13 letter word starting with s

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
saccharifying present participle & vb. noun of Saccharify
saccharimeter noun An instrument for ascertaining the quantity of saccharine matter in any solution, as the juice of a plant, or brewers’ and distillers’ worts.
saccharimetry noun The act, process or method of determining the amount and kind of sugar present in sirup, molasses, and the like, especially by the employment of polarizing apparatus.
saccharometer noun A saccharimeter.
saccharomyces noun A genus of budding fungi, the various species of which have the power, to a greater or less extent, or splitting up sugar into alcohol and carbonic acid. They are the active agents in producing fermentation of wine, beer, etc. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the yeast of sedimentary beer. Also called Torula.
saccholactate noun A salt of saccholactic acid; — formerly called also saccholate.
sacerdotalism m. The system, style, spirit, or character, of a priesthood, or sacerdotal order; devotion to the interests of the sacerdotal order.
sacramentally adverb In a sacramental manner.
sacrificatory noun Offering sacrifice.
saddle-backed adjective Having the outline of the upper part concave like the seat of a saddle., Having a low back and high neck, as a horse.
saddle-shaped adjective Shaped like a saddle., Bent down at the sides so as to give the upper part a rounded form., Bent on each side of a mountain or ridge, without being broken at top; — said of strata.
salina period The period in which the American Upper Silurian system, containing the brine-producing rocks of central New York, was formed. See the Chart of Geology.
salver-shaped adjective Tubular, with a spreading border. See Hypocraterimorphous.
sanctifyingly adverb In a manner or degree tending to sanctify or make holy.
sanctiloquent adjective Discoursing on heavenly or holy things, or in a holy manner.
sanctimonious adjective Possessing sanctimony; holy; sacred; saintly., Making a show of sanctity; affecting saintliness; hypocritically devout or pious.
sanguinaceous noun Of a blood-red color; sanguine.
sanguinolency noun The state of being sanguinolent, or bloody.
sans-culottic adjective Pertaining to, or involving, sans-culottism; radical; revolutionary; Jacobinical.
sarcastically adverb In a sarcastic manner.
sarcophaguses plural of Sarcophagus
sarmentaceous adjective Bearing sarments, or runners, as the strawberry.
sarsaparillin noun See Parillin.
saunders-blue noun A kind of color prepared from calcined lapis lazuli; ultramarine; also, a blue prepared from carbonate of copper.
saurognathous adjective Having the bones of the palate arranged as in saurians, the vomer consisting of two lateral halves, as in the woodpeckers (Pici).
sauropterygia noun pl. Same as Plesiosauria.
scalenohedral adjective Of or pertaining to a scalenohedron.
scalenohedron noun A pyramidal form under the rhombohedral system, inclosed by twelve faces, each a scalene triangle.
scaphocephaly noun A deformed condition of the skull, in which the vault is narrow, elongated, and more or less boat-shaped.
scarification noun The act of scarifying.
scatter-brain noun A giddy or thoughtless person; one incapable of concentration or attention.
scaturiginous adjective Abounding with springs.
scepterellate adjective Having a straight shaft with whorls of spines; — said of certain sponge spicules. See Illust. under Spicule.
schismatizing present participle & vb. noun of Schismatize
schizocoelous adjective Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a schizocoele.
schizogenesis noun Reproduction by fission.
schizognathae noun pl. The schizognathous birds.
schizomycetes noun pl. An order of Schizophyta, including the so-called fission fungi, or bacteria. See Schizophyta, in the Supplement.
schizopelmous adjective Having the two flexor tendons of the toes entirely separate, and the flexor hallucis going to the first toe only.
scholasticism noun The method or subtilties of the schools of philosophy; scholastic formality; scholastic doctrines or philosophy.
schreibersite noun A mineral occurring in steel-gray flexible folia. It contains iron, nickel, and phosphorus, and is found only in meteoric iron.
schwenkfelder noun Alt. of Schwenkfeldian
sciagraphical adjective Pertaining to sciagraphy.
scintillating present participle & vb. noun of Scintillate
scintillation noun The act of scintillating., A spark or flash emitted in scintillating.
scintillously adverb In a scintillant manner.
sclerodermata noun pl. The stony corals; the Madreporaria.
sclerodermous Having the integument, or skin, hard, or covered with hard plates., Of or pertaining to the Sclerodermata.
sclerodermite noun The hard integument of Crustacea., Sclerenchyma.
scolecomorpha noun pl. Same as Scolecida.
scolopendrine adjective Like or pertaining to the Scolopendra.
scombriformes noun pl. A division of fishes including the mackerels, tunnies, and allied fishes.
scorification noun The act, process, or result of scorifying, or reducing to a slag; hence, the separation from earthy matter by means of a slag; as, the scorification of ores.
scotch-hopper noun Hopscotch.
