13 letter word starting with t

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tables d’hote plural of Table d’hote
tablespoonful noun As much as a tablespoon will hold; enough to fill a tablespoon. It is usually reckoned as one half of a fluid ounce, or four fluid drams.
tampico fiber Alt. of fibre
tantalization noun The act of tantalizing, or state of being tantalized.
tantalizingly adverb In a tantalizing or teasing manner.
tautochronous adjective Occupying the same time; pertaining to, or having the properties of, a tautochrone.
tautologizing present participle & vb. noun of Tautologize
tautophonical adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, tautophony; repeating the same sound.
teachableness noun Willingness to be taught.
technicalness noun The quality or state of being technical; technicality.
technological adjective Of or pertaining to technology.
tectibranchia noun pl. Same as Tectibranchiata.
telangiectasy noun Telangiectasis.
telegraphical adjective Telegraphic.
temperamental adjective Of or pertaining to temperament; constitutional.
temperateness noun The quality or state of being temperate; moderateness; temperance.
temporalities plural of Temporality
temporariness noun The quality or state of being temporary; — opposed to perpetuity.
temporization noun The act of temporizing.
temporizingly adverb In a temporizing or yielding manner.
temporofacial adjective Of or pertaining to both the temple and the face.
tender-hefted adjective Having great tenderness; easily moved.
tenebrificous adjective Tenebrific.
tenosynovitis noun Inflammation of the synovial sheath enveloping a tendon.
tentaculifera noun pl. Same as Suctoria, 1.
tentaculiform adjective Shaped like a tentacle.
tentaculocyst noun One of the auditory organs of certain medusae; — called also auditory tentacle.
teratological adjective Of or pertaining to teratology; as, teratological changes.
terephthalate noun A salt of terephthalic acid.
tergiversator noun One who tergiversates; one who suffles, or practices evasion.
terminational adjective Of or pertaining to termination; forming a termination.
terpsichorean adjective Of or pertaining to Terpsichore; of or pertaining to dancing.
territorially adverb In regard to territory; by means of territory.
testicardines noun pl. A division of brachiopods including those which have a calcareous shell furnished with a hinge and hinge teeth. Terebratula and Spirifer are examples.
testification noun The act of testifying, or giving testimony or evidence; as, a direct testification of our homage to God.
tetartohedral adjective Having one fourth the number of planes which are requisite to complete symmetry.
tetes-de-pont plural of Tete-de-pont
tetradecapoda noun pl. Same as Arthrostraca.
tetradynamian noun A plant of the order Tetradynamia., Alt. of Tetradynamous
tetradynamous adjective Belonging to the order Tetradynamia; having six stamens, four of which are uniformly longer than the others.
tetrahedrally adverb In a tetrahedral manner.
tetrapetalous adjective Containing four distinct petals, or flower leaves; as, a tetrapetalous corolla.
tetraphyllous adjective Having four leaves; consisting of four distinct leaves or leaflets.
tetraschistic adjective Characterized by division into four parts.
tetrasepalous adjective Having four sepals.
tetraspermous adjective Having four seeds.
tetrasyllabic adjective Alt. of Tetrasyllabical
terrasyllable noun A word consisting of four syllables; a quadrisyllable.
tetrathionate noun A salt of tetrathionic acid.
tetter-totter noun A certain game of children; seesaw; — called also titter-totter, and titter-cum-totter.
thalamifloral adjective Alt. of Thalamiflorous
thaumatolatry noun Worship or undue admiration of wonderful or miraculous things.
thaumaturgics noun Feats of legerdemain, or magical performances.
thaumaturgist noun One who deals in wonders, or believes in them; a wonder worker.
theanthropism noun A state of being God and man., The ascription of human atributes to the Deity, or to a polytheistic deity; anthropomorphism.
theanthropist noun One who advocates, or believes in, theanthropism.
thenceforward adverb From that time onward; thenceforth.
theorematical adjective Of or pertaining to a theorem or theorems; comprised in a theorem; consisting of theorems.
theosophizing present participle & vb. noun of Theosophize
therapeutical adjective Of or pertaining to the healing art; concerned in discovering and applying remedies for diseases; curative.
thermetograph noun A self-registering thermometer, especially one that registers the maximum and minimum during long periods.
thermobattery noun A thermoelectric battery; a thermopile.
thermocautery noun Cautery by the application of heat.
thermocurrent noun A current, as of electricity, developed, or set in motion, by the action of heat.
thermodynamic adjective Relating to thermodynamics; caused or operated by force due to the application of heat.
thermotension noun A process of increasing the strength of wrought iron by heating it to a determinate temperature, and giving to it, while in that state, a mechanical strain or tension in the direction in which the strength is afterward to be exerted.
