14 letter word starting with b

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
backhandedness noun State of being backhanded; the using of backhanded or indirect methods.
bacteriologist noun One skilled in bacteriology.
bacterioscopic adjective Relating to bacterioscopy; as, a bacterioscopic examination.
baggage master One who has charge of the baggage at a railway station or upon a line of public travel.
baltimore bird Alt. of Baltimore oriole
baromacrometer noun An instrument for ascertaining the weight and length of a newborn infant.
barometrically adverb By means of a barometer, or according to barometric observations.
barometrograph noun A form of barometer so constructed as to inscribe of itself upon paper a record of the variations of atmospheric pressure.
baryto-calcite noun A mineral of a white or gray color, occurring massive or crystallized. It is a compound of the carbonates of barium and calcium.
basisphenoidal adjective Of or pertaining to that part of the base of the cranium between the basioccipital and the presphenoid, which usually ossifies separately in the embryo or in the young, and becomes a part of the sphenoid in the adult.
basommatophora noun pl. A group of Pulmonifera having the eyes at the base of the tentacles, including the common pond snails.
baunscheidtism noun A form of acupuncture, followed by the rubbing of the part with a stimulating fluid.
beggar’s ticks The bur marigold (Bidens) and its achenes, which are armed with barbed awns, and adhere to clothing and fleeces with unpleasant tenacity.
belle-lettrist noun One versed in belles-lettres.
belles-lettres noun pl. Polite or elegant literature; the humanities; — used somewhat vaguely for literary works in which imagination and taste are predominant.
belletristical adjective Occupied with, or pertaining to, belles-lettres.
benedictionary noun A collected series of benedictions.
beneficialness noun The quality of being beneficial; profitableness.
bessemer steel Steel made directly from cast iron, by burning out a portion of the carbon and other impurities that the latter contains, through the agency of a blast of air which is forced through the molten metal; — so called from Sir Henry Bessemer, an English engineer, the inventor of the process.
bethabara wood A highly elastic wood, used for fishing rods, etc. The tree is unknown, but it is thought to be East Indian.
bewilderedness noun The state of being bewildered; bewilderment.
bibliographies plural of Bibliography
bibliomaniacal adjective Pertaining to a passion for books; relating to a bibliomaniac.
bibliopegistic adjective Pertaining to the art of binding books.
bibliopolistic adjective Of or pertaining to bibliopolism.
bidding prayer The prayer for the souls of benefactors, said before the sermon., The prayer before the sermon, with petitions for various specified classes of persons.
bird’s-nesting noun Hunting for, or taking, birds’ nests or their contents.
bismuthiferous adjective Containing bismuth.
bittor bittour noun The bittern.
bituminiferous adjective Producing bitumen.
bituminization noun The process of bituminizing.
blanch holding A mode of tenure by the payment of a small duty in white rent (silver) or otherwise.
blandiloquence noun Mild, flattering speech.
blandiloquious adjective Fair-spoken; flattering.
blastodermatic adjective Alt. of Blastodermic
blench holding See Blanch holding.
blobber-lipped adjective Having thick lips.
blood-boltered adjective Having the hair matted with clotted blood.
blotting paper A kind of thick, bibulous, unsized paper, used to absorb superfluous ink from freshly written manuscript, and thus prevent blots.
boisterousness noun The state or quality of being boisterous; turbulence; disorder; tumultuousness.
bonnes bouches plural of Bonne bouche
booking office An office where passengers, baggage, etc., are registered for conveyance, as by railway or steamship., An office where passage tickets are sold.
boroughmongery noun The practices of a boroughmonger.
borraginaceous adjective See Borage, n., etc.
bougainvillaea noun A genus of plants of the order Nyctoginaceae, from tropical South America, having the flowers surrounded by large bracts.
bouleversement noun Complete overthrow; disorder; a turning upside down.
bourbon whisky See under Whisky.
brachycephalic adjective Alt. of Brachycephalous
brachydiagonal adjective Pertaining to the shorter diagonal, as of a rhombic prism., The shorter of the diagonals in a rhombic prism.
brachypinacoid noun A plane of an orthorhombic crystal which is parallel both to the vertical axis and to the shorter lateral (brachydiagonal) axis.
branchiomerism noun The state of being made up of branchiate segments.
branchiostegal adjective Pertaining to the membrane covering the gills of fishes., A branchiostegal ray. See Illustration of Branchial arches in Appendix.
breathableness noun State of being breathable.
breathlessness noun The state of being breathless or out of breath.
breech-loading adjective Receiving the charge at the breech instead of at the muzzle.
bristle-shaped adjective Resembling a bristle in form; as, a bristle-shaped leaf.
broadspreading adjective Spreading widely.
brobdingnagian adjective Colossal; of extraordinary height; gigantic., A giant.
broken-bellied adjective Having a ruptured belly.
broken-hearted adjective Having the spirits depressed or crushed by grief or despair.
brother german A brother by both the father’s and mother’s side, in contradistinction to a uterine brother, one by the mother only.
brother-in-law noun The brother of one’s husband or wife; also, the husband of one’s sister; sometimes, the husband of one’s wife’s sister.
buckler-headed adjective Having a head like a buckler.
bureaucratical adjective Of, relating to, or resembling, a bureaucracy.
burr millstone See Buhrstone.
burying ground Alt. of Burying place