scrabbed eggs A Lenten dish, composed of eggs boiled hard, chopped, and seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper.
screw-cutting adjective Adapted for forming a screw by cutting; as, a screw-cutting lathe.
scripturalism noun The quality or state of being scriptural; literal adherence to the Scriptures.
scripturalist noun One who adheres literally to the Scriptures.
scrobiculated adjective Having numerous small, shallow depressions or hollows; pitted.
sculpturesque adjective After the manner of sculpture; resembling, or relating to, sculpture.
scutibranchia noun pl. Same as Scutibranchiata.
scyphistomata plural of Scyphistoma
sea-bordering adjective Bordering on the sea; situated beside the sea.
sea butterfly A pteropod.
sea chickweed A fleshy plant (Arenaria peploides) growing in large tufts in the sands of the northern Atlantic seacoast; — called also sea sandwort, and sea purslane.
sea partridge The gilthead (Crenilabrus melops), a fish of the British coasts.
sea porcupine Any fish of the genus Diodon, and allied genera, whose body is covered with spines. See Illust. under Diodon.
sea sandpiper The purple sandpiper.
seaworthiness noun The state or quality of being seaworthy, or able to resist the ordinary violence of wind and weather.
secondariness noun The state of being secondary.
secretaryship noun The office, or the term of office, of a secretary.
secretiveness noun The quality of being secretive; disposition or tendency to conceal., The faculty or propensity which impels to reserve, secrecy, or concealment.
sedentariness noun Quality of being sedentary.
sedimentation noun The act of depositing a sediment; specifically (Geol.), the deposition of the material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.
seismographic adjective Of or pertaining to a seismograph; indicated by a seismograph.
seismological adjective Of or pertaining to seismology.
selenecentric adjective As seen or estimated from the center of the moon; with the moon central.
selenographer noun One skilled in selenography.
selenographic adjective Alt. of Selenographical
self-activity noun The quality or state of being self-active; self-action.
self-applause noun Applause of one’s self.
self-applying adjective Applying to or by one’s self.
self-banished adjective Exiled voluntarily.
self-begetten adjective Begotten by one’s self, or one’s own powers.
self-centered adjective Alt. of Self-centred
self-centring adjective Centering in one’s self.
self-deceived adjective Deceived or misled respecting one’s self by one’s own mistake or error.
self-delation noun Accusation of one’s self.
self-delusion noun The act of deluding one’s self, or the state of being thus deluded.
self-depraved adjective Corrupted or depraved by one’s self.
self-devotion noun The act of devoting one’s self, or the state of being self-devoted; willingness to sacrifice one’s own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.
self-distrust noun Want of confidence in one’ self; diffidence.
self-educated adjective Educated by one’s own efforts, without instruction, or without pecuniary assistance from others.
self-elective adjective Having the right of electing one’s self, or, as a body, of electing its own members.
self-evidence noun The quality or state of being self-evident.
self-existent adjective Existing of or by himself,independent of any other being or cause; — as, God is the only self-existent being.
self-exposure noun The act of exposing one’s self; the state of being so exposed.
self-glorious adjective Springing from vainglory or vanity; vain; boastful.
self-homicide noun The act of killing one’s self; suicide.
self-ignorant adjective Ignorant of one’s self.
self-interest noun Private interest; the interest or advantage of one’s self.
self-luminous adjective Possessing in itself the property of emitting light.
self-murderer noun A suicide.
self-positing adjective The act of disposing or arranging one’s self or itself.
self-reliance noun Reliance on one’s own powers or judgment; self-trust.
self-reproach noun The act of reproaching one’s self; censure by one’s own conscience.
self-reproved adjective Reproved by one’s own conscience or one’s own sense of guilt.
selters water A mineral water from Sellers, in the district of Nassan, Germany, containing much free carbonic acid.
seltzer water See Selters water.
semaeostomata noun pl. A division of Discophora having large free mouth lobes. It includes Aurelia, and Pelagia. Called also Semeostoma. See Illustr. under Discophora, and Medusa.
semeiological adjective Alt. of Semiologioal
semiacidified adjective Half acidified.
semi-arianism noun The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-Arians.
semibarbarian adjective Half barbarous; partially civilized., One partly civilized.
semibarbarism noun The quality or state of being half barbarous or uncivilized.
semibarbarous adjective Half barbarous.
semiconscious adjective Half conscious; imperfectly conscious.
semicylindric adjective Alt. of Semicylyndrical
semideistical adjective Half deisticsl; bordering on deism.
semifloscular adjective Semiflosculous.
semiindurated adjective Imperfectly indurated or hardened.
semiliquidity noun The quality or state of being semiliquid; partial liquidity.
semiorbicular adjective Having the shape of a half orb or sphere.
