13 letter word starting with sch

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
schismatizing present participle & vb. noun of Schismatize
schizocoelous adjective Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a schizocoele.
schizogenesis noun Reproduction by fission.
schizognathae noun pl. The schizognathous birds.
schizomycetes noun pl. An order of Schizophyta, including the so-called fission fungi, or bacteria. See Schizophyta, in the Supplement.
schizopelmous adjective Having the two flexor tendons of the toes entirely separate, and the flexor hallucis going to the first toe only.
scholasticism noun The method or subtilties of the schools of philosophy; scholastic formality; scholastic doctrines or philosophy.
schreibersite noun A mineral occurring in steel-gray flexible folia. It contains iron, nickel, and phosphorus, and is found only in meteoric iron.
schwenkfelder noun Alt. of Schwenkfeldian