13 letter word starting with si

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
siderographic adjective Alt. of Siderographical
significantly adverb In a significant manner.
signification noun The act of signifying; a making known by signs or other means., That which is signified or made known; that meaning which a sign, character, or token is intended to convey; as, the signification of words.
significative adjective Betokening or representing by an external sign., Having signification or meaning; expressive of a meaning or purpose; significant.
significatory adjective Significant., That which is significatory.
silicofluoric adjective Containing, or composed of, silicon and fluorine; especially, denoting the compounds called silicofluorides.
simple-minded adjective Artless; guileless; simple-hearted; undesigning; unsuspecting; devoid of duplicity.
single-acting adjective Having simplicity of action; especially (Mach.), acting or exerting force during strokes in one direction only; — said of a reciprocating engine, pump, etc.
single-handed adjective Having but one hand, or one workman; also, alone; unassisted.
single-minded adjective Having a single purpose; hence, artless; guileless; single-hearted.
singularities plural of Singularity
siphoniferous adjective Siphon-bearing, as the shell of the nautilus and other cephalopods.
siphonoglyphe noun A gonidium.
siphonophoran adjective Belonging to the Siphonophora., One of the Siphonophora.
siphunculated adjective Having a siphuncle.
sipunculoidea noun pl. Same as Gephyrea., In a restricted sense, same as Sipunculacea.
sister-in-law noun The sister of one’s husband or wife; also, the wife of one’s brother; sometimes, the wife of one’s husband’s or wife’s brother.