or employed in, polygraphy; as, a polygraphic instrument., Done with a polygraph; as, a polygraphic copy.
polymeniscous adjective Having numerous facets; — said of the compound eyes of insects and crustaceans.
polymorphosis noun The assumption of several structural forms without a corresponding difference in function; — said of sponges, etc.
poly-mountain noun Same as Poly, n., The closely related Teucrium montanum, formerly called Polium montanum, a plant of Southern Europe., The Bartsia alpina, a low purple-flowered herb of Europe.
polynucleolar adjective Having more than one nucleolus.
polyperythrin noun A coloring matter found in many simple Anthozoa and some hydroids.
polypomedusae noun pl. Same as Hydrozoa.
polypragmatic adjective Alt. of Polypragmatical
polypteroidei noun pl. A suborder of existing ganoid fishes having numerous fins along the back. The bichir, or Polypterus, is the type. See Illust. under Crossopterygian.
polysulphuret noun A polysulphide.
polysyllabism noun The quality or state of being polysyllabic.
polysynthesis noun The act or process of combining many separate elements into a whole., The formation of a word by the combination of several simple words, as in the aboriginal languages of America; agglutination.
polysynthetic adjective Characterized by polysynthesis; agglutinative.
polytechnical adjective Polytechnic.
polythalamous adjective Many-chambered; — applied to shells of Foraminifera and cephalopods. See Illust. of Nautilus.
polytungstate noun A salt of polytungstic acid.
pomme blanche The prairie turnip. See under Prairie.
ponderability noun The quality or state of being ponderable.
ponderosities plural of Ponderosity
ponderousness noun The quality or state of being ponderous; ponderosity.
pontificality noun The state and government of the pope; the papacy.
poor-spirited adjective Of a mean spirit; cowardly; base.
porcelainized adjective Baked like potter’s lay; — applied to clay shales that have been converted by heat into a substance resembling porcelain.
porcellaneous adjective Of or pertaining to porcelain; resembling porcelain; as, porcelaneous shells., Having a smooth, compact shell without pores; — said of certain Foraminifera.
porphyraceous adjective Porphyritic.
portage group A subdivision of the Chemung period in American geology. See Chart of Geology.
portcullising present participle & vb. noun of Portcullis
porte-cochere noun A large doorway allowing vehicles to drive into or through a building. It is common to have the entrance door open upon the passage of the porte-cochere. Also, a porch over a driveway before an entrance door.
portland vase A celebrated cinerary urn or vase found in the tomb of the Emperor Alexander Severus. It is owned by the Duke of Portland, and kept in the British Museum.
port-royalist noun One of the dwellers in the Cistercian convent of Port Royal des Champs, near Paris, when it was the home of the Jansenists in the 17th century, among them being Arnauld, Pascal, and other famous scholars. Cf. Jansenist.
possessionary adjective Of or pertaining to possession; arising from possession.
possibilities plural of Possibility
postcomminion noun The concluding portion of the communion service., A prayer or prayers which the priest says at Mass, after the ablutions.
postexistence noun Subsequent existence.
postliminiary adjective Pertaining to, or involving, the right of postliminium.
postoblongata noun The posterior part of the medulla oblongata.
postscutellum noun The hindermost dorsal piece of a thoracic somite of an insect; the plate behind the scutellum.
post-temporal adjective Situated back of the temporal bone or the temporal region of the skull; — applied especially to a bone which usually connects the supraclavicle with the skull in the pectoral arch of fishes., A post-temporal bone.
post-tympanic adjective Situated behind the tympanum, or in the skull, behind the auditory meatus.
potentiometer noun An instrument for measuring or comparing electrial potentials or electro-motive forces.
potsdam group A subdivision of the Primordial or Cambrian period in American geology; — so named from the sandstone of Potsdam, New York. See Chart of Geology.
pouch-mouthed adjective Having a pouch mouth; blobber-lipped.
powder-posted adjective Affected with dry rot; reduced to dust by rot. See Dry rot, under Dry.
practicalness noun Same as Practicality.
praefloration noun Same as Prefloration.
praefoliation noun Same as Prefoliation.
praenominical adjective Of or pertaining to a praenomen.
praeoperculum noun Same as Preoperculum.
pragmatically adverb In a pragmatical manner.
preaccusation noun Previous accusation.
preadjustment noun Previous adjustment.
