13 letter word starting with water

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
water bailiff An officer of the customs, whose duty it is to search vessels.
water ballast Water confined in specially constructed compartments in a vessel’s hold, to serve as ballast.
water battery A voltaic battery in which the exciting fluid is water., A battery nearly on a level with the water.
water bellows Same as Tromp.
water boatman A boat bug.
water buffalo The European buffalo.
water caltrop The water chestnut.
water chicken The common American gallinule.
water deerlet See Water chevrotain.
water feather Alt. of Water feather-foil
water flannel A floating mass formed in pools by the entangled filaments of a European fresh-water alga (Cladophora crispata).
water gilding The act, or the process, of gilding metallic surfaces by covering them with a thin coating of amalgam of gold, and then volatilizing the mercury by heat; — called also wash gilding.
water hemlock A poisonous umbelliferous plant (Cicuta virosa) of Europe; also, any one of several plants of that genus., A poisonous plant (/nanthe crocata) resembling the above.
water lettuce A plant (Pistia stratiotes) which floats on tropical waters, and forms a rosette of spongy, wedge-shaped leaves.
water measure A measure formerly used for articles brought by water, as coals, oysters, etc. The water-measure bushel was three gallons larger than the Winchester bushel.
water milfoil Any plant of the genus Myriophyllum, aquatic herbs with whorled leaves, the submersed ones pinnately parted into capillary divisions.
water monitor A very large lizard (Varanaus salvator) native of India. It frequents the borders of streams and swims actively. It becomes five or six feet long. Called also two-banded monitor, and kabaragoya. The name is also applied to other aquatic monitors.
water murrain A kind of murrain affecting cattle.
water opossum See Yapock, and the Note under Opossum.
water parsnip Any plant of the aquatic umbelliferous genus Sium, poisonous herbs with pinnate or dissected leaves and small white flowers.
water pitcher A pitcher for water., One of a family of plants having pitcher-shaped leaves. The sidesaddle flower (Sarracenia purpurea) is the type.
waterproofing noun The act or process of making waterproof., Same as Waterproof, n., 1.
water rattler The diamond rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus); — so called from its preference for damp places near water.
water-retting present participle & vb. noun of Water-ret
water-rotting present participle & vb. noun of Water-rot
water soldier An aquatic European plant (Stratiotes aloides) with bayonet-shaped leaves.
water spaniel A curly-haired breed of spaniels, naturally very fond of the water.
water sparrow The reed warbler., The reed bunting.
water spinner The water spider.
water trefoil The buck bean.
water wagtail See under Wagtail.