thermotropism noun The phenomenon of turning towards a source of warmth, seen in the growing parts of some plants.
thermovoltaic adjective Of or relating to heat and electricity; especially, relating to thermal effects produced by voltaic action.
thick-skinned adjective Having a thick skin; hence, not sensitive; dull; obtuse.
thick-skulled adjective Having a thick skull; hence, dull; heavy; stupid; slow to learn.
thimblerigged imp. & past participle of Thimblerig
thimblerigger noun One who cheats by thimblerigging, or tricks of legerdemain.
thiocarbonate noun A sulphocarbonate.
thionaphthene noun A double benzene and thiophene nucleus, C8H6S, analogous to naphthalene, and like it the base of a large series of derivatives.
thiosulphuric adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an unstable acid, H2S2O3, analogous to sulphuric acid, and formerly called hyposulphurous acid.
third-borough noun An under constable.
thirty-second adjective Being one of thirty-two equal parts into which anything is divided.
thomsonianism noun An empirical system which assumes that the human body is composed of four elements, earth, air, fire, and water, and that vegetable medicines alone should be used; — from the founder, Dr. Samuel Thomson, of Massachusetts.
thoracentesis noun The operation of puncturing the chest wall so as to let out liquids contained in the cavity of the chest.
thoracoplasty noun A remodeling or reshaping of the thorax; especially, the operation of removing the ribs, so as to obliterate the pleural cavity in cases of empyema.
thoracostraca adjective An extensive division of Crustacea, having a dorsal shield or carapec/ //niting all, or nearly all, of the thoracic somites to the head. It includes the crabs, lobsters, shrimps, and similar species.
thorough bass The representation of chords by figures placed under the base; figured bass; basso continuo; — sometimes used as synonymous with harmony.
thoroughgoing adjective Going through, or to the end or bottom; very thorough; complete., Going all lengths; extreme; thoroughplaced; — less common in this sense.
thoroughpaced adjective Perfect in what is undertaken; complete; going all lengths; as, a thoroughplaced Tory or Whig.
thousand legs A millepid, or galleyworm; — called also thousand-legged worm.
thread-shaped adjective Having the form of a thread; filiform.
three-pointed adjective Having three acute or setigerous points; tricuspidate.
three-quarter adjective Measuring thirty inches by twenty-five; — said of portraitures.
thundershower noun A shower accompanied with lightning and thunder.
thunderstruck imp. of Thunderstrike, of Thunderstrike
thunderstrike verb t. To strike, blast, or injure by, or as by, lightning., To astonish, or strike dumb, as with something terrible; — rarely used except in the past participle.
thurification noun The act of fuming with incense, or the act of burning incense.
thysanopteran noun One of the Thysanoptera.
tickle-footed adjective Uncertain; inconstant; slippery.
timothy grass A kind of grass (Phleum pratense) with long cylindrical spikes; — called also herd’s grass, in England, cat’s-tail grass, and meadow cat’s-tail grass. It is much prized for fodder. See Illustration in Appendix.
tintinnabular adjective Alt. of Tintinnabulary
titanotherium noun A large American Miocene mammal, allied to the rhinoceros, and more nearly to the extinct Brontotherium.
titter-totter verb i. See Teeter.
tittle-tattle noun Idle, trifling talk; empty prattle., An idle, trifling talker; a gossip., To talk idly; to prate.
tongue-shaped adjective Shaped like a tongue; specifically (Bot.), linear or oblong, and fleshy, blunt at the end, and convex beneath; as, a tongue-shaped leaf.
topographical Of or pertaining to topography; descriptive of a place.
toreumatology noun The art or the description of scupture such as bas-relief in metal; toreumatography.
tous-les-mois noun A kind of starch with very large, oval, flattened grains, often sold as arrowroot, and extensively used for adulterating cocoa. It is made from the rootstocks of a species of Canna, probably C. edulis, the tubers of which are edible every month in the year.
tout-ensemble noun All together; hence, in costume, the fine arts, etc., the general effect of a work as a whole, without regard to the execution of the separate perts.
toxicological adjective Of or pertaining to toxicology.
tracheophonae noun pl. A group of passerine birds having the syrinx at the lower end of the trachea.
trachycarpous adjective Rough-fruited.
trachymedusae noun pl. A division of acalephs in which the development is direct from the eggs, without a hydroid stage. Some of the species are parasitic on other medusae.
trachystomata noun pl. An order of tailed aquatic amphibians, including Siren and Pseudobranchus. They have anterior legs only, are eel-like in form, and have no teeth except a small patch on the palate. The external gills are persistent through life.