semi-pelagian noun A follower of John Cassianus, a French monk (died about 448), who modified the doctrines of Pelagius, by denying human merit, and maintaining the necessity of the Spirit’s influence, while, on the other hand, he rejected the Augustinian doctrines of election, the inability of man to do good, and the certain perseverance of the saints., Of or pertaining to the Semi-Pelagians, or their tenets.
semipenniform adjective Half or partially penniform; as, a semipenniform muscle.
semopermanent noun Half or partly permanent.
semirecondite adjective Half hidden or half covered; said of the head of an insect when half covered by the shield of the thorax.
semispherical adjective Having the figure of a half sphere.
semivitrified adjective Half or imperfectly vitrified; partially converted into glass.
seneschalship noun The office, dignity, or jurisdiction of a seneschal.
sensibilities plural of Sensibility
sensificatory adjective Susceptible of, or converting into, sensation; as, the sensificatory part of a nervous system.
sententiarist noun A sententiary.
sententiosity noun The quality or state of being sententious.
sentimentally adverb In a sentimental manner.
septempartite adjective Divided nearly to the base into seven parts; as, a septempartite leaf.
septentrional adjective Of or pertaining to the north; northern.
septisyllable noun A word of seven syllables.
septuagesimal adjective Consisting of seventy days, years, etc.; reckoned by seventies.
sequestrating present participle & vb. noun of Sequestrate
seguestration noun The act of separating, or setting aside, a thing in controversy from the possession of both the parties that contend for it, to be delivered to the one adjudged entitled to it. It may be voluntary or involuntary., A prerogative process empowering certain commissioners to take and hold a defendant’s property and receive the rents and profits thereof, until he clears himself of a contempt or performs a decree of the court., A kind of execution for a rent, as in the case of a beneficed clerk, of the profits of a benefice, till he shall have satisfied some debt established by decree; the gathering up of the fruits of a benefice during a vacancy, for the use of the next incumbent; the disposing of the goods, by the ordinary, of one who is dead, whose estate no man will meddle with., The seizure of the property of an individual for the use of the state; particularly applied to the seizure, by a belligerent power, of debts due from its subjects to the enemy., The state of being separated or set aside; separation; retirement; seclusion from society., Disunion; disjunction.
serio-comical adjective Having a mixture of seriousness and sport; serious and comical.
sermocination noun The making of speeches or sermons; sermonizing.
sesquialteral adjective Alt. of Sesquialterate
sesquiplicate adjective Subduplicate of the triplicate; — a term applied to ratios; thus, a and a’ are in the sesquiplicate ratio of b and b’, when a is to a’ as the square root of the cube of b is to the square root of the cube of b’, or a:a’::Ãb3:Ãb’3.
sesquitertial adjective Sesquitertian.
sesquitertian adjective Alt. of Sesquitertianal
seven-shooter noun A firearm, esp. a pistol, with seven barrels or chambers for cartridges, or one capable of firing seven shots without reloading.
shakespearean adjective Of, pertaining to, or in the style of, Shakespeare or his works.
shallow-pated adjective Shallow-brained.
sharpshooting noun A shooting with great precision and effect; hence, a keen contest of wit or argument.
sharp-sighted adjective Having quick or acute sight; — used literally and figuratively.
shatter-pated adjective Disordered or wandering in intellect; hence, heedless; wild.
sheath-winged adjective Having elytra, or wing cases, as a beetle.
sheep-shearer noun One who shears, or cuts off the wool from, sheep.
sherryvallies noun pl. Trousers or overalls of thick cloth or leather, buttoned on the outside of each leg, and generally worn to protect other trousers when riding on horseback.
shetland pony One of a small, hardy breed of horses, with long mane and tail, which originated in the Shetland Islands; a sheltie.
shield-bearer noun One who, or that which, carries a shield., Any small moth of the genus Aspidisca, whose larva makes a shieldlike covering for itself out of bits of leaves.
shilly-shally adverb In an irresolute, undecided, or hesitating manner., To hesitate; to act in an irresolute manner; hence, to occupy one’s self with trifles., Irresolution; hesitation; also, occupation with trifles.
short circuit A circuit formed or closed by a conductor of relatively low resistance because shorter or of relatively great conductivity.
short-circuit verb t. To join, as the electrodes of a battery or dynamo or any two points of a circuit, by a conductor of low resistance.
short-jointed adjective Having short intervals between the joints; — said of a plant or an animal, especially of a horse whose pastern is too short.
short-waisted adjective Having a short waist.
shrill-gorged adjective Having a throat which produces a shrill note.
siderographic adjective Alt. of Siderographical
significantly adverb In a significant manner.
signification noun The act of signifying; a making known by signs or other means., That which is signified or made known; that meaning which a sign, character, or token is intended to convey; as, the signification of words.