preadmonition noun Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
preambulation noun A walking or going before; precedence., A preamble.
preambulatory adjective Preceding; going before; introductory.
precautionary adjective Of or pertaining to precaution, or precautions; as, precautionary signals.
precentorship noun The office of a precentor.
precipitantly adverb With rash or foolish haste; in headlong manner.
precipitating present participle & vb. noun of Precipitate
precipitately adverb In a precipitate manner; headlong; hastily; rashly.
precipitation noun The act of precipitating, or the state of being precipitated, or thrown headlong., A falling, flowing, or rushing downward with violence and rapidity., Great hurry; rash, tumultuous haste; impetuosity., The act or process of precipitating from a solution.
precognizable adjective Cognizable beforehand.
precollection noun A collection previously made.
preconceiving present participle & vb. noun of Preconceive
preconception noun The act of preconceiving; conception or opinion previously formed.
preconcerting present participle & vb. noun of Preconcert
preconcertion noun The act of preconcerting; preconcert.
preconformity noun Anticipative or antecedent conformity.
preconization noun A publishing by proclamation; a public proclamation., A formal approbation by the pope of a person nominated to an ecclesiastical dignity.
preconsigning present participle & vb. noun of Preconsign
preconstitute verb t. To constitute or establish beforehand.
precontracted imp. & past participle of Precontract
precursorship noun The position or condition of a precursor.
prededication noun A dedication made previously or beforehand.
predestinated imp. & past participle of Predestinate
predestinator noun One who predestinates, or foreordains., One who holds to the doctrine of predestination; a predestinarian.
predetermined imp. & past participle of Predetermine
predicability noun The quality or state of being predicable, or affirmable of something, or attributed to something.
predicamental adjective Of or pertaining to a predicament.
predisponency noun The state of being predisposed; predisposition.
predominantly adverb In a predominant manner.
predominating present participle & vb. noun of Predominate
predomination noun The act or state of predominating; ascendency; predominance.
preengagement noun Prior engagement, obligation, or attachment, as by contract, promise, or affection.
preferability noun The quality or state of being preferable; preferableness.
prefiguration noun The act of prefiguring, or the state of being prefigured.
prefigurative adjective Showing by prefiguration.
prefigurement noun The act of prefiguring; prefiguration; also, that which is prefigured.
preinstructed imp. & past participle of Preinstruct
preintimation noun Previous intimation; a suggestion beforehand.
prejudicating present participle & vb. noun of Prejudicate
prejudicately adverb With prejudice.
prejudication noun The act of prejudicating, or of judging without due examination of facts and evidence; prejudgment., A preliminary inquiry and determination about something which belongs to a matter in dispute., A previous treatment and decision of a point; a precedent.
prejudicative adjective Forming a judgment without due examination; prejudging.
prelatureship noun The state or dignity of a prelate; prelacy.
preliminarily adverb In a preliminary manner.
preliminaries plural of Preliminary
premeditating present participle & vb. noun of Premeditate
premeditately adverb With premeditation.
premeditation noun The act of meditating or contriving beforehand; previous deliberation; forethought.
premillennial adjective Previous to the millennium.
premonishment noun Previous warning or admonition; forewarning.
premonstrator noun One who, or that which, premonstrates.
prenomination noun The act of prenominating; privilege of being named first.
prenunciation noun The act of announcing or proclaiming beforehand.
preoccupation noun The act of preoccupying, or taking possession of beforehand; the state of being preoccupied; prepossession., Anticipation of objections.
preordination noun The act of foreordaining: previous determination.
preparatively adverb By way of preparation.
preponderance noun Alt. of Preponderancy
preponderancy noun The quality or state of being preponderant; superiority or excess of weight, influence, or power, etc.; an outweighing., The excess of weight of that part of a canon behind the trunnions over that in front of them.
preponderated imp. & past participle of Preponderate
prepositional adjective Of or pertaining to a preposition; of the nature of a preposition.
prepossessing present participle & vb. noun of Prepossess, Tending to invite favor; attracting confidence, favor, esteem, or love; attractive; as, a prepossessing manner.
prepossession noun Preoccupation; prior possession., Preoccupation of the mind by an opinion, or impression, already formed; preconceived opinion; previous impression; bias; — generally, but not always, used in a favorable sense; as, the prepossessions of childhood.
