14 letter word starting with ex

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
exacerbescence noun Increase of irritation or violence, particularly the increase of a fever or disease.
exarticulation noun Luxation; the dislocation of a joint.
excommunicable adjective Liable or deserving to be excommunicated; making excommunication possible or proper.
excommunicated imp. & past participle of Excommunicate
excommunicator noun One who excommunicates.
excrementitial adjective Alt. of Excrementitious
exhaustibility noun Capability of being exhausted.
exhereditation noun A disinheriting; disherison.
experimetalist noun One who makes experiments; an experimenter.
experimentally adverb By experiment; by experience or trial.
experimentator noun An experimenter.
explicableness noun Quality of being explicable.
expressionless adjective Destitute of expression.
expurgatorious adjective Expurgatory.
extemporaneous adjective Composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment, or without previous study; unpremeditated; off-hand; extempore; extemporary; as, an extemporaneous address or production.
extendlessness noun Unlimited extension.
extensibleness noun Extensibility.
extinguishable adjective Capable of being quenched, destroyed, or suppressed.
extinguishment noun The act of extinguishing, putting out, or quenching, or the state of being extinguished; extinction; suppression; destruction; nullification; as, the extinguishment of fire or flame, of discord, enmity, or jealousy, or of love or affection., The annihilation or extinction of a right or obligation.
extraarticular adjective Situated outside of a joint.
extrabranchial adjective Outside of the branchial arches; — said of the cartilages thus placed in some fishes.
extraforaneous adjective Pertaining to that which is out of doors.
extra-official adjective Not prescribed by official duty.
extraparochial adjective Beyond the limits of a parish.
extrastapedial adjective Pertaining to a part of the columella of the ear, which, in many animals, projects beyond the connection with the stapes., The extrastapedial part of columella.
extravagancies plural of Extravagancy
extrinsicality noun Alt. of Extrinsicalness