significative adjective Betokening or representing by an external sign., Having signification or meaning; expressive of a meaning or purpose; significant.
significatory adjective Significant., That which is significatory.
silicofluoric adjective Containing, or composed of, silicon and fluorine; especially, denoting the compounds called silicofluorides.
simple-minded adjective Artless; guileless; simple-hearted; undesigning; unsuspecting; devoid of duplicity.
single-acting adjective Having simplicity of action; especially (Mach.), acting or exerting force during strokes in one direction only; — said of a reciprocating engine, pump, etc.
single-handed adjective Having but one hand, or one workman; also, alone; unassisted.
single-minded adjective Having a single purpose; hence, artless; guileless; single-hearted.
singularities plural of Singularity
siphoniferous adjective Siphon-bearing, as the shell of the nautilus and other cephalopods.
siphonoglyphe noun A gonidium.
siphonophoran adjective Belonging to the Siphonophora., One of the Siphonophora.
siphunculated adjective Having a siphuncle.
sipunculoidea noun pl. Same as Gephyrea., In a restricted sense, same as Sipunculacea.
sister-in-law noun The sister of one’s husband or wife; also, the wife of one’s brother; sometimes, the wife of one’s husband’s or wife’s brother.
skeletogenous adjective Forming or producing parts of the skeleton.
skeletonizing present participle & vb. noun of Skeletonize
slang-whanger noun One who uses abusive slang; a ranting partisan.
sleep-at-noon noun A plant (Tragopogon pratensis) which closes its flowers at midday; a kind of goat’s beard.
sleep-charged adjective Heavy with sleep.
smooth-spoken adjective Speaking smoothly; plausible; flattering; smooth-tongued.
socinianizing present participle & vb. noun of Socinianize
sodden-witted adjective Heavy; dull.
solemnization noun The act of solemnizing; celebration; as, the solemnization of a marriage.
solidungulate noun Same as Soliped.
solidungulous adjective Solipedous.
solifidianism noun The state of Solifidians.
soliloquizing present participle & vb. noun of Soliloquize
somatopleuric adjective Of or pertaining to the somatopleure.
somatotropism noun A directive influence exercised by a mass of matter upon growing organs.
somnambulator noun A somnambulist.
somniloquence noun The act of talking in one’s sleep; somniloquism.
sophisticated imp. & past participle of Sophisticate, Adulterated; not pure; not genuine.
sophisticator noun One who sophisticates.
sorediiferous adjective Bearing soredia; sorediate.
sorrento work Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
southeastward adverb Alt. of Southeastwardly
southerliness noun The quality or state of being southerly; direction toward the south.
southwesterly adjective To ward or from the southwest; as, a southwesterly course; a southwesterly wind.
southwestward adverb Alt. of Southwestwardly
sovereignties plural of Sovereignty
spargefaction noun The act of sprinkling.
spatterdashed adjective Wearing spatterdashes.
spatterdashes noun pl. Coverings for the legs, to protect them from water and mud; long gaiters.
specification noun The act of specifying or determining by a mark or limit; notation of limits., The designation of particulars; particular mention; as, the specification of a charge against an officer., A written statement containing a minute description or enumeration of particulars, as of charges against a public officer, the terms of a contract, the description of an invention, as in a patent; also, a single article, item, or particular, an allegation of a specific act, as in a charge of official misconduct.
speckled-bill noun The American white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons).
spectatorship noun The office or quality of a spectator., The act of beholding.
spectroscopic adjective Alt. of Spectroscopical
speculatorial adjective Speculatory; speculative.
spermatoblast noun Same as Spermoblast.
spermatogemma noun Same as Spermosphere.
spermatophore noun Same as Spermospore., A capsule or pocket inclosing a number of spermatozoa. They are present in many annelids, brachiopods, mollusks, and crustaceans. In cephalopods the structure of the capsule is very complex.
spermatorrhea noun Alt. of Spermatorrhoea
spermatospore noun Same as Spermospore.
spermatozooid noun A spermatozoid.
sphaerenchyma noun Vegetable tissue composed of thin-walled rounded cells, — a modification of parenchyma.
sphagnicolous adjective Growing in moss of the genus Sphagnum.
sphenographer noun One skilled in sphenography; a sphenographist.
sphenographic adjective Of or pertaining to sphenography.
spheroidicity noun Alt. of Spheroidity
spiculigenous adjective Producing or containing spicules.
spindleshanks noun A person with slender shanks, or legs; — used humorously or in contempt.
spiritousness noun Quality of being spiritous.
spiritualized imp. & past participle of Spiritualize
spiritualizer noun One who spiritualizes.
spiritualness noun The quality or state of being spiritual or spiritual-minded; spirituality.
spirobacteria noun pl. See the Note under Microbacteria.
splanchnology noun That part of anatomy which treats of the viscera; also, a treatise on the viscera.