preraphaelism noun Alt. of Preraphaelitism
preraphaelite adjective Of or pertaining to the style called preraphaelitism; as, a preraphaelite figure; a preraphaelite landscape., One who favors or practices art as it was before Raphael; one who favors or advocates preraphaelitism.
prerogatively adverb By prerogative.
presbytership noun The office or station of a presbyter; presbyterate.
prescriptible adjective Depending on, or derived from, prescription; proper to be prescribed.
presentaneous adjective Ready; quick; immediate in effect; as, presentaneous poison.
presentiality noun State of being actually present.
presentifical adjective Presentific.
presidentship noun The office and dignity of president; presidency.
presignifying imp. & past participle of Presignify
presphenoidal adjective Of or pertaining to the presphenoid bone; presphenoid.
pressirostral adjective Of or pertaining to the pressirosters.
prestidigital adjective Nimble-fingered; having fingers fit for prestidigitation, or juggling.
prestigiation noun Legerdemain; prestidigitation.
prestigiatory adjective Consisting of impostures; juggling.
presstriction noun Obstruction, dimness, or defect of sight.
presumptively adverb By presumption, or supposition grounded or probability; presumably.
pretendership noun The character, right, or claim of a pretender.
preteriteness noun Same as Preteritness.
pretermission noun The act of passing by or omitting; omission., See Preterition.
pretermitting present participle & vb. noun of Pretermit
preternatural adjective Beyond of different from what is natural, or according to the regular course of things, but not clearly supernatural or miraculous; strange; inexplicable; extraordinary; uncommon; irregular; abnormal; as, a preternatural appearance; a preternatural stillness; a preternatural presentation (in childbirth) or labor.
preterperfect adjective & noun Old name of the tense also called preterit.
pretervection noun The act of carrying past or beyond.
pretty-spoken adjective Spoken or speaking prettily.
prevaricating present participle & vb. noun of Prevaricate
prevarication noun The act of prevaricating, shuffling, or quibbling, to evade the truth or the disclosure of truth; a deviation from the truth and fair dealing., A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office., The collusion of an informer with the defendant, for the purpose of making a sham prosecution., A false or deceitful seeming to undertake a thing for the purpose of defeating or destroying it.
priest-ridden adjective Controlled or oppressed by priests; as, a priest-ridden people.
primitiveness noun The quality or state of being primitive; conformity to primitive style or practice.
primogenitive adjective Of or pertaining to primogeniture., Primogeniture.
primogeniture adjective The state of being the firstborn of the same parents; seniority by birth among children of the same family., The exclusive right of inheritance which belongs to the eldest son. Thus in England the right of inheriting the estate of the father belongs to the eldest son, and in the royal family the eldest son of the sovereign is entitled to the throne by primogeniture. In exceptional cases, among the female children, the crown descends by right of primogeniture to the eldest daughter only and her issue.
primordialism noun Devotion to, or persistence in, conditions of the primordial state.
primum mobile In the Ptolemaic system, the outermost of the revolving concentric spheres constituting the universe, the motion of which was supposed to carry with it all the inclosed spheres with their planets in a daily revolution from east to west. See Crystalline heavens, under Crystalline.
principalness noun The quality of being principal.
principiation noun Analysis into primary or elemental parts.
prismatically adverb In the form or manner of a prism; by means of a prism.
privateersmen plural of Privateersman
privateersman noun An officer or seaman of a privateer.
privativeness noun The state of being privative.
probabilities plural of Probability
probationship noun A state of probation.
probe-pointed adjective Having a blunt or button-shaped extremity; — said of cutting instruments.
problematical adjective Having the nature of a problem; not shown in fact; questionable; uncertain; unsettled; doubtful.
processionary adjective Pertaining to a procession; consisting in processions; as, processionary service.
processioning noun A proceeding prescribed by statute for ascertaining and fixing the boundaries of land. See 2d Procession.
proces verbal An authentic minute of an official act, or statement of facts.
proconsulship noun Proconsulate.
procrastinate verb t. To put off till to-morrow, or from day to day; to defer; to postpone; to delay; as, to procrastinate repentance., To delay; to be dilatory.
procrustesian adjective See Procrustean.
procuratorial adjective Of or pertaining to a procurator, or proctor; made by a proctor.
producibility noun The quality or state of being producible.
profectitious adjective Proceeding from, as from a parent; derived, as from an ancestor.
professoriate noun The body of professors, or the professorial staff, in a university or college., A professorship.
