13 letter word starting with un

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
unaccountable adjective Not accountable or responsible; free from control., Not to be accounted for; inexplicable; not consonant with reason or rule; strange; mysterious.
unadulterated adjective Not adulterated; pure.
unappropriate adjective Inappropriate; unsuitable., Not appropriated., To take from private possession; to restore to the possession or right of all; as, to unappropriate a monopoly.
unbarricadoed adjective Not obstructed by barricades; open; as, unbarricadoed streets.
unbenevolence noun Absence or want of benevolence; ill will.
uncertainties plural of Uncertainty
unchristianly adjective Unchristian., In an unchristian manner.
uncircumcised noun Not circumcised; hence, not of the Israelites.
uncomfortable adjective Feeling discomfort; uneasy; as, to be uncomfortable on account of one’s position., Causing discomfort; disagreeable; unpleasant; as, an uncomfortable seat or situation.
unconceivable adjective Inconceivable.
unconcernment noun The state of being unconcerned, or of having no share or concern; unconcernedness.
unconditional adjective Not conditional limited, or conditioned; made without condition; absolute; unreserved; as, an unconditional surrender.
unconditioned adjective Not conditioned or subject to conditions; unconditional., Not subject to condition or limitations; infinite; absolute; hence, inconceivable; incogitable.
unconformable adjective Not conformable; not agreeable; not conforming., Not conformable; not lying in a parallel position; as, unconformable strata.
unconquerable adjective Not conquerable; indomitable.
unconsiderate adjective Inconsiderate; heedless; careless.
unconspicuous adjective Inconspicuous.
uncontestable adjective Incontestable.
uncorruptible adjective Incorruptible.
uncourtliness noun Absence of courtliness; rudeness; rusticity.
uncreatedness noun The quality or state of being uncreated.
uncunningness noun Ignorance.
undefatigable adjective Indefatigable.
underbuilding noun Same as Substruction.
underclothing noun Same as Underclothes.
underestimate verb t. To set to/ low a value on; to estimate below the truth., The act of underestimating; too low an estimate.
under-garment noun A garment worn below another.
undergraduate noun A member of a university or a college who has not taken his first degree; a student in any school who has not completed his course., Of or pertaining to an undergraduate, or the body of undergraduates.
underhandedly adverb In an underhand manner.
underminister verb t. To serve, or minister to, in a subordinate relation.
underministry noun A subordinate or inferior ministry.
underniceness noun A want of niceness; indelicacy; impropriety.
understanding present participle & vb. noun of Understand, Knowing; intelligent; skillful; as, he is an understanding man., The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation., An agreement of opinion or feeling; adjustment of differences; harmony; anything mutually understood or agreed upon; as, to come to an understanding with another., The power to understand; the intellectual faculty; the intelligence; the rational powers collectively conceived an designated; the higher capacities of the intellect; the power to distinguish truth from falsehood, and to adapt means to ends., Specifically, the discursive faculty; the faculty of knowing by the medium or use of general conceptions or relations. In this sense it is contrasted with, and distinguished from, the reason.
understrapper noun A petty fellow; an inferior agent; an underling.
understratums plural of Understratum
undestroyable adjective Indestructible.
undeterminate adjective Nor determinate; not settled or certain; indeterminate.
undispensable adjective Indispensable., Unavoidable; inevitable., Not to be freed by dispensation.
undistinctive adjective Making no distinctions; not discriminating; impartial.
undomesticate verb t. To make wild or roving.
undulationist noun One who advocates the undulatory theory of light.
unembarrassed adjective Not embarrassed., Not perplexed in mind; not confused; as, the speaker appeared unembarrassed., Free from pecuniary difficulties or encumbrances; as, he and his property are unembarrassed., Free from perplexing connection; as, the question comes into court unembarrassed with irrelevant matter.
unempirically adverb Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
unessentially adverb In an unessential manner.
unexhaustible adjective Inexhaustible.
unexpectation noun Absence of expectation; want of foresight.
unexperienced adjective Not experienced; being without experience; inexperienced., Untried; — applied to things.
unexpressible adjective Inexpressible.
unforeseeable adjective Incapable of being foreseen.
unforeskinned adjective Deprived of the foreskin; circumcised.
unforgettable adjective Not forgettable; enduring in memory.
unibranchiate adjective Having but one gill, as certain molluscs.
uniflagellate adjective Having but one flagellum; as, uniflagellate organisms.
unimpeachable adjective Not impeachable; not to be called in question; exempt from liability to accusation; free from stain, guilt, or fault; irreproachable; blameless; as, an unimpeachable reputation; unimpeachable testimony.
uninfringible adjective That may not be infringed; as, an uninfringible monopoly.
unitarianized imp. & past participle of Unitarianize
universalties plural of Universality
universalized imp. & past participle of Universalize
universalness noun The quality or state of being universal; universality.
unoperculated adjective Destitute of an operculum, or cover.
unoriginately adverb Without origin.
unpossibility noun Impossibility.
unpracticable adjective Impracticable; not feasible.
unprecedented adjective Having no precedent or example; not preceded by a like case; not having the authority of prior example; novel; new; unexampled.
unproficiency noun Want of proficiency or improvement.
unreformation noun Want of reformation; state of being unreformed.
unregenerated adjective Not regenerated; not renewed in heart; remaining or being at enmity with God.
unremembrance noun Want of remembrance; forgetfulness.
unremorseless adjective Utterly remorseless.
unreprievable adjective Not capable of being reprieved.
unresponsible adjective Irresponsible.
unsatiability noun Quality of being unsatiable; insatiability.
unsoutcheoned adjective Destitute of an escutcheon.
unsettledness noun The quality or state of being unsettled.
unsignificant adjective Insignificant.
unsociability noun The quality or state of being unsociable; unsociableness.
unspecialized adjective Not specialized; specifically (Biol.), not adapted, or set apart, for any particular purpose or function; as, an unspecialized unicellular organism.
unspiritalize verb t. To deprive of spiritually.
unsubstantial adjective Lacking in matter or substance; visionary; chimerical.
unsucceedable adjective Not able or likely to succeed.
unsufficience noun Alt. of Unsufficiency
unsufficiency noun Insufficiency.
unsupportable adjective Insupportable; unendurable.
unsymmetrical adjective Wanting in symmetry, or due proportion pf parts., Not symmetrical; being without symmetry, as the parts of a flower when similar parts are of different size and shape, or when the parts of successive circles differ in number. See Symmetry., Being without symmetry of chemical structure or relation; as, an unsymmetrical carbon atom.
untangibility noun Intangibility.
untemperately adverb Intemperately.
unthriftfully adverb Not thriftily.
unthriftihead noun Alt. of Unthriftihood
unthriftihood noun Untriftiness.
unthriftiness noun The quality or state or being unthrifty; profuseness; lavishness.
unwarrantable adjective Not warrantable; indefensible; not vindicable; not justifiable; illegal; unjust; improper.