tractarianism noun The principles of the Tractarians, or of those persons accepting the teachings of the “Tracts for the Times.”
traditionlism noun A system of faith founded on tradition; esp., the doctrine that all religious faith is to be based solely upon what is delivered from competent authority, exclusive of rational processes.
traditionally adverb In a traditional manner.
tragi-comical adjective Of or pertaining to tragi-comedy; partaking of grave and comic scenes.
tranquilizing present participle & vb. noun of Tranquillize, Alt. of Tranquillizing
tranquillizer noun One who, or that which, tranquilizes.
transanimated imp. & past participle of Transanimate
transatlantic adjective Lying or being beyond the Atlantic Ocean., Crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
transcendence Alt. of Transcendency
transcendency The quality or state of being transcendent; superior excellence; supereminence., Elevation above truth; exaggeration.
trancscendent noun That which surpasses or is supereminent; that which is very excellent.
transcolating present participle & vb. noun of Transcolate
transcolation noun Act of transcolating, or state of being transcolated.
transcribbler noun A transcriber; — used in contempt.
transcription noun The act or process of transcribing, or copying; as, corruptions creep into books by repeated transcriptions., A copy; a transcript., An arrangement of a composition for some other instrument or voice than that for which it was originally written, as the translating of a song, a vocal or instrumental quartet, or even an orchestral work, into a piece for the piano; an adaptation; an arrangement; — a name applied by modern composers for the piano to a more or less fanciful and ornate reproduction on their own instrument of a song or other piece not originally intended for it; as, Liszt’s transcriptions of songs by Schubert.
transcriptive adjective Done as from a copy; having the style or appearance of a transcription.
transcurrence noun A roving hither and thither.
transfeminate verb t. To change into a woman, as a man.
transferrence noun See Transference.
transferrible adjective Capable of being transferred; transferable.
transfigurate verb t. To transfigure; to transform.
transfiguring present participle & vb. noun of Transfigure
transformable adjective Capable of being transformed or changed.
transfugitive noun One who flees from one side to another; hence, a deserter; a turncoat; an apostate.
transgressing present participle & vb. noun of Transgress
transgression noun The act of transgressing, or of passing over or beyond any law, civil or moral; the violation of a law or known principle of rectitude; breach of command; fault; offense; crime; sin.
transgressive adjective Disposed or tending to transgress; faulty; culpable. –
transhumanize verb t. To make more than human; to purity; to elevate above humanity.
transitionary adjective Transitional.
translavation noun A laving or lading from one vessel to another.
transliterate verb t. To express or represent in the characters of another alphabet; as, to transliterate Sanskrit words by means of English letters.
translocation noun removal of things from one place to another; substitution of one thing for another.
translucently adverb In a translucent manner.
transmeatable adjective Capable of being passed over or traversed; passable.
transmigrated imp. & past participle of Transmigrate
transmigrator noun One who transmigrates.
transmissible adjective Capable of being transmitted from one to another; capable of being passed through any body or substance.
transmittance noun Transmission.
transmittible adjective Capable of being transmitted; transmissible.
transmutation noun The act of transmuting, or the state of being transmuted; as, the transmutation of metals., The change or reduction of one figure or body into another of the same area or solidity, but of a different form, as of a triangle into a square., The change of one species into another, which is assumed to take place in any development theory of life; transformism.
transnatation noun The act of swimming across, as a river.
transpalatine adjective Situated beyond or outside the palatine bone; — said of a bone in the skull of some reptiles.
transpassable adjective Capable of being transpassed, or crossed over.
transpiercing present participle & vb. noun of Transpierce
transpiration noun The act or process of transpiring or excreting in the form of vapor; exhalation, as through the skin or other membranes of the body; as, pulmonary transpiration, or the excretion of aqueous vapor from the lungs. Perspiration is a form of transpiration., The evaporation of water, or exhalation of aqueous vapor, from cells and masses of tissue., The passing of gases through fine tubes, porous substances, or the like; as, transpiration through membranes.
transpiratory adjective Of or relating to transpiration.
transplanting present participle & vb. noun of Transplant
transplendent adjective Resplendent in the highest degree.
transportable adjective Capable of being transported., Incurring, or subject to, the punishment of transportation; as, a transportable offense.
transportance noun Transportation.
transportment noun The act of transporting, or the state of being transported; transportation.
transposition noun The act of transposing, or the state of being transposed., The bringing of any term of an equation from one side over to the other without destroying the equation., A change of the natural order of words in a sentence; as, the Latin and Greek languages admit transposition, without inconvenience, to a much greater extent than the English., A change of a composition into another key.