splanchnotomy noun The dissection, or anatomy, of the viscera.
splendiferous adjective Splendor-bearing; splendid.
splenetically adverb In a splenetical manner.
splinterproof adjective Proof against the splinters, or fragments, of bursting shells.
split-tongued adjective Having a forked tongue, as that of snakes and some lizards.
spontaneities plural of Spontaneity
sporidiferous adjective Bearing sporidia.
sporification noun Spore formation. See Spore formation (b), under Spore.
sportsmanship noun The practice of sportsmen; skill in field sports.
sporuliferous adjective Producing sporules.
spouse-breach noun Adultery.
sprengel pump A form of air pump in which exhaustion is produced by a stream of mercury running down a narrow tube, in the manner of an aspirator; — named from the inventor.
sprightliness noun The quality or state of being sprightly; liveliness; life; briskness; vigor; activity; gayety; vivacity.
spurling-line noun The line which forms the communication between the steering wheel and the telltale.
squanderingly adverb In a squandering manner.
square-rigged adjective Having the sails extended upon yards suspended horizontally by the middle, as distinguished from fore-and-aft sails; thus, a ship and a brig are square-rigged vessels.
squitch grass Quitch grass.
stagecoachmen plural of Stagecoachman
stagecoachman noun One who drives a stagecoach.
stalactitical adjective Of or pertaining to a stalactite; having the form or characters of a stalactite; stalactic.
stalagmitical adjective Having the form or structure of stalagmites.
stall-feeding present participle & vb. noun of Stall-feed
stalworthhood noun Alt. of Stalworthness
stalworthness noun The quality or state of being stalworth; stalwartness; boldness; daring.
staminiferous adjective Bearing or having stamens.
standard-bred adjective Bred in conformity to a standard. Specif., applied to a registered trotting horse which comes up to the standard adopted by the National Association of Trotting-horse Breeders.
standard-wing noun A curious paradise bird (Semioptera Wallacii) which has two long special feathers standing erect on each wing.
staphyloraphy noun Alt. of Staphylorrhaphy
starblowlines noun pl. The men in the starboard watch.
star-spangled adjective Spangled or studded with stars.
statesmanlike adjective Having the manner or wisdom of statesmen; becoming a statesman.
statesmanship noun The qualifications, duties, or employments of a statesman.
statistically adverb In the way of statistics.
status in quo Alt. of Status quo
steadfastness noun The quality or state of being steadfast; firmness; fixedness; constancy.
steganography noun The art of writing in cipher, or in characters which are not intelligible except to persons who have the key; cryptography.
steganopodous adjective Having all four toes webbed together.
stem-clasping adjective Embracing the stem with its base; amplexicaul; as a leaf or petiole.
stenographing present participle & vb. noun of Stenograph
stenographist noun A stenographer.
stenophyllous adjective Having narrow leaves.
stercoraceous adjective Of or pertaining to dung; partaking of the nature of, or containing, dung.
stercorianism noun The doctrine or belief of the Stercoranists.
stereo-chemic adjective Alt. of Stereo-chemical
stereochromic adjective Pertaining to the art of stereochromy; produced by stereochromy.
stereographic adjective Alt. of Stereographical
stereoscopist noun One skilled in the use or construction of stereoscopes.
stereotomical adjective Of or pertaining to stereotomy; performed by stereotomy.
sterhydraulic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a kind of hydraulic press; resembling such a press in action or principle.
sterilization noun The act or process of sterilizing, or rendering sterile; also, the state of being sterile.
sternforemost adverb With the stern, instead of the bow, in advance; hence, figuratively, in an awkward, blundering manner.
sternomastoid adjective Of or pertaining to the sternum and the mastoid process.
sternothyroid adjective Of or pertaining to the sternum and the thyroid cartilage.
stern-wheeler noun A steamboat having a stern wheel instead of side wheels.
sterquilinous adjective Pertaining to a dunghill; hence, mean; dirty; paltry.
stethoscopist noun One skilled in the use of the stethoscope.
stiff-hearted adjective Obstinate; stubborn; contumacious.
stigmatically adverb With a stigma, or mark of infamy or deformity.
stillatitious adjective Falling in drops; drawn by a still.
still-closing adjective Ever closing.
stillicidious adjective Falling in drops.
stilpnomelane noun A black or greenish black mineral occurring in foliated flates, also in velvety bronze-colored incrustations. It is a hydrous silicate of iron and alumina.
stipendiarian adjective Acting from mercenary considerations; stipendiary.
stipendiaries plural of Stipendiary
stirpiculture noun The breeding of special stocks or races.
stoechiometry noun See Stoichiology, Stoichiometry, etc.
stoichiometry noun The art or process of calculating the atomic proportions, combining weights, and other numerical relations of chemical elements and their compounds.
