14 letter word starting with m

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
macadamization noun The process or act of macadamizing.
macrencephalic adjective Alt. of Macrencephalous
macrocephalous adjective Having a large head., Having the cotyledons of a dicotyledonous embryo confluent, and forming a large mass compared with the rest of the body.
macrodactylous adjective Having long toes.
mesdemoiselles plural of Mademoiselle
magisteriality noun Magisterialness; authoritativeness.
magneticalness noun Quality of being magnetic.
magnetotherapy noun The treatment of disease by the application of magnets to the surface of the body.
mahometanizing present participle & vb. noun of Mahometanize
malacopterygii noun pl. An order of fishes in which the fin rays, except the anterior ray of the pectoral and dorsal fins, are closely jointed, and not spiny. It includes the carp, pike, salmon, shad, etc. Called also Malacopteri.
malacostracous adjective Belonging to the Malacostraca.
malobservation noun Erroneous observation.
malpighiaceous adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a natural order of tropical trees and shrubs (Malpighiaceae), some of them climbing plants, and their stems forming many of the curious lianes of South American forests.
mandibulohyoid adjective Pertaining both to the mandibular and the hyoid arch, or situated between them.
marasritaceous adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, pearl; pearly.
mariotte’s law See Boyle’s law, under Law.
marketableness noun Quality of being marketable.
marsh marigold A perennial plant of the genus Caltha (C. palustris), growing in wet places and bearing bright yellow flowers. In the United States it is used as a pot herb under the name of cowslip. See Cowslip.
martello tower A building of masonry, generally circular, usually erected on the seacoast, with a gun on the summit mounted on a traversing platform, so as to be fired in any direction.
martyrological adjective Pertaining to martyrology or martyrs; registering, or registered in, a catalogue of martyrs.
mastodonsaurus noun A large extinct genus of labyrinthodonts, found in the European Triassic rocks.
materia medica Material or substance used in the composition of remedies; — a general term for all substances used as curative agents in medicine., That branch of medical science which treats of the nature and properties of all the substances that are employed for the cure of diseases.
matter-of-fact adjective Adhering to facts; not turning aside from absolute realities; not fanciful or imaginative; commonplace; dry.
mechanicalness noun The state or quality of being mechanical.
mechanographic adjective Treating of mechanics., Written, copied, or recorded by machinery; produced by mechanography; as, a mechanographic record of changes of temperature; mechanographic prints.
medicommissure noun A large transverse commissure in the third ventricle of the brain; the middle or soft commissure.
mediostapedial adjective Pertaining to that part of the columella of the ear which, in some animals, connects the stapes with the other parts of the columella., The mediostapedial part of the columella.
mediterraneous adjective Inland.
megalethoscope noun An optical apparatus in which pictures are viewed through a large lens with stereoptical effects. It is often combined with the stereoscope.
melancholiness noun The state or quality of being melancholy.
melastomaceous adjective Belonging to the order of which Melastoma is the type.
melolonthidian noun A beetle of the genus Melolontha, and allied genera. See May beetle, under May.
membraniferous adjective Having or producing membranes.
mensurableness noun The quality or state of being mensurable; measurableness.
mentomeckelian adjective Of or pertaining to the chin and lower jaw., The bone or cartilage forming the anterior extremity of the lower jaw in some adult animals and the young of others.
merchandisable adjective Such as can be used or transferred as merchandise.
mercurammonium noun A radical regarded as derived from ammonium by the substitution of mercury for a portion of the hydrogen.
mercurializing present participle & vb. noun of Mercurialize
merry-go-round noun Any revolving contrivance for affording amusement; esp., a ring of flying hobbyhorses.
mesaticephalic adjective Having the ratio of the length to the breadth of the cranium a medium one; neither brachycephalic nor dolichocephalic.
metagrammatism noun Anagrammatism.
metallifacture noun The production and working or manufacture of metals.
metallographic adjective Pertaining to, or by means of, metallography.
metallotherapy noun Treatment of disease by applying metallic plates to the surface of the body.
metamorphosing present participle & vb. noun of Metamorphose
metaphosphoric adjective Pertaining to, or designating, a monobasic acid, HPO3, analogous to nitric acid, and, by heating phosphoric acid, obtained as a crystalline substance, commonly called glacial phosphoric acid.
metaphrastical adjective Close, or literal.
metaphysically adverb In the manner of metaphysical science, or of a metaphysician.
metempsychosed imp. & past participle of Metempsychose
metempsychosis noun The passage of the soul, as an immortal essence, at the death of the animal body it had inhabited, into another living body, whether of a brute or a human being; transmigration of souls.
metensomatosis noun The assimilation by one body or organism of the elements of another.
meteorographic adjective Of or pertaining to meteorography.
meteorological adjective Of or pertaining to the atmosphere and its phenomena, or to meteorology.
