13 letter word starting with pe

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
peach-colored adjective Of the color of a peach blossom.
pectinibranch noun One of the Pectinibranchiata. Also used adjectively.
peculiarities plural of Peculiarity
pedestrianism noun The act, art, or practice of a pedestrian; walking or running; traveling or racing on foot.
pedestrianize verb i. To practice walking; to travel on foot.
pedicellariae plural of Pedicellaria
peloponnesian adjective Of or pertaining to the Peloponnesus, or southern peninsula of Greece., A native or an inhabitant of the Peloponnesus.
pendulousness noun The quality or state of being pendulous; the state of hanging loosely; pendulosity.
penetrability noun The quality of being penetrable; susceptibility of being penetrated, entered, or pierced.
penetratingly adverb In a penetrating manner.
penicilliform adjective Penicillate.
peninsulating present participle & vb. noun of Peninsulate
penitentially adverb In a penitential manner.
penny-a-liner noun One who furnishes matter to public journals at so much a line; a poor writer for hire; a hack writer.
pentacapsular adjective Having five capsules.
pentachloride noun A chloride having five atoms of chlorine in each molecule.
pentadecatoic adjective Of, pertaining to, or derived from, pentadecane, or designating an acid related to it.
pentadelphous adjective Having the stamens arranged in five clusters, those of each cluster having their filaments more or less united, as the flowers of the linden.
pentahedrical adjective Pentahedral.
pentapetalous adjective Having five petals, or flower leaves.
pentaphyllous adjective Having five leaves or leaflets.
pentaspermous adjective Containing five seeds.
pentastichous adjective Having, or arranged in, five vertical ranks, as the leaves of an apple tree or a cherry tree.
perambulating present participle & vb. noun of Perambulate
perambulation noun The act of perambulating; traversing., An annual survey of boundaries, as of town, a parish, a forest, etc., A district within which one is authorized to make a tour of inspection.
percarbureted adjective Combined with a relatively large amount of carbon.
perditionable adjective Capable of being ruined; worthy of perdition.
perdurability noun Durability; lastingness.
peregrination noun A traveling from one country to another; a wandering; sojourn in foreign countries.
perfectionate verb t. To perfect.
perfectionism noun The doctrine of the Perfectionists.
perfectionist noun One pretending to perfection; esp., one pretending to moral perfection; one who believes that persons may and do attain to moral perfection and sinlessness in this life.
perfunctorily adverb In a perfunctory manner; formally; carelessly.
perfuncturate verb t. To perform in a perfunctory manner; to do negligently.
peribranchial adjective Surrounding the branchiae; as, a peribranchial cavity., Around the bronchi or bronchial tubes; as, the peribronchial lymphatics.
perichondrial adjective Of or pertaining to the perichondrium; situated around cartilage.
perichondrium noun The membrane of fibrous connective tissue which closely invests cartilage, except where covering articular surfaces.
periclitation noun Trial; experiment., The state of being in peril.
perilymphatic adjective Pertaining to, or containing, perilymph., Perilymphangial.
perineoplasty noun The act or process of restoring an injured perineum.
perinephritis noun Inflammation of the cellular tissue around the kidney.
periodicalist noun One who publishes, or writes for, a periodical.
periodicities plural of Periodicity
peripatetical adjective Peripatetic.
peripneumonia noun Alt. of Peripneumony
peripneumonic adjective Of or pertaining to peripneumonia.
periproctitis noun Inflammation of the tissues about the rectum.
perishability noun Perishableness.
perispherical adjective Exactly spherical; globular.
perissodactyl noun One of the Perissodactyla.
perityphlitis noun Inflammation of the connective tissue about the caecum.
perivertebral adjective Surrounding the vertebrae.
perivitelline adjective Situated around the vitellus, or between the vitellus and zona pellucida of an ovum.
perlustration noun The act of viewing all over.
perpendicular adjective Exactly upright or vertical; pointing to the zenith; at right angles to the plane of the horizon; extending in a right line from any point toward the center of the earth., At right angles to a given line or surface; as, the line ad is perpendicular to the line bc., A line at right angles to the plane of the horizon; a vertical line or direction., A line or plane falling at right angles on another line or surface, or making equal angles with it on each side.
perpend stone See Perpender.
perpent stone See Perpender.
perscrutation noun A thorough searching; a minute inquiry or scrutiny.
personalities plural of Personality
personalizing present participle & vb. noun of Personalize
perspectively adverb Optically; as through a glass., According to the rules of perspective.
perspicacious adjective Having the power of seeing clearly; quick-sighted; sharp of sight., Fig.: Of acute discernment; keen.
perstreperous adjective Noisy; obstreperous.
pervigilation noun Careful watching.
pessimistical adjective Pessimistic.
pestiferously adverb In a pestiferuos manner.
pestilentious adjective Pestilential.
pestilentness noun The quality of being pestilent.
petitionarily adverb By way of begging the question; by an assumption.
petrification noun See Petrifaction., Fig.: Obduracy; callousness.
petrostearine noun A solid unctuous material, of which candles are made.
pettifogulize verb i. To act as a pettifogger; to use contemptible tricks.