stoloniferous adjective Producing stolons; putting forth suckers.
stomatiferous adjective Having or producing stomata.
stomatopodous adjective Of or pertaining to the Stomatopoda.
stone-hearted adjective Hard-hearted; cruel; pitiless; unfeeling.
story-telling adjective Being accustomed to tell stories., The act or practice of telling stories.
stout-hearted adjective Having a brave heart; courageous.
straightforth adverb Straightway.
strait-handed adjective Parsimonious; sparing; niggardly.
strait-jacket noun A dress of strong materials for restraining maniacs or those who are violently delirious. It has long sleeves, which are closed at the ends, confining the hands, and may be tied behind the back.
strangulation noun The act of strangling, or the state of being strangled., Inordinate compression or constriction of a tube or part, as of the throat; especially, such as causes a suspension of breathing, of the passage of contents, or of the circulation, as in cases of hernia.
stratagemical adjective Containing stratagem; as, a stratagemical epistle.
strategetical adjective Strategic.
stratigraphic adjective Alt. of Stratigraphical, Alt. of -ical
stratographic adjective Alt. of Stratographical
straw-colored adjective Being of a straw color. See Straw color, under Straw, n.
strengthening present participle & vb. noun of Strengthen, That strengthens; giving or increasing strength.
strepsipteran noun One of the Strepsiptera.
streptococcus noun A long or short chain of micrococci, more or less curved.
strobilaceous adjective Of or pertaining to a strobile or cone., Producing strobiles.
strombuliform adjective Formed or shaped like a top., Coiled into the shape of a screw or a helix.
strong-minded adjective Having a vigorous mind; esp., having or affecting masculine qualities of mind; — said of women.
strophiolated adjective Furnished with a strophiole, or caruncle, or that which resembles it.
structureless adjective Without a definite structure, or arrangement of parts; without organization; devoid of cells; homogeneous; as, a structureless membrane.
studding sail A light sail set at the side of a principal or square sail of a vessel in free winds, to increase her speed. Its head is bent to a small spar which is called the studding-sail boom. See Illust. of Sail.
stultiloquent adjective Given to, or characterized by, silly talk; babbling.
stupefiedness noun Quality of being stupid.
subastringent adjective Somewhat astringent.
subbrachiales noun pl. A division of soft-finned fishes in which the ventral fins are situated beneath the pectorial fins, or nearly so.
subcarbureted adjective United with, or containing, carbon in less than the normal proportion.
subcompressed adjective Not fully compressed; partially or somewhat compressed.
subcontracted adjective Contracted after a former contract., Betrothed for the second time.
subcontractor noun One who takes a portion of a contract, as for work, from the principal contractor.
subcontraries plural of Subcontrary
subdeaconship noun The order or office of subdeacon.
subdepartment noun A subordinate department; a bureau. See the Note under Bureau.
subderivative noun A word derived from a derivative, and not directly from the root; as, “friendliness” is a subderivative, being derived from “friendly”, which is in turn a derivative from “friend.”
subepiglottic adjective Situated under the epiglottis.
subepithelial adjective Situated under the epithelium.
subesophageal adjective Situated beneath the esophagus.
subgelatinous adjective Imperfectly or partially gelatinous.
subglumaceous adjective Somewhat glumaceous.
subincusation noun A slight charge or accusation.
subindication noun The act of indicating by signs; a slight indication.
subindividual noun A division of that which is individual.
subingression noun Secret entrance.
subintestinal adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the intestine.
subinvolution noun Partial or incomplete involution; as, subinvolution of the uterus.
sublieutenant noun An inferior or second lieutenant; in the British service, a commissioned officer of the lowest rank.
subministrant adjective Subordinate; subservient.
subministrate verb t. To supply; to afford; to subminister.
suborbiculate adjective Almost orbiculate or orbicular.
subordinating present participle & vb. noun of Subordinate
subordination noun The act of subordinating, placing in a lower order, or subjecting., The quality or state of being subordinate or inferior to an other; inferiority of rank or dignity; subjection., Place of inferior rank.
subordinative adjective Tending to subordinate; expressing subordination; used to introduce a subordinate sentence; as, a subordinative conjunction.
subpeduncular adjective Situated beneath the peduncle; as, the subpeduncular lobe of the cerebellum.
subperiosteal adjective Situated under the periosteum.
subperitoneal adjective Situated under the peritoneal membrane.
subprehensile adjective Somewhat prehensile; prehensile in an inferior degree.
subquinquefid adjective Almost quinquefid; nearly quinquefid.
subreptitious adjective Surreptitious.
subserviently adverb In a subservient manner.
subsphenoidal adjective Situated under, or on the ventral side of, the body of the sphenoid bone.
substanceless adjective Having no substance; unsubstantial.