professorship noun The office or position of a professor, or public teacher.
progeneration noun The act of begetting; propagation.
prognosticate verb t. To indicate as future; to foretell from signs or symptoms; to prophesy; to foreshow; to predict; as, to prognosticate evil.
progressional adjective Of or pertaining to progression; tending to, or capable of, progress.
prolegomenary adjective Of the nature of a prolegomenon; preliminary; introductory; prefatory.
proleptically adverb In a proleptical manner.
proliferation noun The continuous development of cells in tissue formation; cell formation., The production of numerous zooids by budding, especially when buds arise from other buds in succession.
prolification noun The generation of young., Reproduction by the growth of a plant, or part of a plant, directly from an older one, or by gemmae.
proocutorship noun The office of a prolocutor.
promiscuously adverb In a promiscuous manner.
promorphology noun Crystallography of organic forms; — a division of morphology created by Haeckel. It is essentially stereometric, and relates to a mathematical conception of organic forms. See Tectology.
pronominalize verb t. To give the effect of a pronoun to; as, to pronominalize the substantives person, people, etc.
pronounceable adjective Capable of being pronounced.
pronouncement noun The act of pronouncing; a declaration; a formal announcement.
pronunciation noun The act of uttering with articulation; the act of giving the proper sound and accent; utterance; as, the pronunciation of syllables of words; distinct or indistinct pronunciation., The mode of uttering words or sentences., The art of manner of uttering a discourse publicly with propriety and gracefulness; — now called delivery.
pronunciative adjective Of or pertaining to pronunciation., Uttering confidently; dogmatical.
pronunciatory adjective Of or pertaining to pronunciation; that pronounces.
propaedeutics noun The preliminary learning connected with any art or science; preparatory instruction.
proparoxytone noun A word which has the acute accent on the antepenult.
prophetically adverb In a prophetical manner; by way of prediction.
proportioning present participle & vb. noun of Proportion
proportionate adjective Adjusted to something else according to a proportion; proportional., To make proportional; to adjust according to a settled rate, or to due comparative relation; to proportion; as, to proportionate punishment to crimes.
propositional adjective Pertaining to, or in the nature of, a proposition; considered as a proposition; as, a propositional sense.
proprietaries plural of Proprietary
proprietorial adjective Of or pertaining to ownership; proprietary; as, proprietorial rights.
proselytizing present participle & vb. noun of Proselytize
prosemination noun Propagation by seed.
prosimetrical adjective Consisting both of prose and verse.
prosodiacally adverb Prosodically.
prospectively adverb In a prospective manner.
prosternation noun Dejection; depression.
protectionism noun The doctrine or policy of protectionists. See Protection, 4.
protectionist noun One who favors protection. See Protection, 4.
protectorless adjective Having no protector; unprotected.
protectorship noun The office of a protector or regent; protectorate.
proteinaceous adjective Of or related to protein; albuminous; proteid.
proterandrous adjective Having the stamens come to maturity before the pistil; — opposed to proterogynous.
proteranthous adjective Having flowers appearing before the leaves; — said of certain plants.
proteroglypha noun pl. A suborder of serpents including those that have permanently erect grooved poison fangs, with ordinary teeth behind them in the jaws. It includes the cobras, the asps, and the sea snakes. Called also Proteroglyphia.
proterogynous adjective Having the pistil come to maturity before the stamens; protogynous; — opposed to proterandrous.
proterosaurus noun An extinct genus of reptiles of the Permian period. Called also Protosaurus.
protestantism noun The quality or state of being protestant, especially against the Roman Catholic Church; the principles or religion of the Protestants.
prothyalosome noun Same as Prothyalosoma.
protoorganism noun An organism whose nature is so difficult to determine that it might be referred to either the animal or the vegetable kingdom.
protosilicate noun A silicate formed with the lowest proportion of silicic acid, or having but one atom of silicon in the molecule.
protosulphide noun That one of a series of sulphides of any element which has the lowest proportion of sulphur; a sulphide with but one atom of sulphur in the molecule.
protovertebra noun One of the primitive masses, or segments, into which the mesoblast of the vertebrate embryo breaks up on either side of the anterior part of the notochord; a mesoblastic, or protovertebral, somite. See Illust. of Ectoderm.
protuberation noun The act of swelling beyond the surrounding surface.