transpositive adjective Made by transposing; consisting in transposition; transposable.
transshipment noun The act of transshipping, or transferring, as goods, from one ship or conveyance to another.
transvasation noun The act or process of pouring out of one vessel into another.
transvertible adjective Capable of being transverted.
transvolation noun The act of flying beyond or across.
trapezohedral adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a trapezohedron.
trapezohedron noun A solid bounded by twenty-four equal and similar trapeziums; a tetragonal trisoctahedron. See the Note under Trisoctahedron., A tetartohedral solid of the hexagonal system, bounded by six trapezoidal planes. The faces of this form are common on quartz crystals.
treasurership noun The office of treasurer.
trench-plough verb t. To plow with deep furrows, for the purpose of loosening the land to a greater depth than usual.
triangularity noun The quality or state of being triangular.
triangulating present participle & vb. noun of Triangulate
triangulation noun The series or network of triangles into which the face of a country, or any portion of it, is divided in a trigonometrical survey; the operation of measuring the elements necessary to determine the triangles into which the country to be surveyed is supposed to be divided, and thus to fix the positions and distances of the several points connected by them.
triarticulate adjective Having three joints.
tributariness noun The quality or state of being tributary.
tricennarious adjective Of or pertaining to thirty years; tricennial.
trichinoscope noun An apparatus for the detection of trichinae in the flesh of animals, as of swine.
trichiuriform adjective Like or pertaining to the genus Trichiurus or family Trichiuridae, comprising the scabbard fishes and hairtails.
trichopterous adjective Of, pertaining to, or characterizing, the Trichoptera.
trichromatism noun The quality, state, or phenomenon of being trichromatic.
tridecatylene noun A hydrocarbon, C13H26, of the ethylene series, corresponding to tridecane, and obtained from Burmah petroleum as a light colorless liquid; — called also tridecylene, and tridecene.
trierarchises plural of Trierarchy
triethylamine noun A tertiary amine analogous to trimethylamine.
trigonocerous adjective Having horns with three angles, like those of some species of goats.
trigonometric Alt. of Trigonometrical
triliteralism noun Same as Triliterality.
triliterality noun Alt. of Triliteralness
trionychoidea noun pl. A division of chelonians which comprises Trionyx and allied genera; — called also Trionychoides, and Trionychina.
tripinnatifid adjective Thrice pinnately cleft; — said of a pinnatifid leaf when its segments are pinnatifid, and the subdivisions of these also are pinnatifid.
triple-headed adjective Having three heads; three-headed; as, the triple-headed dog Cerberus.
triplicostate adjective Three-ribbed.
triploblastic adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, that condition of the ovum in which there are three primary germinal layers, or in which the blastoderm splits into three layers.
triquadrantal adjective Having three quadrants; thus, a triquadrantal triangle is one whose three sides are quadrants, and whose three angles are consequently right angles.
trirhomboidal adjective Having three rhombic faces or sides.
trisplanchnic adjective Of or pertaining to the three great splanchnic cavities, namely, that of the head, the chest, and the abdomen; — applied to the sympathetic nervous system.
tristigmatose adjective Having, or consisting of, three stigmas.
trisyllabical adjective Of or pertaining to a trisyllable; consisting of three syllables; as, “syllable” is a trisyllabic word.
tritheistical adjective Of or pertaining to tritheism.
troglodytical adjective Of or pertaining to a troglodyte, or dweller in caves.
trothplighted adjective Having fidelity pledged.
trous-de-loup plural of Trou-de-loup
trout-colored adjective White, with spots of black, bay, or sorrel; as, a trout-colored horse.
tubulidentate adjective Having teeth traversed by canals; — said of certain edentates.
turioniferous adjective Producing shoots, as asparagus.
turtle-footed adjective Slow-footed.
twelfth-night noun The evening of Epiphany, or the twelfth day after Christmas, observed as a festival by various churches.
twenty-fourmo adjective Having twenty-four leaves to a sheet; as, a twenty-fourmo form, book, leaf, size, etc., A book composed of sheets, each of which is folded into twenty-four leaves; hence, indicating more or less definitely a size of book whose sheets are so folded; — usually written 24mo, or 24ยก.
tyburn ticket A certificate given to one who prosecutes a felon to conviction, exempting him from certain parish and ward offices.
typhomalarial adjective Pertaining to typhoid fever and malaria; as, typhomalarial fever, a form of fever having symptoms both of malarial and typhoid fever.
typographical adjective Of or pertaining to the act or act of representing by types or symbols; emblematic; figurative; typical., Of or pertaining to typography or printing; as, the typographic art.