substantially adverb In a substantial manner; in substance; essentially.
substantiated imp. & past participle of Substantiate
substantively adverb In a substantive manner; in substance; essentially., As a substantive, name, or noun; as, an adjective may be used substantively.
substantivize verb t. To convert into a substantive; as, to substantivize an adjective.
subterraneous adjective Being or lying under the surface of the earth; situated within the earth, or under ground; as, subterranean springs; a subterraneous passage.
subtilization noun The act of making subtile., The operation of making so volatile as to rise in steam or vapor., Refinement; subtlety; extreme attenuation.
subtreasuries plural of Subtreasury
subtriangular adjective Nearly, but not perfectly, triangular.
subtriplicate adjective Expressed by the cube root; — said especially of ratios.
suburbicarian adjective Alt. of Suburbicary
subventaneous adjective Produced by the wind.
subventionize verb t. To come to the aid of; to subsidize; to support.
subventitious adjective Helping; aiding; supporting.
subversionary adjective Promoting destruction.
successionist noun A person who insists on the importance of a regular succession of events, offices, etc.; especially (Eccl.), one who insists that apostolic succession alone is valid.
suffraganship noun The office of a suffragan.
suffrutescent adjective Slightly woody at the base.
suffumigating present participle & vb. noun of Suffumigate
suffumigation noun The operation of suffumigating.
sulpharsenate noun A salt of sulpharsenic acid.
sulpharsenite noun A salt of sulpharsenious acid.
sulphoarsenic adjective Of, pertaining to, or containing, sulphur and arsenic; — said of an acid which is the same as arsenic acid with the substitution of sulphur for oxygen.
sulphocyanate noun A salt of sulphocyanic acid; — also called thiocyanate, and formerly inaccurately sulphocyanide.
sulphocyanide noun See Sulphocyanate.
sulphostannic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, a sulphacid of tin (more exactly called metasulphostannic acid), which is obtained as a dark brown amorphous substance, H/SnS/, forming a well-known series of salts.
summer-fallow verb t. To plow and work in summer, in order to prepare for wheat or other crop; to plow and let lie fallow.
superabundant adjective Abounding to excess; being more than is sufficient; redundant; as, superabundant zeal.
superaddition noun The act of adding something in excess or something extraneous; also, something which is added in excess or extraneously.
superannuated imp. & past participle of Superannuate
supercharging present participle & vb. noun of Supercharge
superchemical adjective Above or beyond chemistry; inexplicable by chemical laws.
supercrescent adjective Growing on some other growing thing.
superdominant noun The sixth tone of the scale; that next above the dominant; — called also submediant.
supereminence noun Alt. of Supereminency
supereminency noun The quality or state of being supereminent; distinguished eminence; as, the supereminence of Cicero as an orator, or Lord Chatham as a statesman.
supererogated imp. & past participle of Supererogate
superexalting present participle & vb. noun of Superexalt
superfetation noun The formation of a fetus at the result of an impregnation occurring after another impregnation but before the birth of the offspring produced by it. This is possible only when there is a double uterus, or where menstruation persists up to the time of the second impregnation.
superfineness noun The state of being superfine.
superfluitant adjective Floating above or on the surface.
superfluities plural of Superfluity
superimposing present participle & vb. noun of Superimpose
superinducing present participle & vb. noun of Superinduce
superintended imp. & past participle of Superintend
superintender noun A superintendent.
supermaterial adjective Being above, or superior to, matter.
supernatation noun The act of floating on the surface of a fluid.
supernumerary adjective Exceeding the number stated or prescribed; as, a supernumerary officer in a regiment., Exceeding a necessary, usual, or required number or quality; superfluous; as, supernumerary addresses; supernumerary expense., A person or thing beyond the number stated., A person or thing beyond what is necessary or usual; especially, a person employed not for regular service, but only to fill the place of another in case of need; specifically, in theaters, a person who is not a regular actor, but is employed to appear in a stage spectacle.
superpartient adjective Of or pertaining to a ratio when the excess of the greater term over the less is more than a unit, as that of 3 to 5, or 7 to 10.
superphysical adjective Above or beyond physics; not explainable by physical laws.
superposition noun The act of superposing, or the state of being superposed; as, the superposition of rocks; the superposition of one plane figure on another, in geometry.
supersaliency noun The act of leaping on anything.
supersaturate verb t. To add to beyond saturation; as, to supersaturate a solution.
superscribing present participle & vb. noun of Superscribe
superseminate verb t. To sow, as seed, over something previously sown.
supersensible adjective Beyond the reach of the senses; above the natural powers of perception.
supersensuous adjective Supersensible., Excessively sensuous.
superstitious adjective Of or pertaining to superstition; proceeding from, or manifesting, superstition; as, superstitious rites; superstitious observances., Evincing superstition; overscrupulous and rigid in religious observances; addicted to superstition; full of idle fancies and scruples in regard to religion., Overexact; scrupulous beyond need.