methaemoglobin noun A stable crystalline compound obtained by the decomposition of hemoglobin. It is found in old blood stains.
methodological adjective Of or pertaining to methodology.
metoposcopical adjective Of or relating to metoposcopy.
metropolitical adjective Of or pertaining to a metropolis; being a metropolis; metropolitan; as, the metropolitical chair.
microcephalous adjective Having a small head; having the cranial cavity small; — opposed to megacephalic.
micro-chemical adjective Of or pertaining to micro-chemistry; as, a micro-chemical test.
micropegmatite noun A rock showing under the microscope the structure of a graphic granite (pegmatite).
microphthalmia noun Alt. of Microphthalmy
microtasimeter noun A tasimeter, especially when arranged for measuring very small extensions. See Tasimeter.
millenarianism noun Alt. of Millenarism
mineralization noun The process of mineralizing, or forming a mineral by combination of a metal with another element; also, the process of converting into a mineral, as a bone or a plant., The act of impregnating with a mineral, as water., The conversion of a cell wall into a material of a stony nature.
ministerialist noun A supporter of the ministers, or the party in power.
misacceptation noun Wrong acceptation; understanding in a wrong sense.
misadventurous adjective Unfortunate.
misanthropical adjective Hating or disliking mankind.
misapplication noun A wrong application.
misappreciated adjective Improperly appreciated.
misappropriate verb t. To appropriate wrongly; to use for a wrong purpose.
misarrangement noun Wrong arrangement.
miscellanarian adjective Of or pertaining to miscellanies., A writer of miscellanies.
mischief-maker noun One who makes mischief; one who excites or instigates quarrels or enmity.
miscollocation noun Wrong collocation.
miscomputation noun Erroneous computation; false reckoning.
misconsequence noun A wrong consequence; a false deduction.
misconstruable adjective Such as can be misconstrued, as language or conduct.
miscontinuance noun Discontinuance; also, continuance by undue process.
misdisposition noun Erroneous disposal or application.
misdistinguish verb t. To make wrong distinctions in or concerning.
misexplanation noun An erroneous explanation.
misexplication noun Wrong explication.
misimagination noun Wrong imagination; delusion.
misimprovement noun Ill use or employment; use for a bad purpose.
misinformation noun Untrue or incorrect information.
misinstruction noun Wrong or improper instruction.
misinterpreter noun One who interprets erroneously.
mismeasurement noun Wrong measurement.
mispronouncing present participle & vb. noun of Mispronounce
misrepresenter noun One who misrepresents.
mistranslation noun Wrong translation.
mitter’s green A pigment of a green color, the chief constituent of which is oxide of chromium.
molendinaceous adjective Alt. of Molendinarious
molendinarious adjective Resembling the sails of a windmill.
monocarpellary adjective Consisting of a single carpel, as the fruit of the pea, cherry, and almond.
monophysitical adjective Of or pertaining to Monophysites, or their doctrines.
morse alphabet A telegraphic alphabet in very general use, inventing by Samuel F.B.Morse, the inventor of Morse’s telegraph. The letters are represented by dots and dashes impressed or printed on paper, as, .- (A), – . . . (B), -.. (D), . (E), .. (O), . . . (R), — (T), etc., or by sounds, flashes of light, etc., with greater or less intervals between them.
mulberry-faced adjective Having a face of a mulberry color, or blotched as if with mulberry stains.
multarticulate adjective Having many articulations or joints.
multicuspidate adjective Having many cusps or points.
multifariously adverb With great multiplicity and diversity; with variety of modes and relations.
multigranulate adjective Having, or consisting of, many grains.
multinucleated adjective Multinuclear.
multiplication noun The act or process of multiplying, or of increasing in number; the state of being multiplied; as, the multiplication of the human species by natural generation., The process of repeating, or adding to itself, any given number or quantity a certain number of times; commonly, the process of ascertaining by a briefer computation the result of such repeated additions; also, the rule by which the operation is performed; — the reverse of division., An increase above the normal number of parts, especially of petals; augmentation., The art of increasing gold or silver by magic, — attributed formerly to the alchemists.
multiplicative adjective Tending to multiply; having the power to multiply, or incease numbers.
multisiliquous adjective Having many pods or seed vessels.
municipalities plural of Municipality
musculophrenic adjective Pertaining to the muscles and the diaphragm; as, the musculophrenic artery.
muzzle-loading adjective Receiving its charge through the muzzle; as, a muzzle-loading rifle.
myelencephalic adjective Of or pertaining to the myelencephalon; cerebro-spinal.
myelencephalon noun The brain and spinal cord; the cerebro-spinal axis; the neuron. Sometimes abbreviated to myelencephal., The metencephalon.
myodynamometer noun An instrument for measuring the muscular strength of man or of other animals; a dynamometer.
mysteriousness noun The state or quality of being mysterious., Something mysterious; a mystery.