provence rose The cabbage rose (Rosa centifolia)., A name of many kinds of roses which are hybrids of Rosa centifolia and R. Gallica.
proventriulus noun The glandular stomach of birds, situated just above the crop.
proverbialism noun A proverbial phrase.
proverbialist noun One who makes much use of proverbs in speech or writing; one who composes, collects, or studies proverbs.
proverbialize verb t. & i. To turn into a proverb; to speak in proverbs.
providentness noun The quality or state of being provident; carefulness; prudence; economy.
provincialism noun A word, or a manner of speaking, peculiar to a province or a district remote from the mother country or from the metropolis; a provincial characteristic; hence, narrowness; illiberality.
provincialist noun One who lives in a province; a provincial.
provinciality noun The quality or state of being provincial; peculiarity of language characteristic of a province.
provincialize verb t. To render provincial.
provisionally adverb By way of provision for the time being; temporarily.
prudentialist noun One who is governed by, or acts from, prudential motives.
prudentiality noun The quality or state of being prudential.
psalmographer noun Alt. of Psalmographist
pseudoblepsis noun False or depraved sight; imaginary vision of objects.
pseudo-cumene noun A hydrocarbon of the aromatic series, metameric with mesitylene and cumene, found in coal tar, and obtained as a colorless liquid.
pseudofilari/ plural of Pseudofilaria
pseudofilaria noun One of the two elongated vibratile young formed by fission of the embryo during the development of certain Gregarinae.
pseudo-galena noun False galena, or blende. See Blende (a).
pseudostomata plural of Pseudostoma
psilanthropic adjective Pertaining to, or embodying, psilanthropy. “A psilanthropic explanation.”
psychogenesis noun Genesis through an internal force, as opposed to natural selection.
psychological adjective Of or pertaining to psychology. See Note under Psychic.
psychophysics noun The science of the connection between nerve action and consciousness; the science which treats of the relations of the psychical and physical in their conjoint operation in man; the doctrine of the relation of function or dependence between body and soul.
ptenoglossate adjective Of or pertaining to the Ptenoglossa.
pteranodontia noun pl. A group of pterodactyls destitute of teeth, as in the genus Pteranodon.
pteridologist noun One who is versed in pteridology.
pterobranchia noun pl. An order of marine Bryozoa, having a bilobed lophophore and an axial cord. The genus Rhabdopleura is the type. Called also Podostomata. See Rhabdopleura.
pterostigmata plural of Pterostigma
pterygopodium noun A specially modified part of the ventral fin in male elasmobranchs, which serves as a copulatory organ, or clasper.
pterylography noun The study or description of the arrangement of feathers, or of the pterylae, of birds.
public-minded adjective Public-spirited.
pulmoniferous adjective Having lungs; pulmonate.
pulselessness noun The state of being pulseless.
pulverization noun The action of reducing to dust or powder.
purbeck stone A limestone from the Isle of Purbeck in England.
purrificatory adjective Serving or tending to purify; purificative.
puritanically adverb In a puritanical manner.
purpuriparous adjective Producing, or connected with, a purple-colored secretion; as, the purpuriparous gland of certain gastropods.
purpurogenous adjective Having the power to produce a purple color; as, the purpurogenous membrane, or choroidal epithelium, of the eye. See Visual purple, under Visual.
pusillanimity noun The quality of being pusillanimous; weakness of spirit; cowardliness.
pusillanimous adjective Destitute of a manly or courageous strength and firmness of mind; of weak spirit; mean-spirited; spiritless; cowardly; — said of persons, as, a pussillanimous prince., Evincing, or characterized by, weakness of mind, and want of courage; feeble; as, pusillanimous counsels.
putrification noun Putrefaction.
puzzle-headed adjective Having the head full of confused notions.
pyrheliometer noun An instrument for measuring the direct heating effect of the sun’s rays.
pyroantimonic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid of antimony analogous to pyrophosphoric acid.
pyrophosphate noun A salt of pyrophosphoric acid.
pyrosulphuric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid called also disulphuric acid) obtained by distillation of certain sulphates, as a colorless, thick, oily liquid, H2S2O7 resembling sulphuric acid. It is used in the solution of indigo, in the manufacture of alizarin, and in dehydration.
pyrotechnical adjective Of or pertaining to fireworks, or the art of forming them.
pythagorizing present participle & vb. noun of Pythagorize
pythonomorpha noun pl. Same as Mosasauria.