superstructor noun One who builds a superstructure.
supersulphate noun An acid sulphate.
supertemporal noun That which is more than temporal; that which is eternal.
supertragical adjective Tragical to excess.
suppeditation noun Supply; aid afforded.
supplantation noun The act of supplanting or displacing.
supplementing present participle & vb. noun of Supplement
supplementary adjective Added to supply what is wanted; additional; being, or serving as, a supplement; as, a supplemental law; a supplementary sheet or volume.
suppositional adjective Resting on supposition; hypothetical; conjectural; supposed.
suppositories plural of Suppository
supra-angular adjective See Surangular.
supraclavicle noun A bone which usually connects the clavicle with the post-temporal in the pectorial arch of fishes.
supracondylar adjective Alt. of Supracondyloid
supra-ethmoid adjective Above, or on the dorsal side of, the ethmoid bone or cartilage.
supramaxillae plural of Supramaxilla
supratemporal adjective Situated above the temporal bone or temporal fossa., A supratemporal bone.
surchargement noun The act of surcharging; also, surcharge, surplus.
surfeit-water noun Water for the cure of surfeits.
surreptitious adjective Done or made by stealth, or without proper authority; made or introduced fraudulently; clandestine; stealthy; as, a surreptitious passage in an old manuscript; a surreptitious removal of goods.
surrogateship noun The office of a surrogate.
suscitability noun Capability of being suscitated; excitability.
sustentacular adjective Supporting; sustaining; as, a sustentacular tissue.
swedenborgian noun One who holds the doctrines of the New Jerusalem church, as taught by Emanuel Swedenborg, a Swedish philosopher and religious writer, who was born a. d. 1688 and died 1772. Swedenborg claimed to have intercourse with the spiritual world, through the opening of his spiritual senses in 1745. He taught that the Lord Jesus Christ, as comprehending in himself all the fullness of the Godhead, is the one only God, and that there is a spiritual sense to the Scriptures, which he (Swedenborg) was able to reveal, because he saw the correspondence between natural and spiritual things., Of or pertaining to Swedenborg or his views.
sweethearting noun Making love.
sweet-scented adjective Having a sweet scent or smell; fragrant.
swingebuckler noun A swashbuckler; a bully; a roisterer.
swordsmanship noun The state of being a swordsman; skill in the use of the sword.
sychnocarpous adjective Having the capacity of bearing several successive crops of fruit without perishing; as, sychnocarpous plants.
sycophantical adjective Of or pertaining to a sycophant; characteristic of a sycophant; meanly or obsequiously flattering; courting favor by mean adulation; parasitic.
syllabicating present participle & vb. noun of Syllabicate
syllabication noun The act of forming syllables; the act or method of dividing words into syllables. See Guide to Pron., /275.
syllogistical adjective Of or pertaining to a syllogism; consisting of a syllogism, or of the form of reasoning by syllogisms; as, syllogistic arguments or reasoning.
syllogization noun A reasoning by syllogisms.
symbolistical adjective Characterized by the use of symbols; as, symbolistic poetry.
symbolization noun The act of symbolizing; symbolical representation.
sympathetical adjective Sympathetic.
symphyseotomy noun The operation of dividing the symphysis pubis for the purpose of facilitating labor; — formerly called the Sigualtian section.
sympiesometer noun A sensitive kind of barometer, in which the pressure of the atmosphere, acting upon a liquid, as oil, in the lower portion of the instrument, compresses an elastic gas in the upper part.
symptomatical adjective Of or pertaining to symptoms; happening in concurrence with something; being a symptom; indicating the existence of something else., According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification of diseases.
synallagmatic adjective Imposing reciprocal obligations upon the parties; as, a synallagmatic contract.
synchondroses plural of Synchondrosis
synchondrosis noun An immovable articulation in which the union is formed by cartilage.
synchronistic adjective Of or pertaining to synchronism; arranged according to correspondence in time; as, synchronistic tables.
synchronizing present participle & vb. noun of Synchronize
synchronology noun Contemporaneous chronology.
synecdochical adjective Expressed by synecdoche; implying a synecdoche.
synecphonesis noun A contraction of two syllables into one; synizesis.
synentognathi noun pl. An order of fishes, resembling the Physoclisti, without spines in the dorsal, anal, and ventral fins. It includes the true flying fishes.
synthetically adverb In a synthetic manner.
syphilization noun Inoculation with the syphilitic virus, especially when employed as a preventive measure, like vaccination.
syphilologist noun One skilled in syphilology.
systematizing present participle & vb. noun of Systematize
systematology noun The doctrine of, or a treatise upon, systems.
systemization noun The act or process of systematizing; systematization.